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LBT Series Marathon

Gentle Sharptooth

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Bright Circle Celebration

“Not in to the tall grass!” -RJ, The Lost World Jurassic Park. In The Lost World the Velociraptors hunt people in the tall grass, seeing Chomper and the rest of the Gang made me think of that scene in TLW JP.

Cera is Scroogeceratops, “is it that time again?” (Ugh tone)

Petrie tries to move giant log lol He reminds me of a guy trying bench press what he can’t.

So Petrie basically explains Bright Circle Celebration is to male Day Light Savings happen lol

Feast, Feast on Roast Beast, I mean Trees. XD

Cold Time is Christmas.

Chomper: I can hop like a hopper! You go Chomper, you gi bro. XD

Bright Circle Celebration is Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Daylight Saving’s Day all at once.

From what we learned in “Legend of the Story Speakers,” The Night Circle should be celebrated by Longnecks because it took pity on them and enlogated their necks ao they can eat the taller tree foliage. The Bright Circle made the trees tall so it could hear their worship better without thinking of the longnecks.

Scientifically Cera is right about the bright circle, but I love Litflefoot’s answer, “I think its fin to celebrate something you’re thankful for.”

Ducky deep dive and underwater greens.

Cera is Ceranezer Scrooge.

So Topsy and Cera are Athiestasaurs. Sigh. Cera obvipusly forgot the mysteries of the Rainbowfaces and more. Reality isn’t just what you see, but the unseen, you can’t see air, but you feel it and its essential, the same is with God, and the mysteries.

Spike did a Yellowbelly impression. XD

So Tria is a believer, Topsy is a non-believer.

The Beighr Circle is angry at Topsy and Cera’s unbelief lol Hurls s fire rock on valley.

Chomper and Spike is Fire Depart of Great Valley. XD

Haven’t seen snow since “The Big Freeze.”

Overall, a good episode. I like they tried to tackle something like faith and tradition without offending viewers. At times it felt slow, particularly when they are cleaning up the Valley for the Bright Circle Celebration. For me this episode is in the mid range, not a favorite but not one I disliked.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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"The Bright Circle Celebration"

Wow, we haven't even gotten a full minute into the episode, and already Petrie is going full-panic mode over nothing. It's a new record! :p

The Bright Circle Celebration seems a little too much like the Time of the Great Giving (aka Thanksgiving) so far. Being thankful, having a big feast...oh well, I suppose there are only so many holiday-ish things you can do with dinosaurs.

At about 3:30, the former profile pic of @ImpracticalDino suddenly jumps out at me. :lol

I just realized this is the LBT version of one of those Christmas specials where the characters disagree about whether Santa Claus is real, but in this case, it's Petrie and Cera disagreeing on the Bright Circle. In any case, I always like a message that there's more to the world than what you can see. :smile

Oooooh, a meteor. <3 :DD

Mr. Threehorn: "A rock's a rock, a tree's a tree." Totally oblivious to the fact that, actually, these weren't. Next: "I can see the world is flat." It's official: Mr. Threehorn was the original Flat Earther. :lol
Hey, a callback to the mud pool plot! Hooray for continuity! :cerahappy

A fire rock? Flying rocks haven't been a danger since LBT III, so that's pretty cool!

Littlefoot's plan to put out the fire ends up being pretty effective, but it takes a snowfall to really turn things in the Gang's favor. This isn't really consistent with how rare snow in the valley was supposed to be, but the Great Valley looks so beautiful that I'm not gonna complain. I get the impression it was supposed to be sort of a "Christmas miracle" moment, anyway. :)

This is one of the better performances of "I Feel So Happy"...until Mr. Threehorn (or maybe it was Thicknose?) joins in and sort of ruins it, that is. :p

This wasn't a bad holiday special for LBT! (Though when I was a kid I somehow missed the fact that it was LBT's holiday special, which seems totally obvious to me now.) Like Gentle, I liked the message of faith, and the "miraculous first snow of Christmas" trope they pulled out was fun, too. Plus, this was among Petrie's better episodes, not one of those ones that revolved around him overcoming yet another random fear. Rather than having to learn a lesson here, he actually was the one who got to teach Cera her lesson. I, too, noticed the episode was a bit slow at the beginning, but other than that, I found this one to be pretty good. :)

Gentle Sharptooth

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“The Lonely Journey”

Sniff and Seek

Chomper: Remeber Spike, listen to the Sniffer.

