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Fanfiction voting 2016

rhombus · 32 · 6004

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Name of fanfiction: LBT The Musical
Rating: 8/10
Review: This story always left me wondering what was going to happen next. I also liked how you managed to keep the characters in character. Each chapter I read always left me sitting on the edge of my seat.

Nice job editing the lyrics to some of the songs so that they fit the plot. I also liked the scenes where Grandma and Grandpa Longneck interact with just each other.

When I first read the summary, I was hooked. I was kind of sad to see that Grandpa's illness had come back in this story; but, glad that he got better in the end. The format of the story was pleasant to read and a nice change from the usual story format.


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Name of fanfiction: The Dreadful Time of Great Growing
Rating: 7/10
Review: This was a rather funny take on the subject of Gang growing up. You handled their changed personalities believably (like Littlefoot's newfound laziness) while still attaching new viewpoints to them. The plot thus far has been pretty simple but the lesson is a good way to introduce the "new" Gang. It is an interesting idea to to tell more about Mr. Thicknose's past and the scene was an enjoyable one. The dialogue worked very well and the story's beginning has been definitely a funny read. The story has the potential to be a very good one but for now, there isn't much more to say. I'll definitely keep on reading if this story continues.


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Name of fanfiction: Freeze
Rating: 8.5/10
Review: Scenes like the ones in Freeze are something that I'd really like to see in the films. Stories like these would bring lots of new depth into the plots as well as the characterizations as a whole. Ducky's internal struggles caused by Spike's departure were addressed in the film but it's almost sad how much better you do it.

Ducky's reflection on her and Spike's relationship starts the story nicely. Of course this is harder to show in the film but I think it should be addressed to build the emotional depth that the Big Freeze needed but mostly missed. I absolutely love the way you describe the weather and snowfall: it really creates the correct atmosphere.

The scene between Ducky and Petrie was written very well and a scene like this should have definitely been in the film. Ducky's reaction worked nicely and showed the depth of her sorrow. Petrie's part was also done well: their interaction was a great one. However, I think Ducky's outburst went rather far. It's clear that she wanted Spike to return but I'd say her reaction was a bit exaggerated.

The ending was another thing that lowered my rating. It was a rather convenient one. It wasn't too bad but I found it too unlikely to give the ending a great rating. As for whole story, it was a great short story. The emotions, the interactions and the description created a very good combination, something that the Big Freeze should have established. This is what the LBT sequels need to bring them close to the level of the original.


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Due to the requests of several members, and due to the special circumstance that many of the fics this year are quite lengthy, I have decided to extend voting on the fanfiction awards by 2 weeks.  The new deadline is 11:59 pm forum time on December 24.  

I hope that this allows those of you who were planning on rating all of the fics enough time to do so.  I know that this time of year can be difficult with regards to time due to final exams and Christmas obligations.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Much appreciated! As a token of my gratitude, please! Have this review  :smile

Name of Fanfiction Songs of the Hunters
Review: First off, rather than tying this story to "The Seven Hunters," I will be reviewing it as its own piece. The only commonality I will take for granted will be the world set up by "Seven," which obviously "Songs" relies on. Anyway, enough jibber-jabber. Let's dig in.

I really liked the format the author uses for this tale. Instead of a traditional, linear story, most of it is told in flashback. The use of this technique really puts the reader into the eyes of the Hunters' children, who are the real stars of this show, and helps to provide a sense of progression from the story we knew (there I go, breaking my own rule about referencing "Seven"). Additionally, I felt that many aspects of instinct and behavior were actually done extremely well. Things like the "second sniffer," and the courting aspects of Pterosaurs prove that the author did some research here, which is something I particularly like. The dialogue feels natural, onomatopoeia problems I mentioned previously were addressed, and the characters feel pretty unique, which is quite an accomplishment, given that there are a TON of them.

