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"Y'see, I've beeen having these sleep-stories..."


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Anyone here recently had a particularly odd or vivid or scary dream? Post them here! I'll get the ball rolling:

Last night, I had another of my dreams where I remember 3 scenarios that are apparently irrelevant.

Scenario 1: Some sort of fancy hotel. Everything is some sort of pastelle green colour. I was in the dining room, where there were several tables laid for breakfast or something. I think it may have been a dockside hotel in some coastal resort.

Scenario 2: No idea where this came from, a Land Before Time song. It was like, the characters doing a song that doesn't exist, in a movie that never happened. I just remember that it was apparently an extremely sad song, becase Petrie and Ducky were crying, and the one lyric I remember is Ducky's line of "...Hands filled with tears...". I also remember that Mama Longneck played some part in it all too, appearing at the end. I think her lines were something to do with Littlefoot forgetting her or something... Man, I really wish I could remember how it went, because it was amazing. I'm so creative when I'm unconscious!

Scenario 3: Some sort of wasteland, where a charcter was wandering about, helping lone people. He comes across one person covered with tiny dormant spiders, who are apparently waiting to devour him. Th chaacter picks him up to comfort him, and the man smiles at him and says something I can't remember. Then he loos in the distance with shokand fear, and we see that the swarms of spiders are some sort of first wave of a hug biomechanical army, complete with 6-legged walkers, planes, humanoid soldiers, etc (I distinctly remember one shot of a soldier gesturing to a walker, which crouches down b him. The soldier aparently wips smething offthe "eye" of the walker, and gives it a thumbs-up). Then the character looks down at the mand and he's just a skeleton, and the spiders are all scuttling off of him. There was also something about babies faling from the sky too, but I was almost awake by then, so it's hard to remember.

Man, I wish I could figure out what this means!

Admin edit: There is an older topic about dreams as well! Check it out here!


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Whoa! No replies in this thread yet?  :blink:

Any way, I've recently had a dream where Pterano was my uncle! :blink:

It all started off with a bunch of new Pterano artwork on DA and it was supposed to be scenes from a book. Then all of a sudden, a new LBT comes out featuring Pterano. Petrie is all grown up and he and his uncle go on many adventures like through the Land of Mists and stuff like that. My whole family hears about the new movie and decides to come from all over Wa-JUPITER(  One month later and I still can't get over that dang joke!  ) to watch it with me in my living room and heres the strange part...


So yeah, Pterano was my uncle and Petrie was my cousin.

Strange dream, eh?  :lol
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Quote from: trulyfantasticme,Jun 23 2011 on  05:46 PM
Whoa! No replies in this thread yet?  :blink:

Any way, I've recently had a dream where Pterano was my uncle! :blink:

It all started off with a bunch of new Pterano artwork on DA and it was supposed to be scenes from a book. Then all of a sudden, a new LBT comes out featuring Pterano. Petrie is all grown up and he and his uncle go on many adventures like through the Land of Mists and stuff like that. My whole family hears about the new movie and decides to come from all over Wa-JUPITER(  One month later and I still can't get over that dang joke!  ) to watch it with me in my living room and heres the strange part...


So yeah, Pterano was my uncle and Petrie was my cousin.

Strange dream, eh?  :lol
Freaking awesome, more like!!!


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I had a dream about Scream, the movies. Basically it was the same as the movies, Ghostface going around butchering everybody. Sadly, I did not make it to the end. Scary thing was I felt the stab. It jerked me awake. Whoever said pain can't be felt in a dream was just downright lying.  :p


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Quote from: Justin1993,Jul 1 2011 on  11:38 AM
I had a dream about Scream, the movies. Basically it was the same as the movies, Ghostface going around butchering everybody. Sadly, I did not make it to the end. Scary thing was I felt the stab. It jerked me awake. Whoever said pain can't be felt in a dream was just downright lying.  :p
Well, just be thankful that you did wake up. People say that if something kills you in a dream, your brain will believe you've been killed, and you die in real life. That's why you always wake up before you hit the ground.


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Quote from: Allicloud, Jul 1 2011 on  03:31 AM
Well, just be thankful that you did wake up. People say that if something kills you in a dream, your brain will believe you've been killed, and you die in real life. That's why you always wake up before you hit the ground.

That's an odd rumor. Can the brain produce such a strong stimulus as to shutdown a healthy vital organ? People with bad hearts can suffer a heart attack in a very stressful situation, but it won't happen to a healthy person. The only emotion that could possibly kill a healthy person is fear. A crippling, paralyzing fear. As in being dropped from a height of 10 kilometers without a parachute. Dreams are only simulations of reality. Can a dream really be so intense? I dreamt once I was drowning, I was suffocating, I died, I was conscious after that but didn't feel my body anymore (the brain simulating an afterlife), and I awoke perfectly fine.


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To be honest, I've died in my dreams plenty of times. And the dream continues without me, yet I see that dream go on as sort of an overseer. It's quite bizarre.


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Yeah I have many dreams that where I've died in horrific ways also. And once in a while I've had many bloody gory dreams also.


