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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349236


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As Stripetail's spell would not take immediate effect (and Captain Carson was far away enough that Muggle Repelling Charm no longer affected her), Ember's group had caught easily caught up with her. The woman then looked at the group. "The candies should not be that expensive. Or is there a limit that prevents you from buying all three types?"

The whole situation looked incredibly strange with a tall woman dressed in an immaculate bottle green robe with the classic conical wizard's hat walking alongside a railroad track in the middle of the moors and accompanied by what appeared to be two dragons and some unknown horned creature. Luckily, there was no one around except for the group.


Ms. Swimmer was enjoying some of the Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. She coughed as one of the beans she ate turned out to be "oil paint" flavored. She spat out the offending candy and hastily took a pull from her bottle of butterbeer in an attempt to kill the taste.

At the same time, she looked around Hogsmeade. As was usual, people were wandering around and enjoying the sights of the town.



The solar javelin Kire was holding vanished. "There's an inn called the Daybloom Lodge. You've probably passed by it."

"It's right by my favorite fishing spot!" Jimmy piped up as he placed his strange acid shooting fish back in its tank.

At the mention of Chong and magical signals, the solar knight nodded. "I see, I shall assist you in any way possible."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 well, its not the cost thats the problem ' Ember said as she Cynder and Gabuna guided Carson back to town. ' its just that theres are so many choices, and we couldnt narrow it down by ourselves. ' we tried asking Stripetail, but he;s too busy. saids hes trying to get in touch with a master .. head/'  " thats headmaster.' cinder said.. thats.. erm.. ah' like a principal.  I think.'  Cynder-S said ' Like Master Eon is the headmaster at my school. " Right.' Ember said. 'anyway, Captain, if you could help us pick some put, e;d be grateful."
 dulcy and samia wre trying some cider they had bought from a magical vewndor. ' the outfits the dragonesses wore clearly marked them as students, thats and the knapsacks they wore with reading materials sticking out of it..
 We'll rent some rooms tghere then.' Sasha  said ' hopefully they won;t be too expensive. i'm not sure what the local exchange rate is to metropolis bolts. " she sighed.  ' e have plenty ' ratchet said with a smirk. ' i er didn bring much ' Rivet said ' nor did i" Kit addd. " we'll bunk together. save room. ' Angela said.
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Beatrice , Greg and Wirt entered the restaurant where Kovu was, and began looking for a place to sit. ' Come in, wirt!' Greg pulled at his brothers arm ' Lets get something to eat!'  Greg! we don;t have any money on us..  how exactly are we going to buy food?' We're not, Wirt, we just ask a friend to cover the meal and we'll pay them back' Beatrice said. " First Beatrice, we'd need to get jobs for that, and Greg is a bit too young to have a job . ' Nonsense, he can work at that stall with that pink cat.. I think her name is Arlene?  I got some doughnuts from her, after i flew around and put up some fliers for her stall.  pretty simple really. run a few errands, get food. Or in your case, money.  Oh, look there's that lion we met when those two bears were boxing. Kovu, I think his name is. Lets go see if he will let us sit with him.  After all, he gave us hot dogs, so he's not a bad guy.
 Kovu was reading the mat on Scar for the fifth or 6 h time when Wirt approached. " Excuse me, Mister Kovu."  I'm Wirt, remember?' ' Oh , Hey. Nice seeing you three again. Please have a seat. You here for lunch?' ' Kovu said amicably as Wirt, Greg and Beatrice took seats across from him ' Well, thats just it.. we er don;t have any money.. and well we are quite hungry.' Wirt began. "  Could you help us?' Well I suppose I could help. Just let me think>' Kovu said.' Who's Scar' Greg asked pointing to the mat. " He's my dad.' Kovu said ' to say I admire him.. no thats not strong enough a word.. I idolize.,. no thats not strong enough either. ' I WORSHIP him.. is putting it mildly. I've patterned myself entirely on him, living up to his example.  Now, Scar was a VERY accomplished king. This mat here lists 40 things he did as king.. and i could easily list 40 more.. like the hippo riding races..  the lower river agreement with the West End pride .. or the pie throwing Thursdays he put in.. I could go on all day about him, without talking about the same thing twice.. Say thats it.. I have a proposal for you b three.. if you help me spread word of Scar by wearing thee shirts ' Kovu pulled out two large  t shirts that read "King Scar is Awesome!" in large, easily readable letters, and handed them to Wirt and Greeg. ' you boys walk around the town with these shirts and hand out fliers to the museum of King Scar.. and I will pay you for your time." Will you pay for our lunch too>' Wirt asked as he glanced at the tshirt  which featured Scar's face prominently. ' Of course. part of the deal. Beatrice, you hand out these pins and bookmarks ' Kovu said putting out a pawful of both in front of her .  : if it puts food in my belly, I'll do it ' the bluebird agreed. " We're in too ' Greg said. ' great. just ask the waiter who's coming over for menus, I'm sure there's a kids menu forGreg' Kovu said.
 Panty approached Tigeress as she was walking out of the restaurant with Tiger . ' Hello , dearies. Hope your dinner was bloody.. well bloody good.'  Panty smirked showing her teeth. ' Tigeress, my dear, if you would  come chat with me for a bit. i have an offer for you. It involves Oliver.. who's currently in orientation for his new.. er.. job.  anyway I'll explain more once I  have you in confidence. '  well.. i was going to help jing start looking for a dress.' Tigeress began and panty waved her off ' Tigeress, she;s not getting married until at least 3 months from now. that can wait. This cannot. plus.. this job will pay you very well. VERY well. ' Panty said as she pulled Tigeress along. '  " tiger.. please check in with luca and Flash, make sure she's behaving. i'll.. be back soon..' Tigeress called out as  Panty guided her away. '  " I'll bring you some dessert honey ' the purple wolfess said to her mate.  " i'll get you some mint chocolate  ice cream cookies ' Panty said. ' fine fine.. just don';t take too long." Tiger shrugged
 Arlene  put her apron on the hook, after a shift at DR Kerzach's stall. ' Hey  Arlene" came a cheerful voice , as Luca approached her. '  Are you still working?' she asked. " No, just finished a shift. Filing the oil stick pans is hard work' Arlene saud ' Say, You want to get something to eat? Theres a nice restaurant on the east side of town called  Magic Fry. Their portions are big and the fries change color based on how hot they are. " sure!' Arlene nodded as she  put her work clothes away. " I definitely  need a break. like 2 or 3 hours.. Lead the way' Arlene said.
 Sima and kiara were making a number of poses at the modeling agency, includes Cell block Tango, Foxxy Cleopatra, and  Halftime Show.' these includes posting in their Kovu-themed outfits while music played. Both girls couldnt  help  but move to the tunes being played..  with Sima toppling over onto a sofa as she she lost her balance. ' guess i';m a fat-bottomed girl' she laughed as she  got to her feet. '  I'm patrtial to " Fly Away from here" Reminds me of a trip I took with Kovu to.. Hawaii I think it was.. " The beaches were great.. and my man made everything so wonderful ' KIara purred. ' the rides to the volcanoes were breathtaking , in the best way.
 Kopa and Vitani met up with Abu. who embraced both of them with his trunk ' You two have sure  grown up ' Abu chuckled. ' if you aren't busy, they are having a  sale on peanut butter peanut pie at the Peanut Gallery that I really want to try ' abu said.  " i understand if you are busy, of course. I had guard duty with Kovu and Kiara, it was a good, job  got some reading done.. the Climbing Monkey is a very good book. ' abu chuckled. '  We're free ' Vitani said. ' lead the way Abu..  we;re not meeting Li ella and Laval until later.  So we'll have time to catch up.. ' You still like rubies more than sapphires ?' Kopa laughed.. ' Indigo stones are my favorite these days ' Abu said ' wave one of those around in front of me.. and well, you know.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2022, 02:13:05 AM by Nick22 »
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"So, Mr. Tiger," Oliver asked as he went up to his mom's friend. "Who are your followers gonna be? I heard that they are mostly mice."