Which brings me to the criticism. The kids are a big part of this story only because of the segments that exist in the present day; unfortunately, this part kind of clashes with the story's overall "slice of life" narrative (I almost typed "slice of lice," what is wrong with me?). Without getting too much in detail, things escalate very quickly to a level that seems a bit extravagant for a story which is ultimately about teaching lessons to the next generation. As these events happened, I felt the focus kind of shift away from the flashbacks, and as a result, the story's climax falls upon the events in the present day, which provide a clear and present danger, rather than the flashbacks, which I knew would resolve one way or another. The time of Loss is an extremely emotional part, but unfortunately it's somewhat overshadowed by a confrontation that feels more at home in "Seven" than Songs (DANGIT. AGAIN!) . Mender's inclusion at the end, while obviously useful for setting up "Mender's Tale," felt like it was supposed to carry some significance as well, but it ended up feeling a little more like a post-credits scene than anything else. If Mender's Tale had come first, I feel her appearance would have had a little more impact, with the readers getting to meet an old, familiar face, but as it stands, it kind of begs the question: "cool! So... who are you?"

But try not to take that the wrong way. Despite my paragraph of criticisms, the story only lost .2 points, making it the highest-rated story I've done this year. It is a solid standalone tale, but because it tends to lose focus toward the end, it lands just shy of flawless. Excellent writing, excellent characters and development, and a well-paced plot make this a recommended read in my book. This one's a keeper. I look forward to discovering the story of our dear Mender next!


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It took awhile, but I have finally caught up on all of the entries for this year.  I have tried to avoid spoilers in my reviews for this year while still giving some explanation for my reasoning.  Overall, I must say that this year's entries have made me feel optimistic for the state of fanfiction in the LBT fandom.  Though each entry had its own strengths and weaknesses, I could not find a single entry that I was not motivated to finish reading.  This is a testament to the drive of this year's participants, and I look forward to reading each of your future endeavors.  :)

Name of Fanfiction: The Swimmer Trials
Rating: 8.5/10
Review: After reading this story I must say that my thoughts pretty much echo what others have said up until now.  This is a story that is promising in its overall plot and that shows a steady improvement in pacing throughout, but is not without a few faults which prevent me from giving a higher rating.

First let’s get to the story’s strengths. The overall plot shines and greatly succeeds in making me feel for the characters.  One can truly feel for Ducky’s plight as she is confronted with impending doom, with her mother as she confronts what she is willing to lose to save her daughter, and with the reactions of Ducky’s friends and allies.  Likewise, the pacing of the narrative avoids the common pitfalls of speeding through plot points, and instead allows time for these relationships to be elaborated upon and for the emotional impact of events to fully be felt.  Ultimately being able to feel for the characters and to have an engaging storyline is what makes or breaks a story, and The Lone Dragon certainly has succeeded in this most important aspect.

What prevents me from giving a higher rating, however, are three aspects that others have also pointed out: the repetition of plot points, the use of excessive potty humor, and Sculra’s motivations not being relatable in my opinion.  Now sometimes the repetition of plot points can be useful in a narrative; for example, when the same event is seen from two fundamentally different perspectives in order to show those perspectives.  But many times in this story the same events are related to the reader multiple times, which can make the pacing lag somewhat.  Simply doing a jump cut when the same events are being relayed by a character would have addressed some of this.  As for Sculra I feel that her ability to carry out her plans (her power base, if you will) was not related in a believable way to the reader.  It seems to me that any other herd would simply disown her and say "to hell with this tradition."  If there was some kind of quasi-religious meaning to the ritual that the rest of the herd believed in (as in it had to be done lest disaster fall upon the herd) then it might make sense, but it does not feel explained enough in the story, in my opinion.

Overall, however, when everything is taken into consideration I feel that this is a strong story.  It has the emotional impact of a good story and it has a very good story line.  It certainly is a story that has motivated me to continue following its narrative. :)

Name of Fanfiction: To Tread Upon Fields Afar
Rating: 10/10
Review: Before I begin my review I think it is important that I give some context.  Fyn’s previous stories weresome of the things that motivated me to get back into the fandom years ago.  With the intense focus on the inner perspectives of the characters, the interesting conflicts that come with differences of perspective, and the great writing that could only come from a skilled author, Fyn’s stories were always a treat to read.  And I am pleased to see that he certainly has not lost his touch over the years.  In fact, I must say that much improvement is quite evident in his latest story. :)

In a very different continuity of his Fyn narrative he has turned the focus from Fyn meeting and befriending the gang after the migration of his herd… to something much different and, dare I say, much darker.  In this tale nothing is as it first seems and though I want to avoid giving any spoilers in this review, let’s just say that his meeting with some of the ëgang’ is not like what happened in the first continuity.  (If you have read the story then you know this is the understatement of the century.)

