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A new world...Same old faces

The Great Valley Guardian

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It's dark, cold and wet. But that tends to happen in a cave after a few days...especially after being trapped for at least a week inside that cave. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

My friends and I have been trapped in here for quite some time now, and although they are getting upset about trying to get out...I won't let them move the rock that has fallen into place keeping us here...I just don't feel its safe.

For those of you wondering who I am....that's not important right now...but what is, is that our world the only way to describe it. Something happened just as the bright circle was rising, and everything...everyone...everywhere far as I know. I think we may be the very last survivors...and that's a scary thought to me.

Well...I suppose for the moment that's all I can there isn't much more to say except...

My name is Longtail Fury Skyfire, and this is where you come in...


I guess this would be easier if you knew what happened, so I'll take you back to the beginning...

It began like any other day. The bright circle was shining in the sky, and dinosaurs were going about their day...when...everything changed...for all of us.

It was the oddest thing, as another Bright Circle appeared in the sky..and then fell....and it fell fast and it fell far. In fact it fell out of the sky so quickly by the time anyone in the entire valley looked up to see where it was going to land, it was out of our sight.

But there is one thing I can tell you about that flying rock...when it landed in the Mysterious Beyond...I don't think anyone anywhere in our world didn't feel the massive shuddering earthshake that followed. It seemed to last forever, but that wasn't what worried was the fear that those outside the valley, those I Ali, and even Hunter and Dante. They are out there somewhere...and they may be safe...or they may be hurt.

Then...came...the fire.

It was fast...most of the valley residents never had a chance to run or get to safety. I could hear them crying in pain, sorrow, and anger as they no doubt watched family, friends, and even their own hatchlings die around was horribly familiar...just like my home...when I was a burned too...but this....this was so much worse. And above the sounds and smell...even when my home island burned that smell was small compared to this....I will NEVER forget this was death, and it was stronger than I'd ever felt...almost like it was reaching out to touch my heart.

If you were outside long enough you could see how the fire touched everything...trees cracked with flames...leaves burned to nothing...even the fast moving water that runs through our valley....bubbled until nothing was left.

If it hadn't been for Ruby being with me at the time....I don't know what I would've done...she lead me back to the Cave of Many Voices and told me to stay here...heh...and to think I listened to her as she ran back out to find the others... I sit...inside a cave waiting...wondering...if I am the last dinosaur left in the Great Valley...maybe the world.


This cannot be happening...but if it's happening then it must be happening for a reason. My name is Ruby, and just like my friend Longtail the flyer, I was eating from one of my favorite eating places when the giant sky rock fell from the sky, and crashed sending what I can only call a wall of fire into the valley. And I did the only thing I could think of and ran.

After all those who didn't run, couldn't hope to outrun the wall of fire that ate the valley. It was so scary when the other dinosaurs began to scream. I didn't want to stop, so I didn't stop and I just ran, and hoped I could find my friends safe and alive...and that's when I found Longtail, he was safe and for that I am glad.

I lead him back ot my home in the cave of Many Voices and told him to stay, and then I continued looking for the Littlefoot and Cera as they would know what to do, as they usually know what to do. That, and they are the leaders of the valley herd so they should be safe too...I only hope that I am right, because if I'm wrong, then I really hope I'm right...


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My name is Chomper, and I can't believe what just happened. I felt a little sick that day, so I staed in the Cave of Many Voices. I never would have imagined....what came next. It was horrifying. That fire did more damage then any sharptooth herd ever could to leafeaters, or any dinosaur, for that matter.


"What was that?!" I kept thinking to myself. My name is Rita, and I'm a sharptooth. I was just exploring caves with my friends Rory and Myra the fast biters when that rock hit. We got lucky not being out in the open.


After what seemed like forever, I decided to surface completely from the water in the cavern I was in. My name is Greg, son of the belly dragger known as Dil. We both went underwater to hunt, and I don't know if she was still under when the fires started. I can only hope she's alive now.


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One moment it was there, and the next.......... Everything was gone, burning to the ground. My name is Zaine, and I can only hope my friends are ok. The fires spread around the Great Valley so quickly. Chaos had finally reached our peaceful home. After all these years I never expected it to happen, but it did. I was at my nest when it all happened. I didn't want to stay in one place for too long, so I left my nest to go find my friends. I couldn't find anybody, and I still can't. I am still wondering around, looking for any sign of somebody still alive.


