The Gang of Five
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Discussion of "A sudden change of species"

Ducky123 · 283 · 34579


  • *feels like Pterano*
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The rainbowfaces return to the Great Valley that is still being attacked and stalked by Redclaw and his minions. They offer each member of the Gang of Seven one wish and one of those wishes changes everything! The Great Valley is no longer their home, their lifes, their food and their destiny changes...
Whatever way they go, in the end they'll have to fight to turn everything back to normal...

Just a rough plan but something I'd like to try :) Details will be revealed later... So who wants to join? :)

PS: A huge thanks to rhombus for inspiring me, it would be a big pleasure if you join. :)
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I would definitely like to join. :)  The paradigm shift in the gang's psychology, physiological needs, and worldview would definitely make this quite a bit darker (at least from a psychological perspective) than many of the other role plays I have read through on this site.  It will be interesting to see how the characters adapt to their changing circumstances and, likewise, how their parents and loved ones view the situation.

The only concern that I would have is that I have very little experience in role playing on an online forum.  But I suppose the only way to gain experience is to simply get started.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I like the sound of it - wouldn't mind joining if you'd have me  :)


  • Spike
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The only concern that I would have is that I have very little experience in role playing on an online forum. But I suppose the only way to gain experience is to simply get started. in-yes.gif

Quite so. It was the same for me when I started out, but once you get into the swing of things it gets easier and more enjoyable.  :DD Especially if you're RPing your own inspiration!  :lol


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  • *feels like Pterano*
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Welcome aboard to everyone interested :D

I shall reveal more details now and tomorrow (If the forum permits it, that is) I'll start the character taking and such :)

The rainbowfaces return to the Great Valley that is still being attacked and stalked by Redclaw and his minions. They offer each member of the Gang of Seven one wish and one of those wishes changes everything! The Great Valley is no longer their home, their lifes, their food and their destiny changes...
Whatever way they go, in the end they'll have to fight to turn everything back to normal...

The Rainbowfaces read it in the stars: The reign of Redclaw is going to end, and the two must use their unusually great knowledge to make it possible. But who is the one to defeat the monster? The stars reveal it so they travel to the Great Valley to find the destined one. The prophecy sais the destined dinosaur will know its destiny and therefore they just need to offer it a wish and make this wish come true. The prophecy also sais that the destined one is still a kid that will one day get rid of the pest with the help of its friends.

I guess you already got who the destined one is? :p Thank you Tv-series! Well, it's Chomper! Chomper's wish will turn everyone into Sharpteeth (different species) though he doesn't exactly want that to happen. They cannot talk leafeater anymore and must therefore leave the Great Valley (not to mention that the Ground Crawlers are rare in the Valley). From now on they're a pack trying to get used to the way Sharpteeth live.
It needs a few years until they consider themselves old, strong and skilled enough to leave the home they found themselves over time to fulfill their destiny...

Okay, that's enough :lol: I hope this is not too close the brekclub's Sharptooth Valley... if so please tell me, I haven't read it yet.

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  • Spike
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No, I think the difference is enough. In Sharptooth Valley, the characters aren't aware of their previous state as leaf-eaters. But this idea seems just as awesome!  :lol


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I'm calling Chomper! This time before anybody else does!
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Spike
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I'm calling Chomper! This time before anybody else does!



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Vonboy and Dosu, I know how to decide which of us can get Chomper. Whoever's username begins with 'B' can get him. Oh, would you look at that...  :p

I'm just joking, I don't mind who I play as. Guido doesn't count as one of the gang, does he? (I haven't really seen the show so I'm not sure who the members are outside of the main five)


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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About whose Chomper, I just remember wanting to be in one of Ducky's other fics, seeing someone else already chose Chomper, and I just decided 'nah'.

Well Bushwacked, on the show it's the original gang of five plus Ruby and Chomper.

It'd be cool if We could still have some Flattoth/sharptooth interaction.

Maybe Grandpa could have some kind of heart-to-heart talk with Littlefoot as a sharptton before they leave on their new journey. (either through Chomper translating, or he has to re-learn flattooth.)

Or maybe something like some other Valley kids goes out and finds them, or they run into Bron's or Old One's herd? (Actually, that'd be CRAZY with Bron and sharptooth Littlefoot :lol )

I don't know. Just having other Valley characters involved somehow, even just temporarily, would be cool.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I think your idea sounds good, von. Maybe they don't remember their old life but as time goes they regain their memories...
Guido is indeed not an all time member of the Gang. He is in two or three episodes, if I recall correctly. But maybe he can go after them after some time (after he got told what happened), gets attacked and just before he gets killed Littlefoot remembers him and they slowly regain their memories. Guido could bring messages from and to the Valley? What do you think? :)

Alright, I start the character taking now since it already started unofficially :lol
Narrator Ducky123
Littlefoot Nahla (Twoclaw)
Cera Pterano (Fastbiter)
Ducky The Anonymous Person (Fastbiter)
Petrie bushwacked (Sharptooth Flyer)
Spike rhombus (Fastbiter)
Ruby Ducky123 (Fastbiter)
Chomper vonboy  (Twoclaw)
Male Rainbowface (Mimus) Pterano
Female Rainbowface (Galli) Ducky123
Redclaw The Anonymous Person
Thud Dosu2Dinner
Screetch bushwacked
Guido bushwacked
Grandpa Zimba
Grandma Nahla
Topsy vonboy
Tria Zimba
Mama Swimmer Ducky123
Mama Flyer rhombus
Mr. Thicknose vonboy
Chomper's Mother Ducky123
Chomper's Father bushwacked
Mr. Thicknose vonboy
Tricia Nahla
other characters we might need later

I'll be the narrator... and, if nobody has any problems with that, I'd like to be Cera :D Though I won't have a problem if somebody else wants her.