An additional treat in this story is the additional focus on the sharptooth angle.  This is something that I do not remember being part of the original Fyn continuity, but it is a welcome addition.  As one begins to see the different perspectives of the sharptooth characters and the intense loneliness that can come from loss (in one case) or never having companionship (in the other case) one truly begins to feel for them.  The obvious chasm between the leaf-eaters and the predators is also a nice touch.  In one case (once again, avoiding spoliers) it took an entire lifetime of regret for one leaf-eater to understand their friend, whereas in another case the ability of the others to see his perspective has yet to be settled.  When it is settled I sense it will be an emotional rollercoaster.

Which brings me to the last point, and the one that is truly where this story shines: the emotional impact.  More so than any other story I have read in the last year, this story has proven to be the one that never failed to strike at my emotions.  From loss… to despair… to joy… to confusion… this story has it all.  It is seldom that I read a fanfiction where every other chapter I just want to reach through the screen and give one of the characters a hug.  This is truly a testament to your skills as an author Fyn.  And dare I say this is easily your best work yet.

For all of the reasons I have mentioned I do not hesitate to give this story the highest ranking possible.  I encourage all fans of the Land Before Time to give it a read.  You will not regret it.

Name of Fanfiction: Shorty’s Dark Past
Rating: 8.5/10
Review: This story is without a doubt where Ducky’s writing began to blossom into that of a more skilled writer.  In this story Ducky has decided to take the overall plot of the tenth film and to create something truly unique with the narrative.  Instead of the disappointing plot holes in that film, here we get a truly engrossing tale of a damaged longneck (Shorty) trying to find his way in an uncaring world and taking out many of his frustrations on others.  With the intersection of a female his age (Ali) who has gone through her own trauma, and of his caregiver’s long-lost son (Littlefoot) we have a meet up of very different perspectives and understandings.  The addition of figures from Shorty’s past can only bode further misunderstandings and heartache in the future, I fear.  It has yet to be seen if Shorty will, as he did in the tenth film, find the empathy he needs (both in himself and in others) in order to develop in a less self-destructive path.

Corrected in this story are many of the minor errors that were seen in his earliest work, namely grammatical errors and spelling errors are less frequent.  This is a testament to how Ducky has improved in his command of the English language, especially as it relates to creative writing.  Additionally the improved use of pacing is clearly on display here.  The work, despite going into detail on the motivations and thoughts of the characters, does not seem to drag.  In fact, the author has specifically considered this and has moved some of the more intensive dialogue about the past into a separate work so as not to ruin the pacing.  This goes to show how far Ducky has gone as an author, and though this story is not without its faults (Shorty’s motivations could certainly be elaborated upon more in the earlier chapters), I trust we will see continued excellence as the story continues. :)

Name of Fanfiction: Freeze
Rating: 9.5/10
Review: Goodness!  How did I not see this story when it was first posted?:confused

This was a lovely short story based upon a slight AU of the events of the Big Freeze. In succeeded in capturing the conflicted emotions of Ducky and building upon the friendship between her and Petrie and, of course, the relationship between her and Spike.  The fact that he, despite not being brave by nature, decided to stick with his friend even when she demanded otherwise and shouted abuse at him (and worse) is a testament to the feelings that they share.  The only thing that really prevented this story from earning the highest score was the lack of elaboration on some of the details about the scenes.  This is something that could be expanded upon to further allow the reader to feel more like they were actually in the scene.  But overall this is an absolutely excellent short story when it comes to characterization and emotional impact, and that is where it truly counts.  I think this is easily your best work to date.:)

