The Gang of Five
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LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie!

Ducky123 · 215 · 63827


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"I've heard you eat meat and plants and that you steal 'helpless, defensless' eggs and babies from under there mother's noses as a way to prove you are brave"

Truth be told, Buko did not quite know what to expect when he attempted to speak to the obviously spooked swimmer, but outright hostility was not one he had considered.  When his overtures were returned with bitter recriminations, however, he soon found that he did not like it one bit.  In fact, he was beginning to reconsider his 'the poor swimmer is not food' policy he had so recently upheld.

No.  This miserable sap-sucker is upset right now and is not aware of what he is saying.  Besides, eating this guy is not worth having the threehorn after you assuming he has not become food himself.

Softening his glare a bit he turned instead towards his fellow fastrunner companion, only to see her covering her head in exhaustion.  It seemed that they were all quite a miserable lot at the moment.

"We do what we have to do to survive.  And, right now, we have options," Buko finally addressed the swimmer, "We have fish in this stream, and you have this green crap that I assume you can eat."

As if to punctuate the point Buko grabbed a handful of water plants, not hesitating to show his disgust before he dropped it back into the water.

"And once we finally have eaten and had a chance to rest... then we can go from there," he then looked at Wyoh, "I can keep watch if you want to rest.  But we need to find a good defensible position in case the two-footer comes back.  Some place where we can get a good start to our run."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Lone Dragon

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Aquarius sighed at the Fast Runner's declaration, he knew he was right. Every single creature on this earth did what it must to survive and if that meant eating meat or eggs then so be it. Aquarius still held onto his bitterness and resentment on that fact but at the same time he was reluctantly grateful that The Fast Runners had helped him as much as they had and that they had not yet decided that he was their next meal. However he still could not feel like resting in his current company, these Fast Runners may not have considered him food but who knew how long that would last? Aquarius could not afford to let his guard down but that didn't mean that he could rest his body for a while, he just needed to keep his eyes and ears open.

"I need a breather and time to heal" said Aquarius to the blue Fast Runner as he picked up a few fallen treestars and soaked them in the water and scrubbed his open wounds and lay down on his belly next to the tree, resting his body but keeping a sharp vigil over the area. He looked back in the direction they had come and wondered if the Threehorn had survived.   
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Wyoh sighed, and buried her head deeper in her plumage as the two began to snap at eachother. She knew the Swimmer's insult was probably aimed at her, too, but she hardly cared. Tallcrests were different than other fastrunners, even hatchlings of her kind knew that much. The treesweet trees they favored provided most of their nourishment, and each Tallcrest family guarded and cared for their grove of trees in return. Hunting was something they did only in the worst of times.

Have times ever been worse than this? She reflected, remembering the dried flesh she had picked over not too long ago. The act itself didn't bother her- why waste what no one was using? But such meals were empty, unsatisfying. Even the thought of a ripe, juicy treesweet was enough to tie her stomach in knots, and bring tears to her eyes. She hadn't even seen one in so long.

She vaguely heard Buko addressing her, and quickly wiped her eyes in her feathers before raising her head. "I'm alright." She replied, stiffly. "I need to eat, anyway." With sore legs she raised herself and shuffled toward the river. Sure enough, the shining bodies of small fish could be seen flitting here and there under the surface. Lowering her head, she pretended to study the creatures while glancing at Buko out of the corner of her eye. She had never had the opportunity to learn to fish, and was hoping that the smaller fastrunner was planning to begin so that she could get some idea of what she was supposed to do.


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A deep grimace could be seen on the threehorn’s face as he dragged himself towards the river which had seemed to be only a reasonable walking distance from the cave. However, the still-lingering pain in his leg had made that distance feel at least thrice longer than it had initially seemed. But at last, the ground began to slop downwards towards the river which gave the boy the courage he needed to finish the journey. All thoughts of the sharptooth or his companions were forgotten amidst his fatigue and thirst… until he saw something which caught his interest immediately.

Far in the distance, he could see a familiar form standing near the water, gazing at its depths. Rinen had to narrow his eyes to confirm he hadn’t been mistaken but it was true: this was one of the fast runners who he and the swimmer had met. And if she was here, it was most likely that his two other companions were not far away either. For a fleeting moment, Rinen wondered whether he should approach them again at all or whether he should move on and cast those three away as unworthy cowards.

