The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165047


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Jasper said to Von, "Well I really wouldn't say that. There have been reports of people seeing unknown creatures especially in the water, so I really wouldn't doubt it. He is right though dinosaurs have since died out, but those reports of unknown creatures could be hope though that some survived."


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Littlefoot was a little saddened when he heard there were no dinosaurs in the human world. He never imagined any world beside his in the first place, but ever since the newcomers came everything changed. "No dinosaurs. That's unbelievable." At the same time, it made some sense to him. "I guess it's just like our world. There are no hu-mans here, well beside all the newcomers, and in your world there are no dinosaurs." He didn't want to think on it too much though. He looked over at Cyrix. "I'm right behind you." He looked back at Von and Jasp. "You two want to come with us? We're going to go look for some friends of ours."


Rob tensed a bit when Longtail brought up that this was personal. Having played through their adventures before, Rob had a couple ideas as to who this would be dealing with. He almost didn't want to say anything, but the moment he realized who Longtail might have been referring to he gasped a little. "Longtail, you're not talking about that redhorn guy, are you?"


Threehorn was caught off guard when the voice spoke behind him. He turned around and saw an old friend of his, one he hadn't seen in a while. "Crusher?" he asked in somewhat disbelief. "What are you doing here?" Before he could ask anything else, something occurred to him. What was he doing here by himself? "Crusher, are you here with your herd?"


Zaine could tell how worried Rick was, and he instantly began to worry as well. "What do you mean?" Then, he saw the look on Rick's face, and he began to process it through his mind. He could tell somebody was coming, somebody who had a grudge against Longtail. Zaine was stricken with fear as the words wouldn't leave his mouth, but he had a guess of who it was that was coming. Kor. Without hesitation, he turned and sprinted in the direction that Rob had headed. He had a feeling that if Longtail went anywhere, it was to find Rob.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Sure, I would love to come along and help you look." Von said. "I feel like helping somebody after Chronicler said he didn't need my help."

He thought for a moment and added. "Who are these friends your looking for?"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Jasper nodded and said, "Sure I'll come too. If anyone does need help then I will help them just ask."

Jasper took off his hat and said, "Wow how did I not notice leaves were in my hat. At times I'm terrible at noticing things that are wrong." He then put his hat back on his head.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandma Longneck sighed for a moment as she watched her grandson stepping away. "Be careful Littlefoot. And Cyrix, keep them out of trouble!" she commented with small frown feeling that despite her words of warning things were going to get very dangerous very quickly.

Cyrix turned his head and nodded in reply to Littlefoots grandmother knowing he'd do his absolute best to keep everyone safe. Cyrix then turned to face Von and replied, "We're first going to search for my nephew Longtail the flyer, and while most of the time he can be hard to find, we'll find him eventually."


Longtail looked up at Rob for a moment after hearing his question and instead of speaking, he growled and bared his teeth as he continued walking. Longtail wasn't sure why, but he knew whatever danger was coming he'd have to keep his emotions in check even though with every step he thought more and more about the Redhorns and their leader.


Crusher grinned. "No. My herd isn't with me this time, they are all resting at our mating grounds. I'll be returning to them shortly. That's of course right after I finish some personal issues here in the valley." He then faced Topsy as he asked, "So what can you tell me about some of these newcomers to the valley? They all sound like a strange bunch to me."


Rick following Zaine's lead turned and ran behind the young longneck easily keeping pace, and while he was certain Zaine knew where they were going, he still felt compelled to ask, "Hey Zaine... I know you have a connection to Longtail, but are you sure we're going the right way?!"


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"Don't worry Grandma! We'll be careful!" Littlefoot followed closely behind Cyrix as they set off in search of Longtail and Rob. "Longtail can be difficult to find if he doesn't want to be found," he explained to Von and Jasp. "Let's just say that something happened that caused Longtail to disappear. Also, our friend Rob, he's hu-man like you two, but he's been turned into a fast biter somehow."


Rob could tell by Longtail's reaction that he was thinking about Kor, the redhorn leader that had tried to do him in when Zaine first arrived in the Great Valley. He also knew that Zaine had some sort of weird connection with Kor and he began to worry that Zaine would become easily influenced by him. "Don't worry Longtail," Rob assured. "Whatever is coming here, we'll take care of it."


"Strange is putting it lightly," Threehorn grunted. "I've never seen a weirder bunch of creatures in my life. A lot of the herd have showed strong opinions against the newcomers." He hmphed again, knowing that despite his own initial thoughts. "There's even one that was turned into a fast biter. The herd thinks of him as a threat, but he hasn't done anything yet."


"Call it instinct," Zaine replied. "I guess I just feel like he went this way. Either way, we have to find him fast before Kor does. You know just as well as I do what Kor will do to him, and I don't even want to think about what he'll have to say about Rob as a fast biter!"


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(OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner, everyone! As a reminder, this will be one of the few posts in which I’ll be playing Rat_lady7’s dinosona.)

