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Topics - Pterano

Pages: 1 2
Silver Screen / Castle: My Season 4 Reviews
« on: September 20, 2011, 01:00:00 PM »
So I dunno if anyone here watches Castle or not, but it's probably my favorite show on the networks now, especially after the amazing finale of Season 3. I've decided to review each episode of Season 4 now as a bit of a hobby and to hone my reviewing skills. I'll also be looking at the cases presented, as that's part of why I watch it in the first place, as it's really good mystery writing. So here we go, I'm gonna try and be consistent with this, and get all the way through. Tonight was the premier, and was called:


Review: So for those who watch the show (and those who don't), Detective Kate Beckett had been shot at the very end of the third season during Captain Montgomery's funeral, and her survival was left ambiguous. Rather significantly, Castle admitted to Kate that he loved her, but it ended right there and left the viewer hanging. The season finale was quite frankly superb, and was a masterful combination of plot weaving, character development, and suspense. I had high expectations for the season opener, and though I don't think it quite measured up to what I'd been hoping for, it came pretty close.

The season premier picked up at the hospital, with EMTs flocking all around what for all we know is a dying Beckett. It was frantic, with lots of cuts to keep the tension on. I really liked the opening, and although you knew she wasn't going to die (Stana Katic is on contract for this season after all), you could still feel the frenetic pace they were going for here.

This episode quickly became very serious, and lacked a lot of the humor most Castle fans are used to. Kate's shooter disappears without a trace, leaving only his gun, and Castle is forced to work the case alongside Ryan and Esposito, but they come up empty handed after three months of dead ends. There was an interesting dynamic established toward the beginning of this episode, when Kate and Castle meet in the hospital and Kate claims she remembers nothing about the shooting, or Castle's words to her. First off, the way Nathan Fillion acted during this part was tremendous, as you could just see everything in his eyes. All his disappointment and depression were right there, and Fillion did a phenomenal job in capturing that. He was crushed, and he portrayed it. He becomes a little bitter at her for not calling him during those three months, and it's only when she contacts him again in order to pick up the trail of the case he'd been working do we really see just how much she's changed as a character.

Beckett initially feared looking into her mother's case, as she didn't want to become obsessed with it again, and here we clearly see that obsession coming to the surface now. She outright states that unless she wraps up her mother's case (by finding the guy who shot at her), she won't know who she is anymore, and this is way different from the Beckett we're all used to. I was uncertain how to read into this at first, as part of me is like "yeah! Let's go get this guy!" but part of me started having second thoughts when she accused that fire investigator of falsifying his records and covering up the real cause of a warehouse fire they were looking into, even though she had no evidence. This is definitely not the Kate Beckett I remember, who would never make accusations like that without solid proof. I thought this was very well done on the part of the writers, as they're now making us question if she should really be pursuing this avenue, or if she's just grasping at straws with nothing to go on.

Now that Roy Montgomery is dead, the precint has a new captain, portrayed by Penny Johnson. She is NOT Montgomery, for those who were hoping for another supportive captain. Instead, she's very cold, formal, and demanding. I sort of felt that if anything, she'll actually work to bring Beckett and Castle closer together, due to her refusal to allow Beckett to look into her own shooting. At the same time though, Castle received some info during this episode that told him that Beckett would be safe provided she dropped the investigation, and thus he's trying to dissuade her (at least for now) from pursuing it. So we're really given a three way battle here, with Beckett wanting to catch her shooter, Captain Gates ordering her to drop it, and Castle sort of taking a "let's focus on your job first, and we'll get this guy someday" approach. I don't think this is going to last, and it'll be interesting to see where the writers plan to take this from here. I thought Penny Johnson delivered a strong enough role, and she'll be an interesting sort of counterpoint to Beckett throughout this season.

