The Gang of Five
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Longneck RP.

Nahla · 499 · 68095


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"How?" Littlefoot asked curious "What happened to them?"

At this Nahla fell even quieter as fresh tears formed in her eyes.


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Zimba's gazed drifted to the ground "We would rather not talk about's too painful"  he looked at Nahla "Have a nap Nahla,we been walking an awfully long time" he faced Littlefoot and smiled before turning to the grandparents "Is there a place me and Nahla may rest? We been walking since the bright circle rose and we are awfully worn out" he picked up Nahla for he was big enough and her small enough to do so.


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"You can rest at our nest for now." Grandma offered.

"And I'd like to talk to you for a moment, Littlefoot." Grandpa gestured to the water-hole in the distance.


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OOC: Zimmy won't be back today (she going to a party without me :( so me filling in cause she said so.

Zimba nodded and moved the now asleep Nahla to his back "Thanks".

Littlefoot nodded "Yes Grandpa" he said walking in that direction.


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OOC: aawwwww, She didn't take me either xD

"Follow me then." Grandma started walking, as did Grandpa, just in the opposite direction.


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OOC: She evil,and she prob still sleeping from all he parting so...

Zimba nodded and followed Grandma

"What do you want to talk to me about Grandpa?" Littlefoot asked.


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"The young female, Nahla..." The elder male answered. "She will need your support. She lost both her parents just as you lost your mother." And I my child, he added in thought.


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"Really?" Littlefoot asked his face falling "So she has no family at all?"


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"From what I understand she and her companion came here blindly." Grandpa settled down on the ground, looking into the distance where he could see his mate with the two youngsters. "She will need support, even if she does not wish to talk of it."

"Pick a spot around here." Grandma softly whispered. "None shall disturb you."


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Littlefoot nodded but suddenly frowned "But wait..wheres the other kids parents? Or are they brother and sister or something?"

Zimba nodded "Thank're very kind" he placed Nahla on the ground before laying beside her,his stomach growled but he just face the other way and ignored it.


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"He says his parents kicked him out." Grandpa's face made clear exactly what he thought of that.

Grandma smiled faintly at his growling stomach before walking over to a nearby tree where she ripped off a sizeable branch and laid it down in front of him.


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"Why would they do that?" Littlefoot questioned confused "Why would someone want to get rid of their own kid?"

Zimba smiled at Grandma "Thank you again,if you don't mind we'll rest here tonight then be on our way tomorrow morning"


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"I don't know..." Grandpa admitted. "I honestly do not know."

"You can also stay. This Valley is protected." Grandma answered, resting down beside them. "No need to worry about Sharpteeth attacking you." She looked around. "Or running out of food any time soon."


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Littlefoot lowered his head "Who will look after them now?"

Zimba smiled this "I'll talk to Nahla when she wakes up" he said looking down at the sleeping female next to him "Thanks again..ummm what can we call you?"


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"Let's see if we can get them to stay..." Grandpa mused. "There are plenty of Longnecks who'd love having young ones of their own."

"Everyone calls me Grandma Longneck, or Grandma for short." She chuckled softly. "I do think that aside from my husband, none in this Valley even know my real name anymore."


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Littlefoot's mind drifted remembering how much he always wanted a sibling "Ok Grandpa" he smiled at him before his stomach growled hungry after todays adventure.

Zimba nodded " never had a Grandma before....or a Grandpa" he smiled "If Nahla agrees,we'll stay" he then lowered his head to the branch Grandma got him and began to eat


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"Seems someone is late for lunch." He playfully nudged his grandson, which resulted in said grandson rolling over.

Grandma said nothing, merely studying the two youngsters in deep contemplation.


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Littlefoot laughed "Grandpa!" he stood up laughing he playfully charged and headbutted Grandpa's leg but with Grandpa being so big and he so small it wouldn't of hurt much.

Zimba finished eating and he looked over to Nahla and nudged her to see if she was still fast asleep-she was.


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Grandpa laughed just as hard, hoisting the squirming youngster up by his tail, dropping him into the nearby water-hole.

"How long have you two been together?" Grandma asked after her silence.


  • Petrie
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OOC: Ok  Nahla/Tal/Nana/Pineapple I can take Zimba back now.

Zimbas gaze drifted to the ground "Two cold times we been wandering together, every herd rejects us..we don't understand why..I guess they find it suspicious when we say we don't want to talk about our past or where we came from.." he trailed off