"You got that right," Tiger affirmed, "There's this tribe outside of Green River who treated me as their god, and they still worship me to this day."

Oliver smirked. "I'm sure some of those mice will feed themselves to you, right?"

A short distance away, Kitty took out her phone and called Arlene. "Just wanted to check in with you girl. Oliver and Tiger are liking their new jobs, you're gonna be very proud of him. And would you want me to bring you any food from this gathering? Pun intended, it's simply divine."


Jing gave Po some more smooches, before he had any time to react. "I'm so happy our date went well," she told he betrothed. "Say, is there anything you'd want to be at our wedding? Like any musical artist or food dish? I could put in a call to my father right now and he'd arrange for it. He'll spare no expense." She dialed up her dad as she patted Po's plump belly.


Kovu stayed true to his word and paid for all the food Beatrice, Greg, and Wirt ordered. "I'm basically a king, I'm loaded," smiled the dark lion proudly. "And thank you all for agreeing to my terms."

"This Scar guy does seem cool," Greg nodded.

"Oh, he is," Kovu affirmed. "When he was 19 he used his roar to stop of stampede of zebras in their tracks, and prevented many casualties." Kovu knew well of Scar's history, and could spend days talking about each of his accomplishments.


"Trust me Sima, you're one of the luckiest girls alive to have Kovu take notice of you," Kiara smirked as they took breaks between pictures. "He's just....incredible."


Ollie looked on, impressed, as Zaoi and Mawa were putting up the final preparations for that day's Ozai ceremony. They had every in place with pinpoint precision, they never slacked off when it came to worshipping their king. "Anything I can do?" he asked the sumo girl cat.


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Daybloom Inn was a simple, rustic but homey building with simple adornments of carvings as well as some paintings of the various scenes. There was even an attached pub that served simple, hearty and filling meals to travelers.

"Reminds me of the Inglorious Hotel but a lot nicer," Deimos said as he looked around.

"Welcome, I have heard that you wish to book a room," the man at the front desk said.

"News travels fast," the Utahraptor muttered under his breath.



"Very well," Captain Carson said as she began the long walk back to town accompanied by the group. A stray cat wandering along the tracks watched the group. Perhaps a little too intently for a stray.


Ms. Swimmer looked around. She could see people mingling as they browsed the vendors of Hogsmeade. She recognized Stripetail, Dulcy and Samia.

She finished off her bag of Every Flavor Beans. Thankfully, the last jelly bean was a refreshing lemonade flavor. "Has anyone seen Captain Carson?" she asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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ratchet, Angela, sasha, rivet and kit booked a room together on the second floor. the beds were fairly simple, but big enough to hold two people.  ' pity they dont have holovision out here '  Ratchetr said as he flipped through the channels '  they get the Fighting Robots channel, Behind the Hero Reruns.. and   Universal idol..  these guys arent terrible at least. captain qwark entered once and got roundly booed ' Ratchet laughed.
 the Sarvalian monks released a.. well kinda a rap video ' Rivet said ' the beat was catchy.. even if I couldnt understand most of what they were singing.' metrolplis has a song and  dancing competition every year.' Sasha said ' I've watched the  finals for the past few years."
 Ah miss Swimmer.. this place is quite crowded, isnt it? To your question, No I have not seen Captain Carson. I'm busy looking for the headmaster of Hogwarts a professor Dumbledore.  From the reports Nick Wilde sent me, he likes to visit the Flying Flagon from time to time.,..  I'm going there now.. seeing if I can find him.. ' We haven't seen her either ' Samia said " we've been busy getting measured for our ' exchange student ids'   its a new requirement from the Ministry according to the witch who  handles the student pictures..  She had trouble spelling Vesuvio correctly too>" I've been trying some of the food here.' Dulcy said as Korin and Sara approached them, the green and gold dragonesses were both  sampling from a large ' everwinter mint patties bag.. which supposedly never went empty of minty sweets. '  Hello Everyone ' Korin smiled . ' just showing Sara around.. these magical humans are fascinating..  i tried asking if any of them were interested in some of my inventions..  unfortunately they were really scared of my teeth for some reason. I keep them clean!" Korin said  sadly.
 Roke,  and Ruskin were trying out some of the  snacks from the vendors who looked curiously at the gems the Crestwood dragons offered as payment ' We use these as payment where we';re from Ruskin explained .  the  owned looked at the multicolored gems and shrugged ' alright, fine. just try and go to the coin exchange office, its near diagon Alley.. that should straighten things out..  ' Roke walked away looking pleased with himself. He soon  showed Ruskin why he was so pleased.. he held a big clawful of gold coins '     ' ROKE!' Ruskin  grabbed him by the scruff of the neck ' We're supposed to be exchange students and you are STEALING from vendors? How do you think that will make us look?' ' Fine Fine! I- I'll spend them .. ok? just.. er. go buy some more of those hot dog things.. ' Go put the money back.. ' Ruskin demended. '  NOW, Roke!' fine.,. i'll put them on the counter when he;s not looking. ' Roke said, Ruskin let him go with a growl , and  roke went off..  soon returning with bags full of snacks. '  did you return the money.. ' yep.. spent every coin.. ' Roke beamed. ' '  Ruskin rolled his eyes.. ' Come on.. lets go find  Cinder. We have to get our books anyway."
The waiter brought menus out for Wirt Greg and Beatrice as Kovu  pointed at different things Scar had done on the mats and why that made him both a great king and why Kovu admired him so much. ' you admire your dad like that?' Kovu asked the boys. ' no.. not really. I've had issues with my parents..  i guess its because I'm a high schooler now..' Wirt said as the waiter brought all of them sodas.  Kovu ordered them all a large basket of fries which soon arrived pipping hot. ' fries are good ' Greg smiled as he munched on the hot snack.
 bring me a bottle of that incense sprayer ' Zoia said to him as the clock began to chime. mawa made marking on the floor with chalk. '  zoai, start at position 3, then move to 6 , 9 and 12. circle, then countercircle , then circle again.' mawa said.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2022, 11:24:27 PM by Nick22 »
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When Captain Carson and her group were out of sight, the "stray cat" morphed into lean man with striking red hair as well as a red beard. He jotted down some notes on a notepad with a quill and then with a quiet pop, he Disapparated.