We also learn a rather large surprise at the very end... Beckett lied... and she does in fact remember everything about the shooting, including what Castle said to her. This was what I was hoping for, as it makes the story now infinitely more interesting, because she KNOWS how he feels, but outright lied about it. This is definitely going to come back at some point this season, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing just how Castle discovers this one. It'll also give the season an arc, and one that will hang over the heads of viewers as it progresses, cropping up here and there and coming out with what I'm guessing will be a bang later on. Castle hasn't generally had an overarching arc, just the whole Beckett gradually uncovering more about her mother's murder thing which came to a head last season. The writers are sending a message here that they're going to focus on this arc, something new for the show.

The Case: This week's murder mystery dealt with the murder of a famous celebrity/debutante (celebutante is the term they used), Sonya Gilbert. She was found shot six times in the chest and throat on her bed, with the killer using a pillow as a crude silencer. The real mystery started when it was found out that her apartment had a security system on it that was only deactivated once that entire night, and that was when Sonya and her boyfriend, Dale, arrived home. It was on the entire night, and deactivated again when Dale left in the morning, but Sonya's time of death was during the night, so logically, it had to be Dale, right?

Well it would be too simple if that were the case (and terrible writing for that matter!), and questions began to arise when Ryan and Esposito wondered why Dale killed Sonya, and then stuck around for another six hours or so before leaving. That just didn't make sense, as usually killers flee immediately. Dale claimed they both passed out upon arriving at her apartment, and he woke up to find her dead with the gun in his hand. Panicking, he had fled the scene, taking the gun with him, thus explaining why it was on him when he was arrested. So how had the killer defeated the security system? Further investigation showed that both Dale and Sonya had been roofied via their drinks, and both were probably quite unconscious during the murder. When Castle finally convinced Beckett to focus on the case rather than finding her shooter, the answers became clear.

Spoilers ahead! Read at own risk!

As it turned out, the only real answer is that the killer was already in the apartment before they got home! As it turned out, Dale's bandmate, Mitch, had also been in a relationship with Sonya, and had urged her to break it off with Dale in favor of him, but she decided to go with Dale instead. Seeking revenge, Mitch entered the apartment (he knew the code to deactive the security system, as he'd been in a relationship with Sonya) before they arrived home, and waited. When they got there, he hid under the bed, suspending himself from the metal frame in a rather clever hiding spot. He waited for them to leave the room, spiked their drinks while they were gone, and then waited for them to fall asleep. Once asleep, he slipped out, shot Sonya, wiped his prints clean, placed the gun in Dale's hand, and then, instead of exiting the apartment (as he knew he'd have to deactive the security, and that would tip the cops off to someone being there ahead of time), he slid back under the bed and waited several hours for Dale to awaken. When Dale awoke, he panicked, exited the apartment (deactiving the security in the process and setting him up as the killer), and Mitch was able to make his escape afterward, now that the security was down.

There was a clear spot under Sonya's bed where there should have been blood stains, and it was deduced someone had been hiding under there the entire time. Fingerprints belonging to Mitch were found on the bedframe, and that wrapped this case up.

This was a great case, and though it wasn't focused on as heavily due to the Beckett plot being explored, it was still in the vein of classic Castle murder mystery, and was a strong opener for the season, and helped shore up my doubts about where the show might be heading from here, as it proved the writers still got it when it comes to the murder mystery.

In Conclusion: Overall, I felt a little confused by the more serious atmosphere of the episode at first, though I've read the familiar vein of humor will be returning in future episodes this season. This opener was dark, serious, and took a good look at characters that left the viewer with many questions about how things will go from here. My rating for "Rise" will be an 8 out of 10, as I felt that even though it wasn't your familiar Castle formula, it's now really focused on story, and that's just as good. Even though I felt some things were lacking (I guess I just want that old Castle feel back), I still felt that it was a good opening, though didn't quite live up to the anticipation I'd been having since that amazing cliffhanger in May. Either way, a solid effort, and 8/10 is my rating for "Rise".