Yet, even in his bitterness, Rinen realized that he should never have expected them to act otherwise. How often had the other threehorns helped him during the many seasons of endless training back in his old herd? How many times had others turned back to help him up from the ground after he had collapsed of exhaustion? What were the chances of him finding a dinosaur who would sacrifice themselves to save someone who was in essence a total stranger? Even then, the threehorn’s confused and conflicted mind wasn’t about to forgive them this easily but another thought stirred in his mind. Had the swimmer made it and where was he now? Any familiar face would be a better option than to return to the desperate wandering and the threehorn knew it. With forced and deeply anxious steps, he headed towards the fast runner and to his surprise, the female was too drawn into trying to catch fish from the river to notice the larger dinosaur approach her. With a bitter and rough voice, Rinen asked the fast runner the obvious question.

“It’s great to see you all safe and well, half tooth. It would have been terrible for one of us to get eaten, don’t you think? Where’s your companion and the swimmer?”


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Wyoh had been so absorbed in trying to watch the other fastrunner without turning away from the fish that the voice coming from behind caught her completely off-guard. Her feathers puffed out in shock as she splashed a few paces forward by reflex, her neck hunching in a defensive posture as she caught sight of the familiar threehorn, still very much alive. She took a moment to examine him, ready to flee if it looked like he wanted a fight, but it seemed that wouldn't be necessary.

Relaxing her stance she gestured toward the light vegetation along the bank with a flick of her head. "Over there." She clarified, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. It felt strange to leave it at that, but what could she say? Part of her wanted to defend their actions, to rationalize what they had done... but it didn't seem like excuses would mean very much to the threehorn that they'd just left for dead. "I'm glad you're still alive." She nodded politely, unhappy with the awkward compromise, but resigned to it. She pretended to return to her fruitless task, glancing furtively at the threehorn in case he decided that he was looking for a fight after all.


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"I have trouble falling asleep at night so there's no need to worry. You can count on me, ok? I'll be doing the same during your watch."

Samara was tired, there was no question about that. She knew she had to sleep but there was this nagging feeling in the back of her head, like something was wrong, like something was not all it seemed. Hesitantly she agreed and prepared to sleep. She just hoped that nothing would occur this night.

The universe has a beginning, but no end. —Infinite.
The stars too have beginnings, but their power accompanies their decline.  —Finite.
It the wise who are the most foolish. History has taught us as much.
The fish of the sea know not the world of the land. Were they to possess wisdom, they too would experience decline.
It is more absurd that humans should surpass the speed of light than it is that fish should start living on the land.
- Steins;Gate (anime / visual novel)


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Lizzie let out a sigh of relief as the flyer curled herself up behind a dead tree. Patiently, she waited until she was sound asleep, the darkness creeping across the land. As happy as she was about her new companion and the company that she'd sought so desperately, as happy she was now to be finally alone with her thought. Praying that this night would be just like any other night before, she got back up to her feet, slowly trotting away until she was out of hearing range though still in sight of the flyer, neglecting her duty and the flyer's trust.

As soon as she found a good spot, she lay down on the hard ground, observing the Night Circle for a while, her thoughts flowing freely, turning darker and darker, her depression taking control of her mind until quiet sobs rocked the poor longneck. Just an every-day night for Lizzie.
Inactive, probably forever.


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In his mind, Rinen had already decided to try to forgive the fast runners and begin to finally accept the cruel ways of the Mysterious Beyond. However, something in the other dinosaur’s words and tone suddenly infuriated the threehorn without an end. Whether it was the lack of any emotion or apology in her voice or her highly casual words which proved further that the fast runner hadn’t cared about her companions in the least, Rinen couldn’t say. All he knew was that any genuine regret was completely absent within the fast runner which only reminded him that these child killers couldn’t be trusted in any circumstances. The change in Rinen’s mind was a profound one but the despair of dozens of humiliations with his old herd rose in his mind as he saw the girl speak to him as if nothing of interest had happened. He simply felt his muscles tense slowly and suddenly heard himself speak in a voice that dipped with rage and regret. His tone surprised even the boy himself but the raging flurry of hate and hurt overwhelmed any hesitation completely.