“Alrighty then!” Pangaea said. “Now, I…uh, don’t actually know where we are right nowó” he looked around as he spoke, confirming that he didn’t recognize the location where the spikefrill had dropped him and Guido off the night before “óbut Guido knows the valley pretty well. I’m sure he can take us to the Falls from here.” He gestured to the smaller glider.

“Me?” Guido exclaimed. He glanced up at Sparky, Nana, and Daniel, as if in disbelief that he had been designated to lead such large creatures. Knowing that they were friends, however, he managed to shrug off his surprise and discomfort rather quickly. “Well, okay,” he said. “Just let me check to see where we are.”

Guido promptly scurried over to a nearby tree and quickly climbed to the top. After getting a view of the surrounding area and identifying some familiar landmarks, he dropped back down, landing on Nana’s back.

“Yep, I know where we are,” he reported. “The Thundering Falls aren’t far. We just head that way.” He pointed in the appropriate direction.

“Great,” Pangaea said, walking ahead earnestly. “C’mon, I’m eager for some hydration.”


Amy was already at the Thundering Falls, some distance downriver where the water flowed more slowly and there were fewer dinosaurs drinking. She was deliberately keeping her distance from the local valleyers; she felt awkward being around them.

Having already quenched her thirst, Amy was attempting to catch some breakfast. She could see fish swimming lazily beneath the surface, and figured that they wouldn’t be too hard to ambush and pull from the water. Her assumptions were soon proven wrong, however: On her first attempt to grab a fish with her claws, she only succeeded in making a large splash and scaring the fish away. “That didn’t work…” she muttered to herself.

Moving a little further down the riverbank, where she could see more fish, Amy tried again, going in with her beak this time. Again, the fish scattered and she failed to catch any.

By the time Amy had dried her face off, the water had calmed and the fish had returned. She took another shot at seizing the fish with her hands; this time she lost her balance and toppled into the river. Embarrassed, Amy sat up in the shallow water and looked around: she appeared to have scared off all the fish, as there was not a single one in sight, but at least there didn’t seem to be anyone who had witnessed her tumble or had their attention drawn by the splash.
Amy crawled back out onto the bank, grumbling under her breath at her own lack of fishing skills. Where’s Anna and her fishing spear when you need them? she thought. Amy spread her wings out, letting them dry in the warm sunlight as she waited for the fish to return.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Sparky beamed happily that they were no longer 'lost', per say and she, being her spazzy self, dramatically pointed in the distance, in the direction Guido pointed as she quoted from one of her favorite movies. "We'll follow that trail!! The trail that we blaze!!" With a soft, excited 'squee', she began following Pangaea.


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Nana started snickering when she heard that quote that Sparky just...quoted, also from one of her favorite movies as well. "All right!" she exclaimed, and started to follow Pangaea as well.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Von wanted to get a conversation going. "Where are we going to look?" He asked.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Jasper said to Von, "Well if I were looking for someone I would look in a place the person likes being at the most. That right there is a good start."


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Daniel chuckled. "Your a weird bunch, fun but weird" he said as he just enjoyed the ride.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix chuckled at Von's reply. "Very good Von. That indeed is where we're starting. Longtail likes to stand on the edge of the valley wall so he can look down into the valley. That is the first place we'll be going." Cyrix then paused as he thought for a moment. "Next will be the Tree of Life. That tree has a special meaning to Longtail."


Longtail smiled a bit at Robs assurance. "Thanks... I know we will." he then said under his breath, "I'll have to deal with it." He then blinked as a thought occurred to him. "Uhhh Rob, if the threat is who I'm expecting it to be... then, you may simply want to stay back."


Crusher snorted aloud. "Please, if it's a sharptooth, then it's a threat... if it looks like it might have sharpteeth or claws best to simply get rid of it.! Newcomer or not!" he then stomped his foot and turned around. "I suppose I should go looking for.... what I came for." he said, being careful not to speak of his plans in front of Topsy.


Rick gave a short laugh at Zaine. "Sorry, nothing personal Zaine, but honestly if the feeling we're getting is who I think it is... then Rob should be fine! As long as Rob doesn't openly attack or try to defend Longtail then... everything should be alright." Even as those last words left his mouth Rick couldn't help but feel uneasy about all this.


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Giggling at Daniel's words, she couldn't help but respond with another quote she found on the internet. "Weird is good, strange is bad, odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, so weird is good. If your weird and proud of it, say 'squee'! Squee!!"


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Littlefoot nodded. "Those are usually the two places Longtail will be if he wants to be alone." He then looked over at Von and Jasp. "So how long have you two been here? I know a lot of the newcomers have been here for a couple days now, but I don't remember ever seeing you two before."


"If it's who you think it is," Rob replied, "then I may not have a choice. I know just as well as you how he views sharpteeth, especially fast biters. To him, I'm just another freak that needs to die." Rob refrained himself from saying Kor's name, but everytime they mentioned something he knew it had to be him. Only one dinosaur could make Longtail shudder like this. "If things start to go wrong, I'm jumping in. I don't care what he has against you, I'm not going to sit and watch you get hurt or worse. That's not what Zaine would do."