History Section / The Pacific War... in models!
« on: July 27, 2011, 12:14:54 PM »
So this year will mark the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and as the Pacific War is one of my four main areas of historic concentration (the other three being the American Civil War, the French Revolutionary/Napoleonic Era, and the construction, competition and history of the great Transatlantic Liners), I've decided to do something a bit different for the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of this conflict.

Model collecting/building has always been a hobby of mine, and over the years I've amassed quite a large number of Union and Confederate ironclad models, as well as a good number of Japanese, American, British and Dutch warships from the Pacific War. My navies for the latter are nowhere near complete, but I constantly collect, and I figure by the time the 70th anniversary rolls around I will have definitely assembled the Japanese Striking Force or Kido Butai by that point. Now what would be REALLY impressive would be if I could also gather the American fleet at Pearl Harbor, but since there were at least three times the amount of ships docked there, I don't think my wallet will permit it at this point in time, however, fortunately, the battles after Pearl Harbor were smaller, fought at much closer ranges, and should be more manageable in terms of setting up (I've already done some for the Bougainville and later Solomons Campaigns).

I love setting up battles on tabletops in order to get a better understanding of the flow of them and what exactly occurred when. I'm more of a visual learner than anything, and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in perhaps following along with my chronological tracking of these combats? I figured that on the anniversary of each battle, I could take plenty of photos of the boards and models, and give detailed descriptions of what's going on when, as well as get analytical discussions going as well. I know there are a few history buffs here on the GoF, and I'd love to take in depth looks at these battles with any one of you, provided there's interest. I could set them all up, snap photos of the changing positions, and maybe even get like a blue matte or something to make my tabletops look a bit more like the ocean. :) We'll be moving house in October (THANKFULLY), and I'll have a LOT of room to play around with once we do, so I was thinking that yeah, this would be an interesting way of remembering this particular conflict for its 70th anniversary.

As said, I've begun assembling the Kido Butai, and I already have models for many of the battles in the Invasion of the Dutch East Indies and Solomon Islands, so it's really more of a question of gathering the carriers and some of the bigger ships. I could post some pictures too of the models that I use, and they're very detailed and should at least appeal to those going for historical accuracy.

So, would anyone here be interested in following this?

The Fridge / For the Fanfiction Awards!
« on: July 15, 2011, 10:19:53 AM »
OK fanfic award submitters. It's pretty clear that with all I have going on (work, running my website and keeping it active, learning two new languages, etc), that I can't read all the submitted fanfics as I was originally planning to, especially after the submission number spiked (and is likely to do again after Mumbling gets back) and I went away on my Birthday. So, what I've decided to do is read two more fics, but since I'm having trouble narrowing down which ones to read, I'll leave it up to request. It will be on a first come, first served basis, and to be fair, I'm asking that a request be limited to one story per author, to give another author a chance.

I MAY in fact review more, time permitting, but right now, I'll be focusing on the two requests. So if anyone particularly wanted a review from me (or just wanted a review in general), here's your chance to request it.

General Land Before Time / Pterano's color change
« on: July 10, 2011, 12:53:48 AM »
OK... so this may have been done before, but I searched for it and didn't find anything, or at least not a topic devoted to it. What's up with the skin color change that Pterano goes through from day to night? Is it moonlight? A mistake? A different panel of animators working on that scene?

Sierra changes to a very dark blue, and Pterano changes to a lighter blue on his body and light green on his wings. Rinkus is essentially unchanged, just taking on a more darker pink, as pink would look in lower light conditions. I know that in the Jungle Book, Kaa has two different styled heads because it was a different set of animators working on him the second time around, but I doubt this is the case for the seventh film, as I don't think their studio was that big.

So yeah... his rust color wouldn't really look light blue and green in low light conditions, so what gives? I'm sure this answer will prove elusive, but just figured I'd start it anyway, just in case.

