The Gang of Five
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Messages - LittlefootOnASkateboard

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It is a shame. I might have to watch The Wisdom of Friends (which I’ve never seen all the way through). Knowing Grandma Longneck has some focus might get me through it.

There isn't really much to see once you get past the opening scene with her. She has a couple of short scenes in between where she's looking for the kids with the other adults and then the ending when she finds them. The best showcase of her bond with Littlefoot is in the first five minutes, which is a shame. Throughout the series I'd say she stands out more in XIII, IV, and III, where she gets more equal screen time to Grandpa and both of them have more time with Littlefoot.

Another great opportunity ruined. If I were to remake that movie, I'd make some key changes. Actually, I don't know if I would remake that movie, but I'd probably transplant the opening scene which I actually kind of like and have it lead to a different plot.

I would also make some changes to that scene in particular. For example, I don't really like how reckless Littlefoot seems. He really should know better at this point. I remember having this idea for how it could play out:

* Littlefoot and Grandma are walking past some mostly dead trees, late autumn, ground is covered in frost. Littlefoot complains about not liking fall autumn because there isn't enough to eat, Grandma chuckles, says something old and wise about the seasons. Whatever.
* They find a tree with two remaining treestars left. "Look, there's one for each of us!" Littlefoot says.
* Grandma lifts Littlefoot so he can reach the two remaining treestars on the highest branch. Littlefoot eagerly snaps off and swallows his own treestar. But when it's time to grab Grandma's treestar, he drops it and the wind carries it away.
* Littlefoot is saddened but Grandma assures him it's alright - she wasn't that hungry anyway, and it's time to head back to the nest. They move on, but Littlefoot spots the grandma's treestar stuck in a bush on the other side of the ravine with the log. He decides to get it and surprise his grandmother, not realizing the danger.

From that point, the scene would play out mostly the same. But I think giving Littlefoot an unselfish motivation here makes his reckless behavior seem a little more understandable.

@somerandomfangirl Grandma Longneck may be bitter Bron went looking for lodgings and her daughter died because of it. Had Bron been there, Sharptooth would have been felled and Momma would have lived.

Sorry I completely forgot to reply to this.  :oops

I made the whole 'Grandma Longneck was that kind of mother-in-law' comment more in jest than anything, but yeah, it's possible there was some tension between her and Bron, more so than between Bron and Grandpa. I mentioned the possibility of it in his showcase discussion as well but there was guilt on all sides when it came to Mama Longneck's death. Bron had left and Grandma and Grandpa slept through most of it, only getting up and looking for their daughter and grandson just before the earthshake struck. I would have liked to have seen her reaction to seeing Bron for the first time in so many years again but alas, can't always get what we want. For now I'll just over-analyse tiny details in the films to support my headcanons. :p

But yeah, more Grandma in any future sequels please, Universal.

I remember thinking this as well - that maybe they'd be some tension there. And even more so - it would have been nice if we got see some more interaction between grandma and grandpa and Bron. I have some many versions of this in my head that I can barely remember what actually happened, but if I remember correctly, Bron was never directly told about Littlefoot's mom, right? It's all happening so fast, with Littlefoot rushing off. Which they would have handled it better. Still really love that movie though.

Hey, do we actually know from which side of Littlefoot's family Grandpa and Grandma are from?

I'm now kinda old and couldn't keep up with the kids, so... Grandpa Longneck. :wise We can hang around eating food all day and he can tell me a bunch of wacky longneck stories (hey, I love a good story).  :p

Great choice. Grandpa is on my fav list.

Grandpa Longneck is awesome! Great choice right there. I'm sure he'd have some amazing stories to tell.

The Party Room / Re: Things you NEVER want to say to the characters
« on: November 28, 2021, 12:09:45 PM »
@Littlefoot I got some bad news. Your dad was killed by a Sharp Tooth.

General Land Before Time / Re: When should we expect news about LBT 15?
« on: October 07, 2021, 06:40:28 PM »
Oh yeah that's likely. And that new My Little Pony movie went CGI but in a way that really recreates the 2d art style.

That said, dammit the more I think about it the more I hope for a 2d version. I'm just not sure the characters will be as expressive in 3d.

General Land Before Time / Re: LBT YouTube Channel
« on: October 07, 2021, 06:01:30 PM »
Unrelated but I'm trying to remember which movie those screenshots are from...
10th one. Great Longneck Migration.  :bronGoodJob

Oh yeah, when Littlefoot is saying goodbye! A great scene. Gosh that movie had such expressive animation.

General Land Before Time / Re: When should we expect news about LBT 15?
« on: October 07, 2021, 06:00:06 PM »
Same! Would love to see more of Chompers parents. And I haven't watched the TV series but I still think the question of his future in the The Valley is completely unresolved.

