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Getting to know you - LBT Style

Petrie. · 182 · 73332


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Actually I don't see how Tippy and his mom were "selfish" in the movie. I'm pretty certain that Spike chose, on his own, to leave the valley. And wasn't it Ducky who drove Spike away? I think it's a bit unfair to blame it all on Tippy and Tippy's mom when Ducky didn't exactly make the situation any better. If I were to blame anyone for Spike leaving, it would be Ducky, not Tippy and Tippy's mom. But that's just me.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Ducky. Chipper, friendly, and a good friend to everyone, Ducky is the epitome of nostalgic childhood, and her optimism and innocence survive even through all the trauma and danger she faces every movie. There's a reason she's the second most popular main character, after Chomper.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Petrie. Sorry, but he's a failed attempt at comic relief, has received two movies and several TV episodes starring him (including, ironically, my favorite movie), and his voice is grating. The nail in the coffin was his religious idolatry of the sun in "The Great Circle Celebration." My opinion on said episode is covered in the relevant thread.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond". My favorite word to describe this song is soaring. It covers a wide spectrum of pitches, it's drawn out, and it's very subject matter is one of how far the world really goes. "Bestest Friends" is an extremely close second, with true emotion and sincerity from all singers. I remember feeling more catharsis upon hearing this song than I did when Littlefoot's mom died. The only reason "Beyond" wins is because after rewatching the seventh movie for the first time in seven years, I felt the lyrics come flooding back. All of them.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - "Oops Eeps". I have never heard this phrase in my life. Presumably it's more common somewhere else in the world, but not from anywhere I've ever been. The song is also uninspired and inferior even for a Land Before Time song. The lead-in song from a movie should not be the worst.

4a.) Most liked Land Before Time episode - "March of the Sand Creepers". the premise was interesting, and the guest character proves himself to be the third bilingual in LBT history, but who am I kidding? I like this episode because Ducky finally gets a starring role where she acts completely in character, and an entire species is saved. The best part was, I didn't think it was going to be good going in. It's awesome when that happens. : )

4b.) Least liked Land Before Time episode - "The Great Circle Celebration". To sum it up, Petrie becomes a disciple of the sun, the others go along with it, Cera calls him on it, and God summons a fiery meteorstorm to set her in line. In the end she admits she was wrong to judge, and Petrie accepts her apology. The athiest is not amused.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - "The Stone of Cold Fire". Manipulation, family ties, science, magic, this sequel had all of them. The villain has remained one of the favorites of the franchise, and despite the amount of screentime Petrie receives, Ducky still gets a solo adventure for herself. Not to mention, it was the one time I could relate to Petrie and found him tolerable; he was just a young kid forced by a conniving uncle to do his bidding. It sounds like the plot of a Shakespeare play.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - "The Wisdom of Friends". The Yellow-Bellies made me want to claw my eyes out with a Snuggling Stick, and the whole premise grew trying once it became obvious the guest stars weren't going anywhere soon. The premise was much too weak to sustain an entire movie (most of the TV episodes had more advanced plots), and the morale appeared to be "the Yellow-bellies have their own kind of wisdom!"

Quote from: Pet Shop Boys on  "I'm With Stupid"
Is stupid really stupid, or a different kind of smart?

No. No, it isn't.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Again, gotta go with Petrie's singing voice in It Takes All Sorts (In Dutch). Listen to Petrie sing and not crack a smile.


  • General of the Great Valley
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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Littlefoot. He is the hero, what can I say?

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Yellowbellies.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Peaceful Valley (End Credits). The ethereal choir adds this mysterious but calm feel. The chimes are a nice touch too and the vocals are pure awesome. Beyond the Mysterious Beyond. I love the singing voices of the Rainbowface and the choral singing is done . And as someone with an interest in science, the vocals really struck a point with me.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Imaginary Friends. Petrie is not that great of a singer in this and the lyrics are not that great either and the animation is...drug inspired to say the least.  Who Needs You is another track I cannot stand. Dil and Icthy have utterly horrendous singing voices.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - LBT 7. Darker plot and a pretty good story to boot.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - Out of the ones I saw, The Secret of Saurus Rock was my least favorites. Western ballads do not work in LBT and Cera's little sisters were utterly irritating to me.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - The fact that the Rainbowfaces turned out to be aliens. That was memorable for the sheer weird factor.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Do you by any chance watch the nostalgic-critic videos Animeboye? Some of your passages read so like what he would probably say that I had almost the impression that I heard his voice reading it out to me underlined with his typical gestures ;)


