The Gang of Five
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Messages - Petrie.

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 315
The Party Room / Re: The Gang's Grades for School
« on: May 31, 2010, 08:19:46 AM »
My avatar is too perfect for this thread. :p  Is that what gave you the idea?

Ducky would probably be on the principal's good side too....getting bonus points for being the helpful student in class.

The Fridge / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 26, 2011, 02:08:45 PM »
Merry Christmas everyone! :)  Hopefully everyone was of good cheer and merry during the holiday season and experienced the true meaning of Christmas.

All I'll say about what I received is I think my parents secretly came into some money because I don't know how they managed to get what they did for me and my sisters.

Silver Screen / Terra'Nova
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:22:18 PM »
Saw the finale and think it can succeed with another season, but I think this is going to create more plot problems if they really do continue.  How is it there is more than one way into the past, and as I saw it....the exact time they created Terra Nova?  So...part of me says "Good show!" and I wouldn't care if there's no more to watch because I think they're going to have a hard time explaining some things should they continue the series.

Silver Screen / Favorite Don Bluth film?
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:19:34 PM »
Blasphemy!  No Secret of NIMH in that poll? :o  That's his best because he basically had nobody to answer to...he was free to make the film as he saw fit, in the style he wanted--classic dark Disney.  He succeeded. :)  Everything else after that--including LBT--had someone else's hand in the pot.

The Fridge / Business venture.
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:15:09 PM »
Hope for continued success! :)  Good to hear business hasn't started out all that bad.  Getting going is often the hardest thing to do.

The Fridge / The Secret Santa of Reading, PA
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:31:12 PM »
What a wonderful stroke of generosity. :) :)  Too bad he's a bit camera shy.  I'm sure many would love to know who really is such a kind person when so many are down on their luck.

1988 Theatrical Release / Outcut land before time scenes
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:18:50 PM »
Hey Malte, we're being referenced ten years in the future with that link. ;)  You've basically stumbled onto the work Malte and I did about ten years ago (before this forum was around).

1988 Theatrical Release / Conversations at the Cinematheque - Will Ryan
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:15:24 PM »
Not sure how many people have come across this posting from Facebook about voice actor Will Ryan on auditioning and becoming the voice of Petrie.  Anyway, the last piece about deleted footage is most interesting as Ryan implies footage exists, contrary to what Don Bluth says.  Considering voices were done before the animation, my guess is that Bluth's comments from a while back saying the footage is gone is likely more accurate.

Seeing Land Before Time on a theater billboard in 2011 is really cool. :)

1988 Theatrical Release / Conversations at the Cinematheque - Will Ryan
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:11:56 PM »
Conversations at the Cinematheque: Will Ryan for THE LAND BEFORE TIME, 4/14/11
by Aero Theatre on Monday, November 7, 2011 at 4:43pm

Text by Ward Porrill

Photos by Elissa Braitman


On Saturday April 14th, 2011, the American Cinematheque at the Aero Theatre hosted a matinee screening of Don Bluth’s 1988 animated Jurassic classic The Land Before Time. The all-ages audience laughed and cheered as they revisited (or visited for the first time) such dino-mite characters as Lucky, Littlefoot, Daddy Topps, Cera, and the crowd favorite, Petrie.  

As an added treat, the actor who supplied the mischievous and lovable Petrie’s voice, Will Ryan, stopped by afterwards for a lively Q&A concerning his experience working for producer Steven Spielberg, who was still years away from bringing the dinosaurs from Michael Crichton’s best-selling novel Jurassic Park to the screen, albeit in a non-animated form.


Moderator Grant Moninger began by asking Ryan, who previously had supplied voices for Disney favorites Goofy and Tigger as well as Willie the Giant in Mickey’s Christmas Carol and Winnie the Pooh for the hit TV show “Family Guy, ” if his TLBT scenes were animated prior to the voice actors coming in to the studio. Ryan replied that normally the actors read the script beforehand and then take a look at the artwork of their characters so they can get a sense of what their characters might sound like. For TLBT, however, Ryan lamented that no artwork was presented to the actors ahead of time, only paragraphs of character descriptions, which made the task of creating a unique, distinctive, voice even more daunting.        


Ryan related how he auditioned for TLBT 3-4 times even though he had previously supplied the voice of Digit for Bluth’s previous feature, the 1986 hit movie An American Tail. However, Ryan had an ace up his sleeve:  Spielberg’s son Max was a huge fan of Digit so, after auditioning for Spielberg, Bluth, and fellow executive producer George Lucas, Ryan ended up getting the part of Petrie for TLBT.  


Asked if he recorded his voice with the other voice actors, many of whom were child actors, Ryan replied no, the cast did all their voice work separately, so that director Bluth could “hone in on” each character one at a time to make sure each one got the attention they deserved.


Asked if he has a favorite scene from the film, Ryan replied no, that the entire film is like a “tone poem” to him. An audience member then asked if the actors from TLBT got a percentage of the merchandising from the film. Ryan wearily replied no, but said he did get royalties when he played Grubby from the “Teddy Ruxpin” cartoon in 1987. He also made a nice income by writing songs for Disney network specials.