Little did the group know that they had just been spotted by one of Minister Fudge's spies.


Ms. Swimmer nodded. "Hopefully Captain Carson will arrive soon. It would be very bad if the train left and stranded her here." She shuddered. If it was revealed Captain Carson was actually a Muggle, the consequences could be dire. At best, they'd be banned from Hogsmeade. At worst, a memory wipe or even execution was possible. After all, this was a world that had a strong bias against non-mages.

The Saurolophus touched her wooden staff. Her visiting instructor pass was a rolled up scroll tucked inside a pocket of her robe. The staff at the office had bought her story about being a water magic instructor at the Vesuvio School of Dragon Studies. The forged ID from that school — courtesy of Stripetail's magic — helped as well.



Mr. Bigmouth and Deimos were rooming together in one of the Daybloom Inn's rooms.

"F---," Deimos said, shucking his armor and placing it on a nearby armor stand. "Where are we going to find Chong?"

Mr. Bigmouth started digging in his messenger bag as he started to set up his communications gear for communicating with the shuttle, which would then relay it over to the communications equipment aboard Spire of Winter, which would they relay it to Stripetail or Captain Carson. "We'd have to follow Kire's lead. He's the one who likely knows where all the powerful artifacts and weapons aboard this planet are."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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the spy quickly sent note of his findings to Minister Fudge. the words upon being read chganged into an image of Carson, Gabuna, Ember and Cynder, walking along the tracks. each of the students hasd uniforms on from their respective schools and Carson was dressed as a witch.  ' interesting. i will certainly have something to discuss with his lordship tomorrow evening.' fudge said keeping his face neutral.'Thank you for this report murgan, you may resume your patrol. Pinkstones execution is set fir next week, i wabnt her folklowers suppressed afterwards.' Fudge put  the notes and images aside in his desk/

 cynder  lead careson and the orhers back to hogsmeade, where they rejoined the rest of the group exploring the town.  harry , ron and mermoinbe wre piucking up spome additional study materials at the bookstore, where dixie was getting books for some of dragons like  skylands and Groth. groth was leading her around pointing out books he wanted to buy. ' groth, remember these are are for your studies, not to take home to your mom and dad.' Dixie explained to the young green dragon.' Sorry, sorry. It';s just.. therws SO.. MUCH' Groth  grinned eagerly. ' do you have eferything on your list.. including.. ' crestwood dragons history parts 1 and 2?' Dixie looked at the list. ' yeah, Got everything.. just looking around.. ' here and there students from the exchange groups werw interacting with the local students, asking for directions for books or demonstrating some of their abilities. Young spyro wqas showing some students from hufflepuff his skystones collection and explaining some of the rules. '  Dixie  went to stand in line, in front of her was a witch carrying a cauldron full of teaching materials .  excuse me professor ' dixie spokje out and the witch turned her head 'Can I help you?"Hi i'm Dixie one of the chaperones for the exchange student group. i was hoping you could help me with where my students will be stsying while at your school.  Exchange group?  well Hogwarts has seen much in its history so a group of magical creatures learning magic alongside the students won;t be the most shocking thing this school has ever  seen over the years. I'm Minerva McGonagal, transfiguration teacher and deputy headmistress to professor Dumbledore.  I presume you have talked with the headmaster?' our leader, Professor Stripetail is looking for him. I'm not sure if you received any notice of our arrival? ' yes, actually, we have.  i received notice from Headmaster Eon of Skylands, Headmaster Ember of Crestwood and Headmaster   Drugos of Vesuvio requesting admittance of their students for an exchange program.  Some of the official papers are still in transit. my understanding is that you were originally going to be visiting a different school?' Yes but unfortunately that fell through. we would have arrived just as their school year was ending.' Dixie said/. ' so we had to scramble to find a new exchange partner , one that would last the full year.. or close to it. ' Why choose Hogwarts?' because you are a school of long standing with a powerful reputation for creating great witches and wizards. As some of our schools are very new- in fact this group is part of Crestwoods very first class- Professor stripetail thought it best to learn from a established school so that some of the teaching methods could be learned and used in the new schools. " Dixie said. ' well i'm afraid your timing was less than ideal. this world doesnt treat newcomers kindly in the best of times, and these are hardly the best of times.' "I noticed. We've had some, shall we say, misunderstandings? with your Aurors." Yes well the minister takes security very seriously.. Ill just leave it at that.   we will be entering the school in an hour, please have all your students ready by then. Supplies, wands, proper school attire. We'll get some form of identification as well, for you and the other chaperones. For your safety as well, i would advise you and your students not to leave the school grounds. without supervision. there are many dangerous creatures that live in the wilds around here' professor McGonagal said. " I will do that , thank you prpfessor." Dixie nodded.
 Tai lung led Po out to an eating place tailored toi guys called the Macho Meateater. meat fries and drinks in guy portions wre seved, all you could eat or drink. ' thanks for taking me ' po said i .. er needed to get away from jing for awhile.  she's er rather smothering .' po admitted. ' well, she;s affectionate. you'll have to get use to it. say i'm got some news of my own.. i got hitched ' tai lung said holding up his right claw and showing a ruby ring on his ring claw. ' congrats tai!  Who's the ;lucky girl?' Po said taking a drink ' Tigeress Tai Lung said and got a faceful of soda for his efforts. '  DUDE! You stole my girlfriend?!?' well.. you got engaged.' tai Lung said. ' try being forced into a union i didnt want anyt part of.' Po replied. "  Well, you';re stuck. you should put have a ring on her claw.. I did.' but I did Tai lung. remember that ceremony at Ninjung?'  not officially recognized bro. should have made it official.. i did..' tai lung said with a biog grin' looko, i've wanted Tigeress for a long time , a LONG time.. and well. I'm a tiger she;s a tiger, we can do .. certain things together. thats you can't... well successfully.  Po..  look man. we're happy, and it would mean the world .. to both of us if you were happy for us. we're coming to your wedding.. and we're getting you and Jing some very nice gifts . You're like family.. and she will be family too.  Every hero needs to have some one to come home to.. and she seems very wiling toi be a spouse. 'po ran his clawq down his face as the food order arrived. ' ' i'm taking you to watch the  kung fu fighting championships on polis' Tai lung said , producing tickets. '  guys night out you know?' master rhino is among ythe featured fighters, and you;'ve been a big fan for awhile.. oh.. and we've got a friend of yours coming to take in the fights with you.. Wandering Blade." "Wait-- Blade;'s here?' Yeah.. she also told me she's getting you a gift fir your weddinhg too ' Tai lung grinned.