Land Before Time RPG / The Continuing Saga
« on: July 07, 2011, 07:29:10 PM »
((So here it is! Also, please note, that if you want to join this RP, you need to post in the discussion thread I have for it first so that I can add you to the list. Everyone who is already on the list can post away! Sorry for the length, but it IS the inaugural post after all. :p))

Twilight was washing over the outer environs of the Great Valley, bathing the sheltered coulee in the soft light of the blueish hues that came from the reflection of the Bright Circle's rays on the atmosphere after it vanished below the horizon. The stars would be appearing soon, and the day was winding down for many denizens of the valley.

Littlefoot was out with the Gang as usual, enjoying the cooling sensation that was coming on with the evening. It was one of the best times of day to play in the Summer, particularly when there was a cool breeze such as the one that was currently blowing in over the grassy hills.

The oncoming darkness also bolstered the concealment of already convenient hiding places, and this evening hide and go seek was the name of the game. Littlefoot was "it", and it was his turn to seek out all of his friends. Littlefoot had to admit that he much preferred hiding over seeking, as there were some in the group (Cera) that were much too good at it, and it could sometimes be a very long time before a certain yellow threehorn was discovered. Still others (Chomper) had the benefit of their noses, and could usually locate the hiders with relative ease.

Littlefoot stopped a moment to see if he could hear something, and craned his neck from left to right. He scanned the trees, the bushes, and the grass. "Mmmm... alright, ready or not!" he called out. "Here I come!" Starting to move forward, the longneck kept his eyes and ears peeled, looking and listening for even the slightest signs that might give his friends away.


Out in the Mysterious Beyond, the ground was shaking in uneven beats as a large, wandering herd moved over the dusty surface of the Earth. It was the time of year when the farwalkers would be sojourning within the walls of the Great Valley. This particular group was a bit more unique than the standard farwalker herd that sought out shelter each year, however.

Contained within this bunched up herd were several familiar (and not so familiar) faces. One in particular was currently soaring through the darkening skies, wings spread wide as he banked and began to head lower towards the ground walkers. Already he had seen the looming palisades of the Great Valley rising up ahead in the distance, and he knew that was his cue to start descending.

Upon the brow of this flyer previously rested much pride, duty, and a sense of purpose. Now there was consternation and deep contemplation. He was a burnished red in coloration, almost like rust, with a light brown underbelly and brown wings. A mighty, horn-like crest swept backward from his head, creating a very graceful appearance for the flyer.

This particular fellow was none other than Pterano, Petrie's long lost uncle. But he was anything than eager to make his presence known at the moment. He wished to conceal himself for the time being, as he didn't feel like facing the Council at the moment. He was burning with desire greater than he had ever felt to see his nephew again, as well as his sister and her family, but he needed to keep a low profile. He knew that legally, he had every right to return, as five cold times he had been keeping a very close eye on had passed. But to be extra safe, he had waited an extra half a year, as he had been up to other things, and did not wish to hurry his return, as painful as it had been for him to wait.

He started flying among the walking dinos now, looking about for the blue skinned flyer that had been accompanying him as of late. The blue skinned flyer that went by the name of Devon... the son of his old nemesis Sierra. The young flyer had gone on ahead of him, Pterano telling him he would catch up in a few moments. He could feel his heart twisting into knots the closer they got to the walls of the Valley. How would his return be treated? Would he be welcomed back, or be treated like the exile he was?

Role Play Discussion / Pterano's LBT RP
« on: July 05, 2011, 07:46:19 PM » something to listen to while reading. :p XD

So I was thinking of starting up an LBT RP, set several years after the first season of the show. Canon and OCs are welcome, though the universe will be strictly LBT. This will sort of be a continuation of the series, a "what if" if the franchise kept going, sort of similar to vonboy's Past-O-Rama. I have a few plot arcs in mind, but just because I'm starting this RP, don't think I'm not open to taking other plot arcs as well. :p That's half the fun of an RP after all, getting input from players and having them craft their own stories.

I figure I'll see who's interested, and get a list going of those who are, as well as the characters they'll be playing. I don't care how many characters a player wishes to control, but I would ask they don't stretch themselves beyond their limit. If you're choosing a popular character (i.e. a member of the gang) then I ask you limit your selection to just one for now to be fair to everyone else who might wish to have a slice of the gang.