“Is that all? Is that truly all you have to say? You and your friend left me to die without second thoughts and you think you can simply tell me you’re happy that I lived and get away with it? Without really even meaning it? WHAT KIND OF FOOL DO YOU THINK I AM? I knew all fast runners were nothing but heartless jerks all along!” Rinen growled as he slowly started to walk towards the fast runner, his deep breathing and enraged eyes resonating with a sudden will to settle the score with those who had been so willing to see him dead.


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Buko had been lost in his own little world with his eyes firmly focuses on the water and the swift little morsels of food within.  Though it would take several hours of searching to completely fill his belly, he knew that the worst of the hunger pains could be resolved by a mere fish.  Just anything to take the edge off of the dull, aching...

"WHAT KIND OF FOOL DO YOU THINK I AM? I knew all fast runners were nothing but heartless jerks all along!”

In an instant any thought of food disappeared from his mind as a familiar voice presented itself.  This voice, however, which would have otherwise calmed his heavy conscience, merely filled his mind with fear.  There were many sights and sounds that would elicit a panic response in a fastrunner and of those 'pissed off threehorn looking at your packmate with murderous intent' was certainly on the list.  Not having time to process what he was thinking or when exactly Wyoh became "pack" in his mind, Buko let out a sharp alert call in order to bring Wyoh back to reality.

It was time to run.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Wyoh clenched her jaw, her heart beginning to pound. The circumstances of her life had left her largely a passive creature of shallow emotional peaks and valleys, but this was enough. She had seen many of her own kind die off slowly, one by one, and this worthless leaf-gobbler wanted her to feel sad for him? His words twisted her hopelessness into a knot of ugly rage, her feathers standing on-end in the electricity of pure aggression. She turned to face him, a harsh, drawn-out squawk issuing from her beak.

"What were we supposed to do? Or do you think the sharptooth would have ignored another meal running straight into his mouth?" She slammed her foot down, splashing cold river water everywhere. "We don't even know you, but if there was something we could have done we would have done it! Do you think the swimmer would have stayed with us otherwise?" She snorted and arched her neck, preparing for one more volley. "He was so worried about you, and you haven't even checked to see if he's okay! Maybe you didn't deserve to be rescued!" She shouted the last part as loud as she could, her voice becoming raw and scratchy.

Her rage somewhat spent, she straightened up and took another look at her adversary. Buko's warning call prickled instinctively at the back of her mind. Her heart still pounded. She knew she should run. Though she had height on the threehorn, she was sure one solid blow from the dense thing could shatter bone, and she had never been in a real fight before. It would be suicide. The fastrunner took a few measured steps backward, keeping her eyes on the threehorn and maintaining the distance between them. If he betrayed any hint of a charge, she would flee.


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In the few seconds that followed, which seemed like a near-eternity for the hapless fastrunner, Buko merely stared at the nonsensical scene that was playing out in the distance.  In his life there were certain fundamental truths that, due to their lack of exemptions, made like understandable even in the most confusing time.  Truths like "I am purple which means I have to run fast if danger comes", "threehorns are danger incarnate", and "angry threehorns will murder you with a face of jagged horns".  In light of such truths a fastrunner's duties were easily established and order reigned in the universe.

And now his friend, who he could only assume had gone insane due to the stress of the day, was facing off with a threehorn and telling it off.  Was she so hungry that she was seeing the threehorn as food?  Or was she so eager to get this day over with that she was seeking "suicide by murder-face"?

In light of the confusing scene all he could do was watch and hope that she came to her senses before it was too late and let her instincts carry her legs away from the agitated threat.

Buko's conscious mind had no idea that he was slowly walking forward.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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The threehorn stared at the raging fast runner in growing, cold rage as she threw one insult after another at him. After all that happened, this weak, cowardly piece of spiketail dung had the guts to suppose he deserved to die? Of course, she was right about the two omnivores’ ability to help but all the halftooth should have done was to give one gesture of apology after what had happened to show she wasn’t a cold, brutal killer her kind had all too often turned out to be. However, her accusations only made Rinen breath ever more deeply, the rage of a challenge rising in his mind. He had heard dozens upon dozens of insults in his life and damn right he wouldn’t let this cursed fast runner get away with her words. All his life, Rinen had fought to keep whatever honor he still had and the other dinosaur’s words triggered the same line of emotions he had been trained to foster all those seasons. His voice nearly broke as he gave his answer, his voice bordering between a threatening whisper and a terrifying cry.

