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What is Your current job or future job

oogaboo · 104 · 38603


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Just about to finish my first semester studying chemistry at university  :lol

Funny how fast two years pass...

I've long since quit chemistry. I'm in training (or to use a more old fashioned word, in a scholar apprenticeship) for the same job cyberbat is working (see above posts). A medical lab assistant. I've started my second year this fall. We learn the theory at school and practise the methods and tests to the abilities we have at our school and the labs we have. It's very interesting and starting 2019 I'll actually get paid (going on strike in April helped to get our apprenticeship paid at last! :D)
My 3rd year will be practical in nature as I'll have internships in all areas (hematology, cytology, microbiology etc.). Looking forward to it :)
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I drifted around a LOT after finishing my microbiology degree, mostly in pursuit of affordable insulin. The last two years have allowed me to become a QC Reviewer for cell laboratory tests, and to be honest I couldn't be happier with it. The stability and the pacing is perfect for me, and I'm able to redesign processes and, for the first time, to have a real impact on the environment around me. I just got promoted this week, and as someone who's struggled a LONG time to keep going, it's relief to know I have a spot. =)


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Just few more months of college left and then I have finally graduated after three long years. Time has sure flown by. Seems just like it was yesterday that I walked in to the school for my first class.  :smile

And if anyone is wondering what I'm going to be, I'm going to be a tourism activities organizer  ;)Cera


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I would love to become a Marine Biologist as my future career. I'm in love and fascinated by Orcas! The more I watch them on Youtube, the more intrigued I am! I hope I specialize in possibly studying, interacting, and playing with them in the open ocean one day! I hate seeing them locked up at Seaworld, I do I do! Hmm but also, the intricacies of mangroves also fascinate me. A forest of them creates a diverse and sustainable habitat for a variety of organisms which is just awesome. The fact that it can also survive in such a harsh place where most plants wouldn't thrive amazes me. While I do have many choices, seems like I'm narrowing it down already. But then again, I'm still in my first year of high school, so my choice could change. So let's see what happens.

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I work at Chuck E. Cheese's  :PAli

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I work at Chuck E. Cheese's  :PAli

Hehe, seems fun. :)
I'm not sure how I would feel being surrounded by volatile children all the time though. :sducky
Do you have a future career in mind yet?

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@ImpracticalDino The kids aren't so bad, it's mostly the adults  :sducky
I'm currently majoring in English so I hope to be working in that sort of "field" one day.

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Soon there will be four year since I work at my constant job,working with sites and e-shops.
I feel like it was, time flies fast...

I'm happy I love my job so I go there without any doubt. unlike school and university... гг


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The kids aren't so bad, it's mostly the adults  :sducky
I'm currently majoring in English so I hope to be working in that sort of "field" one day.

I could only imagine. :p

Cool! Do you want to be a teacher, writer, journalist, or what?

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Perhaps a writer. I’m keeping my options open.  :PCera

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I feel like it was, time flies fast...

Gee, tell me about it. It only felt like yesterday that I was just a sweet, clueless boy who just started kindergarten. But now here I am, a freshman in High School looking forward towards the future with high hopes. But yeah, it really shows how short life really is.

I'm happy I love my job so I go there without any doubt. unlike school and university... гг

I'm very glad to hear that. I've heard many people get stuck with a job they hate, but have no choice in the matter because they need it to support themselves or their families. I think though that education would be the first step towards acquiring a job that you love.

"Unlike school and university..." Elaborate please if you're comfortable? :thinking
It's always interesting and cool to hear about the experiences of other people in school.

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I think though that education would be the first step towards acquiring a job that you love.
Elaborate please if you're comfortable? :thinking
It's always interesting and cool to hear about the experiences of other people in school.
That's it.
Aboslutely nothing (ok, maybe only 5%) I learned in school or university helped me to study things I use in my job or in my free time. (I studied programming and English almost by myself, at free time)

Yes. Only positive memories I have about school and university times are about wonderful times with my classmates, funny situations, and other live stuff that happened there. :)
But absolutely everything about actual study was... :/
II didn't have problem with study. I had almost perfect marks. But the thing is - education system took 14 years of my life, and it MADE me study it against my will. :/
And at the end, nothing of that I use right now.


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That's it.
Aboslutely nothing (ok, maybe only 5%) I learned in school or university helped me to study things I use in my job or in my free time. (I studied programming and English almost by myself, at free time)

Yes. Only positive memories I have about school and university times are about wonderful times with my classmates, funny situations, and other live stuff that happened there. :)
But absolutely everything about actual study was... :/
II didn't have problem with study. I had almost perfect marks. But the thing is - education system took 14 years of my life, and it MADE me study it against my will. :/
And at the end, nothing of that I use right now.

I concur with you about the friends aspect of school. Honestly, if I had the choice to stay or leave forever and never come back, I would choose the latter. The only reason I would come back is for my friends. But then again, we could all meet up at a different location anyways. :p

But back on topic. I've always wondered why for 12 years of being in school, we are forced to learn so many useless things which we will end up forgetting over the summer break just to be retaught some of it again. I honestly believe that most of the basic skills that are useful and necessary are learned in elementary. Why don't they let you choose your own path starting in Middle School? If that's too early, then why not High School? If you already have an idea of what you're interested in, take classes that dictates to your needs. As you may know already, our education system is outdated and just raises children to become good factory workers, but not inventive and inspired people. Every individual is not the same, and we all learn and work at a different pace. I'd like to share both this video and this video, as it illustrates my (and many others) perspective quite perfectly.