  • Chomper
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1)Most liked Land Before Time character -Ruby. You know,it's interesting story,when i saw her first time i dislike her only cause i don't know her...But then i saw all series i started to like her,maybe of her beauty,manner of speaking or cause she's new character-i can't explain it.Anyway,i like her

2)Least liked Land Before Time character - Petrie.I don't want to explain it

3)Most liked Land Before Time song - Yellow Belly Dance.Seriously,i don't like sad songs(that's not mean that i never listen it).Positive!

4)Least liked Land Before Time song - When you big

5)Most liked Land Before Time film- 13.Only because of the quality

6)Least liked Land Before Time film - 8.When i wached it,I was very bored.I don't why but it so

7)Most memorable Land Before Time moment - the end of original.This so touched the heart...


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For now, I'm missing 2, 3, and 5 from my list. Until then, I'm going to do my second go.

1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Pterano. Reasons given maaany times. And he's like my 'holy grail' of Michael York characters. Guido is in second. And Petrie in third (except that he was COMPLETELY ooc in the TV series, in having an imaginary friend, and being afraid of flying though clouds. He seemed brave enough to yank a sharptooth's eye in the first movie and peck another in the eye in 11)

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Red Claw. Does this guy have a MOTIVE for being the Bully of the Mysterious Beyond. WHAT THE HECK DOES HE WANT!?

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - No One Has to Be Alone, If We Hold On Together, Peaceful Valley, Grandma's Lullaby, Flip Flap and Fly and Bestest Friends I sing those to myself sometimes. AND when I was watching the movies with my boyfriend (but not Peaceful Valley, since we didn't have 2 at that time).

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Every 13 song, Imaginary Friends (Petrie's personality wall shattered right as he said that he talks to his imaginary friend all the time)

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - 7!!! Been so for a good ten years!

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - 13. Seriously. Grandma sounds like she's making a commercial when she's talking about the wisdoms. And since WHEN are they going to listen to "Stay inside the Great Valley". REALLY, lady?! REALLY!? You KNOW your grandson is going to run off and go "adventuring" in a minimum of three days! Almost every rule in that movie is broken. I did like Littlefoot's second weird dream. It seriously looked more like they JUMPED off the log than fell off XD ! And when all the Yellow Bellies stack on top of each other. Something about that was just...pain relieving even though it was painful

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Littlefoot hatching and his mother's death (both scenes had me in tears the second to last time I watched it),
Dil: But Icky, you know the routine. Dinner first, THEN desert
Icky: What are you, my mother?!,
Petrie hugging Pterano at the end of 7, like what Rat Lady said.
"Bestest friends" and "No One Has to Be Alone" sequences.

Now two see those last three. Then I will have made up my mind and go on to the top 10's.


  • Ducky
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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Whilst I like most of the LBT characters, I've always liked Littlefoot for some reason.  
But I like Chomper also.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Ali is such an annoying character.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - If we hold on together, Always there and No one has to be alone.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - I suppose since I dislike Ali this may seem rather biased ;)  but It takes all sorts.  

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film -
The original.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - 4, 6, 7, 10 (I haven't seen the others).

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -
Littlefoot's hatching.
The epic fight scene between Littlefoot's mother and sharptooth.
The death of Littlefoot's mother.
The gang finding the great valley.


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Quote from: Malte279,Feb 25 2010 on  04:39 AM
Do you by any chance watch the nostalgic-critic videos Animeboye? Some of your passages read so like what he would probably say that I had almost the impression that I heard his voice reading it out to me underlined with his typical gestures ;)
Actually, yes, I love the Nostalgia Critic's videos. I hope someday he does a review of one of the LBT movies. It'd be hilarious to hear his thoughts on one of the movies.