“That is enough, halftooth! I never asked for your help with any fight and I’ll never need it, but I will not listen to that kind of trash from the likes of you, you despicable, sad excuse of a fast runner! If I didn’t deserve to be saved from that monster, maybe you don’t deserve to live through this day either!” Rinen said, determined not to walk away as the loser from this encounter. He pulled some dirt aside with one move of his leg and suddenly leaped forward surprising quickly. Quickly enough, in fact, to prevent the female from escaping before his horn hit her upper abdomen.


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The anger built again at his next remark, hot tears of fury stinging her eyes. The dung-brained leaf-gobbler still had the nerve to insult her, as if his life was worth more than theirs, as if she should have taken his first attack lying down. Her blood was boiling, and she had stopped thinking clearly.

"Of course you didn't need our help! The sharptooth wouldn't have wanted to eat a big pile of dung anyway!"
She spat, feathers fluffed to the max. The childish insult would cost her dearly. If she had kept her head and watched his movements, she might have escaped unscathed, but his sudden charge caught her completely off-guard. She barely had enough time to shuffle into a half-turn, changing what might have been a serious wound into a flat, concussive blow. It sent her tumbling down onto her back in the water, the breath knocked completely from her lungs. Coughing and sputtering she thrashed around in the water, managing to raise her head only to see the threehorn bearing down on her. There was only one thing she could do that might buy enough time for her to escape with her life. In one fluid motion she bunched her legs to her chest and extended them with all of her might, landing two powerful kicks to the threehorn's underside.


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Samara woke up with a shock and after looking around she noticed why she woke up. The Longneck was approaching her, probably to say that it's her turn to take watch. She nodded and stood up and flew up to the top of the dead tree she was laying on. She had a good view from up here, enough to keep watch, enough to make sure that they would stay safe, and if not, enough time to wake up her companion and run- or in her case, fly away.

Samara looked at the twinkling lights up far above, mesmerized by the beauty of them along with the Night Circle and wished that maybe, maybe everything will be as beautiful in the end as the lights up above.
The universe has a beginning, but no end. —Infinite.
The stars too have beginnings, but their power accompanies their decline.  —Finite.
It the wise who are the most foolish. History has taught us as much.
The fish of the sea know not the world of the land. Were they to possess wisdom, they too would experience decline.
It is more absurd that humans should surpass the speed of light than it is that fish should start living on the land.
- Steins;Gate (anime / visual novel)


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Rinen gasped for air as he fell into the water, completely taken aback by the fast runner’s desperate maneuver. He hadn’t expected her to be able to mount any major resistance, a thought which immediately brought another painful memory into his mind. He had also let the swimmer who was much smaller and younger than he was to beat him because of some stupid oversight and he certainly wasn’t going to allow this fast runner to do the same. Luckily for the threehorn, the omnivore’s attempt to escape wasn’t as easy as she had hoped as the water which reached her knees prevented her from running away quickly enough.

“You thought that would keep me down? Let us see you getting beaten by this pile of dung…” Rinen muttered in utter outrage, seeing only red as he prepared to finish this fight off. He watched in satisfaction as the fast runner struggled to escape but the river’s waves prevented her. In this moment, all the shadows of his past incarnated in the insufferable, pathetic egg stealer before him, making the threehorn more than ready to kill her if given the chance. The fast runner’s struggles grew more desperate by the second and soon enough, she seemed to step into a small hole in the riverbed, causing her to fall headlong into the water, already enabling Rinen to start rejoicing for his win. Now, he only had to use his horn and crest to attack her throat and it would be all over…

However, once again, the young threehorn forgot to kind his surroundings. His stressed mind was too focused on his opponent to realize that a wave as high as he was billowing towards him. Waves like that were extremely rare in small bodies of water like this which had made Rinen overlook that chance completely. He was just about to give the decisive blow to the fast runner when he felt his whole world turn upside down as water engulfed all his senses. Rinen felt the rocks hit at him countless times but any attempts of trying to scream would have ended in him swallowing more than enough water to drown him. It felt like an eternity until this nightmarish sensation ended and when it did, the threehorn found himself lying on the rocky side of the river, seeing that the fast runner was approaching the opposing shore, apparently spared from the wave.