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Quote from: Petrie85,Jul 2 2011 on  07:38 AM
Yeah I have many dreams that where I've died in horrific ways also. And once in a while I've had many bloody gory dreams also.
I never have gory dreams. I have dreams where people die but there's never any blood. It's like my brain censors it all.
I had a dream once where everything was in slow motion. It was the strangest feeling. It feels like running through water, I guess would be the best way to describe it.


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AWESOME dream, trulyfantasticme! Pterano was your uncle, and Petrie was your cousin?! And you watched a new LBT movie with Pterano and Petrie (all grown up) And then Pterano and Petrie came over to your house to watch the new movie with you?  :o  

AWESOME!!!! 8D!!!! I bet that dream was unbelievably fun!!!  :D


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I have a doozy. I had a dream about Michael Meyers  :o
Short version, me and 7 other people were trapped in an office building several floors up. Michael wanted one of the girls' baby (why does she have a baby in the work place!) He starts killing everyone. At some point in the dream, I managed to take his knife and runaway (odd in my opinion) and I hid in a closet. Of course in a dream, POV isn't inhibited to just yours. So I see Michael stab a guy, throw someone out the window, slash some girl's neck, smash a guys head in the printer, shred some girl in a paper shredder (he must have used a lot of force), and stab one girl, but she managed to get away (don't know what happened to her.) So the dream switches back to my POV and I hear the girl with the baby trying to find a place to hide and she starts screaming and then there's no more scream. Silence, except for the baby's crying (again why did she bring the baby to the workplace). Michael breaks down the door to the closet. I'm paralyzed with fear but he doesn't kill me. He just takes his knife and walks off into the shadows. Let it be known that this is the first dream similar to this one in which I actually survive to the end. The dream ends with me walking out the building and being sprayed by a dolphin that was in a pool in front of the building  :blink:


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Since I like sharing my dreams, especially the fun ones, I will double post.
I had a sort of apocalyptic dream last night. So it starts out with me and some friends camping out in front of dam (*shrug*). It was a natural dam, made of earth, that had a road built over it. We were there for a field trip (*shrug* again). By the way, we were on the stream side of it, since I'm sure that there would be nowhere to camp on the reservoir side. Anyways, it was sometime in the middle of the day and I decide I want to climb to the road on top of the dam (things get weird from here on). My friend, who's name is also Justin, climbs, too while his girlfriend and some other girl-I think her name was Christine or Christina-watch. Anyways, suddenly the POV in the dream switches to another bridge not far away from our location, built over a larger river. The POV is of some kid in a car and he sees the water starting to drain down a crack. The crack widens and water continues draining down into it. The crack starts traveling towards our direction. The POV changes sort of to a camera POV and follows as the crack starts moving towards us at an abnormally fast rate (it is a dream). Switch back over to me who has reached the top of the dam and is on the road. Suddenly, I feel the ground shake. The ever expanding crack has grown wider. Suddenly, (apparently the earth below the road was not tightly packed) the earth making up the damn crumbles down into campsite below. The road buckles as the crack spreads. Then the cracks ceases its advancement. The water trapped on the other side is released and spills onto the camp below, sweeping away the people below. At the time the road buckled, I was standing just by the side of where it crumble and nearly fell down with it. I managed to get back onto the road. Moving on, Justin calls for his girlfriend below, hoping she hadn't gotten washed away. As it turns out, her and Christine (or Christina?) had decided to try and climb the dam, too, and had not been on the ground below. We pull them up as they reach the road, and we all watch as the reservoir continues pouring more water. The dream ends with someone saying, "I guess the end of the world is here."
I don't even know.
Anyways, it was almost like watching a "could be good, could be bad", end-of-the-world type B movie.


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Quote from: Justin1993,Sep 18 2011 on  07:45 AM
I have a doozy. I had a dream about Michael Meyers  :o
Short version, me and 7 other people were trapped in an office building several floors up. Michael wanted one of the girls' baby (why does she have a baby in the work place!) He starts killing everyone. At some point in the dream, I managed to take his knife and runaway (odd in my opinion) and I hid in a closet. Of course in a dream, POV isn't inhibited to just yours. So I see Michael stab a guy, throw someone out the window, slash some girl's neck, smash a guys head in the printer, shred some girl in a paper shredder (he must have used a lot of force), and stab one girl, but she managed to get away (don't know what happened to her.) So the dream switches back to my POV and I hear the girl with the baby trying to find a place to hide and she starts screaming and then there's no more scream. Silence, except for the baby's crying (again why did she bring the baby to the workplace). Michael breaks down the door to the closet. I'm paralyzed with fear but he doesn't kill me. He just takes his knife and walks off into the shadows. Let it be known that this is the first dream similar to this one in which I actually survive to the end. The dream ends with me walking out the building and being sprayed by a dolphin that was in a pool in front of the building  :blink:
You've obviously been watching too much Halloween, thus creating the night where he came into your dream  :lol

Strangly though, I had a dream last night where I was being hunted by Freddy Krueger(how fitting), the original Freddy(not that watered down version in the remake). He was cracking jokes and doing his thing until I told him about the horrible 2010 remake and his face suddenly had a look of horror, and he screamed "Damn you Samuel Bayer(who directed the remake)" and just like that...