Spike climbs on Topsy lol

Chomper talking to Grandma Longneck so casually warms my heart. Chomper is accepted by the grown up, well except for Topsy.

Time of the Great Goving! LBT III returns.

Poor Chomper, Tria: Sharpteeth are horrible vicious creatures! Oh I didn’t mean him.

Ducky is such s good counselorasaurus, she encourages Chomper when he gets downcast and considers returning to the Mysterious Beyond because lots of grown ups are acting hostile towards him.

Ducky just shot up in my fandom over her speaking affirming words to Chomper, telling Chomper how good a tescher he is, that he taught Spike to find her with his sniffer.

Chomper: I can teach sharpteeth to be nice! Uh uh oh lol XD

Mysterious Beyond is greener than I remeber. XD

Orange little sharptooth, Bitey XD

This episode has a ton of Sharpteeth, Fast Biter Trio, Stampede of sharpteeth, Redclaw, Orange Little Sharptooth, Parents of Orange.

The purple Sharptooth parent looks like Chomper’s coloring. We see an adult Sharptooth with Chomper’s vibrant purple.

Chomper invented snowboarding

Spike is savior again! Spike is so awesome in this series! He saves Chomper in the abyss crevice.

Petrie grabbing Chomper’s tail as he going off the jump, and using his wings to slow him down reminds me of fast cars that deploy parachute to slow down at the end of a race.

Overall a good episode. Chomper’s endeavor to teach Sharpteeth to get along was commendable if a bit naive. I loved we got to see another sharptooth juvenile, too bad he could not be swayed in the way of gentle sharptooth. XD
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 12:20:03 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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When I was still new to this community, I was reluctant to check out the TV series, even after seeing all of the sequels. I finally did start watching it back in November and December 2019, although I only made it eight episodes in before I stopped. That was around the time Disney+ debuted, and with it came The Mandalorian. And soon after that came the final season of The Clone Wars. Being the huge Star Wars nut that I am, you can imagine that I got distracted with that instead for a while. :p

But now I am resuming with the LBT TV series, and this time I would like to make it through all the episodes. :yes

Anyway, today I watched "The Canyon of Shiny Stones". This is one of the episodes I had seen before, but I decided I'd take another look at it. I remember being rather "eh" about it the first time I saw it, but I was a bit surprised to find that it grew on me this time. Certainly not a flawless episode, but all in all it was a pretty fun adventure.

When they play hide and seek, I get a kick out of Ruby counting up with, "One treestar, two treestars, three treestars, etc." Too bad my friends and I never used that as kids. :p I also notice how Ducky points out that Spike is eating their hiding spot "again." :smile

There's a lot of really good musical cues when the Gang first journeys to the canyon and then when they're wandering through it. Although it's a bit of a shame that so far I've been enjoying the background score more than most of the songs. :P

The ending kinda annoyed me though. The grown-ups seemed too easygoing and relaxed about the whole thing, considering that their kids nearly died to lava. They should have shown some more initial alarm to see the kids in peril like that. And then it seemed too predictable to me that Cera would end up losing the second shiny stone as well. I understand that it was to establish the message of family being more important (which is a good message), but it still bugged me. :rolleyes


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Just watched "Escape from the Mysterious Beyond". OwlsCantRead has told me before that this is one of his favourite episodes. I can see why. It was definitely my favourite episode so far. Certainly the most exciting so far. :)

When Ducky and Chomper break away from the rest of the group and Chomper falls to the ground, he's got this really weird, crazed grin on his face... :bestsharptooth
Haha, wow, he does. I didn't even notice that the first time, so I went back to rewatch that particular segment. XD

YESS--sharptooth subtitles! We haven't seen those since LBT V! :celebrate
Oh, you're right. Interesting. I didn't pick up on that either. Nice observation.

