The Gang of Five
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Cold Land's Herd

Malte279 · 112 · 40210


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"Adults no know, but Petrie thinks they come from the cold lands." Petrie answered. "Me think they come from the deepest, darkest parts of the cold lands."

F-14 Ace

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Just then, Snork saw the gang.
He asked, "Um, excuse me.  Can any of you tell me who is in charge around here?  My friend and I just arrived here and were planning on staying.  We'de like to meet someone who is in charge here."


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"In charge? If you mean adults, Petrie see them by big river. Me Petrie, by the way." Petrie repled.

F-14 Ace

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Snork said, "Oh.  Pleased to meet you, Petrie.  Who are your friends?"


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"This is Littlefoot." He said, guestering to Littlefoot. "This is Ducky." He said, looking at Ducky. "And this is spike." Petrie ended, looking at Spike.

F-14 Ace

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Strafe came up and said, "Hi.  Nice to meet you.  Where are the adults?  We'd like to meet them."

(by the way, what do they call iguanodons?)


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(Everyone here calls them Spikethumbs.)

Petrie said "They by biiiiiiiiiig river. Biggest in valley. It by big stone, Me know that spot well. Petrie and friends play lots of games there."

F-14 Ace

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Strafe asked, "Can you take us there?  I don't know my way around at all."


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"Petrie could take you." Petrie said, taking flight.

F-14 Ace

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Snork said, "Alright then, lets go."
Strafe followed. (what do they call iguanodons in LBT?  I really need to know.  Is that what a spikethumb is?)


  • Ducky
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(We actully don't know what there really called, so M-K made up that name for them.)

Petrie flies towards the river, and slowly see s the big rock come into view.

F-14 Ace

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When they reached the river, Snork said, "Hmm.  Nice place.  I;m going to like it here."  
Then he saw Mr. Threehorn again and asked, "Who is that?"


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"Mr Threehorn. Me gotta go now." Petrie said, flying back to his friends.


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(Spikethumps is certainly one possibility. Thornthumb would be another (which I usually use in my storys for I like that word-intern allitteration). I've just one question. So far those members of the herd from the cold lands seem to be extremely friendly and ready to accept help from everyone. Doesn't quite match the picture from earlier threads
Threehorn: the idea is that a herd from far away lands escape the cold but when they arrive at the Great Valley they're met with not welcomed looks being a herd that care for themselves mostly and the rudiness they give to the welcome party just from the looks as they walk by. giving some real trouble to Little and friends when a group of kids from that herd that arrived treating him and the gang nothing more then nobodies.
Action9000: Indeed, there is safety in numbers. The idea of having a herd of different adult dinosaurs who are from the traditional mindset of herds being of a single type would be an interesting viewpoint. They are together for the sake of survival.

Should there be the inclusion of a Littlefoot-like character, who is more interested in a strong community of all different kinds of dinoaurs (like the original LBT)? Perhaps this character is less accepted in the herd, and needs to make a stand with the dinosaurs in the Great Valley to convince the others that working together can be a great thing.
Me: The other variant makes it likely that the herd, while not being hostile towards any specific kind in particular, consists of very opportune members. It would probably provoke tensions within the herd as well and a kind of mood along the lines of: "everyone for oneself, don't care about the others".
So far there are only members of the herd who would match Action9000's suggestion for Littlefoot like members within that herd. If they are all like that I'm afraid the result would be that everyone is happy and there is little to tell. So if you don't mind I'll come up with a character who reflects that distrustful everyone for him- or herself attitude of the herd.)[/i]


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Mr threehorn looked at some of the new comers "Here comes some of them" he said mostly to himself not to pleased about new comers still.


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There was a tall thornthumb near the head of the column. Just like everyone else he was all covered in dust and showed the marks of a long and hard journey.
The thornthumb stopped and looked through narrowed eyes at the Valley dinosaurs gathering around.
"Welcome to the Great Valley!" said Littlefoot's grandpa politely. "Make yourself a home and rest from the toils of your journey." The thornthumb looked at Littlefoot's grandpa but didn't respond in any way. The other dinosaurs who came through the narrow entrance of between the rocky walls of the Great Valley didn't stop but just moved on. The silence was getting irritating so Littlefoot's grandpa asked as friendly as he could: "Are you leading this herd thornthumb?"
"Pshaw!" called a clubtail from the herd who was just passing by. "Ye really think anyone would be lead by that?"
He made a movement with his head at the thornthumb who growled and cowered as if making ready to pounce upon the clubtail.
"Then you are the leader?" asked Littlefoot's grandpa hastily trying to prevent the impending fight.
"There are no leaders!" called a threehorn that had just arrived there. "Leave everyone alone!"
Littlefoot's grandpa couldn't help looking utterly perplexed.

F-14 Ace

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Snork walked up and asked, "Oh, hi.  I'm new here and was wondering if it would be alright if I stay.  My spikethumb frien and I were following that herd and we decided to come ahead of them.  They came from the cold lands.  Me and Strafe were just tagging along.  Strafe here lost her whole herd in the Great Earthshake.  My herd deserted me afterI hurt my leg and couldn't keep up.  I don't know what those guys plan to do but I'm on my own.

F-14 Ace

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Strafe walked up and said, "Hi.  My name is Strafe.  Pleased to meet you."

F-14 Ace

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Snork then said, "I'm not sure what that herd's problem is.  They are just kinda loopy.  Anyway, hope you don't mind if we stay."
Strafe added, "Yes.  We have come a long way."

F-14 Ace

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Snork asked, "So, which one of you is in charge here?"

(Please, someone post soon.  Please.  I've been waiting all week for someone else to post something.)