The Gang of Five
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LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie!

Ducky123 · 215 · 63812


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A very odd expression rose to Rinen’s face as he returned the omnivore’s brief look. It wasn’t fully that of fear nor of annoyance towards the other dinosaur. Rather, it was that of extreme uncertainty and resignation as the vines were being tied around his body. Now, he couldn’t turn around anymore. His only path forward would go through the gaping gorge. The only comforting thought inside the boy was all of the future struggles and disappointments that he’d never have to go through if his life came to an end today. He finally ended his nearly scare and he answered to the omnivore in a meek voice that the latter would have associated with anyone else but the threehorn.

“Th… thank you, I guess. But I’ll have the best chance if… if I just… jump myself.” He said, knowing that even now he would generate more power to his effort than all of his companions combined. He backtracked slowly, feeling as the vines slowly tightened around him, praying that they wouldn’t fail him now. He closed his eyes for a second and exhaled deeply before he finally forced himself to move. It wasn’t long before he reached the edge of the gorge and felt himself dropping into the endless abyss.

For a while, panic started to rise within Rinen as he dropped downwards freely. If the next thing he’d hear was a loud snap, it’d be all over… However, it never came. Suddenly, Rinen felt the vines halt his drop even if the threehorn could see them getting dangerously stretched. To his luck, his momentum caused him to head towards the opposing edge of the gorge quickly and for a fleeting while, Rinen couldn’t believe his luck. He was going to do it! Soon enough, he’d be on solid ground again! For the first time in his life, he’d have succeeded in something!

The boy let out a sigh of relief as he felt his paws get a weak hold of the gorge’s edge. A wide smile appeared on his face as he looked at his salvation, starting to pull himself closer towards the edge… which turned out to be a terrible mistake. That spot suddenly gave in under Rinen’s paw and the boy was sent back towards the heart of the gorge.

Rinen’s eyes widened in fear as he felt himself getting swung forward, the vines nearly releasing him from their hold. A wave of fear flushed over him as he tried to get hold of something, anything… and soon, he felt himself hanging from a large rock sticking out of the wall before him. The threehorn cringed as he hanged over the nothingness, kept up by nothing but the rock and the vines. Rinen would have wanted to cry but even then, he had only one way to go: forward.

Slowly, he started to pull himself towards the wall, cursing the weight of his plump belly pulling himself downward. However, soon enough he got closer to the wall and he was able to start the climb back towards the edge… a second after second after second passed as Rinen slowly crept upwards, letting out a sigh of relief as he finally pulled himself up from the gorge, not able to believe he had actually succeeded. He was still alive and he had actually proven he was worth something! Rinen could hardly hide his happiness as he tied the vines around another huge rock and cried to his companions.

“Come on, then! It’s not like you can stay there, either!” He cried, not able to hide his smugness at the fact that he wouldn’t have to climb over the gorge again. Besides, his success had already made this the best day he could remember, enabling the threehorn’s heart to swell with pride for the first time in his short life.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 05:10:57 PM by Sovereign »


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Buko let out a breath he had no idea he had been holding as the threehorn's proud cry echoed across the gorge. Part of him expected this to end horribly, but to see the most risky transverse of the gorge end in success made his morale improve significantly. Now there was the small matter of him and the others going across without dying.

Buko swallowed.  And the nervousness was back again.

With shaking claws he approached one of the vines and allowed the others to tie it around his abdomen.  Even with the other vines providing a bridge of sorts he would not risk his life with a mere foothold on the vines.  It was only when Wyoh tied them with a firm tug that he allowed himself to view the task ahead of him.  Before he proceeded across the uninviting vine-bridge across the chasm he looked back one more time to his companions.