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Buko could only watch the scene play out before him, transfixed by the sheer brutality and anger on display.  He had never seen a fastrunner defend itself against a stronger adversary, and witnessing Wyoh's counter-attack and subsequent retreat was enough to make something in his mind break.  It was if the world had turned upside down and his previously held certainties were now but a plaything to a reality seemed hellbent on confusing his sensibilities.

That was when he saw the wave progressing through the river and everything focused back into place.  I've got to help her!

Buko sprinted as fast as his muscular legs would carry him towards the greenest part of the river, an indication of its shallower depth.  Then, bracing his legs for a powerful jump, he hurled himself into the body of water, desperate to make it to the other side where hopefully he could assist her in escaping from threehorn menace.

He did not notice that the battle was already over.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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The "monster" known as Slash trekked through the land, still searching for an easy meal during the night time, when he could be more silent and unseen during his attacks. He had still wondered where the threehorn has gone; his senses weren't working right which made him unable to detect Rinen in the cave during the afternoon attack. As the thought of tearing the dinosaur apart loomed in his mind, he heard a loud crash; this was in fact the big wave down by the river. However, he thought nothing of it and moved on. Slash wasn't going to risk getting into a scuffle over there in this non-severe state of hunger, at least not yet anyway.

After ignoring the splashing and walking on, he came across a grove of trees nearby, and noticed a bit of rustling in said plants. Curious, he moved closer, wanting to know who or what was moving those trees.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)

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Aquarius was rather happy when he heard the Threehorn's loud entrance and rounding confrontation with that tall Fast Runner. Aquarius let out and irritated sigh. "Threehorn's, they are real rock heads sometimes" he said to himself. As soon as the confrontation moved to the water and into Aquarius sight he forcefully pushed himself to his feet with a grimace at the pain he felt from his beaten body. By the time he had pushed himself up using the tree to hold on to the wave had separated both combatants. Aquarius took the opportunity to speak before the fight could resume.

"Hey Threehorn, I'm glad your ok! We tried to help you and distract that Sharptooth but the Fast Runners got too tired to run. We're sorry about that but there wasn't anything we could do. Now I think we'd better find someplace safe before that Sharptooth finds us again" called Aquarius loudly so his three companions could hear him.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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It took a few moments for Rinen to recover from the hit of the wave and to return his focus to the present. He had nearly got the fastrunner and it angered the threehorn without an end to think he had been robbed his final victory by some force of nature. And now he had absolutely no way of reaching that damned baby killer on the other side of the river to even the odds after her preposterous words. The boy breathed deeply, trying to hold his anger inside him for now as any further actions would only give the fastrunner further confirmation of her temporary victory. However, it was at this moment when he heard a voice he had fully forgotten in the midst of the fight.

A guilty grip took a hold within the threehorn’s heart as he heard the swimmer speak with a voice this genuine and concerned, ashamed that he had failed to even recall his presence in the middle of his anger. Even after all that had happened, the smaller dinosaur hadn’t given up on him but even then, the threehorn couldn’t completely forget his fight. He tried to calm down but the rage still rang in his voice as he spoke, accompanied by a tone Rinen had meant to carry a friendly, appreciating hint.

“Didn’t you hear what she said, swimmer? Those bastards were never our friends, not really even our companions! We should just get away and forget we ever met them! There’s nothing to be gained from even trying to get along with them. But I’m happy to see you again, too.” Rinen said, forcing the last sentence from his mouth. His blood was still spoiling but he attempted to push the omnivores from his mind as he reunited with one of the only dinosaurs who had ever showed any understanding or friendliness towards him.


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Lost in a haze of adrenaline, she had maneuvered her legs beneath her as quickly as she could and taken off in a burst of frenzied motion. Unfortunately the river was deeper than it looked, and every step was harder than the last. She had no idea how close she had come to death when she fell headlong into the water. The only thing in her world that mattered was to keep moving forward at all costs, away from the crazed threehorn, and so she kicked her feet in an awkward swim, coughing and sputtering as her head broke the surface. She was vaguely aware of the roar of water and a tumbling crash sounding from behind her, as some sort of divine luck propelled her to the other side of the river on the gentle edge of what had been a powerful wave.

Legs shaking and feathers dripping, she waded to the shore. The threehorn was stranded on the other side, she noticed with relief, but the bright figure of Buko was swimming toward her through a shallower section of the river. She ran up the bank towards him, prepared to do what she could to help if he showed signs of distress.