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Topics - Littlefoot1616

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Announcements / Signing off
« on: September 26, 2005, 05:06:46 AM »
Hey gang!

Just a quick note to say that I'm gonna be logging off for a while from the forum. Nothing serious, I'm just moving back onto my uni's campus but I've got a new place and there's no net connection. Once I get that sorted out, I'll be back online but 'til then, I'll leave you in the capable hands of the other admin staff! (Not that there'll be anything they cant handle PMSL  :P: )

ANy problems or worries, I'll still be in contact ia email on the uni server but they just dont allow the use of forums on the uni computers... big trouble otherwise :(

Catch ya later!

Littlefoot1616 B)

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Kenji!
« on: July 18, 2005, 05:01:44 AM »
Break out the party poppers gang!

It's Kenji's 21st today!

 :birthday Happy Birthday Kenji  :birthday

Enjoy it  ;)

Littlefoot-1616  B)

The Fridge / The Real Gamesmaster
« on: April 21, 2005, 05:59:22 AM »
Hey gang!

Being a video gamer myself, I was wondering about teh rest of you guys and gals who might be interested in a little playtime of the virtual variety! ;) Be it arcades, consoles, PC, handheld, modern, retro or otherwise, whad'dya seen in a game and what d'ya like? (and dislike obviously). What sorta games make you wanna pick up a pad (or arm your mouse and keyboard) and cause a bit of virtual mayhem!  :D  :^.^:

General Land Before Time / Your LBT movie
« on: February 27, 2005, 11:24:18 AM »
'Sup peeps!

I've not too long seen LBT 11 (via the web thanks to Threehorn) and I then when on to read Arvens section where he reviewed the movie. I'm not gonna get personal with the matter but I personally liked it. Quality was a bit iffy now and again but that's web connections for you! :rolleyes:  In light of what was said and what has been said about the previous LBT sequels, I've been constantly wondering, particularly to those who DIDN'T like the recent flicks:

1. What makes you dislike them some much? - Was it going into the film with a negative view that just carried all the way through prior to not liking the one before it? Is it the plot? Animation? voices? What did it that switched you off?

2. If what you see is not doing for you, what DO you want to see?

As a LBT fan I'm kinda let down by what's been said recently. Of course everyone's entitled to their opinion but all I've heard so far is complaint and moaning and no reasons why. There must be something that kicks it off. Originality lost? Lack of story? Poor editting? As a fan, what elements do you think are needed to restore the faith and love we all had for the very first one? The channels open if you wish to speak into it...

Silver Screen / New to the Big Screen
« on: January 18, 2005, 07:46:43 AM »
Hey gang!
Looks like a few topics have been removed coz I was going to put this up in the "15 fav movies" topic but I noticed it wasnt there anymore!  :huh: LOL So in light of this, I made a new topic about new movie releases. Anyone been to the big screen recently?

A went to see Team America: World Police with my housemates on Saturday. Boy oh boy was it funny as!!!  :lol I'd never laughed so hard! The puppets in it were great! Kinda Thunderbirds style but just so much funnier. Wouldn't mind going to see it again.  :DD

The Fridge / Fears and superstitions
« on: November 30, 2004, 08:10:11 AM »
Hey gang!

I decided to put this topic up because me and my housemates had a very open debate on various things the other night and I thought I'd bring the topic here. What really does creep you out?! A scary movie perhaps? A particular superstition? Never walking under ladders? That sorta thing. Or maybe a childhood fear that's stuck with you since you were younger. Dont feel pressurized to post if you dont want to. If you'd rather not speak then dont...nothing is EVER pressured to be done here...

Also, there is another reason why I decided to put this up. I got asked if there was anything I was afraid of; any phobias or anything like that. I instinctly said no because nothing in particular frightens me. I do get scared by things as they happen, fear's a natural response to danger, but nothing especially. But then, I suddenly remembered something from my past that, up until recently, was the only thing I could stand. Does anyone remember the song from the 80s by Peter Gabriel called "Sledgehammer"? Well, as embarrassing as it sounds, my dad made me watch the music video to this song when I was about 5 years old and it frightened me to death!!! It showed Peter Gabriel undergoing abnormal facial transitions using clay-mation (surprisingly by the same guy who does the Wallace and Grommit cartoons, Nick Park).