You probably know my colour system already? red=character not taken, yellow=character might be taken or more than one person wants to take it, green=charakter's taken
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Yeah, the idea of Guido acting like a messenger sounds good!

Let's see... Petrie's pretty cool, I wouldn't mind playing him. Could I be Screech as well? And Guido, whenever he pops up  :D


  • Spike
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Can I be Spike?  If the gang forgets how to speak leafeater then it would be interesting to see how Spike adapts to the situation.  Will he be able to use the sharptooth language?  Will he be effective at using non-verbal cues (which would be very useful in the middle of a hunt)?  I see quite a bit of variation in how he could be portrayed.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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My Littlefoot,all mine, mine mine mine mine *grabs Littlefoot and runs*.

Yeah as you see.I claim Littlefoot  :lol

Can I have him?


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I think your idea sounds good, von. Maybe they don't remember their old life but as time goes they regain their memories.

That is certainly an interesting idea.  Another possibility could be that upon discovering that they have become sharpteeth they simply decide to leave the valley without telling anyone.  Perhaps the gang would think that it would be easier on their families to imagine them finally meeting their doom on one of their adventures as opposed to becoming sharpteeth and being force to feed upon their own kind.  This viewpoint might be especially strong in Littlefoot and Cera, considering their histories.  We could disagree with the logic of that decision of course, but in the heat of the moment I can see them perhaps going that route.

Another possibility that I would see as likely is that the adults see the gang (as sharpteeth) and simply attack and chase them out of the valley without regards to Chomper's words (perhaps they think that he betrayed them and brought sharpteeth into the valley.)  This viewpoint would be confirmed (from the adults POV) when their children simply do not return to the valley.  This option would definitely add to the drama of the story and, since the adults would believe that Chomper and the sharpteeth (the gang) was responsible for the deaths of their children, could lead to numerous complications later on.

There are many possible options and all of them seem very promising to me.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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That sounds good, Rhombus. I personally don't really like the Gang loosing their memories idea. Mostly because I really LOVE the dark story of them having to change their way of thinking, outlook on life, and their morales. If they didn't know they used to be flatteeth, that would be lost.

I'd like to play Topsy(Mr. Threehorn) too, if you don't mind me having two character's. Depending on how the story unfolds, I could have him simply disowning Cera for being a sharptooth now. Him getting into a huge argument with Tria about it, and them breaking up could be a good side-story too. That's assuming he even KNOWS she's now a sharptooth.

Also, would anyone mind bringing in Chomper's parents? I'm sure they could protect the Gang early on, and teach them how to hunt (Whether they like it or not.)

Oh yeah. Wanna make sure I have Chomper

EDIT: I didn't mean Littlefoot, Nahla. It was a fudge up on my part, Nahla :lol
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Wow, you guys have so many cool ideas :wow

Can I be Spike? If the gang forgets how to speak leafeater then it would be interesting to see how Spike adapts to the situation. Will he be able to use the sharptooth language? Will he be effective at using non-verbal cues (which would be very useful in the middle of a hunt)? I see quite a bit of variation in how he could be portrayed.
True, rhombus. If nobody mind it, it is your decision whether Spike can speak Sharptooth or not :yes
That is certainly an interesting idea. Another possibility could be that upon discovering that they have become sharpteeth they simply decide to leave the valley without telling anyone. Perhaps the gang would think that it would be easier on their families to imagine them finally meeting their doom on one of their adventures as opposed to becoming sharpteeth and being force to feed upon their own kind. This viewpoint might be especially strong in Littlefoot and Cera, considering their histories. We could disagree with the logic of that decision of course, but in the heat of the moment I can see them perhaps going that route.
Another possibility that I would see as likely is that the adults see the gang (as sharpteeth) and simply attack and chase them out of the valley without regards to Chomper's words (perhaps they think that he betrayed them and brought sharpteeth into the valley.) This viewpoint would be confirmed (from the adults POV) when their children simply do not return to the valley. This option would definitely add to the drama of the story and, since the adults would believe that Chomper and the sharpteeth (the gang) was responsible for the deaths of their children, could lead to numerous complications later on.
While the first idea sounds okay, the second one is pretty good. I thought the grown-ups would chase them out somehow. Them accusing Chomper for the 'death' of their children is a great idea.
That sounds good, Rhombus. I personally don't really like the Gang loosing their memories idea. Mostly because I really LOVE the dark story of them having to change their way of thinking, outlook on life, and their morales. If they didn't know they used to be flatteeth, that would be lost.
Good point! I think they should keep their memories indeed, but not the language...
I'd like to play Topsy(Mr. Threehorn) too, if you don't mind me having two character's. Depending on how the story unfolds, I could have him simply disowning Cera for being a sharptooth now. Him getting into a huge argument with Tria about it, and them breaking up could be a good side-story too. That's assuming he even KNOWS she's now a sharptooth.
If we use rhombus' idea that side-plot would not be possible. It's a pretty funny idea though, I admit :D
Also, would anyone mind bringing in Chomper's parents? I'm sure they could protect the Gang early on, and teach them how to hunt (Whether they like it or not.)
Sure, I thought about Chomper's parents. I'll add them to the character list (should we give them names considering how they would call each other when talking to each other?)

Will update the list now
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