Cancerian Tiger

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I did like Littlefoot's second weird dream. It seriously looked more like they JUMPED off the log than fell off XD ! And when all the Rainbow faces stack on top of each other. Something about that was just...pain relieving even though it was painful

Hehe, are ya by any chance familiar with the book "The Bunny Suicides" :lol?  This just gave me an idea for a book about Yellowbellies that would be epic alright: The Yellowbelly Suicides :spit  :spit.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Quote from: Animeboye,Feb 25 2010 on  08:40 PM
I hope someday he does a review of one of the LBT movies. It'd be hilarious to hear his thoughts on one of the movies.
It might be funny and yet at the same time it might not be funny.


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Actually, yes, I love the Nostalgia Critic's videos. I hope someday he does a review of one of the LBT movies. It'd be hilarious to hear his thoughts on one of the movies.
I am always uncertain on whether or not I would want him to do one on the land before time movies as he is bound to rip the sequels apart. I can imagine some of the stuff he would probably say ;)
He mentioned the land before time twice already in other videos.
While I generally like his videos I think that of lately he has been focusing too much on movies which he tore apart entirely. It would be nice if there were some reviews on better movies again or if again there was something along the lines of the top 11 lists or comparisons of different movie adaptations of the same story (as in case of the lord of the rings). In the long run it becomes a little repetitive if he is focusing on really bad movies only.


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Keep in mind that this is a gig the Nostalgia Critic does; he does not always hate every movie/show that he reviews. He reveals this is in his commentary of "Sonic the Hedgehog". So don't take everything that he says to heart. He's only doing it for entertainment purposes through exaggeration.


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Of course. I do like the nostalgic critics videos. I only meant to point out that for quite a while he has been focusing on really poor movies and personally I would find it refreshing to see a review of a less terrible movie again for a change. He has been giving credit where credit is due in movie reviews but it has been a while since he has been reviewing any movie worth of much credit. His positive reviews on movies go to show that a movie doesn't need to be poor to get a funny review. Of lately his videos have become just a little too homogeneous in tearing movies apart (however deserved the tearing apart may have been).
I'm hoping for some reviews of not too bad movies again or for something like the top 11 lists or comparisons of various adaptations (which as in case of the sonic the hedgehog movie may include both bad and not so bad adaptations).


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Most Liked Land Before Time Character(s): I could go into an extremely long and convoluted discussion of the multifaceted reasons for why I would consider certain characters my favorites (and why I might be ever-so-slightly fonder of some than others), but for the purposes of this thread, I’ll just say that all the members of the gang of seven are probably eligible. In addition to that, my favorite guest character is probably Mr. Thicknose (though Guido is up there as well), and my favorite antagonist is Sharptooth.

Least Liked Land Before Time Character(s): Saro, Rhett, Doofah.

Most Liked Land Before Time Song(s): “If We Hold On Together”, “Always There”, “Family”, “No One Has To Be Alone”, “Bestest Friend”, and “Things Change”.

Least Liked Land Before Time Song(s): “You’re One Of Us Now”, “Say So”, “Oops-Eeps”, “Everything Will Be Okay”, “Made A Mistake”, “Must Believe”, “My Way”, “The Amazing Threehorn Girl”, “Is It True She Lied?”, and all versions of “Feel So Happy”.

Most Liked Land Before Time Film(s): Of all time: definitely the first. Favorite sequel(s): perhaps II, III, and V. Favorite TV episodes: probably “The Spooky Nighttime Adventure” and “Through The Eyes of a Spiketail”.

Least Liked Land Before Time Film(s): Least favorite LBT installment of all time: “The Legend of the Story Speakers”. Least favorite movie: LBT XIII: The Wisdom of Friends.

