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The Adventures of Spyro: Rise of the Luriks

Nick22 · 52 · 23109


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Spyro raced over the top of the hill that ran past Moneybags shop. it was an ordinary day in dragon world. Spyro was a purple dragon, who had been on many adventures, and had saved the world from  Gnasty Gnorc and Red the evil dragon. all that was in the past, and Spyro was looking forward to a relaxing day- free of any worries or cares.
 Cynder flew through the air, the wind in her face, crisp, and refreshing. ' another peaceful day in Dragonlands' she said to herself.. ' i wonder what that old cheapskate Moneybags is up to.,.' Cynder turned and noticed Moneybags shop in the distance.
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Spyro ground to a halt in front of Moneybags's shop now, and strutted inside. "Hey! Moneybags! You in here?" he called.

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coming coming ' money bags said as the oddly dressed bear poked his head out from behind a curtain ' He then noticed Spyro. ' well, well, if it isnt one of my dragon friends. what can i do for you today, and, more importantly, do you have enough gems to afford it?
 _ cynder by this point, was closing in on the shop. she had bought things from Moneybags in the past, unfprtunately, he usually overcharged for items. a magic powder that could increase your flight time, for inmstance, that normally went for 100 gems, cost 200 from him.
 ember, meanwhile was playing with  her boyfriend Bandit in the meadow, or more accurately, playing tag with him. Ember was a bubbly sort, and also a shameless flirt. she had hit on Spyro for a long time, before finding Bandit, and now her interests were with the Armadillo. ' not so fast Ember ' Bandit said in a tired voice. Remember I have short legs."
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"Yeah right!" Spyro said, waving his hand dismissively. "I never shop here! I can get better deals elsewhere. I'm just looking around... in case you have something others don't." he informed the bear, moving his head from left to right as he walked down the shop's aisles.

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Cynder entered the store and the bell rang,indicating a customer. ' Money bags appeared arund an Aisle corner " ah! Cynder. my dear! What brings you to my humble shop? ' I'm just browsing " cynder replied. " Just like spyro then. Very well i'll leave you to your browsing.' Moneybags grumbled.
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Spyro perked up upon hearing the voice. "Oh, hey Cynder!" he said, moving around the corner to greet her now.

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Cynders face brightened as she saw her friend. ' Hey Spyro. What brings you to Moneybags? trying to buy a new magic breath?' she turned and glared at moneybags this guy sold me some wing repair elixir for 250 gems, when i could have made it myself for 50!' eh, what i gave you for that princ-er cessly sum, was top of the line, elixir, not that stuff you can scourge up yourself on the cheap' Moneybags was trying to defend himself..
 bandit made his way towards the dragon house where ember and he lived along with other dragons and native creatures.
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"Nah, I'm just looking to see if there's some rare chance he actually has something I can't buy elsewhere. It happens occasionally, you know. So what are you doing here?" Spyro asked, walking over toward her now.

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Just browsing really, although i'm looking, like you, to see if he has a rare item, that might be useful>" Cynder shrugged. " have you seen Ember lately, Spyro? ' she was friends with both Spyro and Ember, and got along well with most of the residents of the area.
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"E-Ember?" Spyro stammered here, blinking. "No... not really." he shook his head. He really didn't... and pretty much never had strong feelings for Ember. Cynder on the other hand... was a different story. "I think she's with Bandit a lot these days. What have you been up to, lately? You free the rest of the day?" he asked casually.

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I'm free sure" cynder shrugged. 'As for what i've been up to, nothing much of note, just hanging out.I asked about Ember because I wanted to see her and wondered if you knew where she was. it seems I might be the only dragon around here that actually likes her." cynder shrugged."Shes not THAT bad Spyro, ok so shes a bit of a flirt..and she likes you, something that both she and I have in common, by the way." she smirked at Spyro.
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"Yeah well... she's a bit TOO flirty..." Spyro sighed, shaking his head. "Plus, I'm already interested in someone else." he said, smiling at her knowingly. "Speaking of which, you said you were free so... would you want to maybe go out tonight?" Spyro asked hopefully, looking away shyly now.

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sure, if you are serious' Cynder said. as the bell to the front door rang again. ' moneybags smiled as he saw the newcomer ' Ah Ember! what brings you to my shop today? moneybags asked with a grin.
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"Totally serious..." Spyro said softly and sincerely, looking up into Cynder's eyes now just as the front door opened and he heard Moneybags greet Ember. "Oh... great..." he mumbled, closing his eyes and hanging his head.

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cynder smiled at him then turned as Moneybags greeted EMber " well, well, just the girl i was talking about' she said as moneybags came around the corner.
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"Well hello there, Spyro!" Ember brightened upon seeing him. "Fancy running into you here!"

"Oh... hey... Ember." Spyro said slowly, looking at her as she fancifully strutted up to him. "I was just asking Cynder out tonight... isn't that right, Cynder?" Spyro asked, looking at her in profile pleadingly.

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Yes he was " cynder replied coming to his rescue. Hi Ember. How have you been ?' she smiled at her friend. ' You've been running Bandit ragged I Hear" She teased . as she came  up to Ember.
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I'll leave you three to your browsing and wait by the counter hee for your purchases' Moneybags said airily.
- outside however, clouds had started to form in the sky, dark ominous clouds which obscured the normal bright colors of this region. at the end of the valley the ground stirred and out from the ground popped a single creature, which locked slightly like a gargoyle . his blazing red eyes stared out at the valley before him, a evil grin played on his face.
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"Oh well... not necessarily ragged." Ember chuckled, waving a hand dismissively. "He can for the most part keep up with me."

"Great... looks like a storm's coming." Spyro murmured, noticing the gathering dark clouds in the sky.

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Looks like we'd better get back to the Dragon Houses' Cynder said. "Unless you have stuff you want to buy, Ember? I can help you look for stuff while Spyro... goes to get ready for our date" she said giving Spyro a nod., and motioned towards the opening which lead outside.
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