The Gang of Five
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An Enemies Presence

Zimba · 535 · 70557


  • Ducky
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"What happened to you?" Grandma demanded in horror as she regarded the deep wound on her grandson's leg.

Grandpa's eyes narrowed when he realized that the stranger had not helped Littlefoot back to his resting-place, instead being... gone...

He walked through a blazing desert in the Mysterious Beyond calmly. He feared neither Sharpteeth, nor hunger and thirst. Instead hunger and thirst were his heralds. "Such a fine day..." He murmured, watching a flyer fall from the sky from a heat-stroke.


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"I...I'm not sure.." Littlefoot said "I was showing Zimba the rock circle and then..." he could not say anymore as he completely passes out from the loss of blood and collapsed  unconscious.

You could hear Nahla gulp in fear after that,and she began to look very restless.


  • Ducky
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The two grandparents rushed to help their grandson, completely missing Nahla's reaction to what he had said before falling unconscious.

"Well, fancy meeting you here..." She murmured as she met him in a blazing desert. They were as different as night and day, yet something marked them as the same as well. "Where are you heading?"
"Same as you." He answered, gesturing to a faraway mountain-range.


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Littlefoot's leg was completely did not look like he tripped on accident..looked more like someone did it...on purpose.


  • Ducky
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"This looks bad." Grandma looked at the wound closer. "Worse, it might get infected easily."

Grandpa nodded darkly, studying it intently. Well, this was raising some serious doubts in his mind. But first he'd need to fix his grandson and THEN worry about this.


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"Is..he all right?" a female voice asked as Nahla looked over "I mean it looks pretty serious but...he is he ok over all?"


  • Ducky
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"Yup." Grandma soothed her. "I know a thing or twenty about healing. Though he will be weak for a while."


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"For how long? Will he be able to fight?" Nahla asked like is the most casual question in the world.


  • Ducky
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"The Valley is quite safe." Grandma assured her. "Sharpteeth rarely get in so there is hardly a need for him to fight any time soon."

"And should it arise, there are others who can cover for him." Grandpa added.

"You too?" She demanded of the form in front of her.
"It seems we all need to go there." He agreed. "Anyone seen our other sister?"
They both shook their heads.


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"Oh okay...' Nahla said glancing around "What if..he does get into a fight in...this state" she asked looking back to the male/


  • Ducky
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"Then someone else will take over, or he will flee." Grandma said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We help each other in this valley. Heavens, there isn't even ONE leader in here. The Council has equal power. It just so happens Littlefoot is its' spokesperson now."


  • Petrie
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Zimba came through the trees and stopped when he heard Grandma. He snarled-theres was more then one?!! Well this ruined his plans,but still he walked towards Nahla and snarled in her ear "Change of plans,we gotta kill the whole council..and make it so theres only ONE leader of the Great"he whacked Nahla in the head with his tail and chuckled pretending he did it playfully.


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Concern spread across Nahla's face as she looked to Littlefoot then the Grandparents then back at Zimba "Right..." she said sadly.

Littlefoot groaned as he began to wake up. The bleeding had slowed down quite a bit and it had now dried on his leg.


  • Ducky
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Grandma and Grandpa looked at him. "Not to offend, but couldn't you have helped our grandson home when he got this wound?" They demanded politely.

"Whoop, there came my que." He chuckled in amusement.
"Then we better hurry, don't want to be late to the party." His brother stated.
"And meanwhile hope it isn't one with our sister involved." She darkly stated.
A wind picked up and a lone Fuzzy suddenly saw three forms evaporate in front of him.


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Littlefoot tried to stand only to scream out in pain "Grandma...Grandpa I think you might need to step in for your old duties again...for a bit...I can't do them like this" he lowered himself back to the ground grititng his teeth.


  • Petrie
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"No" Zimba chuckled "Well I could of but I didn't  want to..not the helping kind of guy"


  • Ducky
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OOC: Okay, seriously, what is it with pointing the Valley at Zimba's evilness with you two xD

"Oh snap, that was my que." He stated. "My, was this place always this busy?"
"Don't say that. You are just inviting our sister along. She snarled.

"You... couldn't be bothered to help someone in need?" Grandpa echoed, eyes narrowing. He was getting a rather bad feeling on this.


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"It's,....fine Grandpa" Littlefoot said and tried to stand up again only to fall "It ain't that serious"

"Looks pretty serious to me" Nahla commented.


  • Petrie
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Zimba just shrugged and turned to a bush and helped himself to a feast not seeming to care really. After a few mouthfuls he turned his head to face Grandpa "Hey,not like he was disabled he could walk on his own couldn't he? He wasn't hurt THAT bad,it just a tiny cut"

OOC: Tiny. cut...TINY CUT?!! He calls a torn open leg a 'tiny cut'?!! Oh Zimba....I created a monster


  • Ducky
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They said nothing, but their faces said all. "Stay put, Littlefoot." Grandma ordered sharply. "Honestly, you act worse than at bath-time. I cannot treat your leg if you keep moving it."