Ruby: "You've gotta take the good with the bad. won't get to take anything!" :lol
That's actually a good insight there. Ruby has a way of saying things that border on Captain Obvious, yet are insightful at the same time.

I love the non-lyric music in this series, I would buy an album of it with its Jamaican, Bahamian, and tropical tunes.
I agree; it's great. :cheers

I did find it a bit predictable that either Ducky or Chomper would end up wanting to save Thud. But on the other hand, it did lead to a nice moment at the end when Thud decides to repay the act of kindness.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 06:15:15 AM by StardustSoldier »


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Yeah, this episode is one of my favorites as well. :)

Now I'm thinking about rewatching TV series writing and write my opinion about each episode.


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@Sneak: I'd love to see your thoughts if you do end up rewatching the TV series. :)


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Now I'm thinking about rewatching TV series writing and write my opinion about each episode.

Escape from the Mysterious Beyond is one of my personal favorites as well. I'd be delighted to share my thoughts upon all of the episodes/films at some point. Perhaps that can be my project for next year? :D


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Please do. I'd love to see it. I would, I would. :duckyhappy


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Then I'm going to have to clear my calendar a bit for future endeavors. Don't want anything to mess up with my schedule. If things go well enough, I might start sometime later this year. :)


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Well I'll look forward either way. :^^spike

Today I watched "The Bright Circle Celebration". Already we get off to a great start with the opening teaser, unfolding upon a pleasant scene, until Petrie suddenly starts screaming and we don't see what it is, before it cuts to the title sequence. Sure gets your interest and attention going right away. I had a feeling that the payoff would end up being nothing noteworthy. :rolleyes But it was still a great way to start the episode.

I enjoyed "My Reality". One of the better songs so far. Nice and catchy. :yes Even if it does use the exact same melody as "Fix Your Tooth" and "Do Anything". :p

Interesting how Cera references Tria's mud pool, which was back in "The Mysterious Tooth Crisis". Is this the first explicit bit of continuity we've had between episodes? It was a nice touch either way.

I noticed while watching that this was a lower-key episode, but it actually worked. I was genuinely interested in what was going on. Although it sure surprised me when the fire rocks suddenly came down two-thirds into the episode, completely changing the tone!

When Cera first shows up to help put out the fires, she should've shouted "I'M COMING!!!!" That would've been a great callback to the first movie.

At about 3:30, the former profile pic of @ImpracticalDino suddenly jumps out at me. :lol
Oh, haha, I forgot about that.

Cera is Ceranezer Scrooge.

It was awfully convenient timing the way the snow suddenly came down to help with the rest of the fire. Although I did love the ending with the characters in the snowy landscape at night. There was something cute and magical about it.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 06:16:21 AM by StardustSoldier »


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"The Lonely Journey"

Before I even started watching, before I knew anything about the plot, already the episode title had me intrigued. And the episode itself does explore some interesting concepts. The issue of a potentially dangerous sharptooth living amongst the leaf-eaters in the Great Valley. Even though Chomper's friends, along with us as the audience, already knows that he isn't actually dangerous, it's still an intriguing moral dilemma. This leads to a disheartened Chomper leaving the Great Valley in an effort to try and make things better for sharpteeth and leaf-eaters alike. Of course, he soon gets himself into trouble, and his friends demonstrate their camaraderie and loyalty once more by going after him.

The premise sounds great on paper, and we get some nice character development for Chomper here. And yet, I didn't really care for this one at all. I honestly can't put my finger on why. It just didn't click for me. I also wonder how many more times I'm going to hear "I Feel So Happy" before I'm done watching all the episodes.