Name of Fanfiction: The Dreadful Time of Great Growing
Rating: 7.5/10
Review: I have already reviewed the first two chapters of this story on its page, but ultimately I think my previous reviews adequately cover my thoughts.  Thus far the story has a healthy amount of humor as the characters begin to deal with their hormones, growing knowledge of the world around them, and the struggles that come with growing up.  There are, however, two reasons why I cannot yet give it a higher score. First, I do not feel that there is enough of a narrative as of yet for me to get an idea of the overall plot of the story and to judge the work at a deeper level.  And secondly there is a noticeable lack of description about what is going on in the scenery and background and, due to this, the long periods of dialogue sometimes take me out of the story.  Further elaboration on the details to break up the dialogue would assist in making the story flow better and to keep readers engaged in the narrative.  That being said, it is certainly off to a promising start and I look forward to seeing how the story develops in the future.

Name of Fanfiction: LBT: The Musical
Rating: 8.5/10
Review: What LettuceBacon&Tomato has done with his story is something quite unique.  He has used some of the plot points of the general films (generic disaster, typical lines from the characters, songs, etc.), as well as some new plot points (drug use) and placed them in a context that does not make them seem so generic or out of place in an LBT work - a play.  In so doing he also allows us, in a different way than in some of the films, to see deeper into some of the deeper motivations of the characters.  So going into this story it is best to visualize the narrative as if - as the title indicates - it is being acted as a stage play.  This is how I imagined the entire production as I read it and I think it is the best way to get the full effect of the work.

First, let’s talk about the strengths of this work.  The humor in the story is quite strong due to the playful manner in which the author exaggerates the word choices of the characters, for example by having Grandpa Longneck be overly formal (“Mr. Threehorn, we cannot act before we know what is needed to act upon! We must be patient!”) and Topps being, well, Topps (or so we think), but with the addition of modern anachronisms (“No! We can’t waste time taking records and figuring out damage assessments, we need to act now!”).  This is in keeping with how many plays would incorporate humor into a modern retelling of a historical event, by not taking it too seriously.  Though I am left wondering how the actor playing Spike would act out his lines in parenthesis. :lol

Secondly, the attention to detail in the actual staging and lighting decisions that would be made in a stage play (lights showing a character, a scene blacking out, a character exiting to the left of the stage, etc.) greatly assists in visualizing the work as if it were a play being acted before an audience.  This is further expanded upon by the exaggerated movements and word choices, as I previously mentioned, of the characters.  Thus, just as in a play, the somewhat stylizedmovements, words, and well-placed music highlight emotions and details which otherwise would be lost when viewing a stage play from a distance.

Finally, the story itself is quite solid.  The motivations of the characters, and their personalities, are quite easy to follow and understandable within the context of the play.  The way in which Mr. Threehorn plays on Cera’s pride and honor to manipulate her to carry out his deed… the love of Grandma and Grandpa Longneck as expressed when he reveals that his sickness is a chronic one… and the motivation of Sharptooth who seeks revenge for his humiliation.  It all rings as sincere even though many of the scenes have elements that show humor and playfulness.

All that being said, this work, like any other, is not without its faults.  Though, in this play’s defense, there were only two issues that stood out as I read it.  Later in the play the stage directions seem to show up less and less detail between larger blocks of dialogue, which I must admit did detract somewhat from the visualization of the play in my mind.  I think some further elaboration of the stage directions and the little improvisations that the actors make would have added some character to the overall work.  Secondly, perhaps it was due to the use of humorous elements in the story, but the emotional turmoil of the characters sometimes seemed to fall flatter than was intended.  Though, in fairness to the author and this work, this is something that I often feel with musicals and stage plays - so it might be by own stylistic preferences skewing my view of the emotional impact of some of the scenes.But, overall, these were minor issues in my general impressions of the work.

With its interesting use of narrative device, its mixed use of humor and serious subject matter, and interesting take on the inner motivations of our favorite characters, I do not hesitate giving it a 8.5/10.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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So here's my dilemma: I haven't read the prequels to Rhombus' fanfics, and from what I've read of the two submitted stories, they rely heavily on pre-existing lore and star loads of new characters without reintroductions. I had to create a flowchart to figure out who was married to/child of who. So I'm not sure if I'm qualified to leave a review except to talk about diction and writing quality, which is incredibly strong so there's not much to say on that topic. Coupled with the author mentioning that he'd rather not receive a review if it doesn't incorporate a reading of the prequel fics, I'm not sure if I'll be able to cover those two fics. So for now, my final review might be for Shorty's Dark Past as I've seen the 10th movie and that one TV episode.  