You actually have a pretty good point, focus on the other main characters, and you’ll create a good movie (just like the 8th movie).

I think any storyline involving Chomper is going to have a lot of built-in-potential for emotion and conflict. On one hand, Littlefoot practically adopted Chomper and out of the entire gang seemed the most keen to care of him and to think of him as family.

On the other hand, Littlefoot also lost his mother to a Sharp Tooth, and there's gotta be some left over trauma there that I could imagine would make it harder for Littlefoot to deal with the fact that one of his best friends is actually an apex predator. It might make him uncomfortable level, although undoubtly he wouldn't want to show it, or even more likely, he might go into full on denial mode and refuse to reckon with it altogether.

Anyway, there is A LOT of potential there plotwise for a new sequel.
That is MOST CERTAINLY an idea befitting one of those coming-of-age stories.

A perfect kind of theme to end the LBT franchise on, if anything.

Oh yeah exactly! A perfect bittersweet ending to the franchise!

General Land Before Time / Re: LBT YouTube Channel
« on: October 07, 2021, 02:34:45 PM »
This was one of the first videos I saw on the LBT channel and honestly...? I still don't know. I think they gave up after cutting up two clips from X and just assumed the ending would be funny. And to me it's pretty clear nobody actually watches these videos before uploading them, because of things like this:

Oh yeah that's a really funny moment guys!


They also have a habit of calling Ozzy and Strut Velociraptors for some reason. (Guys Ozzy literally calls himself a Struthiomimus in song pay attention :p )

But on the plus side, it is good to be able to watch the TV series on there seeing as it can be difficult to find the episodes anywhere else. Also it's interesting to see how many views they have on their videos, the sharpteeth compilation videos seem especially popular.  :thinking

Unrelated but I'm trying to remember which movie those screenshots are from...

The Welcome Center / Re: Hello!
« on: September 30, 2021, 11:12:00 AM »
Hi and welcome to the forum! And you're right, the last two weren't the best, but the rest are great!

The Welcome Center / Re: Greetings!
« on: September 28, 2021, 12:11:09 AM »
Hi dude! Welcome aboard! Oh and those are some of my favorites in the franchise too!

General Land Before Time / Re: When should we expect news about LBT 15?
« on: September 27, 2021, 11:39:57 PM »
I think a remake is by far more likely than 15th film.

As in, CGI perhaps? Hope they nail the designs.

Yeah, that idea concerns me. How do you even translate their designs to 3d? Littlefoot worked so well in 2d. I'd hope they just stick to flash or whatever the modern equivalent is.

The Welcome Center / Re: Long time LBT fan, first time forum user
« on: September 19, 2021, 02:25:50 PM »
Oh hi! Welcome to the forum, mate! So nice to have you hear! I just recently joined myself and it's great!

It's Party Time! / Re: Describe an LBT character
« on: September 15, 2021, 09:42:21 AM »

The original Sharp Tooth

It's Party Time! / Re: Boys vs Girls
« on: September 15, 2021, 09:40:02 AM »
Wow I will say this is a very even fight.

Boys - 1

History Section / Re: Palentological Findings News
« on: September 12, 2021, 02:33:44 AM »
Oh yes, I've heard about that. Not entirely sure what to make of it yet. Thanks for keeping the thread updated, @Gentle Sharptooth. I think paleo news is probably of interest to a lot of us LBT fans!

1988 Theatrical Release / Re: Littlefoot Getting rid of Sharptooth
« on: September 12, 2021, 02:27:51 AM »
I'm really glad I found this old thread. Some really deep insightful analyses being shared here. It's been a joy to read them all. The conversation of whether Littlefoot did kill Sharp Tooth for revenge or not reframes his entire character. If his sole motivation for engaging the t-rex was to avenge his mother then the way he did it (endangering his friends and Ducky especially) would be selfish. However, I think it's unlikely that Littlefoot did it without being at least, in part, subconsciously motivated by the desire for revenge. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

 I had to rewatch the scene just now just to really see what might be going through the little apatosaurus's head.

  • So here's the scene where the kids wade across the water. So we start with Sharp Tooth's roar, everyone's hiding behind that rock. Littlefoot hops out from behind the rock immediately. "Let's get rid of him once and for all" he says and starts laying out his plan while his friends are still cowering behind the rock.  He doesn't seem as much fearful as he is angry.
  • He details his plans. It's remarkable how quickly he figures it out. He seems actually a little excited. Completely confident in the plan it took him 10 seconds to come up with. Again, while the very real possibility of Sharp Tooth finding seems to be his implied motivation, I'm sensing it's not what drives him here. Also note that he doesn't seem the least afraid himself, in contrast to his friends. He probably doesn't even fully realize the danger that he is putting himself and his friends in.
  • Later, Littlefoot is definitely the first to indicate that Ducky should be bait. I think the way the other kids are smiling here indicate that they too perhaps don't fully realize the danger they'll be putting Ducky in. To Littlefoot, this seems like a game to him. And the smile on Littlefoot's face here doesn't really suggest indifference or callousness to me.