I should be starting this fairly soon, within the next few days, depending on how many I get, and sign-ups will be continuous even after it starts, so you won't have to worry about being late if you miss the start. I'll start it slow, and won't get to any major plot events right away either, to once again allow for potential latecomers. It'll mostly just be intros and setup starting off.

As I'm starting, I guess I'll be the first to call some characters. Naturally, I'll be calling Pterano (and no, this is by far not going to be a Pterano centric RP). :p Unless someone REALLY wants Rinkus, I'd like to put myself down for him as well, and I'll also take Hyp for my last starting character. I'm going to hold off and wait for everyone else before I call any others. Oh yes, character choices will be on a first come and first served basis. So the list is as follows:

Pterano: Pterano
Rinkus: Pterano
Hyp: Pterano
Chomper: vonboy
Mr. Threehorn: vonboy
Mr. Thicknose: vonboy
Petrie: trulyfantasticme
Devon: trulyfantasticme
Harper: Mama's Girl
Ridge: Mama's Girl
Ducky: Mama's Girl
Littlefoot: Pterano (temporary. Can be turned over to another RPer upon request)
Cera: Mama's Girl
Ruby: vonboy
Grandpa Longneck: Pterano
Spike: currently anyone can play as him
Petrie's Mother: Mama's Girl
Cutter: Vonboy
Guaro: Vonboy
Bo: Vonboy
Rainbow Faces: Pterano
Royce: Pterano
Norton: Pterano
Sierra: Trulyfantasticme
Fang: Redtooth101
Nat: Redtooth101
Red Tooth: Redtooth101

I'll be adding others in as we go along.

Note: For the temp status of RPing as Littlefoot and Cera, these characters can be given over to other RPers that join in a bit later if a particular player really wishes to RP as one of those two. :yes For now, they're being taken by our regular cast so that the gang is filled out for the upcoming start of this RP. :)

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday to Blitz
« on: June 14, 2011, 12:08:41 AM »
It's midnight where I am, so happy Birthday, Blitz! Hope you have a good one! :DD

Attic Treasures / Anonymous Rex
« on: June 06, 2011, 12:54:35 PM »
So I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this already. Anyone here read this rather good Eric Garcia trilogy?

I absolutely loved the first two when I read them last year during my long excursions on planes/ferries for my Eurotrip. I think Casual Rex is by far the best in the series, at least it was for me. The humor is great, and the concept, though wacky, is just so awesome. I'm (slowly) working on the third book, though I still think Casual is the best. The story and characters were more complex I thought than Anonymous, though Anonymous probably had better plot twists.

I think Garcia writes very well and is incredibly descriptive. There were some scenes in Casual that just blew me away, and I had to set the book down to just soak in all that I'd read at certain points. XD

If you have any thoughts or read this series, go ahead and post here! I'd be interested in hearing what you think.

Starday Wishes / Happy Starday vonboy!
« on: May 16, 2011, 12:09:25 AM »
Oh wow, didn't even know it was your Birthday today! Happy Birthday! You were the first one to welcome me to this site, so hope you have a good one!  :DD

Ask Me / Ask Pterano
« on: May 13, 2011, 10:32:53 AM »
While I'd love to say that this thread is about asking the real Pterano, I can't make such lofty claims. :p But since I'm new here, and saw several other threads like this, I figured I may as well. Go ahead and ask away!

LBT Fanfiction / The Past that Yawns Behind
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:18:19 AM »
((So this is an older idea I had, but never wrote. I'm redoing a good chunk of it, and well, hopefully I have enough inspiration to see it through. I've got the beginning and some of the middle and a general idea for the end worked out, so we'll have to see how it goes. Any feedback is of course appreciated))

Prologue: Sleepy Night in the Dale

Five cold times had passed. They had come and gone after what seemed to the young flyer to be an eternity. Although he had been on countless adventures with his friends, Petrie had never lost count. Not once. Each cold time he had secretly been keeping track of.