Name of fanfiction: Shorty's Dark Past
Rating: 9/10
Review: I'm not gonna lie, I was scared of the immense length of Shorty's Dark Past, and it's the primary reason I took so long to get to it. Also I personally don't like Shorty the canon character, so I wasn't particularly enthused by the subject matter, but that turned out to be a positive because it gave the fanfic a chance to impress me. The author has turned Shorty into a far more dynamic and three-dimensional protagonist than he ever was in the actual movie, and that can be said for every character who appears in the fanfic except perhaps Littlefoot. I enjoyed the level of intrigue surrounding the loyalties the main characters held, especially in regards to Shorty's nebulous motivations which are repeatedly withheld from both the reader and the other characters. Normally that'd bug me, but the author repeatedly makes the mystery 'pay off' further down the line when Chekov's Guns (honestly usually Chekov's actions) come back into play. This is a fic that really sells itself on character relationships. That being said, I feel like more work could be done on the actual conflict, the setting, and basically anything that isn't the characters, their thoughts, their backstories. There were times when I wasn't sure whether the vagueness was unintentional or due to the author saving for a big reveal.

All in all, it's definitely my favorite of the fics Ducky submitted this year, and none of the criticisms in this review were enough to stop me from reading the whole thing over the course of the last two weeks. If I had to pick my favorite aspect, the biggest victory of the fic is definitely Shorty's character. Byronic Shorty >>> Canon Shorty


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I've done it.

After weeks of poring over pages and pages of this sites' writers' finest works, I have reached the end- the last fanfic. Mender's Tale. And through it all, up to this point, I've seen everything .

I've written the fire-torn death of a paradise, and the journey for the last vestiges of hope in a shattered world.

I've seen the machinations of elders, and the corrupting power of that which we do not understand. A valley divided in the shadow of an old enemy.

I've seen waters red with roiling clouds of blood, the face of a swimmer reflected in them, looking towards an uncertain future, and a perilous challenge.

I have seen the tolls a harsh and unforgiving Beyond takes on a young one, and the twisted, nightmarish experience it creates, yet also the spark of forgiveness that remains within a tortured soul, refusing to be extinguished.

I have watched friends cling to one another, and those they care about, under the onset of strange, new developments, as they try to understand their very selves.

I have weathered the cold, traveled through the numbing, tearing winds of the Cold Times, following the vague promise of a friend's return.

I have observed as a close band of friends finds themselves united, then separated, then united again as the overwhelming power of companionship triumphs even over instinct, and watched a gang of seven flourish in a strange, new world.

And finally, I have seen the beginnings of a humble healer, a rarity. One whose claws are blessed with the gift of life, but also the power to take it away.

This is her review. Mender's review. The last of this season's tales.

Let's friggin' do this.

Name of Fanfiction: Mender's Tale
Rating: 10/10!
Review: My previous ramblings aside, I found Mender's tale to not only be an enjoyable and engaging read, but also a logical evolution of the author's writing prowess, especially in regards to the slice of life genre. There are a multitude of reasons this writing achieves a perfect score, and I intend to cover them, but first- let me also state that I'm quite aware that my review score stands in a bit of contrast compared to those of others this year. I intend to justify and stand by this score, by explaining how this fanfic fits excellently into its genre of choice, what makes it great, and where the authors need some work.

So I suppose, then, it's just another review.

In my opinion, a Slice of Life fanfic needs three things to make it an engaging and worthwhile read:

1. First and foremost, it needs to worldbuild. The entire point of a slice of life tale is to show what's going on while potentially earth-shattering threats are not occurring. To me, that's what makes them so interesting. They need to bring an already established world even more into focus.

2. It should expand upon existing characters' motivations and stories, as well as introduce any new characters who might appear later, but had no reason to appear beforehand.

