The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!


Nahla · 87 · 33050


  • Petrie
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(sorry guys)

Trica looked around in panic "mummy! daddy!" the hatchling cried not seeing anything "Cera!". She stumbled around in the fog.


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"MOMMY, SPIKE." Ducky called out trying to find either of her family members.  She walked around, going slower then usual. She also thought if she could find the river she could walk in one direction beside it and maybe find their nest.  She'd be happy to find anyone in all this fog.  

"Sky puffies belong in the sky, not on the ground, no, no, no." She said to herself walking along trying to find anyone in all this fog.


  • Petrie
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'"I'm here Ducky!" Mama Swimmer answered,her figure just able to be made out amongst the the snow and fog. With her head lowerd she walked towards her young daughter.


  • Ducky
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"Topsy, wait!" Tria ran after him more slowly. Suddenly she heard her own daughter calling for her. "Tricia!"

"No, it isn't..." Grandma murmured, scooting a bit closer to her mate when the weather got even worse. "I have never seen anything like this before."


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Littlefoot buried his head into Grandma's leg "Grandma..Grandpa I'm scared" he cried. He never saw something like this before  and terrified him.


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Mr. Thicknose had seen that one coming earlier than most of the others so he already found some shelter. The current situation worried him far more than a massive Sharptooth attack would. Sharpteeth could be fought off though he wasn't experienced in fighting but against the weather they were helpless and mightless.
In his younger years he experienced such an early Cold Time introduced by a deadly blizzard  remembering what it was like...
Inactive, probably forever.


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Ducky ran in the direction of where she heard her mother's voice, grasping a hold of her leg once she was within reach.  

"Why is it cold now and why are there sky puffies on the ground?" Ducky asked, scared at not being able to see very far & being cold and not expecting a cold time to come at this time.

"It is cold and I could not see very far." Ducky said.  "I am glad you are here, I am, I am."


  • Spike
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Chomper's teeth rattled, even standing in the relative warmth of the cave. He was lucky he had kept Ruby in his sight, but looking out the entrance, he was horrified to see how white and invisible everything had become.


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  • Cera
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Grandpa gently nuzzled Littlefoot in reassurance. "It'll be okay, little one. I'm sure it'll pass quickly," he said, trying to hide the worry in his face, but he knew that his family would still see it, his mate especially. She knew him far too well.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • Ducky
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Grandma shared her mate's worry, looking up at the hidden sky as she bit her lip.


  • Petrie
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As Cera tried her best to steer her younger sister through the blistering wind, she motivated herself onward by her oldest, surest, and most used mental pep talk: she was a threehorn. It wasn't so much that threehorns were the best at everything that made threehorn's special (although they were) but because they kept pushing forward when everyone else would give up. A threehorn never quits, even in the face of impossible odds, and more than her identity as a kid, as a member of the Great Valley, and even as a girl, she considered herself first and foremost a threehorn.
"Stick c-close, Trica," Cera panted, fighting into the wind and frost with almost competitive resistance. "We'll m-make it o-out of this."
Not long after, Cera spotted a distinct silhouette amongst the swirls of the fog.
"Dad? Tria? Is that you?" she called out.


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Shivering Littlefoot edged in closer to his Grandparents "But I thought the cold time was not  meant to happen yet" he said in a confused tone looking up,the bright circle..what was seen of it anyway was starting to set,making it even harder to find your way around.


  • Petrie
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Mama Swimmer picked up Ducky 'It ok Ducky,it. wil pass" she said even though she was'nt sure herself. She took a deep breath "Where'd Spike?"


  • Spike
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"I'm here"-Topsy shouted back.The voice of his daughter gave him new power to fight against the wild weather.Soon he reached the kids.
"We must get out of here quickly before it gets too cold for even a threehorn.Climb behind my crest so I can carry you."-He said still loudly becose of the noise of the blizzard,while trying to protect the two young threehorn from the chilling wind.He knew that Tria was behind him,so they can all at last go to a safe place.


  • Ducky
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Tria walked up to her family, finally having caught up. She moved so that her body was taking most of the cold winds that had begun to pick up. "Yes, quickly now." She urged the two girls.

What was she suppossed to tell her Grandson? That she was as afraid and worried as he was?


  • Petrie
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Tricia walked with her head lowered,crashing into her mothers leg,she seeked safety and comfort from her parents,hiding behind her fathers legs.


  • Chomper
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"M-m-m-mama? P-p-petrie i-is h-hh-here!" Petrie stuttered as coherently as he could in the freezing weather. He did not dare to fly due to fear of the high winds blowing him away.

(This reminds me of when I was hit by a blizzard. I was minding my own buisness and then, BOOM! No school for 2 weeks.)


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  • Cera
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Grandpa tried his best to comfort his grandson. "I know," he said softly. Despite being one of the wisest of the Valley residents - perhaps besides Mr Thicknose, that was - Grandpa was extremely confused with the strange weather. He soon stopped for a few moments, deep in thought. He was trying to think of something that would lessen the blow of the sudden snow storm.

"I think we should try and find a cavern or something to shelter in before it gets too dark," he soon suggested. He knew that being out in the open was probably not the best of ideas, as he had learned from a blizzard he was caught in with Grandma when the frozen sky water first struck the Great Valley. The Longneck's current resting place was out in the open so that they could see all around, but that wasn't proving very useful at the moment. Grandpa knew where some caverns that were big enough to fit in two fully grown longnecks were, but they were quite a walk away.

He soon had second thoughts. "Then again..." he said quietly, noting just how thick the gathering fog was. If he got up and started moving now in search for a cavern without dragging the rest of his family into the cold, he could easily lose them. There was another closer, yet less effective shelter they could use; the trees. Having just eaten, the longnecks were not too far away from a thick forest. The old longneck knew of a large yet well sheltered clearing he had found not long after first reaching the Great Valley. It was a fairly tight squeeze to get in through the thick foliage, but anything would be better than the open right now.

His gaze met his mate's. "We need to head into the trees before the bright circle disappears," he told her. He then looked around, and spotted the barely visible silhouettes of the trees to his left. If they were going to go, they would have to go now, before the fog got any thicker.

(Long post is long. :blink: )

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • Petrie
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Cera felt immediate relief she's he saw her father, and quickly scrambled into his crest, looking behind her shoulder to make sure Tricia followed. "It feels like the worst of the cold times come four months early," Cera chattered. "Dad, what's happening? Where did this blizzard come from?"
More importantly, (and something she knew better than to tell her dad) she was worried about her friends. Petrie and Ducky wouldn't be able to last this storm if they got caught outside! And if that was indeed what ended up happening, she knew Littlefoot would probably want to run out into the cold and to go find them. Ruby was experienced enough to dodge storms to keep herself and Chomper out of trouble and Spike was pretty thick skinned, but then again, this wasn't exactly your everyday coldsnap that so often blessed the chilly month of August, was it?
"What's going to happen?" She asked, looking from her dad, to Tria, to Tricia.


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"I do not know.  He was right behind me." Ducky said, shivinger a bit, but still glad to have found her mother.  "I hope he is not lost, I do , I do." She said.  Then she did her best to call out for Spike as loud as she could.  

"SPIKE!.  Over Here." She called out as loud as she could, hoping Spike would hear here and would get to where they were soon.