Now it was getting warmer. The flowers were beginning to bud. Spring was arriving, bringing her bounty with her, and all the richness that went along with the changing season.

Petrie was older now, having aged a few years, though he hardly felt it. He wasn't much bigger than he had been back then... back when his uncle had arrived.

The youthful flyer sucked in a breath through his nostrils, looking up at the starry expanse that stretched infinitely above him. The stars glittered like crystals, a thousand, no, millions of them. His eyes swept the darkness... looking for a sign... anything that might show that the stars were being obstructed.

A passing herd who were stopping for a brief sojourn in the valley had sent word to his mother. In exactly ten days' time from their arrival, Petrie's uncle would return. He would return when the bright silver disc was highest in the sky. Five years had gone by since their adventure to find the Stone of Cold Fire... and now, it was time at last. The fifth Spring.

Petrie's eyes roved back and forth, trying to search for some dark shape in the sky. His uncle had said he'd arrive in this spot, in a dale near the big rock. That last bit had been kept secret from his mother. One of the wandering herd had instead informed him, and Petrie, desiring to see his uncle before anyone else, had come out here past his bedtime. No one else knew, save for a few sleepy dinos he had passed flying out here who had seemed more interested in sleeping than they had been in the lone flyer.

He gazed to his left, down the path that twisted like a ribbon in the darkness, and then turned abrutly to the right, hooking in on itself and traveling up a hill and out of the dale. The hill was directly ahead of him, not more than fifty feet off.

He wrapped his wings about himself, not because he was cold, but because he was a tad scared of being out here by himself. The moon was just about at its highest... so where was his uncle?

The sound of crunching ahead of him caused his head to snap, his beak pointing straight forward as he struggled to see what was making that noise. A dark form was heading down the path, moving slowly and deliberatly. For an instant, he thought he saw two glints in the blackness... eyes watching him? He shuddered, watching the shape move from right to left in his field of vision, getting lower and lower as it descended the path.

It appeared to stop right at the hook, off to his left. It just... sat there, melting into the darkness that surrounded it. "Pterano?" Petrie called out, though very softly, his voice not traveling very far. The shape did not move. Did not reply. Petrie wasn't even sure if it had existed in the first place. Maybe his mind was simply playing tricks on him.

But then, as if to confirm that it had in fact been very real, the shape started to move, crossing the hook and beginning to walk in his direction. The first thing the flyer could see materializing from the inky dark was a green set of legs, silvery claws catching the moonlight and flashing a bit. The green legs were followed by a body, which was in turn accompanied by arms, and finally, the head emerged.

Petrie immediately sighed in relief when he caught sight of the rainbow splotch of skin on the hypsilophodon's neck. "Oh... Mr. Brightneck... me didn't know it was you." He said, relaxing visibly and giving the hypsilophodon an assuaged look.

Mr. Brightneck smiled, being very familiar to the brown flyer. He was a local chaperone for the younger ones, taking them to and from places if their parents or guardians were too busy to do so. The gang usually didn't make use of his services, but sometimes, if a parent requested it, he would safely see a young one to wherever they were going.

He was older, having come to the Great Valley after the Great Earthshake. No one quite knew with what group he had arrived with, only that he had shown up with one of them. "Petrie." he said, his voice warm, friendly, like a mid-Summer night's eve. "I wasn't sure that was you. What are you doing out so late?" he asked, concern flooding his features.

"Me..." Petrie hesitated. "Can you... keep a secret?" he asked, to which the chaperone nodded solemnly. "Well... me here to see Uncle Pterano. He's coming tonight... but nobody knows that!" he said, angst evident in his voice. "Momma thinks that he's coming tomorrow... but me wanted to see him first."

"Ah... your uncle. Pterano." Brightneck stated, his voice peculiarly flat. He had a distant look in his eyes, as if he were studying something far beyond Petrie. "Do you like him?" he asked suddenly. "Your uncle's done some... bad things after all... hasn't he?"