3. Finally, it should still have a thematic focus. Without some sort of central idea or goal, there's no reason for the reader to continue on reading. It just becomes a dinosaur day journal.

Mender's Tale follows these three criteria rather effectively, continuing to worldbuild by filling timeline and character gaps left by Songs of the Hunters, establishing new characters, then throwing those new characters into complex and often confrontational relationships with well-known characters, and setting up some nice themes, namely family, friendship, and what happens when those two come into conflict with one another.

Starting with the setting, then, Mender's Tale takes place between two locales in two separate times, without getting into specifics, utilizing the flashback technique to tell the bulk of the narrative while also developing a story in its present day setting. This is similar, if not the same as the technique the author used in Songs of the Hunters, but I feel it was executed more effectively here. The modern conflict has weight to it, but does not overshadow the flashbacks, which seem to be the story's focal point. I found the characters in both timeframes to be well-written, and was quite pleased to see that the new characters had identifiable and unique qualities. For a universe which already has many characters, for the author to come up with new ones that feel unique is a considerable challenge, but Rhombus and Historian make it work, to say the least. I particularly like the new character that was introduced in the modern segment. Without getting into too much detail again, he fills an interesting role in the narrative, and I look forward to seeing just what his future entails. These new characters naturally come into contact with the "Hunters," a group that Rhombus's readers should be quite familiar with by now, and while many tensions are currently unresolved, it's these tensions and findings of common ground that make the aforementioned themes really apparent to the reader, and that's an excellent thing!

It might be said that the story's slow, and I'd admit that. Such is the case for most slice of life stories, really, and the fact of that matter is- that's okay. Stories can be slow. Grapes of Wrath, by Steinbeck, is one of the best tales I know, but I'd be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't consider it a slow read at times. It's also incomplete, but again- that doesn't deem it unworthy of a good score. Quality is vastly more important than quality, and this story manages to weave an excellent narrative with fun dialogue, a good atmosphere, and just enough dark subjects to make it an intriguing, empathetic read without hitting the reader over the head with a balloon filled with the tears of small Gallimimuses. Perhaps one of its greatest triumphs is that it also overcomes the problems generally associated with co-writing a story. I don't know how they did it, but Rhombus and Historian have managed to create a narrative voice that feels like that of just one person. Transitions between the writers were so seamless that I actually had to ask the author which parts were written by whom. This is a rare, but outstanding quality for a tale with two authors, and it should not be overlooked.

And that's the meat of it. This story earns a 10/10 not because it is another improvement on a forumla (though it is), or because it overcomes numerous challenges (which it does). It's simply a good story. It doesn't provide a big, epic conflict because it doesn't need to. Its depiction of the lives of the little guys, trying to work around an sudden an unexpected turn in their day to day experiences, is enough for me. Due to its slower pace, I could see why others may not have flocked to this work to the degree that they did for the author's other stories, but I feel that this piece is just as deserving as its predecessors of recognition. Truly a fun and engaging tale, and a must-read for anyone wanting a story that goes a bit deeper than the superficial "big bad makes trouble for good guys" formula.

What a way to finish off this year's fanfic awards! It's late now, and I'm hungry, so with that, I conclude my reviews for 2016. I've read every piece, followed each on its own unique journey, and reviewed them as best I can. Now, I sit back, I watch my new subscriptions, I wait for new developments, and I continue to write my own adventures. I can't wait to do this again next year.

(All of) yours truly,

Fyn16 (Miles)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Fyn16,Dec 19 2016 on  08:59 PM
I've done it.

After weeks of poring over pages and pages of this sites' writers' finest works, I have reached the end- the last fanfic. Mender's Tale. And through it all, up to this point, I've seen everything .

I've written the fire-torn death of a paradise, and the journey for the last vestiges of hope in a shattered world.

I've seen the machinations of elders, and the corrupting power of that which we do not understand. A valley divided in the shadow of an old enemy.

I've seen waters red with roiling clouds of blood, the face of a swimmer reflected in them, looking towards an uncertain future, and a perilous challenge.