 Arlene and ;Uca took seats at the diner where the lunch special was griled mice and chese sandwiches. ' They are suppoded to be good ' Arlene explainede as Luca lookede through her menu.  " i migt just have a steak.
Flash took a seat near the circle as Mawa drew circlkes around each number, to mimic a clock.  " Flash, if you could be so kind, could you  go get some more chalk from the Divine Ozai Imperium ? Green and blue, please ifd they have that.. theres a ' Servant of Ozai card, in the basket over there.. just use that.' " I'll Go get it Mister mawa ' Flash said . " I will also need the ozai mose doll 387, the godly punch figure, with blue tunic.' Zoai addee.  " theres 4 such poses ' Flash said ' Yes, wgich is why I specifically asked for the blue tunic. ' Zoai said. "  If you do this for me flash, i'll take you to see ozai film 87, 963.. which was ' Ozai's death punches of glory' Flash said and Zoai grinne ' You are a devotee.. well done.. ' Ozai has only shown that film 5 times.  because ozai wasnt shaved properly during grooming . his beard had never been longer in any film since."
 Kopa and Vitani met up with Abu  as Abyu was headed towards the Chocolate peanut epmkperium, which had 86 varieties of chocolate covered peanuts. ' I have a sweet tooth what can i say?' Abu said as Li Ella Vushu and Eris apprioached, the three girls bearing a basket of goodies from the mawasghii canbdy store. Eris's cotton candy was almost bigger than she was. " anyone care for some cabdy.. I wont be able to eat it  all ' the eagfle princesss offered.
_ Kiara and Sima were posing at the modeling agency and catching  cat whistles from the lions abd make cats watching through the glass . '  kiaras turned around showing her butt to the boys and began dancing provocativekly showing her  booty to the guys whose mouths fell open at the beautiful sight.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2022, 11:32:38 PM by Nick22 »
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"Your sweet tooth was matched only by your love of jewelry," Vitani recalled with a nostalgic smirk. "What was your policy again-if we gave you a gem, you'd overlook any misbehavior from us?" she thought back to the time when the elephant was her, Kopa, Kiara, Nuka, Kion, and Kovu's royal babysitter. "It's good to see you again, Abu. Seems like you're standing guard at my brother's new "kingdom."


"Nice dance moves, you attract big audiences," Sima grinned, "I thought you'd be annoyed by that kind of stuff, normally."

"Oh, I like showing off for the guys, it builds up my fan club," Kiara explained, shaking her rump some more. Some of the guys were blushing so much you'd think their face fur had changed to a bright red.

The photographer took a few more pictures of the Pride Lands Princess and the Mawashiian lioness. "Perfect!" he commended the two of them.


"Sounds like Tiger wants to show off his new godly self to all of us," Arlene informed Scooby, "I wonder what he'll be like, now that he's divine, and all."

"I just hope he doesn't ask us to sharpen his claws," Scooby snickered.


"If our amazing god king appears at our ceremony," Mawa said to his daughter, "Perhaps we can ask him about your mother." Zoai's mother/Mawa's wife had died protecting them from one of the deadly wild beasts back in the Mawashiian wilderness. The sumo cat and his daughter knew all the spirits of Ozai's followers became one with their king, so they were hoping to have the chance to ask about it.


"Thanks for agreeing to help my father plan me and Po's wedding," Jing said to Viper, one of the Furious Five. "I want everything on that special day, which is coming soon, to be perfect."

Viper was a bit of a natural romantic, so she was always very supportive of Po and Jing being together.


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Gabuna joined up with Isla who had all of her supplies already." I need books for 3 classes." Gabuna said looking at a list" Powers Control , 2nd edition for Defense against Enemies, Understanding Humans for Study of Interspecies Conduct, and er Wand Use.. we don't use wands where I am from." I think those are in the exchange section. You can ask Mr Ollivander about wands, he knows more about them than anyone else alive, at least according to my dad." Isla said." Better hurry though, were supposed to go into the school in an hour. The Sorting Hat will put you in a House. Just beware of Slytherin, they're all huge jerks."

Luca watched as a order of magic fries was set in front of them, steaming hot and changing color." Just because your boy may a god now, doesn't mean that he can just ignore his mom. He still has to clean his room if you tell him." Luca laughed." He's really good at keeping his room together anyway. I just want to see him slug those Doberman that keep bothering us. As a God he can punch like a fully grown cat." Arlene said.
Well , gems always were enough to distract me." Abu said as they walked through the aisles and Vitani Kopa and Abu grabbed some cotton candy out of Eris bag, her face was now visible and the bag less heavy." In hindsight, I probably should have gotten a smaller bag." Eris said as she shifted her arms." I could carry thatfot you." Vushu offered." Is this Fluffy Pink Cloud flavor? It certainly smells like it." I think so. They had " 100 pounds of candy' in bigger print than the flavor." That's Mawashii for you." Bushy chuckled as zeros handed her the candy to carry. Li Ella was pointing out the Triple Dipped Peanut Butter flavors to Abu, who was choosing between the 22 different choices.
Arlene took Kitty's call and listened to her talk about Tiger" Let me guess he wants you me Dixie Tigeress and Luca to pose as priestesses and handmaidens? Well Luca and you did that earlier as I recall, when he was playing at pharaoh. Except he's an actual divine now, so we have to take what he asks seriously. Otherwise he might turn me into a pumpkin or something ." Arlene said with a laugh." I don't fancy.being a jackolantern thank you very much." Then do as he asks." Kitty said." If he asks for a glass of milk, you get him one. If he asks to sit on you, you bear his 235 pounds." He's more than 235." Luca said" I've borne his weight for a couple hours Kitty. He's at least 270 if not 300 plus." You had me for company Luca, so it wasn't all bad. Plus our lips and tongues got a vigorous workout, so there's something to focus on other than big soft hubby booty on our backs and legs. I'm used to it." Kitty laughed" you'll get used to it too. And it'll be fun, I promise. We control the remote. So you can watch, I dunno, Stalking Your Prey or I could watch Green River Goirmet , sponsored of course by Waul. Dixie could watch" Billionaire Shopping Spree, she told me she's looking forward to the Private Jet episode. She's used to having Scooby on top of her, so she's used to big guys." Kitty said.
Kiara finished showing off for the boys who had stuck " Call me Babe!" Messages on the window, there was easily over 109, each one including the guys number." So, which guy are you going to call first?" Sima chuckled" it's quite a list, but given how many stared at you on Pokitaru, I'm not surprised." Yes I got a lot of attention there , didn't I?" Kiara grinned" Well we both did. Big is beautiful after all. Guys like a beautiful confident girl who knows what she's packing. And girls want to be like you. Why else do we have 7500 female commenters on our holo page?" Because of our outfits, silly?" Kiara grinned." That and we look like goddesses wearing them. Of course that would attract attention- and guys phone numbers. More than a few of these" call me?" messages are for you Sima.
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(Ministry of Magic)

Auror Murgan saluted and exited Minister Fudge's office. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the image of Captain Carson. Something in the pit of his stomach told him that "witch" was not what she seemed. A faint popping noise was heard as he Disapparated.