Most Memorable Land Before Time Moment(s): As far as I’m concerned, the entire original movie. If I must narrow it down, everything from the opening credits to Littlefoot’s birth scene, Sharptooth’s first appearance to the earthshake sequence, and the final confrontation with Sharptooth to the end credits.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Quote from: Malte279,Feb 26 2010 on  03:35 AM
Actually, yes, I love the Nostalgia Critic's videos. I hope someday he does a review of one of the LBT movies. It'd be hilarious to hear his thoughts on one of the movies.
I am always uncertain on whether or not I would want him to do one on the land before time movies as he is bound to rip the sequels apart. I can imagine some of the stuff he would probably say ;)
He mentioned the land before time twice already in other videos.
While I generally like his videos I think that of lately he has been focusing too much on movies which he tore apart entirely. It would be nice if there were some reviews on better movies again or if again there was something along the lines of the top 11 lists or comparisons of different movie adaptations of the same story (as in case of the lord of the rings). In the long run it becomes a little repetitive if he is focusing on really bad movies only.
Malte, how do you know he hates the sequels? I mean sure he probably hates some of them(I don't exactly like all of them myself) but that's not to say he hates them as a whole. For all we know, he might actually like most of them.

And even if he does do a review for one of the LBT movies and trashes it, will it realy effect how we feel about the movie? I'd watch the review regardless and maybe even get a good chuckle out of it.

Also, watched his review for The Good Son. It didn't look as bad as he made it sound. Looked sort of stupid and along the lines of being The Omen for kids but it then again, I love stupid horror movies.


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Of course I do not know what he would say and what he would say would not change my own feelings about LBT, but I think I could make some good guesses on what he might say about certain aspects of the LBT sequels movies.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Animeboye,Feb 25 2010 on  08:40 PM
Quote from: Malte279,Feb 25 2010 on  04:39 AM
Do you by any chance watch the nostalgic-critic videos Animeboye? Some of your passages read so like what he would probably say that I had almost the impression that I heard his voice reading it out to me underlined with his typical gestures ;)
Actually, yes, I love the Nostalgia Critic's videos. I hope someday he does a review of one of the LBT movies. It'd be hilarious to hear his thoughts on one of the movies.
I love the Nostalgia Critic! His recent review of the top 11 Villain songs has gotten me re-hooked on the Lion King's Be Prepared and Hunchback of Notre Dame's Hellfire.

It was actually this site, the thread on Titanic:The Animated Musical , that introduced me to the Nostalgia Critic, and now I watch his reviews every Wednesday. :D

And as for him reviewing a LBT movie, I'm content just with his Land Before Time reference in his review of We're Back! A Dinosaur Story.

Quote from: The Nostalgia Critic on  
This is like the Land Before Time on crystal meth!


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character -
The Yellowbellies

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song -
Peaceful Valley

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song -
Can't pick any specific worst since there are just so many I don't like.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film -
The original Land Before Time, definitely.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film -
The Land Before Time 13

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -
Well if I have to pick one, the scene where ducky finds spike has stayed in my mind..


  • Ruby
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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character
Ducky, hands down. Juvenile innocence and cuteness
is perfected in this child of nature. Having her
just sitting there doing nothing and looking cute
is enough to put a smile on anyone¥s face.
Gotta love her carefree optimism and curious nature.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character
All those lame cartoonish Sharpteeth, who can¥t do
nothing but open their jaws and growl. Too bad
that majority of the theropods of the sequels
fall into this category.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song
If We Hold on Together is an obvious winner
in my books, as it was such an important part
of the score of the original movie. But if I
have to pick the second best, the one
performed by Ichy and Dill in the 4th movie
was absolutely hilarious!

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song
Maybe one from that horrendous yellowbelly

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film
Obviously the first one, but the 7th
film stands out immediately thereafter,
because of Pterano. He¥s such a fascinating
multi-layered psychological figure, who
definitely should have been made a recurring
character. Additionally, this movie seems to
have slightly smoother animation quality than
its predecessors (not including the superior
first movie, of course).

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film
The 13th movie was abysmally hideous. These
irritating yellowbellied weirdos do not
belong in LBT universe.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment
The scene that epitomized LBT for me has to be the
part from the original movie where Cera discovers
the unconscious Sharptooth from the bottom of the
gorge. To this day that part champions as one of
the scariest things I have ever seen!