I have seen the tolls a harsh and unforgiving Beyond takes on a young one, and the twisted, nightmarish experience it creates, yet also the spark of forgiveness that remains within a tortured soul, refusing to be extinguished.

I have watched friends cling to one another, and those they care about, under the onset of strange, new developments, as they try to understand their very selves.

I have weathered the cold, traveled through the numbing, tearing winds of the Cold Times, following the vague promise of a friend's return.

I have observed as a close band of friends finds themselves united, then separated, then united again as the overwhelming power of companionship triumphs even over instinct, and watched a gang of seven flourish in a strange, new world.

And finally, I have seen the beginnings of a humble healer, a rarity. One whose claws are blessed with the gift of life, but also the power to take it away.
How are you so awesome?


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Dec 21 2016 on  10:01 PM
Quote from: Fyn16,Dec 19 2016 on  08:59 PM
I've done it.

After weeks of poring over pages and pages of this sites' writers' finest works, I have reached the end- the last fanfic. Mender's Tale. And through it all, up to this point, I've seen everything .

I've written the fire-torn death of a paradise, and the journey for the last vestiges of hope in a shattered world.

I've seen the machinations of elders, and the corrupting power of that which we do not understand. A valley divided in the shadow of an old enemy.

I've seen waters red with roiling clouds of blood, the face of a swimmer reflected in them, looking towards an uncertain future, and a perilous challenge.

I have seen the tolls a harsh and unforgiving Beyond takes on a young one, and the twisted, nightmarish experience it creates, yet also the spark of forgiveness that remains within a tortured soul, refusing to be extinguished.

I have watched friends cling to one another, and those they care about, under the onset of strange, new developments, as they try to understand their very selves.

I have weathered the cold, traveled through the numbing, tearing winds of the Cold Times, following the vague promise of a friend's return.

I have observed as a close band of friends finds themselves united, then separated, then united again as the overwhelming power of companionship triumphs even over instinct, and watched a gang of seven flourish in a strange, new world.

And finally, I have seen the beginnings of a humble healer, a rarity. One whose claws are blessed with the gift of life, but also the power to take it away.
How are you so awesome?
...An apple a day?  :lol

I try!


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[Can somebody please take that emoticon limit away, it's causing me to make unnecessary double posts :bang]

I still haven't managed to read Fyn's story, unfortunately :( However, in a last minute's resort, I've managed to finally read LB&T's awesome drama at least so that should give me enough fics to vote for to be eligible? I'll make up for that, Fyn, with extra lengthy reviews once I get around to it, I promise!

Anyway, voting time!

Name of fanfiction: LBT The Musical

Rating: 8/10

Review: Well, what could I say to summarise all of this?

First of all, you've tested a completely new field of LBT fanfiction as somebody who has never written a LBT fanfiction before (however, your writing makes me suspect this is not your first screen play ;)) so for that alone you have my respect. I'm almost feeling challenged to try come up with something of similar quality... just almost :lol

Now, I think the idea of Mr. Threehorn trying to take over the Valley is not too far off reality yet nobody (as far as I remember at least) has actually tried this yet :smile The way you integrated Sharptooth as well as other side characters was really good and the little romance between Ducky and Petrie was rather cute (I totally ship them too, yep, yep, yep!). The songs were done really great too!

There's only issue I have with this story (well, aside from the lack of description which is a result of the format however, so I can't really critizise that, can I? :lol:): Some of the things that happen (especially during Sharptooth encounters) aren't quite likely to happen that way. For example, I doubt Littlefoot and Chomper - even if they've grown a lot, would be capable of pushing Sharptooth into that volcano. The story also seemed to pass a bit too quick for my liking though I may have to blame that on the story format again :angel

I've enjoyed the read a lot (hey, what else do I have to do on christmas eve? :lol:) thanks for writing it! I would love to see this same story being adapted as a RP with much more description and that kinda stuff, deeper character interaction etc. I'm sure it'd be a hell lot of fun! ;)

Anyway, the competition is really incredible this year with lots of super awesome fanfictions to be voted for so finding a score that I deem to be appropriate was hard. I enjoyed all stories a lot but can't just vote them 10/10 all :p I've therefore decided to rate this story with 8/10. With weaker competition, I may have decided to go for 9 too, you can definitiely be proud of what you did there, LB&T! ^^spike

