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What would happen if the Great Valley was

Ruby2 · 11 · 2440


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I mean, suppose a significant Earthshake damages part of the Great Wall beyond repair or something?   I mean, where they now WOULD, maybe not to the extent of those in the Mysterious Beyond, have to fear Sharpteeth attacks 24/7?   I mean, the Great Valley itself isn't even foolproof (Note Sharpteeth near Saurus Rock, though maybe that's why they were killed.)

BTW, even if nothing like this does happen, does the Great Valley have any "defenses breached" drills or something?  (I mean, it took them a while to find out Chomper's parents had gotten into the Great Valley.   On the flip side, they were on to Red Claw a lot faster, perhaps because THIS time, the kids had mentioned the breach BEFORE the Sharpteeth had gotten in too far.)

While only two to three Sharpteeth have even been seen getting in, what if someday like 20 or more got in?   The security isn't foolproof also if Ozzy and Strut were, as far as we know, NEVER noticed by the adults.  

Heck, that's another thing, what if a GROUP of Egg Stealers got in and decided to go for a nighttime nest raid?  

Also, considering how bad racism is in the Mysterious Beyond, how do they keep different species among the Far Walkers from fighting each other when they come to the Great Valley?  

They do seem to have plans for fire, floods, and hurricanes, and seem to have some ability to handle droughts, but what about Sharpteeth, Egg Stealers, volcanic eruptions, or domestic insurrections or disputes (with how easily the grownups argue in LBT, it's a wonder one hasn't happened yet!    :lol )


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All the carnivores seem to only hunt in max packs of two or threes. Most of them do not know that there is bountiful food in the Great Valley or else they would have tried to find a way all the time. Often paths are broken into the Great Valley. As we see in 4 and 8 and others, farwalkers often visit the Great Valley, so I'm sure carnivores can get through too


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This is one of the biggest plot wholes throughout the entire LBT franchise. With the exception of the original film, where the Great Valley is portrayed as a metaphor for Heaven, or as the final resting place for the last dinosaurs on Earth, it never made much sense that big dinosaurs like Apatosaurus and Triceratops could find their way in, but Raptors and T-Rexs couldn’t.

I know this theory about the first film is debunked by the very existence of the sequels and the TV series, but since the latter weren’t planned when the original film was released, you can still attribute this meaning to the artists view/interpretation of the overall story.

In LBT II we got at least an attempt to explain why predators couldn’t get into the Valley, we’ve the implied sense that the grown-ups had closed the only passage way, and blocked it with rocks. In the TV series, in the episode The Hidden Canyon, we, once again discover that the tree sweets in the Hidden Canyon keep sharpteeth away, so maybe the wandering herds are using that passage to get into the Great Valley.

But let’s ignore all of this for a second and just assume that for some reason the Great Valley is just magically protected from sharpteeth. If it were ever to become unsafe, I believe two scenarios could happen. Either the herds just stay there and organize themselves in a way that some dinosaurs would patrol the entrances to try and warn the others or stave off predators, if they ever try or manage to get in. Or, they would just leave, like they did in LBT V and find another safe place to stay.

Our biggest mystery is what’s the mysterious beyond like (I know, it’s redundant). If it’s full of leafs and green valleys like we’ve seen before, then they would probably just migrate to some other place, if it’s dying and leafless, then they would most likely stay in the Great Valley and just ward off sharpteeth, like they did before they arrived in the Great Valley.

As for Ozzy and Strut, scavengers are needed for a stable ecosystem to be maintained. What happens to the corpses of dead dinosaurs? Someone has to eat them, otherwise they would just rot there, which could be a source of disease for the other dinosaurs.

Even Guido is a scavenger, although he found himself in the Great Valley because he sleep-flew there.    
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Gentle Sharptooth

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Actually The Great Valley is not a paradise (heaven), more like The Promised Land. There are plenty of examples of peril in The Great Valley and where the entire herd leaves due to conditions. The Land Before II: The Great Valley Adventure has egg stealers and sinking sand. The Land Before Time III: The Time of Great Giving has a drought and inferno. The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island has the Leaf Gobblers (Locust) and the entire herd leaves the Great Valley in search of a place of food. The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock has a twister/tornado that causes havoc. The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze has the whole herd leaving The Great Valley to stay at hot springs during wintertime. These are just some examples that The Great Valley is not paradise, but the Promise Land (see Original Film allegory).

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That is a very good question... heaven knows why I didn't respond to this when it first came up...

I think the best way to adapt to the situation that the Great Valley is no longer protected from Sharpteeth, would be to organize border patrols. I'm sure it'd only take them a month or so to finish arguing about it :p
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  • Ducky
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Everyone meaning all the leaf eaters will die from predators and there food source will be very scarce


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Quote from: Ducky123,Jul 1 2017 on  01:31 PM
That is a very good question... heaven knows why I didn't respond to this when it first came up...

I think the best way to adapt to the situation that the Great Valley is no longer protected from Sharpteeth, would be to organize border patrols. I'm sure it'd only take them a month or so to finish arguing about it :p
Eh, they'll probably still be arguing when the sharpteeth are picking their teeth with their bones.  :lol
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

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  • Cera
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Honestly, if you pay attention to the first film, it was never intended to be safe. It was just a guaranteed food source. Anyone can just walk right in. The supposed "safe guards" the valley has in the sequels make no sense considering that big, clumsy dinosaur breeds can apparently come and go as they wish, but raptors can't in?
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Does anyone remember the Tree Sweet trees? The Great Wall? The cliffs around the valley? Pretty tough for a predator to get through.
The herds can easily get in as the treesweets don't affect them.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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None of those were mentioned in the first film but it's true that the series has expanded the Valley's geography (and defenses) a lot and I think that's what matters. No matter how great the original film is, I doubt most of us would be here because of one film alone.  ;)

Dr. Rex

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Quote from: Sovereign on Jul 9 2017, 02:56:37 PM
None of those were mentioned in the first film but it's true that the series has expanded the Valley's geography (and defenses) a lot and I think that's what matters. No matter how great the original film is, I doubt most of us would be here because of one film alone.  ;)
Agreed. For a bunch of sequels that may have been unnecessary to make, they did a pretty good job at explaining more about the Great Valley.