"Already got yours tied, Wyoh?  I'm not running back here again," he allowed himself to laugh weakly, "And do you want to go with me or Wyoh, Aquarius?"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Lone Dragon

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Aquarius gave a triumphant cheer when he saw Rinen on the other side. His idea worked! There was hope for them yet! However they still needed to cross. Buko was preparing himself to go next and in response to his question Aquarius walked over to the taller Fast Runner. "I'll go with Wyoh" Aquarius said as he climbed up and onto her back. Aquarius was not looking forward to going across that dark pit. Heights terrified the young Swimmer. He found it unnatural for a Swimmer to be up so high when they should not be above ground but in or underwater so if he could put off going over the chasm a little longer then he would. "Talk about being stuck in the worst place for a Swimmer" Aquarius thought as he looked over the chasm and the single vine going across and had another idea. "Hey Buko when you get across could you tie your vine next to Rinen's? It'll make a bridge for Wyoh and I to cross" he asked the blue Fast Runner. 
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Buko nodded solemnly as the swimmer's intentions before again looking at the abyss that lay before him.  His words, when they came, were barely a whisper.  "Yes, that is a good idea..."

Somehow, against all the odds, the threehorn had made the charge and survived to stand on the other side, but that did little to calm the small half-tooth's racing heart.  Walking on bluffs and cliffs was always a tricky business even among experienced fastrunners, and he could not claim to be that.  Worst of all were the repercussions if he failed here.  If he dropped and the vine snapped it would not be a matter of scraped knees or even a serious bleed... he would be a flat-runner.

He looked at his vine again and gave it a slight tug before carefully pacing to make sure it had the necessary reach.  It was only when he had checked this to his satisfaction that he examined Rinen's vine.

"Alright, Rinen, I am going to jump where your vine is that way I can grab it and walk across if this goes badly!" He watched as the threehorn hunkered down for that eventuality, "Here goes nothing!"

The fastrunner hurled his body headlong into his sprint as the chasm grew near.  With each footstep the safety of the ground grew scarce and the threat of looming disaster grew nearer.  But in these final moments before he leapt none of that mattered.  He was relying purely on instinct now and that would determine his fate.

He leapt.

Terror gripped him as the blackness of the void reached out from under him.  His ears could only captured the sound of rushing air as the walls of the other side of the chasm approached him with the tantilizing possibility of a handhold and the safety of the other side.  But that was when a realization hit him like a boulder.

He was falling too fast.

Panic gripped him again as he reached out at the other side desperately in a futile attempt to reach safety.  Had he not had a vine tied to him then this would be the end... had he only had a vine tied then he might survive the desperate climb back the way he came... but he had something else at this moment which his feet seemed to remember before his brain.

Rinen's vine.

His right foot landed on Rinen's vine suddenly bringing his leap back into an awkward sprint... and then his left foot did the same as his momentum went from a dive into a headlong leap into the safety of the other side of the chasm.  He had never been so glad to land beak-first in the dust.

"...could have gone a bit better."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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That sight would have amused the threehorn nearly without an end if it weren’t for his continuing distaste for the fastrunner. After a few seconds of conflict deep within himself, he finally allowed a brief grin to his face as he walked beside the halftooth who was still lying in the ground. His voice was a mocking one but this time there was practically no malice within his tone.

“You didn’t do quite as well as one would have thought judging from your and your companion’s bravado, Buko. But I guess I should be glad you didn’t fall down there.” He said while rolling his eyes in amusement. He then turned to look at the other side of the gorge, yelling at the fastrunner whom he despised far more than the bright-colored male.

“It’s your turn, Wyoh! I won’t say what kind of outcome I’ll wish for you, though!” He cried, the mere sight of the omnivore filling him with distinct bitterness. He then snorted slightly as he turned around from the edge, sitting to wait for the next show.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2019, 04:45:36 PM by Sovereign »


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Despair filled the young hidden runner as he continued his amble through the desolate landscape. Nyero moved his gaze around frantically in trepidation, anticipating the shadows to jump at him whenever he turned his back to them. Fortunately, that was only delusions his mind made up, but even so, it would be foolish to let one's guard down for even a second. His entire life had been turned upside-down few days ago and he was still having a hard time trying to come to terms with it.

