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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey grinned. "Thought you'd never ask. Those assholes are as good as dead— er, captured." She shook Chong's hand and looked into the locker room. Her gym clothes were soaking wet, but they were good enough to get back to her apartment and change into more combat-ready clothes.

"Spare a bolt for the poor, dearie?" the charity worker asked again as Hailey marched by.

Hailey snarled and turned to her. "Was it not clear enough when I ignored you the first time?"

"I believe in second chances." The worker flashed her a big plastic smile. "We are so fortunate, fortunate to live in houses with food in our cupboards. You could make a difference to those with so little."

Hailey regarded her with disgust. "You claim you care so much about the poor. Tell me, if given the chance, would you choose to help those unfortunate souls over yourself? Would you really care about them if it came down to you vs them?"

"Of course I would!" the worker gasped. "What are you implying?"

Hailey whipped out her wallet, filled out a check, and handed it to her. "There. 400 million 50 thousand bolts. It's everything in my bank account."

The worker paled. "Oh my god. This is...I can't believe it. I...hey wait, ma'am!" she gasped, as Hailey started to walk away. "You forgot to put the recipient!"

"Oh, could you do it for me?" Hailey tossed her pen over her shoulder. "Just pen in the charity." She smirked. "Of course, nothing's stopping you from writing your own name, other than the knowledge that you didn't care about the poor as much as you thought."

Hailey didn't give the woman or her money another thought as she rounded the corner, deciding to forgo her room and cut straight to commandeering a starship. The money would have only jeopardized her work anyway; financial security bred complacency. As she hunted these targets, she needed the primal drive that came with an empty bank account. This wasn't a pleasure errand, this was now survival.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 10:42:06 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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the charity worker slowly walked away, staring repeatedly down at the check, flabbergasted a that someone would give her 400 million bolts, just like that. ' under charity rules  she wasnt allowed to take any of the donated money for herself, hopefully her organization would give her a commission for such a large donation, but that was on a case by case basis.
 as the spire moved back towards meridian city scooby relaxed at the winterville grill ' enjoying the last few hours of rekaxation before everything went back to ' work settingg
 agumon and gabumon had roped him into judging which of the two digi-leaders could eat more chuicken drumsticks.
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"Hey Sima," Kiara suggested, "How about we go meet up with my brother now? He's probably wondering where we are at the moment," the royal lioness suggested. She pat the Mawashiian native in the belly gently.


Carmelita stared up at the roof of her cell. "I'm gonna put all these monsters behind bars where they belong!" Inspector Fox was grinding her teeth in silent rage.


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sure' Sima said as she headed into the middle of town. Plux Elida and eris were flying along and cheerfully chatting ahead of Laval and skylar, both the lynx and lion looked tan from soaking up the sun on pIktaru. Vitami and li ella wre walking together claw in claw, stopping when they behind the other two lioness ' Ah, there you are kiara" vitani said ' " kopa is waiting for you near the beach, hes out on patrol. ' told me to send you his way if I ran into you."
wendy and flurrie were3 walking along with dixie, chatting amicably. dixie had ben having thoughts of joining the kart races' problem is, theres only enough  spots for two kongs in the league. if i fill in for diddy its only going to be temporary.
 as  fdlash and mnona approached snhneed, the bear slowly stirred, and got  up from where he had falleb asleep ' this uisbt my room . must have been sleepwalking again ' The bear sighed ' he then he noticed the 4 kids ' ah its you lot, dont mind me.'  he said sretching. and stepping to the side so tgfthey could go up the stairs.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOC: If you haven't read it, this post directly segues from my recent short story. You should read it :P )

Hailey wasted no time in binding Aimee and Lucia before they could recover from being stunned by her phaser. "So, Aimee, who's the little one?" she sneered, pressing her face very close to the younger vixen and provoking a nervous squeal. "Is she your daughter? Were you getting busy with someone while hunting me across the universe?"

"She's not my daughter, get your head out of the gutter." Aimee had regained enough control over her body to roll her eyes.

Hailey shrugged and set her phaser to kill. "Okay, then." She stuck the gun against Lucia's forehead.

"Wait!" Aimee shouted, eyes widening. "She' sister! My younger sister!"

Hailey stopped. "You didn't have a sister. Not when I knew you."

"Have you been home to Springwood in 15 years?" Aimee challenged. "We're not kids anymore. Time's moved on while you and I were chasing each other through the stars."

Hailey grinned. "Well, thank god that chase is finally over, and I won." She finally reholstered her phaser and moved to the controls. "Oh, I can hardly wait to have fun with you when we get back to Chong's, but for the moment I'll need to store you in the brig. Don't worry..." She titled the ship backwards, sending both of her prisoners sliding down to the far end, where a police shield lowered and isolated them in the prisoner transport section, " won't be lonely for long."