I enjoyed "My Reality". One of the better songs so far. Nice and catchy. :yes Even if it does use the exact same melody as "Fix Your Tooth" and "Do Anything". :p
And now they use it again for "Sniff Him Out". :p :p

I did enjoy the action scene of the characters sliding down the mountain to escape the earthshake. Definitely the best part of the episode. It was also nice that Spike again got to help out with the episode's resolution by eating a path through the ice down to where Chomper was. After feeling that Spike was an underdeveloped character in the films, I like some of the creative ways in which the TV series has been using him.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 06:16:36 AM by StardustSoldier »


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CONGRATULATIONS, Stardust!!!  :)littlefoot :CeraHAPPY :duckyhappy :petrieLOL :^^spike :chompysmile :RubyCurious :celebrate
With finishing watching all LBT video media. :)

So, what's your general opinion on TV series?

And I see your favorite episode is still Escape from the Mysterious Beyond?
(I couldn't find your review on this episode in its own discusson thread, but it appeared you wrote reviews on some episodes here in this thread for some reason, not in their own discussion threads)


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CONGRATULATIONS, Stardust!!!  :)littlefoot :CeraHAPPY :duckyhappy :petrieLOL :^^spike :chompysmile :RubyCurious :celebrate
With finishing watching all LBT video media. :)

Thank you very much, @Sneak. *bows*

And I see your favorite episode is still Escape from the Mysterious Beyond?
(I couldn't find your review on this episode in its own discusson thread, but it appeared you wrote reviews on some episodes here in this thread for some reason, not in their own discussion threads)

Yep, still my favourite episode. My initial review of it was posted further above in this thread. However, later on I did go back to post in that episode's discussion thread. You can see it here.

So, what's your general opinion on TV series?

My biggest complaint was all the repeated songs. By and large the songs have grown on me since I first started watching LBT back in 2019. But with the TV series, the constant repeats really did not do a good job of justifying their decision to include two songs in every episode.

That aside, however, my overall assessment of the TV series would be "surprisingly good." I'm pleased to say that I ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would. :yes In fact, I'd go so far as to say I enjoyed it about as much as the films.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 06:27:09 AM by StardustSoldier »


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Ducky: "Your smell is not so bad, no, no, no." As she and everyone else hold their noses. Real convincing! :PCera

Lol that is what I was thinking.


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Yeah, I felt like the songs could have been removed altogether. The trend of songs in the sequels didn't fit with the half hour cartoon format.  :ToppsGrumpy

Probably because of my nostalgia, but I want to say I really like this show, probably even more than the films when I first saw it as a kid. XD It gave me 30 minute stories with my favorite chars with returning ones from the movies as guests. I felt like there should have been a second season with some story arcs and other character returns. There was so much potential here.  :littlefootoh

Glad you enjoyed watching them Stardust.   :littlefoot:)


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Okay Stardust, two things I want to bring up with your ratings.

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First off, you do actually have a few of them near the end out of order.  Wikipedia is, sadly, not correct on this. (This is one of many reasons why you take a lot of stuff on there with a grain of salt.) Officially, Through the Eyes of A Spiketail was the final episode.  The TRUE order is actually here.

Second, I can see that I'm not the only one who hates The Amazing Threehorn Girl with a passion that refuses to be quenched.  THAT was probably the worst, bar none.  Let it die in the fire that is my hatred.


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Hm... well both the Wikipedia list and the LBT wiki list have the same order right now, which is the order I was using when I was going through each of the episodes. Is there a production code number or something that indicates Through the Eyes of A Spiketail to be the last episode?

As for The Amazing Threehorn Girl... yeah... nice to know I have an ally on that. :p
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 09:28:11 PM by StardustSoldier »


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First time we see Ducky’s Mom in series.
@Gentle Sharptooth  Actually she appeared briefly in Starday Celebration.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I am going to resume the marathon.   :Mo  :chomper :)petrie :spikeblush :Dducky

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith