The Gang of Five
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A dietary debate


  • Ducky
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This one isn't so much an episode, though one could make it one, but a long overdue debate.  It will involve characters from the series though.    

Basically, it takes the premise that Sharpteeth (well, minus Chomper) are evil just because they kill to eat and bla bla bla and takes it into a debate.  It would involve an argument between Chomper and Guido vs. Littlefoot and Cera about that.  Ruby would moderate as she is a Bothtooth and hence is on both sides and can be judged to be impartial (Ruby does seem like a great debate moderator anyway!).

We can always add more characters, but I am going to stipulate that for every leaf eater type you must add a Sharptooth/insectivore type.

The Sharpteeth may point out things like how Leaf Eaters buried those Sharpteeth alive in film VI.  Heck, either side can mention things that occurred in any of the films or the TV Series as well as other things.  

One thing though, since Chomper is my favorite character, I'll be taking his role on the carnivore side.  

You can bring in other friendly Sharpteeth or Leaf Eaters in here.  (Sorry, Red Claw types and evil Leaf Eaters aren't permitted.)  You can get them from your OC's even.  

(Note, if we get more than five on each side, we can bring in more omnivore moderators as long as they are nice.  (i.e. Gallim types are not allowed.)    I already have an omnivore OC named Ptero on standby, though you can try and bring in yours too if we reach the point of needing them.  Ptero doesn't necessarily get first dibs.)

(Ptero would know more of the carnivore perspective, so if Ruby got too Leaf Eater friendly, he could balance her out.)  

How the debate would even come to start would be open to how the play ran, though it would be started by leaf eaters and Sharpteeth/insectivores arguing with each other.  Omnivores wouldn't start it but would agree to be mods.  We could also bring in Strut (as long as he swears to be nice) and bring in a pro-Egg Stealer guy who (unlike Ozzy) isn't a psychopath and have him debate Strut to make this even more interesting.  

We would need a nice Egg Stealing Egg Stealer OC as we don't have any from LBT right now and Strut could be an Egg Stealer that is anti-Egg Stealing and is being nice.  

So, I think we have, so far

Chomper (LittlefootAndAliTogether)  - Carnivore Side  

Strut (OPEN)   -  Egg Stealer Type against Egg Stealing

An Egg Stealer OC who is nice but is Pro-Egg Stealing (OPEN)

Guido (OPEN)  - Carnivore Side

Littlefoot (OPEN)  -  Herbivore Side

Cera (OPEN)  - Herbivore Side

Ruby (OPEN)  - Omnivore Moderator.  She may or may not be more Herbivore inclined.  

Ptero (OPEN if we get more pairs requiring another moderator.  He may be more inclined to support the carnivore side, having been hunting more than Ruby, though he, like Ruby, will try and be fair.)

Does anyone like the idea?   I mean, I saw a guy freak out earlier saying that he was so mad that Sharpteeth are always portrayed as evil because they kill to eat and that leaf eaters are always portrayed as nice.)

To make the debate even more interesting, we can mention the actions of certain Sharpteeth, good or bad, and certain Leaf Eaters, good or bad, even if it's not food related, to show which kind might be nicer or bla bla bla.  Egg Stealers can join in too.  They may be more on the carnviore side, though, as they only eat eggs, they may be more extreme, in the eyes of some, than , say, Sharpteeth that would only eat adults.  

I think this could make quite a discussion.  

 :idea  :idea  :idea  :idea  :idea  :idea  :idea  :idea

Note, moderators won't actually debate, but will try and reflect on what has been said and also step in if either side yacks too long without the other side or sides getting to say their fair share.  The moderators will try and be objective, though we can try and get balancing if they seem to be kinder to one side than another.  

Also, we could go way out there, specifically saying that Sharpteeth and Egg Stealers can't be good parents or loving because they kill to eat and bla bla bla.   I mean, this could go much further than what they eat.

Other things could be Sharptooth vs. Leaf Eater vs. Egg Stealer intelligence.  

It basically would start out with their diets and could branch out to all sorts of things about their kinds.


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A debate is not a rp LAT. remember that this is a rp section. if you want to have a debate about this. the General LBT section is better suited for this.
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  • Ducky
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Quote from: Nick22,Jan 8 2015 on  12:46 AM
A debate is not a rp LAT. remember that this is a rp section. if you want to have a debate about this. the General LBT section is better suited for this.
Even if LBT characters were the debaters????   You missed the premise that it would be the characters themselves debating, having their beliefs about the world and good and bad shook to the core.

That would be the point of it, to see what Littlefoot, Cera, Chomper, Guido, and Ruby, and Strut, an Egg Stealing Egg Stealer, and others would learn about other kinds and change their views on them.  

As for mentioning why some might be eager to go into this, I've seen tensions rise on some issues like this and it might be fun.  

The moderator creatures are just fun parts of the story.   They would most be observers, though would repeat points discussed to make sure all got the point and also interrupt if the debate got too heated and things like that.

As for the various characters, somebody could play those roles.  Hence I am in the right section.  


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I believe L&AT is meaning different people to take different characters (like in a RP) to do a debate. It's not exactly the normal kind of RP but I believe it still belongs here for several people are meant to do that debate from the respective views and opinions of their characters.
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  • Administrator
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ducky, if we had had a debate in this format before in this section , then i would allow it. but since we havent had one before, then i'm sketchy about it
 this really feels like something we would have in lbt section, since its a argument, in general, not a roleplay. yes we are taking on the persona of these characters, but we are not following the plot of a  story , we are arguing over topics  like which species is smarter, or who should be the leader of the gang- littlefoot or Cera- things like that. Thus the LBt section, in my view is the preferred forum for this,.
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