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OOC: Ok, I'm gonna apologize for the length right now :)

I try once again to convince myself that what just happened didn't. Everything is still dark and the shaking has stopped. I think, that's enough. The shaking is over and we're still here...that's something...everything after this has to be ok as well.

I glance to the figure still pacing back and forth anxiously, trying to find some way out...that's what we've been doing for the past, well I've lost count of how long from my own world crashing down around me to the stop of the chaos took.

I'll still never forget the look on my father's face as the fire raining down hit him and sent him hurtling to the ground...and to his fate in the beyond world of the dead. The last of my parents and immediate family. I'd have probably stood there in shock myself until I hit my own end if it hadn't been for Petrie pushing me into this cave we'd found in the Mysterious Beyond. Twiz followed as well. He was safe too...that was something.

The reason myself, my dad Tylr, and Petrie were even out here in the Mysterious Beyond is now crying and I move over to the small hatchling the same deep blue color as her grandmother, my aunt.

Twiz' little boy, Flip, and the only hatchling to be saved, thanks to my dad's last heroic sacrifice. His mother was one of Petrie's sisters no longer with us either. The small thing looks up at me and holds his wings out, "'A't Kit...". Aunt Kit, it's what he's gonna call me when he can talk better I think, and I don't mind one bit. I scoop him up, rocking him gently. "Shh, it's ok Flip, your dad, Uncle Petrie and I are all here" I try to sooth the small thing.

"Yeah" I hear the voice with a sigh in it, "but if 'Uncle Petrie' can't figure out how to remove this rock, we're not gonna last long anyway!".


I sigh again, my fear was never easy to hide, even if I don't freak out as much as I use to, anyone and especially Kit can tell when I'm stressed. "Sorry" I mutter after a moment or so of silence. Kit smiles and says it's ok while still rocking Flip. She's sure taking this 'end of everything we know as life' well. I glance to the rock blocking the cave we're in once more. It saved our lives, I'm sure of that. Everything happened in slow motion from the moment we saw the huge flying rock and then the fire rang down.

Flip was in the Mysterious Beyond visiting with his father, Twiz, who still had a sharptoothed flyers herd to lead, and somehow without a word myself, Kit and Uncle Tylr all darted forward with the single thought of how the two of them were doing.

Well, my nephew and brother-in-law weren't my only thoughts, I did turn to look back at my sister and even wonder how my mom and the others were...but her look was only concerned for Flip and Twiz, so I knew I had to find it is that's the last I saw of her.

So I followed Uncle Tylr out of the Great Valley and even as he darted right over to where Twiz and Flip were visible. I was just about to throw out some kidding statement to Twiz on how he shouldn't be out in beyond skywater like this, when we all saw the flying rock heading straight for the tree the fire was already crawling up. The tree with flightless Flip's nest in it. Before we could think, Uncle Tylr had darted in and saved Flip...but at his own expense. I didn't even get to thank him properly before he was gone, just promised him I'd watch over Kit and Flip and saw the look that said he'd never doubted that.

Well, a few moments and another crashing flying rock later, I got my chance and scooping up Flip, pushed, Kit and Twiz towards the cavern not a moment too soon it seemed. This one rock causing the issue was due to the cave in I'm sure, and it kept out the rest of the fire and saved us, but now I have to figure out some way to move it.

"Twiz" I turn to my friend for alot of my life and brother-in-law for a shorter later while, "come see if you can help me budge this". I can't tell if he's listening.


I glance up, I'd been so out of it I hadn't even heard my son crying and Kit had to comfort him. My thoughts aren't just on my entire herd, who I all but know are dead, but also my mate, everyone in the Great Valley, and Tylr who was my uncle too and to whom I owe my son's life. If I could only wipe that look of despair off of Kit's face, and not feel like my own failure as a father caused it.

If I'd been watching Flip as I should have, if my mate had been out here with me too and not left in the Valley to perish I can't help but think, I wouldn't have caused either Petrie or Kit this grief. Tylr wouldn't have had to risk and lose his life by stepping in to save Flip. I'll be forever more grateful than I can express for it...but one would think a herd leader would have been more in control. It's a proud line of rulers down the watering hole.

"Twiz" now it's Kit's turn to walk over and hand me Flip, I think trying to reassure me with the fact that my son's alright. I hug him, yet then stand and hand him back to Kit, "Here, I think he was calmer when he was with you" I say in a dead tone.

