The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Fridge => Topic started by: HotelValleyfornia on April 16, 2022, 07:33:55 PM

Title: What are your favorite sounds, smells and tastes?
Post by: HotelValleyfornia on April 16, 2022, 07:33:55 PM
We live in a great world, and along with the many sights, there are also lots of sounds, smells and tastes for us to enjoy! Here's a thread to discuss those things :DD

Sounds I love: I love relaxing white noise stuff that can be found on YouTube. And more randomly, I love Caitlin's iconic "Yay!" and Tina's ADORABLE little sneeze :wub
Smells I love: Usually food-related. Sizzling meat, yummy...and bubblegum! I LOVE that :petrieLOL I would put flowers on the list too, but I'm always worried about approaching them in case there are bees hanging around :GuidoAAAAAHHHHHH
Tastes I love: Spicy stuff in general. I had some Buffalo sauce chicken legs today...good stuff :yum

I'd like to hear your examples! :)petrie
Title: Re: What are your favorite sounds, smells and tastes?
Post by: somerandomfangirl on October 11, 2022, 03:54:03 PM
Sounds: I love listening to thunder. I love listening to music, too, especially epic orchestral music like film/video game soundtracks, Two Steps From Hell, the sort of thing that just takes me to another world. My cat's happy little chirp as she walks through the door to greet me.

Smells: Weird one but I love the smell of mushrooms cooking. I suppose because one of my favourite dishes to cook is wild mushroom pasta and the smell during the whole process is just amazing. I also love the smell of lavender, new books, flowers in general, freshly mown grass (even if it does set off my hayfever) and fresh laundry.

Taste: Chocolate. Pizza. Burgers. Cake. All the junk food. :feelsgoodman But also fruit like mango, pineapple, clementines, and blueberries.