When he closed his eyes, he could still envision the sight before him and hear his parents' pleas for him to run and never look back. He had been rooted to the ground in terror. Only a loud roar from one of the sharpteeth had finally roused him awake, and he ran faster than ever before in his life. Cutting those thoughts off, he resumed his task to discover any potential sanctuary among this hellish landscape. Memoirs about the past only brought a great deal of discomfort, so Nyero opted to sever those sentiments from his mind.

However, it was easier said than done. Those visions would probably never leave his mind. They would more likely accompany him for the rest of his life. Nyero found himself in a small river that continued for miles. His eyesight was not good enough to depict where it began and ended from his current position. Gulping some of the water down his throat, it brought a soothing sensation and managed to lift up his spirits fractionally.

After a while, he had filled himself up and was ready to resume his trek once more. Nyero surmised that a chance like this would hardly accede again, so it was best to take all advantage of it while he still could. While thirst would no longer be a hinder, he had barely been able to find any eligible nourishment. He had been forced to eat only small patches of green food and furthermore, small critters. Not an ideal nutrition for his kind, but it was all he had available right now.

Well, no time like the present. Nyero stood up and carried on with his travel to the unknown.


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Wyoh nodded at Buko's question, pulling at the knot around her middle to prove to herself that it was really secure. She barely registered Aquarius' weight as he climbed onto her back, her heart pounding in her ears as Buko geared up to take the leap. At last, the moment came. She stepped lightly toward the edge, wringing her claws- everything seemed to slow down as he sailed through the air, and for a desperate moment it looked as if he was going to lose momentum and swing back towards the near side of the gorge. But his foot caught Rinen's vine at the last second, and a mad sprint saw him safely to the edge.

Wyoh gave a brief cheer, her body sagging with relief. She had begun to consider Buko her only ally in this desperate situation and she wasn’t sure how she would have been able to cope with losing him, particularly with Rinen stubbornly clinging to his hostility. And as she thought it, the threehorn wasted no time in resuming such antagonisms. She snorted derisively and glanced at the small swimmer on her back. "I guess that means he hates me more than he likes you, huh?" She chuckled a little, though more out of nerves than humor. It was time to start the ordeal.

The fastrunner took a moment to consider how best to proceed- start with a jump as Buko had done, or take a slower approach? The slower approach seemed safer, both for her and Aquarius who risked falling off of her back at any sudden movement. She took in the slack in her own vine and inched over to the start of the makeshift bridge as it left the safety of the rocky ledge. “I’m gonna try not to fall, but… hold on tight.” She advised Aquarius. She could be reasonably sure that she wouldn’t plummet to the bottom of the gorge with her safety line, but it seemed there would be no such assurance for Aquarius.

After a steadying breath she looped the slack of her vine around her arm, and slid her foot out over the lower bridging vine. She crouched down to lower her center of balance, taking the higher vine in her free hand, and before she had time to stop herself she was inching forward above the open air. The first moments were agonizing; every accidental glance downward hit her with another wave of nausea. The vines creaked and swayed terribly beneath her, and there was more than one instance in which she had to freeze and grip both vines to keep from toppling over, heart pounding furiously at every near miss.

About halfway through she discovered that she could pull her safety vine taut and lean against it a little to give herself some illusion of security. It didn’t make the bridge any easier to navigate, but it helped to calm her shaking nerves, and she wasn’t as bad off as she might have been when she finally reached the other side. When her feet touched solid ground she walked as far as she could from the ledge before untying her safety line in a sort of daze. She sat down heavily, taking deep breaths, and waited for her lightheadedness to subside.

The Lone Dragon

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Aquarius took a deep, shaking breath and held onto Wyoh's back as tightly as he could. He didn't have any vine so his safety was entirely dependent on his own hold on Wyoh's back. He didn't dare think of the worst case scenario, he'd already suffered a great fall when The Great Wave tossed him like a rock into these barren lands. He remembered the tumbling, the sense of disorientation, the pain, the helplessness and the breath that he had held. He didn't want to go through that again!