Kit's looks says I haven't fallen one bit in her eyes, and it's too good to be true...yet maybe she's right, maybe I can try to redeem myself and help Petrie get us out of here.

"Would you watch him while I see if two bright flyers such as your cousins can't figure a way out of this?" I next ask with a small smile. Kit smiles and nods.

I next walk over and begin to help Petrie push. The both of us knowing, I think, that we have to move it, there's no food or water at all in here and I didn't see any other opening.


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Hi, my name is Ecco. You might be wondering where I am and who I am. Well, one thing is clear, nothing is like it was before. I had luck that I survived. I was swimming in the river, like every day. Suddenly the sky turned grey and thunders were everywhere. The last thing I remember is, that a burning tree fell into the river. I dived under water to hide in a little whole in the ground. After a while I came out. Now, that I know that everything has changed, I am trying to find my way through this ruins of trees and rocks everywhere. The sky has a red colour now and it looks like the world I knew is not there anymore. A world of darkness has arrived.

G¥day guys. I am still a bit dizzy from the stone falling on my head. I recovered soon sure. You know, I am Shorty, one of the bravest longnecks ever. But a stone would knock everybody out, wouldn¥t it? Sure, the earth turned into something dark. But I¥ll survive it and fight my way through it. I don¥t know if I am the only surviver. But if so, then things won¥t look good in the future.


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I am exiting the cave I was in. (This is Greg's perspective.) I hope I can find anyone alive, but then I saw a green longneck after traveling for 30 minutes.

"Hey there!" I called in flattooth.


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OCC: Guess that¥s addressed to me? :p

IC: Suddenly I heard a voice calling out a greeting. I turned around and saw a belly dragger. Oh, hi there. You know our language?


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"Yes," I replied, "I learned it from my mom."


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Petrie's POV

"We're getting there!" I cry, pushing once more until I can see what light there seems to be out in this mainly dark world. Twiz helps me push and we soon have a big enough hole for me, Twiz and Kit to make it through.

Not that Twiz or I would let Kit peer out before either of us had, and infact we both peer out at the same time, glancing about. Everything is so dark, even though I can tell the bright circle should still be out. Then I spot him, not the most reassuring dinosaur I could think up first to spot...but a friend of sorts

"Shorty!" I cry, coming out of the hole a bit, then I hear Twiz also call out to someone.

Twiz's POV

As we come out of the hole, and I spot the green longneck, I wonder if perhaps I did spot him once when I snuck in to visit Kit and her friends in the Valley, but this isn't as important as what I spot next. an actual friend I do know. "Greg!" cry with a smile as I come out of the cave behind Petrie.

Then I notice Petrie said a name as well, so I turn to him. Our questions come out at the same time.

"You know the bellydragger?"
"You know longneck?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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After looking around the valley and finding only the dead Ruby was beginning to doubt anyone else had lived, and she was now crying as she continued searching how to find her firneds. She wasn't sure where they could possibly be, but she knew this much...she would find them no matter what! After searching a little longer she did find someone...and she was glad to see they were alive!

"Zaine! Oh I am so glad to see someone else, cause that means someone else is alive besides me and Longtail." commented Ruby as she stepped forward and gave Zaine a hug.


Longtail had obeyed Ruby and stayed in the cave, but had begun walking around hoping to run into someone hiding in the caves as well, when he heard a spalsh and he turned a corner and saw a friend and smiled as he recognized who it was.
"GREG!!! I'm so glad that you're okay. How did you survive the wall of fire?" he asked in a frantic tone.


Hunter stepped out of her underground cave, and sighed as she thought about what had happened before...I was outside with my mate Dante, and when the giant flying rock came down out of the sky we..we were seperated and now I don't know if he's okay or not...I'm so worried...I want to go searching for him, but with the land so...changed...there is no way to tell if he's alive or...dead. And if I go out there...and get myself killed, then...he may find me...and that would break my heart more than anything.
I'll wait till he returns and hope for the best.


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(Greg's POV) "I was underwater at the time, hunting with my mom," I said, overjoyed to see my friend alive. "I hope she's ok..." I took my attention off the longneck.