Captain Carson arrived just as the train's whistle sounded, warning those riding the Hogwarts Express had ten minutes before the train left...with or without them. Falling into her role as instructor, she called out. "The train will be leaving in ten minutes! All my students must have their their standard Crestwood textbooks as well as as the required supplies required of Hogwarts! That includes wands and potion equipment!"



The communications equipment was set up in Mr. Bigmouth's and Deimos's room. There was a knock on the door.

Mr. Bigmouth opened it to find Kire, clad in his solar armor. The solar knight spoke. "I was informed about a anomaly in the underworld. I have informed Ratchet already."

Deimos tilted his head. "Is that a literal location?"

"It's the name we used referring to a very deep underground location with a large amount of lava."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Father, this is Viper. She said she'd like to help plan the wedding with you," Jing smiled, introducing the member of the Furious Five to the Panda King. "She said she has experience with these sort of events."

Sly, Carmelita, and Bentley were listening to a message they had received from planet Clockwerk, where Murray, the Guru, and Penelope were still held captive. These 3, along with the Panda King, Jing, and Dimitri were lucky to escape.

"We'd need major reinforcements to get them off that planet," Bentley deduced.


"I'm flattered," the Mawashiian lioness grinned, as she saw Kiara go over to some of the guys and plant smooches on the faces of lucky ones. "You like that, handsome?" she smirked, giving him a seductive look.

"Yes, we do," the guys replied in perfect unison.

"And you like this?" Kiara said in a sultry tone, turning around to give them a closer look at her most noticeable feature.

Sima was showing off her general fatness for the guys.


"Will Ozai appear at this ceremony?" Ollie whispered to Zaoi as he sat in the guest stands.

"Hopefully we'll receive the honor of a visit from our god-king," Mawa smiled to his daughter's friend.

Kiyo and Shoukichi, the sumo tanuki who had hosted Stripetail while the group was on Ozai's planet, were also in attendance. "We bring snacks and drinks to anyone who hungers," Shoukichi smiled. Kiyo was a trained bartender, so she was skilled in drink prep.


"I'd like to offer you and Scooby the chance to become followers of Tiger," Kitty said to Dixie over the phone, "He's a new god, and it'll be nice to raise the number of his followers. Plus he doesn't ask for much, just food, worship, and being his cushions."

Tiger was getting acquainted with the gods and goddesses of lightning, love, and storms.

"Nice to meet a newcomer god," said Viven, the wind goddess.

"A god of harvest, are you?" smiled Vrotni, the lightning god.

"Indeed, I can make crops grow," Tiger said, recalling his powers, "And I just might be able to make my followers into cushions to rest my big form on," he added with a chortle.



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Stripetail enterd the flagon and made his way among the gatherd throngs of witches and wizards ' excuse me, madam?' he asked a waitress witch who was passing by with a tray of food  " I'm looking for Profesor dumbledore . " Oh, the headmaster? he;s i n the back, near the holiday decorations. Table 63.' the waitress said as she adjusted her tray. " thank you madam.'" Stripetail said handing her some Galleons  before heading to the back of the pub. soon, he came upon a table with a older looking wizard wearing half moon glases, exactly matching a picture Nick Wilde had sent in with his intel report. ' Excuse me/ Professor Dumbledore, I presume?'  Stripetail asked and the wizard lookded up from a cup of hot tea. " Yes, I am he. and you are, sir?' Lord Stripetail. Professor of magical studies at Sowarkard Academy.  I'm in charge of a group of exchange students.' oh, yes, i received notes from the headmasters of the schools quite recently.  Do sit down." dumbledore motioned for stripetail to sit. ' " I must admit that normally we require at least 3 months notice for this sort of program, but the letters mentioned that you had originally planned to visit another school and were looking for a last minute substitute?' Yes, unfortunately that fell through. please forgive the lateness of our request. Crestwood is very new at magical teaching and is hoping to learn from your example. and in candor professor, the Minister and his authorities have been- how do i put this delicately?.. ' Unwelcoming? Dumbledore sighed.  he's making the Pinkstone situation worse, by making her a martyr. I've been trying to reason with Cornelius to no effect.  but enough about my problems. Tell me about your group, my Lord.  Well, its a combination of  dragons, magical creatures  digimon and assorted staff and chaperones. we have a few that serve as teachers for  ...whats the term for nonmagics here>' Muggles' Dumbledore made a face. ' so muggle studies? ' Where I've from, Dumbledore, theres no hostility to non magics. Clearly, thats  not the case here.  I've already been threatened with a charming stay in Azkaban if i perform any more magic publicly. ' ' you reversed a Obliviation" dumbledore said and Stripetail's eyes widened then narrowed. . ' before you ask how I know that, my Lord, lets just say I have my sources. you are obviously a VERY powerful wizard, Obliviations are almost always permanent.' well, I was trying to help my staff during a.. misunderstanding. '  Then  it is clear to me why you chose Hogwarts. you want a safe haven during these troubled times, for you ,  your staff and students. In addition to improving their magical educations and honing their abilities. of course. ' Succinctly put, headmaster . In candor, I  am trying to catch an old enemy, who has recently landed on this planet. His name is Chong. "  Stripetail said as Dumbledore drank his tea.  " just what we need, more trouble.' the headmaster sighed. ' I'll have my sources look out for him. any word, I'll pass it on. " Thank you professor. I'm meeting with the minister tomorrow evening for tea. I hope to smooth things out with him.'  A word of advice, my lord. call it a friendly caution.  Cornelius may seem jovial on the outside, but he is fanatically dedicated to a vision  of a magical world where  witches and wizards are kept completely apart from Muggles. Its a delusion, magickind is far better off accepting of differences, and being inclusive, not exclusive. He will try to get you on his side. he respects great wizards, but he also fears them. for instance, he thinks I'm trying to get his job."  Why would the headmaster of one of this world;s most prestigious schools, want the headaches of a politicians job?' Stripetail chuckled as Dumbledore laughed. ' Indeed! i have no interest in being Minister. Yet Fudge is laboring under some delusion that i want the ministry and has been trying every trick in the book to isolate me. ' Dumbledore held up a magical paper ' Showing images of some of Stripetails group standing outside the gates of Hogwarts " Magical creatures escape from Hogwarts! Has Dumbledore Lost it?' Shouted a headline." i wouldn't use that paper to start a fire' Stripetail snorted. " yet there are those who read this paper and others like it , who believe it. ' you should see some of the letters by Owl i've gotten from parents.' Dumbledore said.  " the universe does not lack for gullible fools unfortunately.  for now though  i will need accommodations for myself, my staff and my students at Hogwarts. ' yes, I've prepared staff rooms for all your staff, they are all in  the main part of the castle ' Yours is on the 3rd floor. ' it actually  was the classroom for Headmaster Mordicus Egg, well before he became Headmaster.  His portrait is the wall. if you have any questions, feel free to ask him.  As for the students they will be sorted into one of Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Gryfinndor . Professor Snape suggested that we exclude Slytherin, for the safety of both your students and ours. the last thing we need is fights between students. and Slytherin Houses tends to have.. strong, negative opinions on outsiders.' Thank you professor ,' Stripetail said. "  Dumdledore  nodded then looked at the clock. ' well, look at the time., I need to head to the castle to prepare my welcome message for the students tonight. You wil be introduced to the students and staff , as will your staff. i will ask the students to be respectful at all times. Hospitality and courtesy are important.  " Dumbledore got  up from his seat and nodded to Stripetail ' Welcome to Hogwarts, my lord.' He  nodded before vanishing in a flash.  triptail got up from his his seat and heasded out of the bar.