Learning can be fun, but it depends on the person and the method in which the information is being delivered.
But yeah, it feels that I've learned much more on the internet than school has ever taught me.

I'm grateful for the many awesome teaches I've had through all the years of school so far, with only boring teaches at worst. But that's not saying too much, since they're nice as well. The use of anecdotes, videos, songs, acting, and just their sheer personalities are just the many ways that my teachers have made the experience as fun as it could be. Trust me, they also realize how boring and redundant school can be. After all, they had to go through the same torture we are in right now. :)

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So, here we are again.  Now, I do still work at Walmart.  However, I have changed jobs.  I work as a Cap Team 1 Associate.  This job requires you to get up VERY early.  I have start work at 4 AM.

I am in charge of getting stuff out of the back room and stocking the shelves in the grocery area.  Some days I do Pets, Pharmacy, Health & Beauty, Paper Goods & Chemicals.  Plus, most recently added to our job responsibilities, Infants.  Now mind you, I am not in this alone.  I'm part of a team.

Basically, we start by getting the Dairy deliveries done.  This can range from one pallet to 5.  Some days, you get a bad day and have to do 8.  Trust me, if you get that many, you won't have time for anything else.  Yes, we do get breaks and lunches and they are required by law.  However, when you can get to them is another story.

After that, we are assigned to different areas to work.  You scan stuff out of the back room and fill it up with the stuff it tells you to.  If there are openings that the system missed, or more often, a request by a customer, you can head back and grab the stuff you need, without scanning it out.  You just need to make sure to inform your manager of the small change that needs to be made to the system and why.  Trust me, it makes more mistakes than you think.  A lot of little mistakes that definitely need correcting.

This does not apply to Frozen, which is the same as Dairy, just with colder stuff.

If you somehow get done after all that and still have time, you are assigned to do what's called Top Stock.  This is where you take a special ladder cart and bring stuff down from the very top shelf to it's home below to fill the space.  Also to fix up the top shelf as there are those who don't follow protocol and make it look like a mess up there.  It's annoying when it happens.

At the last half-hour to hour of the shift, we are assigned to take carts to the other side of the back room so Cap Team 2 can do their thing.  It's the most recent thing added.  We got a new machine to make it much smoother.  A part of me wants to see it in action, but I'm not going back to my old job anytime soon.

This job is better than the old one, no question.  In my one year, I have been less stressed out, less taken away by enslaving managers, (In fact, they need to have permission to take me, period.) also, less customers that mistreat you.  It seems most, if not all, of the bad actors come later in the day.  The customers I do get are much nicer and most just want help.  They don't even talk down to you.  This is the way it should be.

Of course, I still want to leave Walmart.  It sadly has a lot of baggage.  Also, there's a medical reason for it.  Every day, I have to put up with twinges of pain I get from my feet.  Also, special orthodontics for my feet subscribed by a doctor aren't doing much.  Yes, they help, but not enough.  If it wasn't for this problem, I would actually stay.

I've been enjoying it while it lasts.  I'll stay as much as I can, but these medical reasons will not make me stay in end.  It'll be a sad end to something I enjoyed.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2019, 10:23:02 AM by pokeplayer984 »


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I might as well update my own situation, as it’s been some time since I graduated from college, so a lot has definitely happened. I have discussed about this in the Discord server, but obviously as not everyone on the forum are on there, naturally they have no idea over the developments in my life. So, as of late July, I began my long service in the civil service. For those who do not know what civil service exactly is, it is an alternative option for those who do not wish to complete their military service here in Finland. Yes, it is mandatory here for males, and any females who wish to. And while I initially actually planned to complete my own service in the military, my personal reasons later changed my opinion. Therefore leading to my decision to complete the civil service instead.

The civil service consists of two parts altogether: the training period (1 month long) and the working period (approximately 10.5 months long). I have already done my training period, which began in late July. Currently I am performing my working period in my previous college, and while the building is different compared to the one I used to study in, I already know my way around very well. The work so far has been quite nice, and my tasks roughly translate to being that of a caretaker. I basically do whatever is asked of me.

It has been going quite nicely thus far, even if I sometimes have to deal with recalcitrant students who do not appear to accept civil service as a form of service by any means. Quite saddening, really, but what can you do to change another person’s opinion? Practically nothing, so I just roll with it. I have approximately 9 and a half months left on the job, and after my service is complete, I have no plans yet made as to what I am going to be doing. I’ll be taking one day at a time. After all, what’s the hurry?


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Someday, once I take my Computer Technology class, I want to have the knowledge I need to open an independent video game studio and make a new game that is inspired by other game (or maybe an original idea).


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I do freelance voice-work :MomCompassion

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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These days I'm a video editor for this guy (pretty much every recent video on that channel was sourced, edited, and titled by me). I also chop up the episodes to turn into promos for his Instagram and Facebook pages, and create the thumbnails in Photoshop. It's a pretty fun job that lets me hone my skills for my own creative projects. I'm super relieved and grateful he hired me despite having no credentials beyond my own YouTube channel, I don't want to think about how badly the pandemic would have destoyed me had I still been freelancing when it broke out.

I do freelance voice-work :MomCompassion
I'm not suprised, your submissions for the LBT7 project are awesome! Do you have any tips for how to break into that field? I've got some minor voice-acting gigs but have been completely unable to translate them into paid work.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 03:56:26 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Thank you! :duckyhappy

It took me a while as well. I've voiced characters in some decently popular YouTube series for years now, but I only recently went on sites like Voices and Voices123 where there's paid gigs to audition for  :CeraHAPPY

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