The Friendly Sharptooth

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1.) Most Liked Land Before Time Character:

My favorite character is Ali. There is a lot I like about her. For one thing, she learns concepts very quickly. Just a little exposure can grant her great knowledge to a subject. For example, before her Great Valley in “The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists” she was unaware of interspecies socializing. After spending just a very short time with other kinds, she came to understand a great deal, shown through the song “It Takes All Sorts.” She sang parts that really had a good message to say about accepting other kinds.

It take all sorts
to make a world!
Short and tall sorts,
large and small sorts,
to fill this pretty planet with love and laughter;
to make it great to live in
tomorrow, and the day after.

True, the others sang about good ideals too, but I was most impressed with Ali doing so because she had only learned about accepting others earlier that very day. She catches on really fast, in short. Being rather slow myself, I all the more admire those who can adapt their way of thinking expediently.

I am also very fond of how she doesn’t let others treating her poorly effect how she treats them back. Cera was constantly on her during that movie, and Ali not once said anything mean back, nor did anything in retaliation. Even after all Cera said to/about her, that did not effect Ali’s decision to risk her own life to save hers. It is possible that Cera wouldn’t be around if Ali hadn’t jumped on Dil’s back to save her. I don’t think Cera believed she could have escaped on her own either, because she gave a very heart-felt thank you to Ali.

Ali seems to me like a dinosaur pleaser. She prefers to do what others want of her, and not so much what she would like to do. When Ret asked her to play a game that she was tired of, she put up very little resistance. She didn’t say no, just a slight inquiry about other options, and when Ret made it clear that his mind was made, she didn’t say another word in objection. You could say she was kind of a pushover. She doesn’t speak her mind when she doesn’t like something another does, just goes along with it. My guess is that she just likes to keep those around her happy, even if it costs her her own happiness. I’ve been that way a lot, so I can really relate to how she feels about it. You just kind of like to keep the peace in the air blowing, not beat against it with your own objections.

Ali is also very protective of her friends. I don’t think she was exactly on Ret’s side with his stories; I think she’s more defensive of those she cares about in general. Littlefoot accused Ret of lying, so she went into action to stand up for Ret. I think that if Littlefoot was telling stories and Ret called him on it, she would have gotten the same way to Ret.

I wouldn’t say exactly that she was gullible. She was a close of Ret and I think that just let her guard down. When you really care about someone, you are more susceptible to felling victim of his or her faults. Here’s an example: Let’s say you have a good job and make a lot of money. You are usually very weary of loan requests to you. You have met people here and there and they have asked to borrow but you always say no. Then a friend comes along who you have known for over a year. He asks you for money, and because you are close to him there is this trust, this lowering of your guard, so you lend him the money. I’d bet if some random kid came along and said the things ret did, she probably would have laughed. I think she just wasn’t expecting someone she had let herself get close to to try deceiving her, so she did not question his words in her mind. Some things are just easier for me to swallow when hearing them from someone close, so I can relate and don’t look down on her for how she acted in “The Brave Longneck Scheme,” especially considering her age. She was just a little kid. A lot of kids believe things that older people would never, though there are always kids around who won’t believe some stories despite their age.

I really like how forgiving she is. This is highlighted in both of her appearances. She forgave Cera for all the mean things she had said, and Ret for lying to her. She just won’t hold on to grudges, and I really look up to that. For these reasons and more, Ali has become my favorite character.

2.) Least Liked Land Before Time Character:

It’s a hard decision for me, but I’d have to say Ozzie from “The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure.” I see him treat Strut in ways similar to how Ichy treats Dil, but I dislike Ozzie more because he is treating poorly a family, his own brother. While it is wrong to treat anyone poorly, doing so to one’s family just strikes me as even more wrong. They grew up together. They ate together. They went places together. There were born from the same parents (most likely anyway). The way he treated his sibling really got to me. Smacking him, controlling his diet, ordering him around, having him do the work (holding the egg the whole time), calling him names just from him wanting to eat another type of food, and so on. Being mean is one thing, but being mean to your blood just seems darker in my book. Cera is mean fairly often, but I have yet to see her mistreat her sister. Ozzie just seems to undermine the value of family and the ties it should bring.

