The Gang of Five
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Anyone Used To Read The Magic Treehouse Books?


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Wow.  I just remembered that I was quite a fan of the Magic Treehouse books when I was growing up.  I think I got my first book when I was 2 (I was reading fluently by that time).  I loved those books until I was in first grade.  Then I went on to more advanced books seeing as I could read one in like 20 minutes. :p I wonder where they are?  I can't find them.  I'm sure I sold them at a garage sale years ago, so I'm going to go download them and re-read them to see how much I can remember. :yes Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?  But what about all of you?  These books were quite popular until the third grade where I was from.  I can't wait to read them again. :D


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I was not at all interested in these books. I kept trying to read them, but it just never caught my interest.

I did read these recently over just to go through which ojee I think I could keep and others that bored me to death.


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I just downloaded all of the audio books and I must say.....I'm surprised that I remembered every word.  Same thing with LBT.  I got out of LBT when I was 7 years old.  I watched the movies again when I was 16 and I remembered every single line and every song. :lol I don't know how I can do things like that.


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I know these books. I read up to like, number 20 of them. :D Me and this dude were in a reading war with them. We tried to see who was the fastest at reading and who could finish the series first. No one won. We eventually got bored and decided to call it a draw. :lol:


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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Jun 26 2010 on  01:03 AM
I was not at all interested in these books. I kept trying to read them, but it just never caught my interest.
I do admit the first few books sucked.  The knight and dinosaur one were particularly disappointing, and if memory serves those were the first two of the series.  They started getting good about number 6 or 7 if I remember correctly.


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We get these at the library where I work. I snagged a discarded copy of Christmas in Camelot because 'Merlin' has gotten me into Arthurian stuff. I can't read the part about Arthur banning magic without giggling and imaging someone telling them to blame Arthur's father LOL. I also have the Knights research guide.


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It has been a very, very long time. But yes, I have read a great number of them. I cannot say how many, or which once, but they quite interesting at the time I read them. The farthest, I can remember reading up to was either the Polar Bears or the Lions. I can’t remember exactly, but I ran out of steam by then. I ought to re-read them again.


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I recall reading this book as part of my class during 3rd Grade. Most of what I recall was how my class was rather distracted by me drawing Morgan le Fay (one of the main characters) during the middle of class when we were supposed to be reading. Much of the class was rather surprised by how accurately I was drawing her when I wasn't even tracing at all.

... That aside, I do recall this book series a bit from my childhood. However, sadly, only the first book in addition to books 5-8 are ones I've actually read from back in the day. My library did have access to other books from the same series, but I was typically too busy being distracted by books that taught drawing and such. I just never had the time for books that told full fledged stories back then it seems...
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Oh I sure as heck remember them! Still have some of them  :exactly
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