So it seems like Littlefoot's motivation could be the safety of the group. That he realizes that they'll only truly be safe once Sharp Tooth is dealt with once and for all. And considering how this one t-rex has been tracking them since the "earth shake", it's not entirely unreasonable. But that's not how it comes across in the context of the film at all. Quite the opposite, Littlefoot seems quite excited to get back at Sharp Teeth and despite the danger it puts them in. It's not like he's corned, with no choice but to lure the beast that's been stalking them into a trap. Sharp Tooth is even heading away from the kids at this point.

So even though he may not realize it himself, what drives him is probably a desire to kill the creature that's been stalking them and that took from him the most important other person in his life - his mother.

So does that make Littlefoot evil? Short answer: no. It makes him a kid. He's a smart, sensitive and genuinely caring kid. That he cares about his friends has been demonstrated many times.

But like a kid, his risk assessment is underdeveloped. And kids too have a deeply ingrained sense of revenge. Kids too experience anger and malice. In fact, these tendencies usually develop in children even fore things like empathy.

So we have here a traumatized, starved and also incredibly resourceful and intelligent kid. Who knows how much suppressed anger and frustration he's dealing with? Who knows when he last ate? And now he's finally given a chance to get back at Sharp Tooth. He's smart, so he figures out a plan to do it. And he executes it. He doesn't consider the danger it'd be putting everyone in, not because they're not important to him, but because it doesn't occur to him. It's nothing but pure impulsive opportunism on his part. Let's not forget that Littlefoot risked his life to save Ducky mare moments ago. There should be no question that he cares about her.

It's also worth noting that Littlefoot is never seen endangering his friends live in such way again. In fact, in the sequels he's quite protective of his friends. Sometimes more so than what is rational. He'll leave them behind when there is something he needs to do outside the safety of the Valley, not realizing that they're stronger together.

I wonder if seeing Ducky so close to being comped up by the angry rex, and Petrie almost drowning, filled him with regret at that moment. Maybe he's compensating for that, and this could explain why he's much more protective and considerate in the sequels?

Anyway, so basically yes, I believe revenge was a subconsciously motivating factor, and that he acted recklessly but didn't understand the risks either. I don't think it would be fair to judge Littlefoot based on his actions here. I think, in context, they're fully understandable.

But that doesn't change the fact that he did risk his friends, especially Ducky. And that's probably something that's gonna stay with him and shape his personality and his actions going forward.

Quote from: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on January 29, 2008, 11:29:37 PM
Quote from: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on January 29, 2008, 11:29:37 PM
Don't forget that all 5 of them were hungry, and had been hiking for days. Since we are all sitting, well-fed and watered (and hopefully not in any immediate danger) in front of our computers, we have the luxury of unlimited foresight and a clear head. When one is in a dangerous situation, one tends to lose the ability to think absolutely clearly. I believe the desicion was much more on-the-spot than we imagine.

When I try to put myself in Littlefoot's case, I think of when I was 15, and got lost in a forest outside my old house. I had dozed off in a large tree, and woke up to find it about twilight. Remembering that dad said never to panic, I calmly slid out of the tree and thought about where to go. I thought: "Due to the Coriolis Effect, my body is tuned to walk counter-clockwise, since I live in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun is setting to my left, and in the morning I can see it from my bedroom window, which faces east. Therefore, east (and home) is to my right, and I should follow any paths that lead clockwise from my current position, since I want to retrace my path."

While it sounds like I had thought this through really well, in reality, I was cold, hungry and wanted to get home. I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing, and the logic was proably reall flawed, but I thought, "Screw it, I gotta do something." Also, I didn't have the luxury of double-checking my logic, and making sure I knew I was right: daylight was almost gone, and I needed to use it while I had it.

Also, to follow my unblazed clockwise direction, I strayed off the path and did some risky things I certainly wouldn't have tried during the day, in a safer stuation. However, once I had made my original desicion, I didn't think enough to even consider changing course. Evey move I made was calculated to shave as much time off of my journey as possible, regardless of the consquences if I misstep.

I wound up exiting the forest and finding myself downtown, which was petty far away from my house.

