- Total Time Spent Online:
- 13 days, 13 hours and 50 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 7008 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 1121 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 7 votes
- 12 am
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- Silver Screen
1533 posts of the member's 7008 posts (21.88%)1533
- The Party Room
683 posts of the member's 7008 posts (9.75%)683
- Gamers Zone
680 posts of the member's 7008 posts (9.70%)680
- Computer and Electronics
577 posts of the member's 7008 posts (8.23%)577
- General Land Before Time
472 posts of the member's 7008 posts (6.74%)472
- The Fridge
457 posts of the member's 7008 posts (6.52%)457
- LBT Projects
421 posts of the member's 7008 posts (6.01%)421
- Land Before Time TV Series (2007)
186 posts of the member's 7008 posts (2.65%)186
- LBT Fanfiction
125 posts of the member's 7008 posts (1.78%)125
- 1988 Theatrical Release
123 posts of the member's 7008 posts (1.76%)123
- Computer and Electronics
577 posts of the board's 6246 posts (9.24%)9.24%
- Silver Screen
1533 posts of the board's 20584 posts (7.45%)7.45%
- LBT Projects
421 posts of the board's 6570 posts (6.41%)6.41%
- Gamers Zone
680 posts of the board's 10871 posts (6.26%)6.26%
- Land Before Time TV Series (2007)
186 posts of the board's 4533 posts (4.10%)4.10%
- Episode Discussion
52 posts of the board's 1291 posts (4.03%)4.03%
- Animation
59 posts of the board's 2534 posts (2.33%)2.33%
- Sports
16 posts of the board's 690 posts (2.32%)2.32%
- The Fridge
457 posts of the board's 23006 posts (1.99%)1.99%
- General Land Before Time
472 posts of the board's 23842 posts (1.98%)1.98%