(Rita's POV) Me, Rory, and Myra were in caves in the GV area. We realized our best chance was to go inside, maybe someone else was in the cave.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail sighed as Greg mentioned his mother.
"Do you know...if...she survived?" he asked almost at a whisper so as if not to hurt Greg's feelings. But before his  bellydragger friend could answer he used his sniffer and picked up several scents. "Do you smell that Greg? Someone else is in this cave with us."


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"I can smell my friends..." Greg said in reply. "But....wait! I can smell someone else...a belly dragger...could it be?!"


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EDIT: OOC: I'm going to back up my flyers :) actually finding Longtail and the others until I know if they are inside or outside the cave. So, editing and backing up...

"What do you mean you think you might be wrong?" Petrie asked, "is it the bellydragger you thought it was or isn't it?".

Twiz sighed, "Well I don't see you rushing out to greet the longneck, or that newcomer who...could be Longtail...or I'm just hoping for things from this distance it's hard to tell".

Kit bounced Flip as she held him to keep the young one still and calm, "Well someone's gonna have to take the chance that it's more of our friends and go closer to see...not that I'm anxious for either of you to get into more trouble but...I think it might be ok".

"You always think everything will be ok" Twiz couldn't help but shot back. He sighed, "Ok, I'll...".

"I promised her dad I'd watch her and Flip, so I'll...step out and check" Petrie cut in, then began to walk out to do so. "Be careful..." Kit called. Petrie grimaced, "Yeah...thanks". He kept walking.


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Zaine finally found Ruby as she came over and hugged him. "I'm happy to see you're ok too Ruby! You think anybody else is alive? Have you seen Littlefoot or Longtail by any chance?"


It's happening again. Just like the earth shake except now it's happening here! My grandparents told me to hind beneath the rocks as they fled to find any survivors. I don't remember how long I've been in here. I just know something has to be done. I wonder if Cera and the others are ok. I wonder what will happen to the Great Valley after all of this. Will we leave? Will we try to save it? My name is Littlefoot.


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Shorty couldn¥t help but smile as he saw Petrie and the other unknown dinosaurs. Hey Petrie. Long time no seen. I am glad that you are alive he said as he walked a bit closer to him. Do you know what happened to the others?

Meanwhile Ecco was watching someone else from a farther distance. It was a(what species is hunter again?) He could see that she was worrying about something and she looked scared. So Ecco didn¥t want to take her by surprise. He slowly moved out of his hiding place and waved to her. He... hello. Are you alright?


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Kit smiled, "Well guys, does that answer that?" she asked, flapping closer. Petrie and Twiz followed.

"Well I'm glad you're ok" he told Shorty, "It really good". At that last part Twiz looked a bit confused and glanced over to Petrie, but Kit shook her head. It would always be part of Petrie's character that his grammer wasn't perfect, but Kit knew they shouldn't point out his mess ups.

"Um, I don't think you spent much time around Kit when visiting" Petrie went on, "but this is my cousin Kit from the Valley and Twiz...well it's complicated, he's from Kit's other side of the family but also my brother-in-law now so...whatever that is" he shrugged.

Twiz nodded, "Hi. Glad to see you're ok too Greg" he said.

"and Longtail, you're ok too!" Kit smiled happily, "do you know if any of the others are as well?".


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Well, I just know Petrie out of this group here. Our meeting was kinda,... well, suddenly, he said with a little laugh. But I have never seen the others of you. It¥s nice to meet all of you, and I am glad you survived this horrifying miracle.


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"Could it be...that my mom's alive?" Greg asked Longtail, walking towards the scent of the belly dragger his sniffer picked up.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail almost jumped for joy when he realized Kit, Petrie, and Twiz were alive, but he did rush forward and hug the trio. "I'm so glad you three are safe!" Then he answered Kit's question. "Yeah, Ruby brought me here, but then she went back outside to try and find the others. I don't know if she's found anyone or not, but I'm hoping she has." he said sadly.

Someone then nipped Greg on the tail
"Well glad to see that you know when to find safety son." Said Dil with a warm smile.


Ruby smiled at Zaine.
"Yes, Longtail is safe, because where I left him is indeed safe! He is in the Cave of Many voices. Have you found anyone else?" she asked just be sure.


(Alimon is her species)

Hunter heard the voice and looked up to see Ecco stepping closer and she smiled as she crawled out of her hole in the ground.
"Glad to see someone else survived this horrible tragedy. Have you come across any  other survivors at all? Like...Dante?!" She didn't mean to sound desperate, but they were mates and Hunter missed him.