As Wyoh started crossing the bridge Aquarius kept his head in a stiff forward position, looking over to the over side of the crack where Buko and Rinen waited safely. The little Swimmer felt a little reassurance that his plan so far had worked and if the vines held so far all Wyoh would have to do is keep her balance while he kept his grip.

The vines rocked precariously as Wyoh reached the most unstable part of the structure; the centre. The fastrunner wobbled and grabbed the vines tightly and swerved to the right. This sudden movement caught Aquarius off guard and he almost lost his grip but a sudden wobble to the left put Aquarius back on centre of Wyoh's back. Aquarius tightened his grip on the fast runner, holding on for dear life. 

Aquarius was trembling like mad through fear and it took a lot of conscious effort to stop himself from having an 'accident' which would do him any favours but as Wyoh passed over the last of the vines and onto the other side Aquarius released the breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding. He slid onto his back, panting. It was only after a minute of blissful relief that Aquarius realised that his idea had worked, they had all gotten across.

"Haha! We did it! We got across! I can't believe that actually worked!" The little Swimmer held his arms up triumphantly, a bright smile crossing his beak. He had a chance now, they all had a chance and it was all thanks to his idea! Aquarius laughed out loud but his short fit of mirth didn't help him keep hold of Wyoh's back and he fell off onto the ground, the hit wasn't hard but it he had landed right on his infected wound and gave a loud hiss and short cry as he doubled over holding onto his side, trying desperately to keep his tears at bay and his wound concealed. 
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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The threehorn hardly noticed the breath he was holding as he looked at the fastrunner and the swimmer gliding through the endless gorge, all of his thoughts focused on their survival. Or rather, the swimmer’s. Even now, the threehorn held no sympathy for the fastrunner but the thought of losing Aquarius… well, he wouldn’t get any older with the omnivores without his only real friend. He eyed Buko with a suspicious look, even now not able to escape the fact that both of them were both rooting for the same duo’s survival. The thought that he agreed even that much with the other boy was an ominous one for him.

It was only when the female fastrunner dropped in front of him that Rinen managed to take a deep breath. They had all indeed done it! For a moment, the sight of Wyoh lying in front of him was like a sleep story for Rinen as not only had they averted a horrifying disaster but they had also earned themselves a better shot at ever surviving through this. Rinen couldn’t keep the smile off his face when he quickly approached the swimmer, only his threehorn customs preventing him from showing his delight even more clearly.

“Thank goodness you made it, Aquarius! I… I had already thought it was all over for you! But thank you so much for speaking your mind because… because now we have at least some direction to go to. It’s getting difficult to keep track of just how much I owe you if you go on like this.” He said, suddenly noticing the swimmer’s pain. His smile died down somewhat as he saw his friend’s struggles but on the other hand, he knew just how agonizing the old wound was for the smaller dinosaur. Knowing Aquarius wasn’t in any danger, the threehorn turned to look at Wyoh weakly. This time there was not one hint of malice or disdain in his voice though there wasn’t an ember of warmth or appreciation in it either.

“I guess even you can do something somewhat alright if you have some smarter than you showing you what to do. That’s more than I would have given you a short time ago.” He said, those words being the friendliest he could muster at this point.


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Lizzie had hardly slept for the last few days. Her eyes were sacking, red and crusted from crying. Randomly during her journey, she would just break down out of nowhere and convulse in her pity and as soon as she found any sleep (usually because her exhaustion made her pass out), nightmares would haunt her without mercy.

She couldn't forget Samara, the only friend she had ever had, the only living creature she had spoken to within several months. She had killed the flyer at her request but it left a deep dent in her already shattered soul. Lizzie was no stranger to sadness and despair but never had it been this hard to endure her own life, her loneliness. Only a few days ago she had thought she finally wouldn't have to wander this cruel world all on her own again but... Here she was, alone and vulnerable, broken beyond fixing.