3.) Most Liked Land Before Time Song:

My preference in a favorite Land Before Time song has differed over time, and presently, it is “Bestest Friends.” It’s too difficult to explain why.

4.) Least Liked Land Before Time Song:

Very easy choice: “Girls & Dads.” Here are the lyrics: I believe that song went a bit overboard with its comments of fathers. These are movies that should be completely appropriate for children in every way, yet I feel that a lot of comments in this song may give children a poor message. Here are some reviews of that song from

After watching this movie, my 4 year started singing dads are dumb, dads are dumb- because that's all she could remember of the song. Sometimes pre-schoolers don't "get" the entire message of a song or movie. You may have to have a long discussion over the meaning of this movie, so be prepared!

It is no wonder that parents in our society are struggling to gain respect and be able to control their children. We worry that movies and games they play are appropriate and make claims that there are terrible things being watched out there. But right here in front of us is a movie we should feel safe watching and all it is showing our children is that it is okay to disrespect their father. Besides, according to the movie, Dad's just don't get it anyways.

The reviewers "B&B Brothers Motorplant" say "all [that this movie] is showing our children is that it is okay to disrespect their father. Besides, according to the movie, Dad's just don't get it anyways."

"Dad's [incorrect use of possessive] just don't get it anyways [incorrect use of plural]."

In my opinion, this song is the exact opposite of “Me and my Dad” from “The Land Before Time X.” That one sings about how great it is to have a dad. This one sings about complaints of them. It’s like the song writers contradicted themselves. One movie they go on and on about the greatness of fathers, then the very next movie they express problems with them. There is no contest. I dislike no Land Before Time song more than this.

5.) Most Liked Land Before Time Film:

Despite Ali being my favorite character, I can’t say movie four is my favorite. I have to go with “The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island.” I could talk about it all day (not literally) so I’ll just limit my response to a few points of interest.

It was nice to see how Chomper was turning out. It’s amazing how just that short time with leaf-eaters changed his growth so much. I imagine had his egg not been lost, he would have been just like the orange Sharptooth from “The Lonely Journey,” growling and biting.

It’s intriguing how he developed talking as he mentioned upon the gang’s arrival, “It’s nice to have someone to talk to that doesn’t roar back.” This adds mystery to the movie, and unanswered questions are fun, as they let the viewers imagination go to work. Just like Ducky saying how it’s bad to wake a sleep walker in movie twelve, there is never an explanation about it.

This was the first time the gang ventured from their families and ended up without a way home. It adds that suspense, as viewers are going, “Okay, the only path home is gone. How are they going to get back now?”  I feel the timing of Dulcy’s arrival was a bit too convenient, but with limited time, I guess the writers could fit the gang staying much longer. I always thought it would be neat if Dulcy had taken a while and the gang was stuck for the night. I could see them riding on Chomper’s parents’ heads as they were shown around and- ah, sorry. This is about my likes, not what I wish had happened.

It was very touching how Littlefoot drew close Chomper. It was amazing how a leaf-eater and meat-eater were able to do so, though it’s easier to grasp considering they are so young. Children are more apt to make unusual friends. You won’t often see a grown person run into the house grasping a bug saying  a new friend was found. Children just befriend more freely, but still. Littlefoot was pressed by his other friends to be cautious, but he cared about Chomper enough that he defended him strongly without question (perhaps like Ali did when Littlefoot questioned Ret?). Even with little food on the island, Chomper hid his friends, and Littlefoot dived into the Big Water to save Chomper’s life. The bond was beautiful.

Truly a pleasure it was to see grown Sharpteeth being kind to leaf-eaters. I’ve often wondered if that news was what led the leaf-eater grown-ups to accept Chomper. I never thought I’d see a grown Sharptooth smile. Priceless. I don’t think his parents remembered Littlefoot from movie two. If they had, I don’t think his mother would have referred to Littlefoot as food, nor his father make a comment about eating them at all. When his mother say Littlefoot, she didn’t seem surprised at all, no form of recognition, which surprised me. If I lost my child and found him with another kid, I think I’d remember what the other kid looked like.