Threehorn ignored Crusher's comment about Rob. As much as he was talking ill about them himself, Threehorn knew that they weren't that bad, especially Rob. The human did make an attempt to put up a fight during the rescue attempt, and he really hadn't done anything threatening. When Crusher began to leave while almost slipping his plans, Threehorn called out to him. "Cut the act, Crusher! I know you too well to know that you're here for that flyer kid because Kor sent you! We already went through all of this, and I do not want it happening again! Got it?"


"I hope you're right," Zaine agreed. "Rob seems like the type who jump in when a friend is in danger. He doesn't know Kor the way I do, so I hope he doesn't try anything stupid." He thought about what he just said concerning Rob's care for his friends, and he couldn't help but smile a bit. He sounds like me. Then again, he did create me. "Maybe I can convince Kor to keep peace between Rob and Longtail. I almost managed to do it last time he was here. Who's to say I can't try it again?"


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"I just came here this morning" Von said. "I woke up in the Great Valley, then a human-turned-dinosaur named Anna found me. I met Jasper her, then talked to your little sharptooth friend, Littlefoot. Then I found you two at the Longneck nest."
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Jasper said, "I ended up in a tree somehow and then went right into the water seconds later. Then met Von here and everything Von said is exactly what happened. That is how my day here started."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix continued walking but grinned as he commented on Von and Jaspers statements. "Well it's nice to know you both are alright. I must image it would be strange to wake up in a new place without knowing how you got there. I would know, it's happened to me a few times before as well. I think the funniest time was when I woke up in this place called Berry Valley." he chuckled for a moment before speaking again. "I met a group of dinosaurs that day they were... a strange herd to say the least."


Longtail shook his head.
"I appreciate the thought Rob, really I do, but honestly, you're still getting used to your new body." he paused for a moment to let his last sentence linger. "And I'm faster, and know... what to do if things get bad." The young flyer then looked up to face Rob as he continued. I could never forgive myself if you got hurt trying to protect me.... just like Zaine."


Crusher laughed aloud as he turned to face Topsy with a truly joyful smile on his face. "Topsy you old softie! Unlike my herd leader I don't believe fighting solves all our problems. I simply wish to talk to the child, nothing more." Crusher laughed again as he gave an idea. "Would you like to come along? After all, I doubt the kid is going to act well when he sees me coming."


As he ran Rick thought back to the adventures he and Rob had sent both Zaine and Longtail on and couldn't help but grin. "To be totally honest... I've wanted to confront Kor for a long time now... and if I get the chance... well I won't be passing it up!" he said with a humorous and challenging tone in his voice.


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Littlefoot was surprised when Cyrix mentioned Berry Valley. "You were at Berry Valley? My friends and I traveled there! I know those dinosaurs you are talking about. They were kind of strange but really funny! They taught us this really cool thing and we were jumping around and stuff." He smiled as he recounted that particular adventure.


Rob sighed. "I understand, Longtail. If you think you can handle it, then I won't interfere. I just don't like standing around and not doing anything while friends are going through something tough." He looked around, anxious for somebody to come out, but nobody appeared. "It's too quiet out. I don't like the looks of this."


Threehorn knew that Crusher was indeed nothing like Kor, but at the same time he didn't want to take any chances. He wanted to be prepared if another fight broke out so he could contain it as best as he could. When Crusher asked him to join him, Threehorn nodded. "I'll go just to make sure nothing happens." He walked up to keep up in pace with Crusher. "Why now? Why come and talk to him now of all times?"


"But he's not entirely bad," Zaine commented. "He did save my life during a really terrible storm, and he offered to adopt me into his herd. The only reason why I didn't join him was because I didn't want to leave Longtail and the others behind." Bringing this up made him wonder if Kor would ever consider asking him to join his herd again. He hadn't seen him for a long time, so he was unsure of exactly how this meeting would take place.


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“Um…squee,” Pangaea said, softly and without emotion, in response to Sparky.


“Ozzy, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Strut said worriedly. “I mean, that flyer almost broke your nose; think of what a clubtail couldó”

“By dose ithó” Ozzy snatched his hand away from his bruised snout, which he had been unconsciously massaging. “My nose is fine!” he stated defensively. “It takes more than one little tap to put this egg stealer off his breakfast!”

Strut sighed nervously. He feared that what his brother was attempting to do could only end badly. Having failed to retrieve an egg from the flyer’s cliff nest, Ozzy had sought out what he hoped would be an easier target. The two egg stealers were currently hiding in a stand of squat coniferous trees, the thick trunks and densely needled branches concealing them from the tank-like owner of the nearby nest.

“Now all we need to do is keep quiet,” Ozzy whispered to Strut. “Clubtails are slow and stupid; by the time this one sees me grabbing an egg, we’ll be a mile away before it can do anything.”

The clubtail stood on the far side of the nest, grazing on the ferns clustered around the roots of the surrounding trees. She had her back to Ozzy and Strut, her massive bony tail mace swinging idly just a few feet from the eggs Ozzy was hoping to nab.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.