The company she had found was supposed to be an improvement of her miserable life but, in the end, it had only made everything worse. So much worse... Perhaps, Lizzie thought as she once more found herself lying awake at night, wailing freely into the dust that was covering the rocky ground here, not one tear leaving her eyes for she was facing severe exsiccation. Perhaps it was better to be alone after all. At least no one could hurt her anymore than she was hurt already. At least no one could make her life any more miserable, providing her with hope only to crush it like the neck of a...

Lizzie howled in pain as the memory of the sensation that cracking the feeble bones had left her with once again resurfaced, making her feel horribly nauseous though of course her stomach was too empty to even retch. The mere thought of her lifeless body rotting somewhere in this cursed desert was just too twisted... Hadn't she just talked to her a few days ago? How could life stop so suddenly? It was just too cruel. This whole world she was living in was just too bloody cruel for a poor orphan like her...

At this moment, Lizzie sincerely wanted to die. Every part of her weak body was revolting furiously against her very existence but she was simply too stubborn to give in to the temptation. Suicide was what had caused this turn for the worst to begin with so how could she walk the same path that the flyer had walked? Some part of her grimly fought to carry on and if just to prove to that stupid flyer who had caused her so much pain that there was something out there worth living for.

And also those fools who had discarded her existence as too weak to be allowed to be alive... Lizzie desperately wanted to show them that she would never give up and find a life while helping others even if it caused her more problems to carry with her. She wasn't doing too well, admittedly, but at least she was still alive, still struggling, still surviving and denying the temptation that the luring claws of death were presenting to her at every stage of her cursed life.

Yes, That's the kind of dinosaur Lizzie was. A hopeless soul who was too stubborn for her own good, trying to find something that probably didn't even exist anymore in this dying world...

She didn't even have any idea how to find what she was looking for or what it even was but, just like the countless times she had collapsed into a heap of misery, she eventually sobered up and continued walking regardless of how tired and weak she felt. Earlier that day, she had been able to spot a distant river and a geological feature that was too far away to see what it really was but the closer Lizzie got the more she reckoned that it would hardly be any better than the flat wasteland she had been traveling...
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A tiresome sigh escaped from the young hidden runner’s muzzle, unable to keep his boredom from resurfacing. Nyero slumped down onto a rock and threw his hands up in clear frustration over the recent developments in his life that had completely exhausted him to the brink. He couldn’t stop the scowl from emerging on his face as he knew deep down that he was the only one to blame for his issues, no matter how much he would have liked to believe otherwise, the notion was firmly rooted into his mind and it wouldn’t leave not in any way.

He could feel his tiredness inside him, slowly but deliberately draining him of the will to live and keep on going like before, which was just another problem into his already growing misery with not being able to accomplish much of anything worthwhile in the span of two days. During the day he could hardly make any beneficial progress with finding a new land to call home now that he had left his previous one behind him. During the night he was plagued with vivid scenes of his family being slaughtered so mercilessly right in front of him. He could still see the image inside his mind as his father’s head was crushed by the massive jaws of one of the sharpteeth and hear the desperate cries of his mother and siblings, whom were quite literally later stamped while he was still watching.

Nyero shook his head, trying to make the horrific sights disappear from his mind, to no avail. They would always be rooted in his mind and no amount of willpower would ever change that fact. It was something he would just have to learn with to the best of his ability. His father had always lectured about the importance of knowing when to flee and when to fight, even if his kind weren’t exactly made for killing, they still made do with what they had and used their skills to surpass any possible obstacles they might have ever faced. But no one would survive out here long if they were by themselves, especially a young child like him would have almost to no chance of making it out here without help from others.

And yet no matter how hard he looked, he still couldn’t find one trace of a hint that there were others nearby his current location, so it looked like he was doomed to face the cruel and unforgiving world all by himself in the end. The sigh that eventually escaped from his lips was resigned and weary, signalling the end of deliberate effort and the start of a passive deterioration. It was a sigh so quiet that it went unnoticed by the hidden runner himself, the sound and its movement dissipated out into the vastness of the world and made no effect at all. And at that moment Nyero knew that he had well and truly given up on life. He had no desire to continue keeping up this pointless façade which believed that one day everything would be better once more. It was time to face the truth, his life was not going to get better at all. Not now, not ever.