Name of fanfiction: The Swimmer Trials:

Rating: 9/10

Review: As a Ducky fan, I had to read this one! Actually followed it since the first chapter posted and damn did it grow awesome and more awesome with every chapter! ^^spike

There are so many things I could mention now but I think I'll keep it general. The overall plot is intriguing as it is but the character developement and the plentiful sudden twists and surprises really kept me hooked and excited! Like when that storm broke loose, or when Ducky found herself a little (boy-)friend ;) I totally like that you're not afraid to touch some rather touchy subjects of the LBT universe (like... potty stuff :p) and that you do not refrain from describing the not so pleasant things like blood and gore (or baby swimmer poopoo :lol).)
Your OC's add a lot to the story and they are well thought of! Besides, I wonder how you managed to fit so many guest characters into this story (and each of them had their role to play in this...) :wow
The only critique that I have (though only a very small one) is that some things tend to get repetitive now that the story is aging and approaching its completion... plus you still sometimes miss a few typos and small grammar slip ups but that doesnt stop me from rating TST with 9/10 because it's always such a delight to read this story whenever a new chapter is posted (in fact, I'm one chapter behind right now, argh!! :p)

Inactive, probably forever.


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Name of fanfiction: Songs of the Hunters

Rating: 9,5/10

Review: It's been a while, since that one was finished but I still remember it very well :)

You could say this is a nextGen story of sorts since it involves the kids of our favourite 7 meateaters (they're so funny, not to mention that whole subplot about them interacting with the Great Valley kids :p Simply great to have them repeat the deeds of their parents and befriend sharpteeth!) I really loved the concept of those "songs" of their time after the battle of the Great Valley but the plot going on at present was, if anything, even more thrilling, almost leading to a war between Valley and the gang :wow
As always, rhombus didn't fail to amaze me with his OCs and canon characters and their development and interaction. After all, if there's anything he can write better than battle scenes and humor, it's character interaction and development as well as coming up with really awesome theories about rituals, behaviorisms and instincts of the different species, each having their own. That is what makes his writing style so enticing and his stories so extremely interesting to explore :smile

Therefore, it goes without saying that he deserves a 9,5 for his story (only reason for not giving 10 being that the sequel doesn't reach the sheer epicness of the original story which I did rate 10 last year ;))

Name of fanfiction: Menders Tale

Rating: 9,5/10

Review: Well, everything I said about rhombus' writing abilities above also counts as a basis for my vote on this other story of his :)

Mender's Tale also uses the concept of stories quite a lot, with a present and a past plot going on simultaniously which are both connected to each other in some way ;) This story is a bit OC-heavy but said OC's are such intriguing and also likeable that I don't mind at all, usually being a bit set off by stories using a lot of OCs with little focus on the characters we know. I find it especially mindblowing how a fight with a near death experience for one member between two packs of fastbiters can end up with said packs being good allies. Rhombus makes it possible! :lol ... and every step towards that friendship is so well explained and linked to tons of character development. Simply lovely.

On a side note, this story also touches some rather sickening details from the time when Calin was still in charge of Redclaw's army... while I personally admire his bravery for taking that brave step (and enjoyed that whole story arc because of all the raw emotions in unveiled), I can only imagine that some people might not react too well to reading about terrible torture.

Anyway, this story, too, promises to be as epic as the first sequel, especially considering the geopolitical (-prehistorical? :unsure:) situation in the present story arc so I cannot hesitate to rate this story 9,5/10 too. Still waiting for a story of rhombus which is actually bad haha (kidding  :spit )

Uhm, I think that makes me eligible now? Well, I hope so since I have 3 stories up myself while having voted for 4 ^^spike

I haven't looked at reviews that others have cast yet because I have a tendency to let the words of others influence my own when reviewing stuff :p I might feel like replying to some of the feedback I got once I do (right now... bed time :p) so don't be surprised if you end up with a PM from the most evil swimmer ;)
Inactive, probably forever.