 Kopa, vitani and li ella grabbed some cotton candy from Eris to lighten her load. . " we could dip this in the left over peanut butter ' Abu said ' assuming I leave any that is. ' You hav to share Abu.' Kopa laughed ' there has to be enough for all of us. ' don;t worry my boy. i ordered elephant size platter.

 As Mawa bowed  to the cebter of the shrine am image of ozai, dressed in green appeared ' ah, master mawa. bowing to me at shrine 27, 453, 702.' ozai chuckled.  ' what are you praying to me for this time? i alrady promised you that you would have a long life, my friend .' Ozai chucked. " I'm prayed for my mother, master ozai.' Zoai said . " Yes, I know, my little one. She is at peace, in the Internal meadow of paradise that I create for all who serve me, well among this religious faction at any rate. the tower paradise is quite different. . its an eternal endless library. Which reminds me. Zinnitus has a book, thats 17, 457 years overdue. he needs to return it.  I'll have to go  convince him of that. ' Can i have one symbol of your greatness, my king?' Zoai asked quickly ' For my friends. " Ah Oliver and Flash. two great young devotees of me., Well done, you too, keep up the good work. now if you will excuse me. i have a slinky shot put i need to finish making. if my calculations are correct- and they always are- i should be able to launch a slinky  at least 3 million feet. my current record is 2, 943, 700 feet.  which is 2, 942, 600 feet longer than anyone else on mawashii. its the design kids.. well and my divine strength too." Oncq gestured and a gigantic  shot put appeared in the air above where the shrine attendees were. ' it ws at least 100 feet long, and had to weigh several tons.
 Jing abhd viper went off to help jing pick out wedding dresses. ' jing  had tigeress on the phone to get the wolfess' opinion on style  shape and food flower arrangement- yes the ' flowers' jing would carry would actually be edible.  "  Now Tigeress, Viper and 1 have picked out 5 dresses so far..  Do you think I should go with the long train, or short? I don;t want to trip on it, i'd turn the room into something out of a mosh pit fight.  Which is good for TV, not so much for my perfect day with  my big ball of love. ' I could also do without writing  " I';m sorry I rolled over you" letters to several hospital wings. " I'd do short, somethinbg that goes down to your waist' Tigeress said.  " something.. light blue that can double as a face cover. ' Oh.. a face cover! Great idea!. I didnt think of that."  Theres also the  karaoke night before the wedding  Viper said " I'll be trying my coils at; Dance Lover Dance. I hacent gotten it down quite yet. I have been practicing.  Tigeress what song did you pickjk out. Remember jIng has dibs on ' I will always Love you"  " I picked out " i drove all night' Tigeress said "  oh! good song' Jing beemed '  its a fun night before I become MRS Dragon Warrior.' Jing grinned.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2022, 01:48:15 AM by Nick22 »
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Junior pulled out his magic paintbrush from behind his bandana and grinned from ear to ear, his more prominent canine tooth gleaming in the cheap incandescent lighting of the pizzeria. "Me and Diddy can distract the guards. They won't know what hit em', will they?" He punched the Kong playfully, excitement seeming to seep out of every pore. Diddy was a bit more hesitant at the idea of messing with guards whose duty was to stop scoundrels from reaching their mayor-- 'I guess that's what we are if we do this: scoundrels,' Diddy thought to himself. But he was kind of excited at the idea of following in old Cranky Kong's footsteps, none the less. If the worst happened and their plan got found out, Cranky's elation might make up for Donkey's crushing disappointment in him. Either way, the koopa prince's elation made up for it already, and that was enough for him. He grinned and held the brim of his red cap. "Not by a country mile," he agreed. Usso folded his arms. "I'm not gonna get involved in kidnapping anyone," he said. "I'll do one of your other chores. Getting the stationary, maybe." Junior turned to Usso and blinked, with both a hint of newfound respect and a heavy helping of newfound annoyance. "Ugh, fine. It's not like we'll need a giant robot for this anyway," the prince sniffed.

A few seats behind them, Rogan and G listened with increasing concern. "Should we stop them?" G muttered to Rogan, who ran a hand across his beard in contemplation. They were federal agents who SHOULD be keeping the peace and stopping crime when they overheard it. "... Not yet," he said. "Call it a hunch. I say we follow and keep an eye on them." G took a long breath, the one he usually took whenever he disagreed with his partner on a manner of AMS conduct. "I don't like this." Rogan placed his fingers together and grinned. "Relax. I get the feeling this won't raise as much of a fuss as we think it will. Sounds like this kidnapping is a regular occurrence to them, after all."


Out in the streets, Defago's heavy metal boots sloshed as he and Joshua continued to make their way through the winding streets. "So when were you going to tell me about that man who's been following us?" Defago asked. "I thought you already knew," Joshua said, somewhat contritely. "I would have thought a Wendigo would have picked that up before my human senses could." Defago laughed again. "Your sense's ain't entirely human, Joshua," Defago said, causing the burned man's brow to crease under his bandages. "Lets see how close he gets. I'm curious if we can get the jump on him, oui?"
« Last Edit: November 23, 2022, 04:04:38 AM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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"Just a few days until you tie the knot, big guy," Tai Lung smirked at Po, "Welcome to the wonderful world of being wed." With that remark, he leaned over to Tigress and gave her a smooch. "You'll enjoy it, trust me."

"I guess," Po nodded, as he saw his phone receive a text. Jing and Viper had sent him an advance listing of all the food that would be at the wedding. "This looks really tasty..." he admitted, drooling at the thought of the food.

"Plus, Jing adores you," Tai Lung said, all of Po's friends having met his fiancé by now.


