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A little inside on me


Hi some of you might know me as AdriJobecq (=
NewOrder was/is the best band ever!! I'm not even gonna go into details or this would get too long... I'm probably the only portuguese sixteen-year-old that admits loving the land before time =p What do I do with my life? Basically nothing, When I'm at home I go on-line but mostly to chat with friends or look for interesting stuff.. this is the only forum I post things on.. I'm not a forum "worm" like some other people I know. Hmm.. I don't know what else to stay, if you wanna get to know me just add me to your contact list (= btw visit my web sites if you like.. there completely in my native tong.. but I know there are programs that translate them to english.. although it might not make any sense, anyway here they are: (a little something about me) and (to people who are inteested in a more scientific look at dinosaurs mainly therizinosauridae).

Hiya.  I'll admit NewOrder is much easier to type than the name you had on our old host. ;)

I like your webpages though I am not fluent in Portuguese. :P


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