Because of the sheer bizarre-ness of the face changes, it frightened me and I had never been able to listen to the song without feeling petrified!!! Sad I know but last night, my friend actaully downloaded the music video and told me to take a look at what he'd just got. I didnt know what it was at the time and I didnt recognise the start but once those horns kicked off, I jumped! I actually watched the full video last night (with my plush LF tucked under my arm  :lol )  for the first time in 14 years!!! It wasnt so bad looking at it now (being into some stuff that is much more frightening now than a man's face changing like plastic surgery gone wrong! LOL!  :DD) but it just made me remember how petrified I used to be. I'd have to say that that has been my only real fear I've ever had...

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfictions
« on: November 07, 2004, 08:24:28 AM »
Hey gang!

Who amongst us have, or is, writing a LBT fanfic? *hand shoots in the air* I'm one! I know Malte is in the process of writing another which I cant wait to read! I'd recommend his other stories as well. I loved 'em! Great plot and very well translated! Im currently writing a LBT fanfic (bin working on it for over 2 years now!). It's not the sorta thing that would fit a LBT movie coz it's more on the fantasy side. I've also included a mish-mash of lots of different elements from other games and movies I like. It's called "Battle of the Sacred Essences" and it's in the LBT section of Check it out if you so wish but don't expect it to be a LBT movie... coz it's not!

Who else has got a fanfic?

The Party Room / Jokes and Gags
« on: November 02, 2004, 10:10:02 PM »
Got any good jokes! Anything you got let's hear it but be wary of offending people! Nothing too rude, discriminating or just plain dirty! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Anywho...I'll kick start with this one my friend at work told me...

A man walks into a pub with a giraffe and he goes up to the bar. The bartender looks at them weird but still asks, "What can I get ya?"
"Pint for me buddy and a vodka shot of me giraffe here!" The bartender shrugs and pours them their drinks. All through the night, this man and his giraffe are knocking back the alcohol right up until last orders. Once closing time comes, the bartender looks down to find the man, completely drunk, face down on the bar. He shakes him and tells him that it's closing time. The man rolls off the bar stool and heads for the door. The bartender calls to him and points at his giraffe who was passed out on the floor.
"Oi mate! You can't leave that lying there!" he shouts. The man turns around, looks at the giraffe and then back at the bartender with a confused look on his face and says:
"What you talking about? That's not a lion it's a giraffe!"

The Fridge / Cast and Crew
« on: November 01, 2004, 09:56:32 AM »
Hey gang!

I dunno if anyone else has really thought about the guys and gals behind our beloved LBT characters but I was tracking the casts' histories of what they've been in before. The two that struck me the most were the talents of Jeff Glen Bennett and Rob Paulsen. HOLY MOLY their voices are EVERYWHERE! It's very rare to see a big cartoon, be it film or tv series, without at least one of these two in there. Jeff Bennett has been in everything from Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo and even in video games such as Baldur's Gate (the PS2 one). And Rob's almost impossible to escape him! He's in cartoons ranging from the Smurfs in the 80s, Pinky in Pinky and the Brain, Lilo and Stitch. I even found out that he was the voice of the VG character Bubsy on one of my fav retro platformers for the Sega Megadrive (Genesis everywhere else) remember Bubsy the Bobcat anyone?

Check it out! The internet movie database is the best palce to track their talent history but I thinks incredible that two voice actors are so well recognised everywhere. They must be over-subscribed BIG TIME! Wonder what it's like to be that famous in the world of animation! CG and hand drawn!

The Welcome Center / Here's Littlefoot!
« on: September 09, 2004, 08:52:07 PM »
Hey guys!

Littlefoot-1616 is back in the fray! New and improved GOF is looking pretty sharp and I'm liking it!!! For those of you who dont know. Im Littlefoot-1616, a teenager from the anti-sunshine country of Britain. LOL  :P  :D Loved the LBT saga since I was knee high to a grasshopper (never did understand that saying but never mind LOL! :D) Got every single video and numerous other LBT stuff but I just plain adore the film right up to the point that I'd love to star in it myself. Far-fetched I know but hey...I can dream cant I?  :)

It'll be great to post up on the forum again!

TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now!)

Littlefoot-1616 (aka The Inquisitive Quadruped)

P.S. Just for your info, the number on the end is my lucky number written twice. So it actually reads Littlefoot-sixteen-sixteen...geddit?!  ;)

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