Kiara showed her form off for the guys watching. "You like what you see, eh boys?" Kiara smirked confidently as her sways practically had them hypnotized. That was how Kiara liked it, she could use her looks to make sure she had a whole force of guys devoted to her.

"They go crazy for your form," Sima commented.

"Oh, I know they do," Kiara winked as she walked closer to her newest fans.


Tiger was walking through the Spire to where Kitty and the others were at. "I feel different," he smirked, "This must be what being a god feels like, to be immortal,'s great!"  He was wearing a divine outfit that Kitty had helped prepare, and he had the contact info of some gods he met at the meetup.

Oliver was following behind Panty. "Who will I get to eat first?" he asked, eager to learn the techniques Panty would bestow upon him.


"It's good to know even humans can learn the greatness of Scar," Kovu said in gratitude as he rattled off more information about his ancestor. He had an encyclopedic knowledge of Scar's accomplishments within his mind, he'd never run out of subjects to bring up.

"You're welcome," nodded Wirt.


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(Hogwarts, Pottermore)

The Hogwarts Express stopped at the train station just outside the perimeter of Hogwarts. There, rising from the misty moors loomed the great stone castle of Hogwarts. As was usual, the day was overcast, lending the area a forbidding aura.

The chaperones guided the crowd of students down to the docks where several small boats were moored on a black, glassy lake.

Ms. Swimmer looked nervously at them. She wasn't sure if the boat could hold her. Meanwhile, Captain Carson had fallen into the role of instructor and was shepherding "her" students to one of the boats.



Of course, Chong had Myaardi to be an attractive site for his search for magical weaponry and other artifacts. But rather obviously, he had dispatched a second team with a shuttle containing a rather specialized piece of equipment known as a nanolathe, purchased (or more likely stolen) from somewhere in the Polaris Galaxy. This piece of equipment, when connected to an appropriately equipped storage container and provided with the proper plans was capable of making anything from vehicles to tools.

As such, the team had settled somewhere in one of the far corners of Myaardi and were busy building a base to start searching. Of course, the base was very primitive. Just the shuttle and some personnel aboard some lightly armed dune buggies and robotic miners fanning out to explore the plain they were located on as well as to dig for resources. Of course, like much of the land in Myaardi there were already some substantial openings in the ground that just needed some expansion and could potentially lead to a cave or other such areas.


Kire had led Deimos, Mr. Bigmouth and the others to banquet hall in the Daybloom Inn. As there was no true conference room, this location would have to do as one.

"Now," Kire began. "Myaardi is not an exceptionally large world but it is very rich in terms of locations. We have to decide where to start. I previously mentioned the underworld since it is rich in hellstone, an eternally burning rock that produces lava when it is mined and is useful in the making of armor and weapons. And from what you have told me of Chong, he is likely to look for materials he can craft into weapons as well as weapons themselves."

"What about the surface?" Mr. Bigmouth asked. "Depending on the conditions of the underworld, we may not be able to join you. And getting there is likely a difficult task. We can scour the surface while you explore the underworld, given that you know this planet the best."

The solar knight held a gauntleted hand to his chin. "Well, I can take you the entrance of the underworld. And we can go from there?"

"And where is the entrance?"

"In town."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 the underworld is a good place to start' Sasha said as  maps of the areas were passed around the table. ' we'll need to spread out to cover more ground. ' we will need to wear our armor to protect ourselves from the heat' Angela said.' thats a problem , Rivet said ' only you and  ratchet have that armor. we'll have to see if my all- terrain suit will hold up to the heat. It should but we'll have to make sure first. if its too hot, i'll stick to the surface.
 You need to give Jing a chance po ' Tigeress said as she Tai lung and Po ate their meal. ' I don;t care if she smothers you, she;'s simply a very affectionate female.  you're getting married in 2 days Po, best enjoy the last few hours of being single. "  and i'm going to throw ypou a bash ' Tai Lunng said. '   blades , you and ! are going to the  sumo show. it will be fun.
 jing had picked out 12 dresses of various colors, but one thing they all had in common was girth. " ok girls, dress color. classic white, red to match my lipstick, blue or pink?' Jing asked into the phone. ' well white is classical for a reason, and you want something that wont clash with your veil. " tigeress said " i would hew towards white personally. its supposed to symbolize innocence.' Viper said and tigeress laughed. " Many things describe jing, many positive and wonderful  things., . Innocence.... isnt one of them. Sneaking into po's room   and counting up all of his actions figure is not something a innocent naive girl would do. ' Tigeress said and Jing laughed ' Ok.. ok I may have went a little overboard in going through his underwear drawer..' Girl.. does he really have Master Oogway underwear?' Viper grinned ' 4 pairs ' Jing said and all 3 girls laughed loudly. ' I would lean towards a pink dress and veil, like we mentioned..oh and i talked to Stripetail, He has a special magical treat in store for you after the union kiss' Tigeress said. ' I cant say what it is, its supposed to be a surprise.'  Jing rubbe her claws together in glee.
 Dulcy anbd Cynder led Skylands, Cinder and Embr in one boiat. while  Spyro W Spyro - S  Ruskin roke and groth took another boat. ' Remember everyone, we arent guarabteed to be iin the same House.' Old Spyro said as they rowed towards the shore. ' Its going to be 1 of 3. Gryfinndor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. "
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(Hogwarts, Pottermore)

The boats had made it to shore and the new students were disembarking. Despite the cool, misty — some would say, ominous — atmosphere of the moors, the staff tried their best to make the new students feel welcome. Captain Carson discreetly looked around for anything she thought was dangerous. She couldn't be too careful after her memory had been wiped.

Soon, everyone found themselves inside the foyer of Hogwarts. As befitting its stature, the foyer provided a straight up vertical view of all the floors. A massive glass skylight let in watery beams of light. Ms. Swimmer blinked as she saw the great stone steps moving back and forth overhead. She could also see ghosts flitting through the air. Torches and candles attached to holders fastened onto the stone walls and onto iron lanterns and chandaliers added to the medieval feel of the castle.

"Reminds me of the Inglorious Hotel, but this is even larger," she muttered.

She abruptly stopped as the crowd paused in front of a pair of great wooden doors.



 "Very well," Kire said. "I shall take you to the underworld entrance." He then got up and led the way out of the Daybloom Inn. The air in the village was clean and crisp. Interestingly, no one paid any attention to the group.

Fortunately, the walk was not a long one and the group was stopped in front of an unremarkable wood door set in a hillside. Kire then flung open the door, revealing a room that had a single lantern hanging on a hook near the door and a very deep hole surrounded by a fence.

"Well, here we are," Kire said. "The hellevator. It's a direct link to the underworld."

"Are you s----ing me?" Deimos asked, peering down the seemingly bottomless pit.

"Nope. When I need to get to the underworld, I simply just jump in."

Mr. Bigmouth rubbed his muzzle. "Kire, is there a another way down?"

"Well, we can explore the caves. They might have a more twisting, winding path to the underworld."

"Right, I'm going to see how deep this hole is." Mr. Bigmouth took off his messenger bag.

"It's a little over a mile and a half. Straight drop."

Deimos sighed. "If we could fly this wouldn't be a problem."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"So I guess we'll be following your lead in this, right Wends?" Junior asked Wendy. He sounded a bit hesitant in saying it. He was used to either taking his father's lead or leading kidnapping missions himself-- following anyone else was still new to him. But he at least knew Wendy of all people would be capable of pulling this off. The gundam pilot pressed his lips together. "Where's this stationary place? I'll do that. I don't kidnap people. I've already been kidnapped one too many times myself," Usso said.


"Agreed," Joshua said, casually moving a hand to his pocket where he kept one of his pistols. "Don't kill him. I want to talk to him a bit."
"Wasn't plannin' ta," Defago replied, sickly yellow light twinkling like dim stars in the slits of his mask. The footsteps behind them were constantly getting closer. They were clumsy-- not a professional killer. Just a tailer. Who out here would be tailing the likes of them, Joshua wondered. "This bend," Joshua said simply as the two of them walked under a flickering street lamp and towards a turn into a dark alley.
"Aye," Defago said with a grin behind his mask. "This bend."


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mile and a half down. well i have my hoverboots, so i'll take the direct flight' see you at the bottom ' Ratchet aid  jumping into the chasm below and rapidly falling out of siught ' his armor activqtd casting light around him and clank in the darkness so thwy could see ' estimated time to bottom swt curebnt speed. 7 minutews 35 seconds chimed a projection from his wrist.  " we'll be a few minutes behind you ' Angelas voice came out of hisv ring. " I hose the more round about way wih sasha. ' Wheres Rivet and kIt?' Ratchet started to ask, but was cut off as Rivet and kit came into view, the fellow lombax grabbing onto Ratchet with her yellow robotic arm.  " just keep that light on if you can ' Rivet said.  as Kit swaped back and fort on her back.
   I won;t be able to stop you Wendy, but please honor a request: Don;t hurt the princess or the mayor.' the purple , very curvy  wind spirit asked. " You have my woird flurrie  The most I will do to her is gag her if she screams. thats it.' Wendy said. "Same for Pauline, if they cooperate all  that will happen is tying them up. its not a kidnapping without tying up prisoners. "
 Come on Diddy and Junior ' Wendy said as they headed out of the pizza place. a portal to New Donk City Appeared ' next stop the mayors office.  Usso, thers a stationary store on big Yoshii Street, its about 6 blocks from City Hall ' Wendy said. ' Flurrie a you and Dixie can.. er take in a movie at the Donk City Theaters  They're showing a baseball movie about birdo's unlikely championship in the girl;s division last year."   Well Alright i can take in a fil;m ' Dixie kong said ' and I wouldnt mind some  company.." I'll get the popcorn dear' Flurrie said.
Now now girls save some male aduration for the rest of us ' Kairel laughed as she approavhed , carrying a freshly minted calender of seductive lionesses [poses.  " Ah Kairel, good to see you ' kiara smiled. ' Are you seeing Xiro, currently, or dagnino/ I forget, you flip between them more than i fluip for boys who want a piece of me, and thats saying something kiara grinned. " kairel this is Sima a sumo lioness from mawashii. " yes,  i've heard of her. What? you think that we Amazonians havent been following your exploits Kiara?'  ' Nice to meet you milady Kairel' Sima said., ' Beauty and manners, a very nice combination. nice to met you sima' Kairel said. ' Oh kairel could you do me a favor and organize these names and phone numbers for me? i will pay you for your time . i promise. '  Kiara the'res 2, 357 names and numbers up there already" Kairel said, 95% of which are for you"  Come on kairel, that shouild take you 5 minutes tops with your brains ' kiara said. ' Lady Kiara, could i have a kiss?' Asked a young male lion near the left side of the crowd.  ' of course ' Kiara said and pulled the  young male into a deep passionate kiss. the male quickly grabbed onto her  and put his tongue into her mouth. the boys whooped and hollored ' give it to her  good  Sunuko!' shouted one of the bystanders ' Go! Go Go!' they cheered.  Sima handedkairel hr list of names and numbers for5 recording as well. ' It was a smaller number but still ran into the hundreds.
 Wirt greg and beautrice handed out king scar gear and trinkets to passersby, who paid them tips for the merchandise. just a few blocks and they had  alredy sold or goven away 90% of the stuff KOvu had given them. they had put their earnings into a bag kovu had given them and would count up everything once the last pass was sold. ' people really are interested i your musuem Mr Kovu' Greg said. ' Why wouldnt they be? As you have seen, my father was a famous and great king and that gets people to see some of the things he did. a very. very VERY small number of the things he did.' Kovu said ' jusat finish off sell the passes. I'll be right back/ i have to take my Scar Likeness reading of the day. that last one I was 93.55 % similar I'm hoping for 94% this time . I'll be right back' Kovu said.
 Kopa laval and vushu took gobs of cabdy out of eris' cotton candy bag, and abu dripping peabnut butter and chocolate over them to create a hard shell around the cotton candy.  ' looks tasty ' Abu grinned as he popped a big patch into his his mouth with his trunk. ' thanks for taking this off my shoulders ' Eris said as she tried some pof the chocolate.  ' Not a problem Vitani said as they kept walking.
Tigeress will training you about hunting, propr posture , right time to move and right time to rip your prey to bits while theyt are still brathing.. that part i like the most. ' Panty said as she guided oliver to a nondescript loking building on the Spire.  the insuide was made up to look likie a wardens office and Tigerss was suitting behinf a desk, drssed in a outfit  that had Warden' on it in prominent letters. ' good.. you brought the problem child ' tigeress sauisd in a neutral tone.  " Come on,  I'll show you yor room and then your 'reform,' lwesons start in 15 minutes. '
 can you tell us one more great thinbg, Master ozai?' Flash asked as mona and Zoai looked up at the huge figure of the Sumo Divine ' Hmm. very well. I suppose I could have one moe demonsatration, but then its off to Temple number 10, 653, 876 for a ceremony of  sumo consecration. The Wearing of the Double Mawashii. ' Ozai said, then he gestured and the  3 girl lifted into the air and images of sumo whirkled around the 3. ' tell me what these image all have in common girls' Ozai's voice echoed ' they images of your biggest wins?' Mona guessed. ' very good, mona!. In practicular they are imag of my mtches against the Sumo God Hanu, which ncvolved  3 pant pulles, 3 attemptred demawashiis - all by him and all  fails, and two missing teeth from when my foot hit him in the mouth. this was during a brief time where ' extre,me sumo ' was tried. it was sumo, but with kicking., after i beat hium, it really fell out of favor in sumo worlds.' Ozai said.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these: