Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame

Fanfiction Results 2021


Good evening, everyone!

I have completed my tabulation of the 2021 fanfiction award voting.  :)littlefoot  Though, admittedly, it was an easy count with so few entries. :p

Treestar Memories - 1 vote - 8.5 average (disqualified due to not voting in fanfiction awards)

Our Past and Our Future - 1 vote - 8.5 average

The Other Side of the Rainbow - 2 votes - 8.5 average

We will be following the same protocol that we have used for the last several years. This means that if you would like a banner for your fanfiction then please let me know by PM. You can only pick one of your stories to receive a banner this year, so if you had multiple entries then you will need to specify which story I should prepare a banner. Each banner will include your story name, the overall average rating it received, and the number of votes. The draft banners that we will be using this year are attached to this topic.

I also would like to thank each and everyone one of you for your participation in the awards, and your commitment to the fandom.  :)littlefoot  Admittedly, there was not much fanfiction activity this year.  It is my sincere hope that next year we can have more entries so that we can restore the LBT fanfiction community to its previous levels of activity.  :yes


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