I was bit intrigued by the revealing of Cera’s motion sickness. Just watching movie five didn’t make me surprised, it was the episode “The Great Log Running Game.” After Cera felt so horrible riding on a log in movie five, I was a bit taken back by her eagerness to do so in that episode. In fact, running on a log seems even more stomach-upsetting then just laying down like she did in movie five, so I guess she just got over it. Some people get motion sickness then grow out of it with time.

And those would be a few of my points of interest from “The land Before V: The Mysterious Island.”

6.) Least Liked Land Before Time Film:

That would be “The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses.” Yes, that movie contains my least favorite Land Before Time song, but my choosing of the movie as a whole as my least favorite one is completely unrelated. If “Girls & and Dads” was in movie twelve for instance, movie eleven would still be at the bottom of my list.

My main dislike of the movie is how they tore down Littlefoot’s reputation that they had so long built up. Littlefoot had always been a character of virtue. In movie one, he led the whole gang to the valley by following his heart. In two, he stayed by Chomper (not physically) the whole time, even when the others were starting to back down. In three, he was the one who encouraged the others to go help the bullies, even after how mean they had been. In four, he decided to travel to a dangerous, far-off land to save his grandfather. In five, like in two, he remained faithful to Chomper till the end. In six, he was the one determined to “fix” the bad luck the gang had “caused.” In seven, he was able to sense that Pterano was up to no good, getting a compliment from his grandfather about his instincts, and later, his perception alone was praised by the Rainbow Faces. In eight, when the others were singing about how Spike didn’t fit in, he brough up points about how Spike did. In nine, he was the one who decided to go help Mo home. In ten, he was very kind to Shorty and accepted him as a brother, even after the way Shorty had treated him. In eleven- bam! His reputation was shot.

He tries to steal a tree sweet in secret before he was allowed, that alone looking bad on him. Then he falls and ruins the tree, and the Tinysauruses run up and eat all the tree sweets that had fallen to the ground. He was seen leaving the area, so he was put on the spot and had to speak publicly about what he knew. True, he did not eat the sweets, and he made that clear, but many of the details he provided were false. Littlefoot has been made into a lyer, but it doesn’t stop there. He then discovers where the Tinysauruses are living and lies to one of them as well. I could see someone else doing something like that, but after the way Littlefoot has been portrayed all through the years of films, I was in shock.

To me at least, Cera was more aggressive than usual, making things a bit awkward with her violence. She shoved Ducky against a tree and knocked Petrie down numerous times. The way she would take her aggressions out on her friends was not appreciated.

Some other things I didn’t like, but those are it mainly.

7.) Most Memorable Land Before Time Moment:

This one is no toughie. I’d have to say the scene that has the most touching impact on me would have to be the one where Littlefoot is born; it really warms the heart. It can truly captivate you to watch it all unfold. His egg crackles slowly, soon revealing an upside-down baby Longneck. He sits himself up, smiling warmly at his first sight of the world around him. He gazes around, taking in the images of the scenery and its inhabitants. With his first sighting of his cheerful mother, he is at first surprised, so much that he loses his balance and falls over. His mother washes him, which at first he tries to escape from, then remains in place, embracing the warm tongue he has quickly come to enjoy the sensation of. With appreciation, he gingerly tries returning a lick. He then clutches tightly to his mother’s face, letting her lift him gently into the air. He then becomes aware of new faces, and skitters away nervously, losing his balance and falling in the process, coming to rest by his mother. She encourages him to be not afraid, and with that, he pokes his little head out to gaze yet again at the new faces around him. He quickly grows tired, and lies down to rest; coming into the world and meeting his mother was quite an ordeal for him. The other creatures approach him and he again becomes uneasy and runs for the first time, only to again lose his footing. His mother gently clutches her sweet boy with her lips and lifts him into the air, setting him down to rest against her soft, warm body, where he soon drifts off to sleep. No other Land Before Time moment clings to my heart as much as this one does, though when his mother dies, it tears at my heart with the same strength.

And that sums up my answers to the questions here.