The Gang of Five
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The FIRST episode you saw

Sky · 47 · 21436


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I believe it was "Canyon of the Shiny Stones" or something like it. I was kind of put-off by the random CG they used, as it was gaudy. However, over the next few episodes they seemed to catch on that it didn't look good and now use it less (at least for the characters) so I'm happy XD I just thought it was cute and have been watching ever since.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Since I don't normally watch TV, the only one I've seen is "The Hidden Canyon," which was an extra on the LBT13 DVD. It was pretty good, and I wish I could see more, but unless there's any available online I have no way of watching them.

Also, on Wikipedia it said that Ruby has an odd way of talking, but in this episode her grammar and syntax were perfectly normal. Is it different in most other episodes (cause even Yoda sounded right sometimes  :) )


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Yes, it is different "Hello my friends; my friends hello!" Is an example.


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Likely no quality control person looking over the scripts saying what needs to be rewritten.  We may be seeing the first draft of all of the scripts.


  • Spike
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The first epsoid i saw was "the cave of many voices" epsoid one and i thought it was great it was a good epsoid bringing back Chomper to the valley and also that a new character was added its Ruby. i wondered who was Ruby now i know she is a new character only in the series for now.


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I do like Ruby, but find it odd that with the shorter format someone said, hey, let's add another group member.  Though maybe that was done so more toys could be sold.  
Chomper did seem to get frustrated in that episode.    

One good thing about the tv series is you can have some episodes that focus on this or that character so you get to know them a little better.


  • Spike
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that right thats good for it to switch up on characters so it wont be just about one main character all the time and i do like Ruby but she is still not my top favorite character epsoid one is the first epsoid i seen on tv one day and thats what i can remenber.


  • Chomper
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Lone dinosaur. I thought Cera was a witch for accusing Chomper of trying to eat her nephew and niece when he was only trying to help. He was too litte to eat them.His teeth were too small and are not sharp enough. His breath wouldn't have smell like dead animals if he had eaten them.She just assume he was mean and clever enought to play a trick like that. I know she was letting off steam but still. To accuse an innocent baby like that, even a sharpteeth, is not cool. :cry


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First episode I saw was also the Hidden Canyon :)


  • Spike
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My was The Great Long Neck Test Since Bron and Shorty are in it  :p


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Hermit of Black Rock in Czech dub, and it was the only full episode of series, that I watched in Czech dub. Good old Czech dub from movies was replaced by much weaker one. That's when I started to watch the series in english.


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The Cave of Many Voices (in English) for me. Since I wanted to make it through the whole TV series and it was the first episode, or at least according to the wiki list.


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Big Longneck Test - first episode I accidentally saw on TV one day. That's how I found out there's translated LBT TV series.


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Well, I don't remember the first episode I saw, but I remember being 6 and watching Cartoon Network and seeing a "Coming up next" screen for the LBT show. I was totally floored that there was a Land Before Time show and I really wanted to see it, so when my friend came over and asked to play with me I totally blew them off because I was so excited for it to come on.  :lol But my mom made me turn off the TV  :p