He was gone.



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Oh, now I had one hell of a dream last night. Sadly, I've almost completely forgotten it.

All I remember about it is that it involved a door that opened to a different timeline each time it opens. As best I can recall, I was with some friends, among them Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, in some sort of big castle or manor or something, and Twilight and I walk through this big wooden door and see tonnes of people in old fashioned clothes, working like old Victorian servants. When I look back at the doorway, there is nobody else in the hall where I came from. Then it closes and opens again and again and again, and on the third time, it opened and more Victorian people were through the doorway on the other side. Eventually some of my other friends get through to the same time period as me, asking where I went, claiming that they opened the door over and over again to try to find me. So we walk around among the Victorian people, but none of them notice us, like we're ghosts or something.

Needless to say, it was awesome. I dunno why, but I remember waking up and thinking that it was awesome. I guess there are some other bits here and there that I forgot.

Littlefoot Fan

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I just dreamt last night that I died in a nuclear explosion. Some huge piece of metal came flying at me from the distance. Pretty intense :p After that, no idea.


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hi , I had a horrible dream yesterday night about me walking through a short cut to my house with my mum . But it was really dark with tons of rats , crows , snakes and agressive swans ! We couldnt get out either !  :(

another time I had a dream about somehow getting to the great valley just so I could meet Guido but when I arrived I was told that hed gone to live somewere else  :cry . I have had many nice dreams about him though but I always forget what happend :bang  :(  , all I know is that they where romantic  :wub  :wub  :wub


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My god.....last night I had a weird one. Hell, some parts I think I was awake,which worries me.
Okay......well, it involved several scenes with  the LBT characters fighting zombie raptors (my steady stream of L4D and the copy of World War Z I got for Chistmas is probally to blame here) and a bit where I was chased by a black widow the size of a blue crab into a 5 foot crocodile, who promptly ripped off my leg. Now here are the ones that I thought were real, due to the fact it was in my room: some weirdo on this forum uploaded a story who's content matter would probally offended people, and the weirdest, which I'm sure you'll find more funny than odd, but here goes: my bearded dragon, quite fittingly named Spike, started TALKING TO ME. Now, while most of you think that's funny I was creeped out by that, I didnt know if I was dreaming, AND the entire thing took place inside my room. He wasnt exactly nice ethier. I feel like I may have actually been in a form of sleepwalking when that happened, my subconscious may have still been dreaming, and I may have "modified" what I saw so to speak. I've also had a dream where I was in an abandoned version of my neighborhood, being attacked by........something I coudnt see. I've even had dreams where everything turns into a musical! Left 4 Dead, MW3, Let Me In, Nightmare on elm street,even Godzilla....yes, GODZILLA. I really don't know why, and I don't want to.


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I was in 4th mode then 1st mode during this dream so it was like tangible in some ways...

Anyway, I looked around my room and saw a smooth piece of metal that went throught my body, right under my chin, to the wall and wrapped around back (like a belt)  Then, the room began to move farther away.  It went father and father and father.  THen the metal piece flipped to it's edge and began moving.  I had no reaction since it was smooth so I just sat still.  Then the metal became bent and distorted and became sharp as it was gliding down my chin.  I could feel the pain.  Then, I saw a sharptooth come by and destroy my room and made the metal worse.  It looked at me with its gleaming eyes and snapped, which is when I woke up screaming.

Pretty weird right?


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omg I had another weird dream !!

ok, I was walking near a road at night alone , desighning a car in the shape of a pinapple !? :blink:  then I saw a man walking near holding a large cricket bat and an old guy walking nearby . I felt really nervouse, the the guy with the cricket bat ran towards me shouting and trying to hit me ...... ahhhhhhhhhh !!!!!! but then the old person stopped him just before i woke up  ! why ???? :blink:  :unsure:

after i fell asleep I had another dream , I was having a dance lesson at school and the teacher asked us to get into pairs or groups of 3  , but Guido was there .....
and he seemed to be my boyfriend ?! ( a little bit taller than me !)
so I saw him looking really lonely and rushed over to go with him even though my friends wanted me to join them .
me : soooo .... what are we meant to do now ?
guido: (shrugs )
my friend : dance !!!!!  :lol  :lol
me :  :unsure:
my friend : you should do the can -can !!!!!
(music plays ) Amy got us to do the can-can !?
me : :oops
guido: :lol:  :D  (laughing constantly )
me : (giggles )  :oops
amy : you two are really good at it  :D !!!!!
me : :oops  :oops  :)
guido :  :D  grins at me)
me :  :smile  

ok that was very stange ......  :huh:  :blink:


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I've been keeping records of my dreams of lately, but sadly enough the past couple of nights I've been too tired when I got woken up from a dream to actually write it down.