Hitting the accelerator, she sped off for Meridian City.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 06:25:51 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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"Sure thing, we'll head his way," Kiara nodded, "Wanna go make craters on the beach, Sima?" she laughed friendly, patting her fat friend's back. "Let's go find my brother."


Oliver and Ollie waved to Sneed as he got out of their way. "Now we can get back to the rooms," Oliver smiled, "Let's play some video games." The cats ran ahead of the wolves and opened the door to the hotel room their families stayed in.


A thought occurred to Jing. "Should we try to change up our voices or talk like we normally do?" she asked Tigress. 'As an extra layer of providing cover."


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Dr. Kerzach tapped his beak with his good arm. He was on so many painkillers that he didn't feel anything...that and he was in shock as well.

"Lightweave. I'm primarily a close-in fighter with edged weapons," he said.

A robotic contestant next to him was having some gashes in their chassis welded shut. And there was another robotic fighter having their head welded back on. Strangely enough, that robot was dressed in clothing evocative of a Medieval knight.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Mercy nodded sagely and sedated the Cassowary without another word.

Several hours later, she lifted the anesthesia and gently wheeled Kerzach to the recovery room. "I did my best to maintain the same overall shape of your intact wing," she explained, regarding the new white-and-blue appendage attached via the shoulder. It had the smooth glossiness and snug rounded corners of an Apple product. "Remain in the recovery room as long as you like, until you feel comfortable enough to stand." With a kind smile, she handed him a brochure detailing the features of his new arm. "Here's something to read while you recoup your health. There are many different objects you can create by manipulating hard light; back when I was in the military, one of my teammates could create sentries, walls and even teleporter pads. I think you'll grow to like your new arm, but let me know if it causes you any discomfort."


Hailey's police cruiser arrived over a gritty, urban city. This place looks more capitalistic than the last one. So long as I avoid property damage, I should be able to chase my targets without repercussion. In fact...

She checked the registration of her cruiser and was delighted to see a female officer among the crew. "Meridian City PD," she hailed, "This is Lt. Spaulding of the Intergalactic Police. I have arrest warrants for three foreigners currently residing in your city. Can you send me any info on the whereabouts of these 3 individuals? Transmitting their IDs now."

She sent them identification info on Po, Sly, and the Panda King. Behind her, she heard Aimee struggling with her bonds, so she rocked the ship and caused Aimee to tumble head over heels into a bulkhead.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2019, 02:19:48 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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No, i think its time to go rejoin the groups.' sima said ' we've horsed around for long enough.  Thewres your briother now " she motioned as Kopa came into view followed by Laval, Li ella, Vitani and Vushu ' come on you guys.. we have patrol work to do ' KOpa said.
kovu was brought out the arena for the next round of the tournament,  facing a 3 seed in his bracket called Mysteryman, who wore a grey uniform covered with question marks..
 Acknowledged  LT spaulding.. ' we will put an APB, on your requested targets. to date we have no record of thodse 3 in our databases, but we are in the process of updating them, and their profiles just might show up when the update is finished. You of course have authorization to arrest them if you come across them. just be sure to show your badge after you apprehend them. Good luck.."came the reply.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Awesome, keep me posted." Hailey cut the connection. "Yeah that would have been too easy..." she murmured to herself. "Hmmm."

She brought up the same dossiers she'd just sent the police. Perhaps this would give her a time to actually read up on her targets. Hmm. A thief, a kung fu master, and a pyrotechnician. The kung fu master is the easiest to track, since they need to train constantly. She brought up a map of the city and located the dojo; if he was going to appear somewhere, it'd be there.

After a brief flight, during which she Photoshopped her picture onto a freshly-printed police badge from the 3D printer, she flashed her brig a warm smile. "Don't go anywhere!" she cooed mockingly, before rappelling out of the ship.

"Aimee?" Lucia whispered nervously, fighting with her bonds to no avail. "Are you okay?"

Aimee gritted her teeth. Hailey had given her special shockcuffs that zapped her if she pushed them too hard; she knew that Aimee's super-strength would otherwise give her a dangerous advantage to escaping bondage. "Lucia, I'm sorry. We got some seriously bad luck that Hailey of all people raided our ship. I might not be able to show you the universe after all." She glanced over. "You need to pretend to be my little sister. Understand? Hailey respects family, at least a little."

Lucia nodded. "Tu hermanita. I understand."

"Awesome." Aimee rolled onto her back and winced as even that caused an electric pulse to shoot through her wrists. "Of course, who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and somebody will realize Hailey isn't a real cop."


