The Gang of Five
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Life in the Mysterious Beyond


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Ruby's Dad nodded, "You can tell her yourself, she's not far off." He said indicating the direction where Ruby was with his head.  

Ruby's Brother started to get up.  "Guess since I"m awake I may as well get up." He said.  

- - - - - - -

"The fish in the watering hole we left taste great and there are plenty left." Deon said.

Blue-eyes nodded, "There fish in the watering hole indeed.  Good luck in your hunting." Blue-eyes said.


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Dil had fish before and liked it, but she also fed her family leafeaters from time to time, but you couldn't blame her. "Thanks," the belly dragger mother smiled.

Meanwhile, Greg splashed Ruby and Misty with water using his belly dragger tail.


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Screech nodded and followed along with Redclaw towards where he was heading, even moving out ahead to sniff and try and find whatever Redclaw was after before him just to be able to help point him in the right direction.


"Hey! Watch it, some of us are just learing how to swim!" Misty protested, but she laughed and splashed the belly dragger back with a laugh


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"Ok, I'll stop," Greg smiled.  "I just hope my mom's hunt goes well." He hoped he didn't creep any of his leafeater friends out by that remark


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"I'm sure you'll like them too." Deon said.

"You're propobly hungry so if you want to head their right now, we'd understand." Blu-eyes said.

- - - -

Ruby's Dad looked at the others with him.  "Do you feel like eating a bit first, or getting some water?" He asked.


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"Ok, I'll see you around," Dil smiled taking off.


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"Well, I myself am a little thirsty." Ruby's mom looked down at her son. "How about you?"


The smell had gotten much stronger, and Redclaw was beginning to hear soft slpashing, short traces of conversation. He stopped walking, and growled for his minions to do the same. The incline that they had been walking on crested a moderate distance ahead of them, and he was certain that their prey would be immediately visible from the top. The sharptooth lowered his massive head.
"Climb that hill, return and tell me what you've seen. Don't be spotted," Redclaw ordered Screech, abruptly.


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Then, Chomper's sniffer began acting up. "Oh great, Screech and Thud are nearby, we have to get going," he frowned disappointed.

Luckily, Chomper's father was nearby


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Ruby's younger brother smacked his lips a bit, "I am a bit thirsty now that you mention it.  Is there some water nearby?" He asked as he started to then sniff around to see.  


Deon started to run ahead to where he smelled some more water.  "Wee." He said running along and having fun.  Blue-eyes continued to run to keep up.  

"Don't get to far ahead." He said.  He did have to admit that just keeping up with Deon and his younger siblings did keep one fit and from being bored.


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Misty, as an egg hunter, was only half unnerved by the comment but shrugged it off.

"Well, you will know if your mom's hunt was well if she catches caught food to bring back" Ruby told Greg.

She frowned as Chomper said he smelled Screech and Thud.

"Oh my, them being here to cause trouble is bound to just be trouble causing and not good at all" she said.

She got out of the water and walked over nearer her family, "Chomper says he can smell the distinct smell of Screech and Thud" Ruby informed her parents with a frown.

Misty, being on her own, quickly got out and headed towards the nearest bushes she could hide in.


Screech nodded and quietly and quickly rushed up the mound, but stopped short of reaching it and hunched as far as he could, creeping just enough to spy.

He turned and rushed back, "That little biter and his fast runner friend along with her family and his parents and the young egg napper, bellydragger and other such young ones are just over there, spalshing in the water" he informed Redclaw.

"but the parents, including that biters father, are nearby". Screech knew hardly anything scared Redclaw, including other sharpteeth, but Chomper's father being nearby was something they would have to take into account and work around.


Meanwhile, with the swimmers talking to Pterano, one of them spotted Cree as he flapped off, "There he is!" she pointed, "he did it! I told you!". The others frowned, so maybe she had been telling the truth.

Cree turned and spotted that he'd been spotted and put on a burst of speed. He'd have just argued and called the swimmers dumb and stupid if Pterano hadn't been there, but he knew there was no way of getting around the situation if his brother was around to point out every lie he said to the swimmers.


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Rita (a sharptooth), and Rory and Myra (Fast biters) also could smell the troublesome brothers.  "What should we do?" asked Myra


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Deon paused as he started to sniff the air, "Is that what I think it is?" He asked looking at his older brother who started to sniff also.

"I think it likely is." Blue-eyes said.


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Ichy had flown out of the cave.  The sharpbeak caught sight of Deon and blue-Eyes. "Hey, have you two seen a young belly dragger? He's my stepson."


Meanwhile, Dil succesfully took down a few swimmers. "Beat that Ichy," she laughed. Now she had to find her son


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Deon shook his head, "No, but we saw a grownup Belly Dragger, she was heading that way to where we got some fish." Deon said pointing on the direction Dil had headed off in.


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"While thanks anyway," Ichy said, and continued flying towards where chomper and the others were.


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Deon and Blue-eyes continued going in the same direction they were going in, both a bit more cautious since they smelled what may be danger.

The Great Valley Guardian

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( :oops I forgot Chompers fathers name...sorry. Brekclub)

Terri looked around as she could smell Screech and Thud as well. She stepped over to her mate and asked, "What should we do? They are certain to try and harm the young ones, and we have to be ready."

Pearl who had stayed behind to play with Misty hid as well when Misty darted out of the water to find shelter. She hid alongside Misty and asked, "Do you know why Screech and Thud are here?"


Pterano turned and immediately saw the flash of yellow that signaled his brother Cree, and almost without thinking he muttered a gruff "Thank you" as he flapped his wings and took to the sky hoping to gain on Cree before he got too far ahead.
"Cree STOP!!! You have a lot to explain for now GET BACK HERE!" Cried Pterano as he put on a burst of speed during his flight.


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"Probably to tell Redclaw where we are," Rita whispered to Pearl.


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Mist had been about to say the same thing, well actually at Pearl's question her first response had been a "are you kidding?" sort of shocked look, but she now nodded. "Yeah, and something tells me once they tell our trouble's gonna get worse".


Cree couldn't help himself, he turned back in shock at Pterano's statement. "I have a lot of explaining to do?!" he asked shocked, "Oh please, the last flyer I'm gonna let lecture me on good behavior...".

Cree had continued flying while turned the other way, not a good thing, and now hit his head against a low formation of rock. He winced and was forced to land on the base of said rock at least for the purpose of rubbing his head as he muttered.


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Deon continued towards where they were headed thinking they had to tell anyone there about Redclaw's fastbiters being nearby.  "We gotta tell them." He said as he ran in the direction.

"Yes, they may not yet be aware of that." Blue-eyes said as he kept up with his brother using the slight pause Deon had done to fully catch up.