Anyway, the point is, Littlefoot and co. couldn't afford to think clearly, and weigh the possible solutions anymore than I could've 5 years ago. They needed to make a desicion and stick with it. Littlefoot conjured in his head a possibillity of a way to eliminate Sharptooth, and once it was fully formed, he implemented it. If the others had had any better ideas, they would've said them, but they obviously didn't. And then they fell into place behind him.

Also, if anyone says that Littlefoot didn't look tired or exhausted, trust me he probably was. One of the marks of a good leader is the ability to hide one's own exhaustion, and put on a brave face for the others in your party. since Littlefoot had shown in the past that he was going and willing to be their leader, he knew he'd have to act the part completely, to keep the others going.

Precisely! This is perspective here is so important. When you consider Littlefoot's actions, you have to also consider his mental state, his exhaustion, the trauma he's been through.

Yet even with the movie as it is I doubt revenge to be the central motive of Littlefoot's decision. While he is certainly not immune to such traits I don't see Littlefoot as a character who would willingly risk the live of others to satisfy a personal hunger for revenge. I do not deny that Littlefoot probably did feel satisfied about the death of the Sharptooth, but I would not go so far as to consider his desire for revenge the central motive. Sharptooth did pose a threat to him and the others and Sharptooth had been very persistent in the pursuit of the kids. Had Sharptooth not been on the track of Littlefoot I suppose we can take it for granted that Littlefoot would not have tried to track down Sharptooth to get his revenge. Sharptooth happened to appear in a place where the terrain was suited to trap him and Littlefoot took that chance to get rid of the permanent threat. The lucky coincidence of the suitable terrain and the need to get rid of the permanent threat seem to be more plausible central motives for Littlefoot's decision than thirst for revenge.

This is also a very important point that I considered in my response. We shouldn't forge that Sharp Tooth did pose a continues threat to the kids throughout the movie and Littlefoot would have been aware of this. I have no doubt that this is a big reason why he did what he did. Still, I read it less as a decision made out of fear for his own life at that moment or in the future, and more like Littlefoot taking the chance to get back at the t-rex for everything he had done. And on that list would be all the times he attacked them AND what he did to his mother.

Littlefoot wanted to be rid of him once and for all. Like he said himself.

Lastly. I just had to...

Credit to Malte279 btw for that idea. 

Littlefoot is just not the revengeful nature who would stand there proclaiming something like: "Never shall I set a foot (however little they may be ;)) in the Great Valley before I haveth not spilled my foe's blood and satisfied my thirst for revenge!" Nor do I believe that he would think along these lines (lest in a poor imitation of middle English ;)

General Land Before Time / Re: Littlefoot Plush
« on: September 12, 2021, 01:40:27 AM »
That's just the most adorable thing. I'm big jelly, dude!

1988 Theatrical Release / Re: LBT 1 with Scottish dubs
« on: September 12, 2021, 01:20:42 AM »
GOOD LORD! Littlefoots name is BRYCE! I'm getting heart palpation.

Seriously though, this is quite well made.

1988 Theatrical Release / Re: LBT 1 with Scottish dubs
« on: September 12, 2021, 12:26:52 AM »
Holy freaking heck I'm 5 minutes in and this is already blowing my freaking mind. The insane over-the-top narration. And Cera hatching with the Concerning Hobbits LOTR soundtrack playing. I'm already loving it and the characters aren't even talking yet.

Clearly this is the superior version version and one I'll be sure to recommend from now on. (sarcasm).


Oh no! Some people ARE actually introducing their kids to LBT with this version of the movie! Saw a few such comments on Reddit!

General Land Before Time / Re: What if Don Bluth made a sequel?..
« on: September 12, 2021, 12:21:56 AM »
The idea of a Don Bluth sequel is just blowing my mind right now. The implications are so far-reaching! It would have changed the entire LBT franchise's trajectory. Even if he made just one sequel, if successful,  would have given other directors and writers a blueprint for how to make more movies. Like a framework to work off. Maybe future movies would be much darker and grittier. Maybe they wouldn't be musicals even. Maybe we'd have more theatrical releases and the entire movie series would have more staying power and more legitimacy with members from the original movie still working on it. It could have been much bigger!

It could also have absolutely ruined any possibility of future sequels. Because if Don Bluth's second movie bombed, or just weren't any good, maybe Universal would have never thought to revisit the IP. And we can forget about 14 moves, lol.

But anyway, I can't even theorize what a Don Bluth sequel could have been like. It's hard to imagine him doing it after wrapping up the first movie in a way that made any continuation of the main story essentially impossible. However, I really liked how the second movie revisit the whole thing about Sharp Teeth with Chomper. So maybe a story about Littlefoot adopting a member of the same species that killed his mother and how he'd deal with that emotionally could have made for an interesting project.

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