Hailey kept her eyes peeled as she walked through the dojo. If an employee bothered her, she had a badge to display, but her alibi was being undercover so for now she simply perused the trainers to see if her target was among those working out.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2019, 12:32:12 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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po indeed was training at the dojo, sparring with a local group of merdian fighters.  po had no idea he was being watched, as he he  blocked thrusts from the local  kung fu fighters and returned them in kind.  Po was working up a lather as he did so.
 Dixie and the other reporting groups entered the rel;ay command center to edit their footage. " anything interesting ?' Dulcy asked as Dixie took a seat " not really.  the guards are intimnidating, but like themselves on camera. the civilians love the carnagfe in the fights, and morale among the fighters is low, many of them re resigned to dying at the hands of one of the exterminators ' dixie sighed as Dragon brought her some coffee, dragon had an entire barrell, which for a large dragon like her, was like a cup for smaller creatures.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey began kickboxing a punching bag. Not particularly hard, but enough that nobody would wonder what she was doing loitering around. It was in her best interest to let Po train as long as he wanted; it would make him all the more exhausted once she chose to strike. Once he finished his circuit and attempted to rest, she'd take him down.


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"Your demise will be.....questionable," Mysteryman smirked at Kovu. He went to his side of the arena and readied the weapon he would be using in the battle.


Kiara nodded at Kopa. "What region should we patrol first?" she asked her big brother.


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we can handle the west side of town ' kopa said with a grin    hopw long is our psastrol? vushu asked ' 3 hours or so. we'll go in pairs . kiara, you're with me.vitani you go with li ella. vushu you go with sima. ' he said with a smile.  lets just have some fun..' he smiled.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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After Po seemed sufficiently tired, Hailey decided now was the time to strike. "Master Po Ping!" she announced, flashing her badge. "You are under arrest by the Interplanetary Police! Please allow yourself to be cuffed and escorted to my ship, or you will be considered resisting arrest!"


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under arrest! you gotta be joking! i havent done ANYTHING! " po said, turning and looking at the officer. ' are you sure you have the right guy? because ui'm new to this galaxy, and if did something wrong, it was out of.. ignorance..' po said sniffing at hailey. ' hey.. wait a minute, you dont smell like a cop.. they smell, like authority, and justice and honor.. you smell like.. fish tacos, and anger and resentment ' po said, before getting into a stance. " so, consider this me not going quietly.."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey rolled his eyes. "Great. A criminal and a misogynist." She glanced at the others in the dojo. "The rest of you stay out of this, for your own protection." She sprinted towards Po. "I'm under orders to bring you in, and that's what I'm going to do, no matter how you think I 'smell'!"

At the last second, she punched the floor, hoping to disrupt his balance, and levied a spinning kick at his face. She decided to hold off on her flame powers for now, hoping to surprise him with them later. She'd never fought a kung fu master in hand-to-hand combat, and she didn't want it to end too quickly.


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Po  jumped back as hailey punched the ground  them blocked Hailey's kick with a parry with his left left arm. ' what about saying you smell like fish tacos is misogynist ?' po retorted ' i have nothing but respect for women! my very best friend is a female tiger!" he said taking a swipe at Hailey's gut. as he bounced away.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Oh please. Telling a female cop that she 'doesn't smell like authority?'" Hailey mocked, firing two quick jabs at Po's head to try and daze him. "And that 'friend' you're talking about is Tigress, right? Someone who trained her whole life to become the Dragon Warrior, and you stole that job from her without another thought." She danced around him, peppering him with punches and kicks to try and disorient him. "Your words and your actions show you'll never understand the glass ceiling hard-working women have to suffer just to be recognized in this world."


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Po blocked every thrust, every attack with the ease of and  skilled kunfg fu master. " you know what? 3 years ago, you would have had a strong point with your claims, and tigeress would have agreed with you, that i was stealing her thunder, and jumping in as a johnny come lately.even i would have laughed at the thought of me being the dragon warrior.
 but i like to think that i have proven myself , over the past 3 years. i've helped save the kingdom several times, with tigeress and viper and the guys. we're a team, and we're an awesome team. she's the best fighter on the team, and i dont think any of the guys would argue that. even now, after working with her for 3 years, i still get that fan boy ' OMG i'm working with the great Master Tigeress! vibe. I have 57 action figures of her, andthatrs way more than any other master in the kingdom, i think the next closest is 8 of master Rhino. do you think i would have so many, if i didnt respect the hell out of her?my respect for her has only deepened the more i've worked with her. she expects nothing but the best from all of us, because she also expects it out of herself. if you slack, even for a little, she calls you on it. ' Po said, as he bounced around.
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