"Well... Me guess." Petrie said, looking a bit crestfallen as he hung his head. "But he's still a good flyer... he saved Ducky..." the flyer trailed off.

"Hmph... so he did. Er... ahem, yes, of course he did. What time are you expecting him?" Brightneck asked.

"Well... now... but... me no... see him." Petrie said, raising his eyes in an abashed manner, clearly disappointed that his uncle was not here.

"Oh... my dear lad... I'm very sorry. But I don't think you should be out like this. Why you know how late it is? Your mother would be worried sick if she woke up and found out. Your home is... sort of on the way to where I was going. Why don't you let me walk you there? I could even carry you if you want. I don't think you should be outside like this." Brightneck said.

"Well... but Pterano... he's supposed to come..."

"I'm sure he will... but Petrie... don't get too upset at this... your uncle just doesn't seem like... the best flyer to be placing your faith in. He knows where you live. He can always show up. He might not even be coming tonight. I mean it's very late after all." Brightneck persisted. "Now come on... why don't you let me walk you home?"

Petrie took another look up into the sky, but saw no sign of anything flying up there. "Well... alright." he said, giving another sigh, this one of defeat.

"It will be OK. I'm sure you'll see him... in the morning. Come along now." Brightneck gently urged, holding his hand down for Petrie. Petrie practically crawled into the outstretched hand, so reluctant was he to leave the spot. Brightneck smiled, looking up at the sky briefly before he began to walk off with the flyer, exiting the shaft of moonlight he'd been in, and reentering the darkness as he headed for the hill.


Perhaps around ten minutes later, a great shadow passed over the spot where Petrie had been, and landed with a thump in the rays of the moon. The great brown flyer stretched his wings, yawning a little and looking about him. "Petrie?" the voice belonged to Pterano, the long lost uncle of the young flyer who was nowhere in sight. "Petrie?" he called again, still searching about him. Glancing up at the sky, Pterano's heart sank in his chest.

He was late... the moon was already beginning to descend. But surely... surely his nephew would wait... wouldn't he? He walked a few paces, unsure if he had the right spot... but he remembered this place. He remembered it, and he was certain he told Petrie to meet him here.

There was not sight nor sound of the flyer, and Pterano's wings slumped to the ground. Some entrance he had made... he couldn't even arrive on time. But the wind currents had been bad... they'd held him up unnecessarily. Should he attempt to fly to his nephew's nest?

No... that wouldn't do. Closing his eyes, the flyer frowned, running things through his head. Best to just show up tomorrow... when he told everyone else he would. Flapping his wings, he ascended to a nearby tree branch, settling upon it to get some shuteye. His heart ached. It felt as if it were stabbed by minute rocks with razor edges. He should have been there. But it seemed he still wasn't able to do things right.

Closing his eyes again, the flyer drifted off into an uneasy sleep, the sounds of the night closing in around him, unaware of the plight he or his nephew would be facing over the next few days...

The Welcome Center / Salutations!
« on: May 12, 2011, 03:51:05 PM »
Hey, all!

While browsing the net during a particularly slow day of work, I stumbled upon this place during a few LBT searches. My first experience with LBT was back in 1988, when I was a mere lad of two, and though I have very vague memories of the theatrical release, my more solid memories are of growing up with these awesome films, eagerly awaiting the next one year after year.

So, you can probably guess who one of my favorite characters is, based on my screen name. :p As for a little about me, let's see... well I love the LBT franchise, and am glad to have found this place. I like writing, RPing, reading, and am a pretty big history buff, with particular interest in naval history (more specifically the Age of Sail) and the French Revolution/Napoleonic Era. I'm graduating college this coming weekend, and thought I'd join up here as I have more free time on my hands.

I used to be a member of a lot of forums, then gradually became inactive on most of them, but I do plan on being active here. This community seems awesome, and once again, very glad to have found it. ^^

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