The Land Before Time > Land Before Time TV Series (2007)

Why does the first episode have better animation than the rest of the series.

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Has anyone else noticed that the first episode of the series has animation that is on par with the films but the rest of the series has pretty garbage animation? Why is that?

Your not the only one who noticed this.  I don’t really have a good answer for this, but if I had an answer, it’s probably to say it has to do with budget. 

Around between 2005 and 2007, they were working at 2 things at the same time, so they probably wanted to save money to make most of the money go towards the 13th movie, but less of the money decreases as Universal creates a new episode.

Then as they decrease the budget for the TV series, and increase the budget for the 13th movie, I believe that’s how the garbage animation came along after the first episode.

It’s not really that clear, but I hope the theory I thought of helped solve your question.


--- Quote from: chomper94 on August 08, 2021, 07:32:07 AM ---Your not the only one who noticed this.  I don’t really have a good answer for this, but if I had an answer, it’s probably to say it has to do with budget. 

Around between 2005 and 2007, they were working at 2 things at the same time, so they probably wanted to save money to make most of the money go towards the 13th movie, but less of the money decreases as Universal creates a new episode.

Then as they decrease the budget for the TV series, and increase the budget for the 13th movie, I believe that’s how the garbage animation came along after the first episode.

It’s not really that clear, but I hope the theory I thought of helped solve your question.

--- End quote ---
Interesting theory. I was thinking the same thing.

Glad to see I'm not only who noticed that!

I'm not sure how production worked, though.

I actually just thought of another theory. 

There was actually two different animation companies that worked on the TV series.  One was Wang Film Productions, and the other was Toon City Animation Inc. 

I’m pretty sure when they changed the animation company of the TV series to Toon City Animation Inc. instead of Wang Film Productions, that’s when the animated started to look like garbage.

Once again, not much of a clear answer, but I hoped my other theory helped again.


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