Another audience member asked if he had any advice for any aspiring actors, voiceover or otherwise. Ryan thoughtfully replied, “If you want voice work, be a good actor. If you want to be a good actor, be a good writer so you can write for yourself. If you want to be a writer, be a good producer.”  


Ryan was then asked if has stayed in contact with Don Bluth since TLBT. Ryan said no, but to illustrate (no pun intended) what kind of person Bluth was, Ryan related that he had done a lot of uncredited voice work for Bluth’s 1982 feature The Secret of N.I.M.H. and the writer-director promised to use him for his next project, which just so happened to be An American Tail. As we now know, the veteran animator was true to his word.


Will Ryan with moderator & Cinematheque programmer Grant MoningerAnother audience member asked if Ryan could sense a definite change in tempo with the animated extravaganzas of today. The actors responded with a resounding “yes,” and went on to compare a laconically-paced cartoon like “Popeye” with the typical fare of today’s animation which almost always employs a much more faster-cutting style. Ryan went on to explain that the easiest way to create excitement with any type of low-budget feature is to use “fast cuts in a short amount of time.”  


Asked what Bluth’s inspiration was for TLBT, Ryan said that it was largely inspired from the Stravinsky scene in Walt Disney’s Fantasia. He went on to say that at one point, Bluth even considered having no dialogue at all in the movie.   Even with the dialogue included, the film’s “more intense” action scenes were trimmed down to be more palatable for younger viewers.  


When he was finally asked if any of the trimmed footage would ever be available on a DVD, Ryan gave a rueful smile and replied,” Maybe someone from Universal will include it on an anniversary edition.”


Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Did the series get a good finale?
« on: November 23, 2011, 08:02:59 AM »
The first movie was supposed to be the finale because it actually had an ending that was intended to end. ;)

The Fridge / Business venture.
« on: November 23, 2011, 08:00:51 AM »
As long as you're aware of the statistics of success rates of new businesses, and want to take a shot at it, go for it.  Sounds like you might have a good location.  If you can try to find out why the previous restaurant that was there closed.  Maybe the location isn't as lucrative as you think it is if one restaurant already failed at that spot.  Also, perhaps that kitchen isn't in as good of shape as you thought or its not comparative to what you need for a bistro.  Just some thoughts before you jump with both feet in on this.

Computer and Electronics /
« on: November 23, 2011, 07:55:11 AM »

Not bad for wireless. :)

Computer and Electronics / Computer Trouble
« on: November 23, 2011, 07:48:53 AM »
Its an old post that seems to have been ignored, but I'll bite.

Have you tried all sorts of "burning" programs to see that its not just one particular software that is having this issue?  What happens if you put in like an audio cd?  Does the drive spin up and load a program to play the music?  Does it work then?

Computer and Electronics / A Happy Meal Box on eBay?
« on: November 23, 2011, 07:46:48 AM »
I think his asking price is a bit high given its Dink the Dinosaur, but yeah, that can be considered collectible to the right person.  I wouldn't be so quick to shun what people may collect...if someone entered your house, maybe they'd find something similar to say about what's there.  Same goes for any of us.  We don't need to be judgmental. ;)

The Fridge / The Gang of Five in General
« on: November 04, 2011, 07:07:26 AM »
Everyone seems to have helped you out appropriately.  The only reason I have 11,000 posts is because I've been around forever. :p  This board has been at this location for seven years now...that's a lot of time for a lot of posts.

Computer and Electronics / Webmail VS Email Clients
« on: October 29, 2011, 01:08:23 PM »
Webmail all the way.  I was having issues with clients, so just figured I'd dump it altogether.  To having multiple accounts...oh well so I got to log out and log back in....took me what five seconds?  Not hard to get used to. :)

The Fridge / For Sale:
« on: October 29, 2011, 09:14:41 AM »
Curious....why sell?

The Fridge / Flyer boy Jared's life
« on: October 29, 2011, 09:13:47 AM »
Did the house ever sell in Michigan?  Based on what your last post says, my suspicion is no it hasn't.  Depending on where you are living, maybe the condo is too much money per month....maybe a different place would ease the worry a bit?

General Land Before Time / The Land Before Time Live Marathon
« on: October 29, 2011, 09:07:21 AM »
Not to be the wet blanket here, but why during the day when a lot of members here are either

A. at work
B. at school

Why not an evening showing when you're actually likely to get the viewers you speak of?  I would think with a couple of days left, maybe reconsider the showtimes.

General Land Before Time / Original Land Before Time score in sequels
« on: October 29, 2011, 09:02:14 AM »
To be fair, Horner and Tavera's music for the LBT franchise sound very different, because each composer is different.  Trying to continually blend two composer's sound into one film doesn't always work great, so using only Tavera's contributions near the end was the smarter move than continually referencing the work of the original film.  The earlier sequels of course, didn't have much extra score to go on so can't really fault them in the early stages.

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