The Gang of Five
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Longneck RP.

Nahla · 499 · 68094


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OOC: Pineapple? WTH Zimmy?

Littlefoot screamed as he hit the water,he quickly came up to the surface coughing "Grandpa! What you do that for!" he yelled in a playful tone.


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"You attacked me, that is unacceptable." He serenely said with a grin. :smile

"I think most are more reluctant to have more mouths to feed rather than rejecting you because you do not wish to talk about your past." Grandma mused.


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Littlefoot smirked and  began to splash water all over Grandpa in revenge.

Nahla was finally beginning to wake,she opened her eyes with a yawn.

OOC: Poor Nahla being neglected by me :lol


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OOC: I jjust realized I never hit 'post' fail

Zimba smiled at Nahla  before looking over to Grandma "Can you  give us a moment alone? I need to talk to her know..staying"


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"Oh, now it is on." In retalation Grandpa slammed his tail down in the water, creating a wave that washed over his grandson.

"Certainly." She rose. "I'll be at the waterhole over there if you need me."


  • Petrie
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Zimba nodded "Thanks" he lowered his head to Nahla "Nahla...I think we should stay here,we got food,water and protection but I'll leave it up to you..we don't even have to stay with others if you don't want to we can stay by oursleves" he gazed into the distance...he really wanted to stay.


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Nahla's eyes widen "I was going to ask if we could stay so...YES LETS STAY PLEASE ZIMBA" she screamed with happiness "I like it here" she added in a more quiet manner.

Littlefoot got out of the water laughing,he got into his 'lone dinosaur'  pose and pretended to do his little tail whip...only he hit himself instead.


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Grandpa snorted in amusement. "That might need some practice, doesn't it?"
"It certainly does." Grandma had seen it as she approached. "But then again, you took quite a while to learn it as well, dear."


  • Petrie
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Zimba nodded "Course we can Nahla"  he smiled and nuzzled her "I'll go find that Grandma and tell her what we chosen" he got up "You stay here and get some more rest" he began to walk off.


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Nahla watched him leave and closed her eyes,enjoying the peace and the fact she knew she was safe here.

Littlefoot smiled when he saw his Grandma "Graaaaaaandmaaaa,Grandpa dropped me in the watering hole" he tattle tailed but there was clearly a playful tone with it.


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"Well, I am afraid I can do little about that. He's ever so slightly too heavy for me to throw him in." She chuckled. "Though I can see if I can push him in?"

"I'd love to see you try, dear." Her mate countered with a snort.


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Littlefoot laughed and rubbed his head against both his grandparents,his growled even louder this time.


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OOC: did zimba lose Grandma or what? xD

"Oh my, someone is hungry." Grandma chuckled. "Want us to get you some Treestars down?"


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OOC: Zimmy been too busy to post,but Zimba is coming

Littlefoot nodded "Yes please Grandma" he said eagerly.


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She turned to one of the nearby trees, doing for him what she had done for the other young male: ripping off a sizable branch. "There you go."


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"Thanks Grandma" he said and dug into his meal

OOC: I'll fill in for Zimmy

Zimba reached them,he cleared his throat while looking at Grandma


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"Oh, didn't you want to stay with Nahla?" She turned to face him, her mate rising to stand at her side.


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Zimba looked to the ground "Er...sorry to  bother but me and Nahla have chosen to stay and were wondering where our resting place was"


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The two elders shared a glance at that.

"You can stay us for the time-being if you want. We'll see where your permanent spot can be once you settled into the Valley." Grandpa offered, his wife nodding in agreement.


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Zimba nodded "Thank you,I'll leave you to your family moment now..." he turned and walked off back to Nahla.