Nyero had been so self-conscious with only focusing on his own hardship to take any notice of faint sobs emitting from somewhere near his position, but once he finally focused on the present again, he could at last hear those faint, but sad sobs hailing from somewhere nearby him. It was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. He rose up and began to follow the desperate cries, regardless of any possible threats to his life completely erased from his mind. Now his only intention was to figure out whom this strange individual could be, it was nagging his mind to find out the truth and to sedate his curious young mind.

After a while, he came across a sight that not only took him completely by surprise as it was the first time he had actually seen someone else in this hellish landscape, but that the sobbing dinosaur was a longneck that appeared to be around his age. Or so Nyero surmised, as he wasn’t exactly an expert in figuring out other’s ages, therefore being completely blind in figuring out the logneck’s age by just merely looking at her features.

The other thing that took him by surprise was the fact how sad she seemed to look when she sobbed uncontrollably in front of him. She hadn’t obviously yet noticed his arrival, otherwise she would most likely had ceased in her weeping to take notice of the hidden runner whom had just invaded her personal space, even if that was unwittingly done. The more he looked at the weeping longneck the more he wished he could somehow help her, but wasn’t exactly sure how to out of fear for making things even worse than they already were. Even so, he could not just stand idly by and watch her suffer like this… he had to do something, anything to help this unfortunate soul. Nyero took a deep breath, and opened his mouth to address her, making sure that his tone of voice wasn’t too intimidating to the longneck.

’’Hey… are you okay?’’
« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 12:31:04 PM by Anagnos »


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Sheeba wandered through the dense forest, lost in thought. He was momentarily pulled from his thoughts when the bushy feathers on his head brushed against a low-hanging branch. He looked up at the tall tree, hoping to see some berries or something else scrumptious that might be growing from the branches. Unfortunately, the tree in question was rather barren. His bright yellow belly gave a loud growl as he rubbed it. Food had proven to be scarce around these parts. He scanned the other nearby trees and bushes, but they too appeared to be literally fruitless.

Disappointed, he moved on. He sure hoped he could find something to eat soon. In the meantime, he tried not to think about how hungry he was. He hummed a cheerful tune as he continued on, although it was only a mask for the slowly-growing apprehension he felt deep down. The forest was massive, with no end in sight, and so many of the trees looked the same. It was difficult to tell if he was making any sort of progress at all. And still no food to be seen anywhere. Surely he wasn’t fated to die here… was he?

After perhaps another half-hour of aimless wandering, Sheeba came upon an encouraging sight at last. Nothing resembling food, sadly, but it still got his adrenaline going. Footprints in the dirt, and fresh ones at that. They formed a clear trail. He couldn’t tell what species it was, but it hardly mattered. It was a sign of other life. He was not alone here after all. Eagerly he bounded after the footprints, curious to discover who they belonged to. And with any luck, whoever it was would have food with them.

It didn’t take much longer until the footprints led him to not one, but two other dinosaurs! A longneck and a hidden runner. His heart leapt for joy. He’d been on his own for so long. To finally meet a couple potential new friends was beyond exciting. Maybe they could find a berry bush nearby and then they could all eat yummy berries together.

It was only when Sheeba noticed their faces – the tear-streaked expression of the longneck, and the deeply worried expression of the hidden runner – that his eager smile began to fade.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 07:30:18 AM by StardustSoldier »


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A little walk and a short nap later, which had been interrupted once again by a nasty sleepstory, Lizzie found herself back on the floor, sobbing and feeling awfully miserable, lost in her depression so severely that she wouldn't have heard a herd of longnecks coming, not to mention sharpteeth. Likewise, she didn't notice the hidden runner approach her until he had spoken for the second time.

