The Gang of Five
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One Generation Earlier


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(You can read the explanation topic for this RP in the RP discussion section.)

Ichy, an young sharpbeak was flying around the Mysterious Beyond. "I'm hungry," he kept grumbling to himself.

A small sharpbeak can't really do much by himself, so lucky for him he was friends with Dein, a young t-rex.


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((Ok I said I was in for this, so best start helping you out in getting it going))

Meanwhile, within the great place very simply but rightfully called the Great Valley (they are already there right?) one little flyer hatchling, youngest of his brood flapped down to join two of his closest friends, a female flyer about his age, Violet and her only other siblings, Trip.

"Hey guys" the flyer hatchling, Tylr, said swooping down...well he more attempted a landing and rolled along the ground, due to still getting the hang of perfect flying.

Violet giggled, but not in an insulting way, "Oh Tylr, careful there" she helped her friend up. Tylr smiled shyly, embarrassed at falling.


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(Yup, they are already in the GV.)

Another young flyer, who we would know as Petrie's mother Tera, flew past the two other flyers.

"Morning Violet, Tylr," she waved.


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Tylr turned to his sister with a smile, "Oh hi Tera, I didn't know you were up".

"Hi Tera" Violet greeted the other flyer too, "well if she's like us, it's a bit hard to sleep after reaching a valley this great" she went on, glancing about the Great Valley once more.

"Yeah" Violet's brother Trip said, coming over from examining a bush, "I kinda thought the grown-ups were making it up to be honest" he smiled.


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Another young flier landed beside Tera. "So-o-o, when did you lot get up?" It was a very young Pterano.


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Elsewhere, Ichy had found Dein.

"Come on, let's hunt something!" the young sharpbeak said, filled with energy.


"Less than an hour ago bro," Tera replied to her brother.


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"Us lot?" Trip asked. The kids had all traveled together as their parents merged into the one group to come to the Great Valley, but he was still getting use to some of the words this Pterano would say, especially for a kid their age.

He had a smile though to show he was just teasing a little bit.

"Only a little bit myself" Tylr answered his brother, "I'm watching Trip collect tree stars" he indicated the other little red flyer who already had five under him.

"I'm not collecting them" Trip sighed, "I'm making a jumping pile". He demonstrated by jumping into the leaves, "we never had enough to do it with before".

Violet laughed, "Trip don't make our new friends think we're weird" she told her brother.


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Pterano stretched his wings and flew up a short distance. "I bet I could do better!" He made a dive, but missed the pile and hit the ground beak-first and tumbled over onto his back. "Oww..." He grimaced.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Tera rushed over to Pterano's side, helping him to sit upright.
"Are you alright Pterano?" she asked genuinely.


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"Yeah" Tylr added, flapping down with a worried frown, "that looked like it hurts, lots".

"See what you did Trip" Violet wasn't really scolding, but pointed out.

"Well hitting the pile is part of it" Trip said, still he did feel bad. He flapped down to check if Pterano was alright as well.


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Pterano rubbed his head. "Ow...I'm okay. Just a little dizzy."


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Dein meanwhile was a bit preoccupied, as he was having a wrestling match with his brother, Redclaw.

"You're going down bro!" Red taunted.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Tera sighed in relief after hearing Pterano was fine.
"Well...good, just be careful next time. I don't want to be the one to tell momma that you hurt yourself trying something foolish."

Meanwhile Ducky's mother stepped away from her nest and giggled as she heard the sounds of other hatchlings nearby.


Terri sighed as she watched the boys wrestling. "You two really should stop before one of you gets hurt." she said as she stepped over with a frown.

Dein growled challengingly as raised his claw and tried to push Redclaw away accidentally having his claw dig into his brother's face.


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Redclaw was knocked back, and hit the ground.

"Cheap shot," he grumbled to his sibling.


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Pterano stood up shakily. "She'll know before you even tell her!" He said. "You know how she is."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Tera smiled as Pterano spoke.
"You're right...I've always wondered how she does that anyway."


Dein laughed.
"I still win. So you know the rules."

Terri couldn't help but grin as she watched Dein claim victory.


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Pterano soon found his balance. "This is a nice place, though." He said. "It's huge. My wings started hurting just from going from the nest to here. I even saw I giant longneck stop for his third rest from trekking the Valley!"


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"Hey guys," Ichy waved to his t-rex friends as he flew up to them.

"What do you wanna do today?"


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"Yeah, we could probably e'splore all day and never find all the stuff there is to find" Tylr agreed with Pterano.

"Maybe we should start on that" Trip suggested.

"On exploring the entire Valley?" Violet asked. Trip shrugged, "Much as we could".

Violet sighed, "Don't mind Trip" she told the other three, "he'd explore the whole world if he could".

Meanwhile another young flyer, Ada, had awoken but didn't rush right out and explore, she was already wondering about this huge Valley with no Big Water at all in sight. The biggest water she'd spotted was a watering hole, and that wasn't the same as the ocean by a long shot.

She flapped out of her nest though just to see what she might find to do.


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As Pterano prepared to take off, he noticed a green female flier flying above them. She was about his age. "Say, have any of you seen her before?" He pointed up at the female. "I didn't see her in our group." He said.