The Gang of Five
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Messages - JitteryDragon

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 28
Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: July 24, 2013, 09:51:34 AM »
Incendia was excited, but then again he was as easily excited as a child on a permanent sugar high. 'Woo hoo, water basketball thing! Is that like normal basketball but with more water? In that case, what is basketball?'

Glacia followed Dulcy to the movies. It was pretty well sized for a vessel theater, with a flair more akin to traditional renaissance. Columns of carved wood divided two stories worth of seats, and there was even two private VIP booths. Room was adequate, though likely there was some semblance of manners required (no feet on the seats, talk on your phone and you'll be shot with a potato gun).

'I hope it's not something romantic. Movies like that just rub me the wrong way.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: July 18, 2013, 11:32:09 PM »
Glacia decided to not mention she actually felt sleepy, trait number four hundred and sixty two of being a dragon is a tendency to want to lay down and snooze for long periods of time (Glacias record being five days, which paled in comparison to her brothers two and a half weeks... which were the most peaceful two and a half weeks ever). A cunning plan formed in her head, however.

'Is there some sort of in house movie theater on this ship?' She asked. 'Let's go see a movie, I haven't done that in months.' Cleverly, at least to herself, this was the perfect to excuse to fall asleep... in the dark with no one paying attention to you. Even better if the movie wasn't actually good.

Incendia meanwhile, had found the swimming pool. Now, you would think that a fire breathing dragon would not go well with large bodies of water... and you'd be wrong in this case. For all his little flaws, the orange dragon was a remarkable swimmer.

'Woohoo!' He shouted, doggy paddling like a true champion.

Okay, so maybe not that good... but he was floating, and that's a good sign.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: July 14, 2013, 09:51:27 AM »
After having finished off an entire roast beef (about 50 percent of an entire cow), Glacia leaned back in her chair... falling into a state of nirvana. That feeling one got after having stuffed themselves silly and being overwhelmed by a desire to just shut your eyes and sleep.

'Now I know why my brother eats so much,' she said with a mild burp in-between words. 'He's missing out, for sure, wherever he may be right now...'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: July 12, 2013, 11:34:40 PM »
Glacia nodded. 'I would love a drink right now. Iced tea, extra ice. Shaken, not stirred... and one of the little curly straws too, please.'

Her eyes wandered over the table. It was like being a kid in a candy store, except with more chicken and potatoes and less actual candy. She found herself wandering around, stacking a small plate high with food so that it would seem more appropriate to call it a tower. Another fun fact about dragons, they have an insatiable appetite, though that probably would have been obvious by now given Incendias eating frenzy.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: July 12, 2013, 12:50:15 AM »
'Aha!' Shouted Glacia, the party having reached the main halls of the ship. One large door later, they had lead themselves to a large room, with a long white table running down the middle. On this table lie pretty much every kind of foodstuff you could imagine (and likely some you probably couldn't), many of which had been served buffet style... enough to feed a small army.

Glacia immediately looked to her side, to see her brother still standing there. 'I though you would have disappeared already,' she said with brow raised.

'Oh, I'm not hungry,' was the orange dragons reply.

Glacia simply slapped her forehead with her palm. 'Samia, be my guest and take him as far away as possible... I need a strong drink,' she grumbled. 'Iced tea or something, extra ice.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: July 11, 2013, 09:27:32 AM »
Glacia thought for a moment as they ascended the stairs. 'Yes, that is true, two whole days. I'll be honest though, I'm... not really sure what to do.'

'She doesn't get out much,' Incendia said.

'For once you're right, brother. I really don't... uh... well, socialize with others much. I mean in real life, not over something like the internet... do they even have that here?'

'My phone get's wireless,' her brother said, having pulled it out of the satchel and waving it about like he had just won it in a contest.

'Yeah, but didn't you modify it to pick up signals from any dimension or time?'

He gave a silly little nod. 'He he, yeah.'

She decided to remind herself to call mom later. Tell her that they were fine, just trapped in a another dimension... again.

Incendia paused for a moment, as if his brain had suddenly started working. Suddenly, he jumped in excitement. 'Hey, I have an idea!'

'You're full of such things,' Glacia said sarcastically. 'But, go ahead... what is it?'

'We should follow our noses! That way, we'll find the food, cause you know... it smells like food!'

'You realize that's exactly what Dulcy just said, right?'

Incendia looked deflated 'Oh... well that explains why i was thinking about it, then.'

'Still, it is a good idea... just not yours.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: July 11, 2013, 12:07:45 AM »
'We've been wandering around,' Glacia said. 'Not much has really happened to us, Incendia said it had something to do with spotlights... which just sounds silly.'

'I thought it was because our creator writer person thingy went on hiatus,' Incendia said.

Glacia rolled her eyes in reply. 'Yeah... that make SO much sense. Wait a minute, have you eaten all that cereal already?'

Incendia nodded playfully.

'W... where's the box?'

'I ate it.'

'Of course you did,' she muttered.

As best as she could, the little blue dragon lead the party through the labyrinth of metallic corridors. Every stepped echoed back at them many times over, as the humming of machines played a tune in the background. The lighting was spotty at best, with one light every couple of meters shining down from the roof, though dragon eyesight was particularly good in low light... not that it helped Incendia from running into at least two walls in the last minute.

Stairs that ran upward lay before them, and Glacia let out a sigh of relief. 'That's a start, these corridors were starting to drive me nuts.'

'Hey, this is the way we came down,' Incendia said.

'I don't really remember, but then again I really wasn't paying attention... and how would you even know that, brother?'

'I put a sticky note on the wall, see.'

Glacia looked over to the side of the wall, where a yellow note lay. "Idnesdia wos here" it read. She went cold, colder than usual for a blue dragon. Looking over at her brother, she pouted. 'That could have made finding our way back easier... why didn't you use them more than once?'

'I ate the rest.'

Glacia just closed her eyes, 'of course you did.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:36:27 PM »
'Yeah, that's exactly what we are trying to do,' Glacia replied. 'Trying is the key word there, considering somehow we ended up here.'

Incendia continued to eat from the cereal box.

'You realize, brother, that by the time we actually find the buffet... you'll be too full to eat?'

He shrugged his shoulders, again.

Glacia sighed in return. 'Thought so.' Turning back to Dulcy and Samia, she put on her best happy face. 'Now that I'm in command though, I'm pretty sure we can find our way... well, out of the engineering deck for a start.' She had to admit to herself, that the sounds of massive engines turning was loud and unpleasant... dragons from the border-lands had very sensitive hearing. That, and the fact Glacia hated enclosed spaces, such as the tight metallic corridors of the ships internals. She would much rather be in the air, with her mechanical wings holding her high.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: July 10, 2013, 09:34:09 AM »
'Okay, now we ARE lost,' Glacia said impatiently to her brother, as he fiddled with yet another iron door. Turning those big round handles was hard for a creature half the size of said door, and whom had difficulty just reaching the handle.

He faced his sister as he continued to turn the wheel, wings moving out of the way. 'Just one more door, and then we'll go your way...'

'That's what you said three doors ago...'

'But... I just know that behind this one is the all-you-can-eat buffet,' The orange dragon stopped, his mind shifting towards thoughts of food. Chicken, pizza, pasta, chicken pizza, chicken pizza pasta, pasta with chicken on the side of it. Now for some reason he was thinking about firetrucks... firetrucks are awesome, so big and red and-

CLICK, the same sound as all the other doors had given off when ready to open. This one did thus, to reveal...

...A massive array of pipes and giant boilers, the sound of turning motors ran through the short hallway as a pungent smell of oil wafted towards the twins.

Glacia grumbled loudly. 'You fool! This is the engine room, not the buffet room!'

'But... the map said-'

'Give me the map, I want to have a look,' she held out a hand, waiting. 'No doubt you got it upside down or something.'

Incendia reached into the satchel, tied by a long leather belt up and over his shoulder... pulling out a piece of old parchment. Snatching it faster than a kung-fu master catches a fly, Glacia looked over the map, and her fluffy ears fell sideways.

'This... this isn't a map. It's just a shopping list.'

'Oh,' replied Incendia gracefully. 'Well, that explains how I got this,' he then pulled a box of cereal out of his satchel, and immediately started to snack on it.

'Are we even on the right boat, brother?'

Incendia just shrugged his shoulders.


Character Discussion / Top 10 LBT villians
« on: July 10, 2013, 09:16:54 AM »
There is only 1 true villain in my opinion, Guido... that evil, evil little rascal.

Role Play Discussion / ToonWorld Roleplay
« on: July 09, 2013, 09:09:48 AM »
Just letting y'all know I will be returning to the toonworld RP soon enough.

I will be running as my old dragon twins duo... Incendia (the crazy genius one) and Glacia (the sensible one). They were totally there the whole time... uh... doing things I guess.

The Welcome Center / Meow
« on: July 09, 2013, 12:57:24 AM »
I'm not dead. I checked.

Ask Me / Don't ask JitteryDragon anything.
« on: August 16, 2011, 12:40:41 PM »
Whoa...never thought you were actually gonna reply... blink.gif

Any way, is there a second part to Petrie Has a Nervous Breakdown?

Yeah, I got involved in other stuff, and dissipated. I'll admit I had little to really do here, apart from RolePlaying... and I kinda got off of that as well, since I already have real world RP games to do amongst other things. But, oh well... neither here nor there... I'm back.

As for a part 2? Of course there will be a second part, there's always a second serving, like a good pizza... it's not finished yet though, surprise!

I'm guessing there will be a second part... in 2012 dino_tongue.gif

You'll possibly have to eat those words when that actually happens. Real world issues really screws up any schedules I ever try to manage. Bloody real life and its... realness *shaketh fist!*

Give Jittery a chance to respond, anmd jiterry, hang around will ya? wink.gif

I'll try, but I won't make any promises... I'm terrible at that, too.

Did you know that I'm a big fan of you? dino_happier.gif

Did you know that I am just a big fan? WOOOOOOSH, I go.

Ask Me / Don't ask JitteryDragon anything.
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:20:42 PM »
Oh, look. Here I am again. This thread still gets questions? Wow.

Ah heh heh heh...

Hokay, let's bunker down and do this!

Do you know anything about Autism?

Old question, but yes I do. I've read books about it... but I don't have it, though... so ha. Old friend I knew had it, and it seems to really suck for some people, but it's not as crippling as I used to think it was.


Whoops. Missed it by "that" much...

seen anything good on TV lately?

Hah, no. I do have this strange habit of watching cooking shows. I think it has something to do with rubbing in the fact that I can't cook to save my life.

Uh... does that count?

Where'd the fudge did you go?

To the fantastic fudge factory!

Whats new Jittery?

Same old, same old. Yesterday, I found a dollar coin under my couch, but then it attacked me, so I gave it back.

Wow why did you Quit jittery? And if you come back what anime do you like?

I never quit, I just wandered off like a guy who... uh... wanders off.

I don't like anime that much, but the Ghost in the Shell stuff was pretty good.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: February 11, 2011, 02:49:40 AM »
I guess you could say it really wasn't Glacia's day. Though, considering most of it so far had been spent asleep, that could be debatable.. what couldn't be though, was the fact that she wasn't playing to good. Her confidence had faltered like a tower of jelly bricks.

She didn't want to give up, though. She pictured that sweet prize, the money, in her head. The things she could buy, and then take home. Her brother and herself would be able live the happy life... like before the Borderland had become a desert.

So thus, she served... with grace and skill as much she could muster against her own confidences.

Meanwhile, Incendia watched with a hot-dog (or chilli-dog... or something, all that he knew was that it tasted pretty good). Normally he would probably talk with his mouth full... but in the presence of these lovely ladies, he managed some manners. 'Wow, my sister really sucks at tennis. BURP! Yummy!'

Perhaps not...

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: February 10, 2011, 02:12:39 AM »
It was about time Glacia put some effort into her play, now that her mind was sharpening out. It wasn't particularly helpful that her opponent was playing at peak, and Glacia herself was become moody, as she was prone to in such situations as this.

She decided if there was any chance of winning, it was probably best to start NOW. With a flourish of her back hand, she sent the ball flying across the net with a vengeance... and it's also making me wonder how many ridiculous metaphors I could possibly have thrown into that sentence.

Meanwhile, back with Incendia.

Oh no, the dreaded "which one do you like better question"... just as bad as when sister asks me if she should play DnD 8th or 9th edition.

Incendia pulled all of his intelligence together to form some sort of escape plan in poetic English form. However, since this was the same Incendia who had trouble differentiating between a spoon and a shovel...

He coughed. 'I like you both more!'

Hurray! I think...

Role Play Discussion / ToonWorld Roleplay
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:57:55 AM »
He he. Yeah, bout time we got that finished :lol

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:42:34 AM »
'Oh, I think you'll be fine,' Incendia said to Samia. 'I can fly, too... and they haven't said a thing about that yet. I hope they don't, because I have awesome plans for my wingies... er... I mean, wings.'

He gave a little salute. 'Glad ta have you both aboard,' he continued. 'Um... I'm very looking forward to... uh... let me rephrase that.' Incendia took a long deep breath and tried again. 'Looking forward to working together... and stuff.'

He blushed, and went quiet. Drat, he thought, my charming charms have failed me again. maybe I should have worn perfume... or glasses... chicks dig glasses.

Meanwhile, somewhere slightly sane.

Glacia exchanged a good strong handshake with Dixie. 'Let's do this.'

She took her fist ball and played the serve. It probably didn't help she was still half asleep. She really needed a shower, or a bucket of water over the head... why hadn't her brother done something like that? The only time he DOESN'T do something along those lines, and she would have actually appreciated it.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: February 09, 2011, 12:20:46 AM »
When Glacia finally woke up... having fallen asleep in the locker room... she found her brother Incendia staring with a little grin on his face.

'Were you poking me all this time?' Glacia asked her brother.

'No. Maybe... possibly?'

'Is my match on yet?' Glacia asked, ignoring her brothers answer.

'It's on... right now.'

She arched a brow. 'Like... right now?'

'Yep, right now, as in the well known saying: my house is on fire right now.'

'Your poetic ability to form words never ceases to amaze me... wait, oh no... I'm late?'

'More late than a pinball to an all-night pinball party.' Incendia hadn't much time to say this, for he was shortly after being dragged by his hand with his sister out the locker room and down the hall.

Glacia grumbled and groaned. 'Argh, I'm going to be late... again! What a terrbile impression I'll make! Why did you let me sleep in?'

'Hey, not fair! I was poking you for ten minutes!'

'Alright, I'm ready to rock... I think. Where's my racquet?'

Incendia handed her the racquet. 'Here you go!'

'Where did you-'

'Don't ask...'

And then her brother pushed her out the door into the stadium, where she immediately tripped on her own feet and hit the ground face first.

'Ow. I hope no-one saw that,' she said, rubbing her nose.

Incendia, meanwhile, dusted his hands. 'Well, that's dealt with. Now to find Dulcy and Samia,' he said with a smile on his face that would make Charlie Brown cry, when he wasn't already crying... that is.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:47:26 AM »
'So, it might sound like a bit of a dumb question,' Glacia began to say, as she walked with the other two, 'but... where exactly does one go to buy a pair of wings? Or at least, some sort of device that allows one sustained flight?'

It is innevitable that there's a shop called "Wings R us" or something around here, she thought. This place is just weird enough already for my tastes, I hope I'm proven wrong.

Incendia had disapeared from the streets. He may have not been the sharpest tool in the proverbial toolbox, nor the most sane... but even he had the smarts to stay low after stealing someones... er... pants.

He decided to leave both the wallet and pants behind. To him, the satisfaction had been stealing them in the first place, not spoiling himself with his new found riches. It possibly helped that the wallet only contain about five bucks. Glacia had given him much more than that.

So he did the right (well, someone nice) thing and left the wallet and pants on the sidewalk, with a sign that said "for man who is missing pants, sorry", complete with a little smiley face... and then he wandered into the market district, looking for adventure.

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