"Hey... are you okay?"

When the longneck finally took note of the newcomer, she jerked up in shock, her eyes opened wide, her body ready to flee. The creature was a hidden runner, probably a juvenile but still big enough to hurt her with those claws. However, Lizzie quickly realized that the hidden runner, a kind that ate meat, plants and eggs alike, didn't seem to consider her a possible meal but rather something to be pitied. Lizzie blinked her eyes to remove the tears blurring her vision. Observing the newcomer closely, she could not spot any I'll-intent at least. Nevertheless, Lizzie didn't want any company, didn't want to see anyone ever again because everyone she had ever known only discarded her to break her heart, even that old longneck who couldn't let her join the herd... It was an endless circle of suffering which only isolation would be able to break. Therefore, her answer was much more rude than was probably wise, given the fact that she was dealing with something that had class equipped.

"No, I'm not okay, goodbye," she snapped, turning around to leave but, immediately, some part of her put a brake on her legs and she stopped as soon as she started walking. No matter how much it hurt to be dumped by others, wasn't being lonely any better?
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Nyero wasn’t exactly certain on what the longneck’s reply would be to his earlier comment, but he certainly didn’t expect her to react with a chagrined kind of way. Of course that much was to be expected, as Nyero could surmise with a brief overlook that she wasn’t exactly right in terms of emotional well-being – and he had likely just made it worse with his remark.

He watched as the young longneck began to move away from the scene, only to stop in her tracks almost immediately. Her legs seemed rooted to the spot, but at the same time Nyero could sense some of that previous uneasiness her entire complexion had radiated moment ago. Something inside Nyero snapped at that moment and he wished nothing more than to intertwine his arms around her in an attempt to ease her frantic mind. But since he had no idea how she would react to that, it was better to play this one safely – his father’s words echoed in his mind; it never was a good idea to trust a stranger to the fullest extent and drop your guard in an unsafe environment.

When the interminable silence became too much to bear, Nyero finally found his voice once more and promptly addressed the young longneck, still careful to keep a comparative distance between them in case she decided to react with anger. ''Look, I didn’t mean to scare you. I heard someone cry and I couldn’t just stand there and let someone suffer like that. If you don’t mean any harm, then I promise to you that the feeling is mutual.''

Nyero didn’t receive an immediate answer from the longneck. He was actually starting to contemplate if she had even heard him speak in the first place. Emotions were, no doubt, particularly high right now for the both of them. Therefore, it wouldn’t be impossible that she simply had not heard his words of comfort – or at least an attempt of that. He wasn’t quite the most supportive when it came to providing solace. Rather than let the unbearable silence reign over them anew, he decided to plainly just introduce himself officially to the longneck.

''My name is Nyero. What is yours, longneck?''


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Sheeba stood in silence and watched the scene slowly unfold in front of him. He was touched by the display of kindness the hidden runner, Nyero, had shown. Sheeba had been about to step forward and introduce himself as well. Instead he hesitated. The longneck remained very clearly distraught. Although Sheeba could only guess as to what she was upset about, her distress was evident all the same. It would probably take more than simple kindness to cheer her up. But... what?

Within seconds Sheeba thought up a solution, one that he was certain would prove effective. After all, who didn't love berries? To actually find some, on the other hand... now that might be a problem. Still, he was resolved to do the best he could. He disengaged from the scene and scoured the nearby area, looking high and looking low. Throughout the day he'd already done so much searching for berries, or any sort of food for that matter, and to no avail. He was immensely worried it would be the same result now.

But as it happened, he was in luck! He soon came across a large bush with some appetizing berries on it. It was then that hunger overcame his senses and he was unable to resist the temptation to gobble down a few of the berries for himself. Okay, a lot of them, actually. But then he plucked off some more berries, as many as he could comfortably carry, and brought them back to where the hidden runner and the longneck were.

With a wide grin, he approached them, and held out his berry-covered hands.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2019, 02:18:04 PM by StardustSoldier »