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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5642 · 272212


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 10 smashed open the containers with a well placded kick her outfit protecting her from the glass. a;larms rang out for a few seconds  then wre silenced as ace ripped the alarm out of the wall. ' 10 worked quickly , stuffing valuables into bag, including some of Stripetail's artifacts, including a large strange looking coin that ;looked like it changed froom gold to silver at a moment notice.  " The old wizard sure has a lot of stuff ' 10 smiled to herself.. ' He wont miss a few baubles.  And if he does, well he shouldnt have brought them to Gotham anyway. Should have kept them in his cave.. or wherever wizards store things. " she cleaned out the treasures , or as many as the bag could carry, and sped over on her card. Queen was grabbing the rest oif the displays items, which would be worths 10s of millions easily on the black market. Jack and king were forcing the crowd at sword point to hand over jewelry watches,  earrings and cred cards
  teery was driving Mr Wayne back to Wayne Manor before going to  Dana's for the study session.  " thats a lot of creds you handed out tonight mr Wayne ' Terry said as he drove.  " Not my first time making big donations Terry. And it is for a good cause.  hold on.. theres a an alert from the police holocom. ' Bruce turned a dial and the voice of a police dispatch came on reports of breakin  at the museum. reports of histages and paterators are dressed like.. playing cards. " Playing cards? In this town/ Someone must have robbed a Halloween store' terry laughed , but his laughter died when he saw the look on Mr Wayne;s face. ' This isnt some kids playing dressup McGinnis. It sounds like the Royal Flush Gang is back in town. I dealt with them before, many years ago. They go  back centuries, to actual royalty, but  theres nothing high brow about this lot.  I think you are going to have to miss that study session.' Mr Wayne, I can't! Dana will dump me if i blow this off, I've missed several dates with her working for you already and Max has told me she's ready to throw me in the nearest garbage can. " Catching the Royal Flush Gang is a tad more important than whether you do well in Gotham Sports History McGinnis." Please, Bruce, just for a hour to 90 minutes? Please? ' I would be at the museum already , Terry' Bruce's eyes were narrowed. ' you weren't in high school when you were doing your night shifts. I am, and my grades are.. well.. bad already. I can;t afford to let them slide any more. ."  terry gulped at the look Bruce gave him, then Bruce sighed.,  ' Fine.  10 pm, Terry. study until then, then get to the museum. ' Terry pulled up in front of wayne manor and bruce got out, walking woith his cane up the steps, and greeted at the door by his dog Ace. ' Terry pulled away as the door closed behind bruce and Terry drove over to Dana's enterimg the house at 830 on the dot ' well, well , Terry, you did show up' Mr Tan said as he answered the door. '   ' yes, sir, i have to go at 10 however. i have to meet Stripetail at the museum. i requested security as my job for the games and  I'm going to shadow a guard on  the night shift. " Rather late for a shadow job, Terry" It was the only time that was available, sir. ' there were more kids requesting security than i thought there would be. ' Terry said. "  Best get to studying then. the girls are upstairs in Dana's room. ' theres food and drink in the fridge. ' ththanks , Mr Tan. I'll grab a cola or something. '
 Terry headed upstairs where he found Max and Daa with books open, they were studying Gotham Politics. ' Hey babe. Hey Max. sorry i'm a bit late. ' Terry kissed Dana on the cheek and waved at Max. ' Well, well terry, you did make it. Dana owes me lunch .' Max smirked. ' you missed the new girl Melanie. She was here for a couple hours then she had to go help her dad at the museum. "   Sorry I missed her. ' i got a night shift at the museum. I'm shadowing a security guard, guys name is Tate, I think.  Shift starts at 10, and goes to I think 2. so 4 hours. i'm probably going to fall asleep in class tomorrow.. '  Better not McGinnis.' Max said. " you';d get a lengthy detention. You would have gotten one today if Stripetail hadnt called you to the  job interview. '  yeah, i know.' Terry said. " You must have had to twist Mr Wayne's arm to get you here. i understand he;s a very demanding guy.' Max said ' Way too demaning, if you ask me. he''s worth a trillion creds, shouldnt he have round the clock staff helping him with.. well whatever trillionaires want?"  he's very private Dana. he's not like other extremely rich people Dana .  Oh.. and max. I got some good news from Stripetail. ' your folks did very well on their interviews, they start their new jobs this weekend. ' yes, Terry, they texted me about 45 minutes ago. they didnt say how much they ere getting paid but... ' Stripetail  didnt give me figures either,  but he did tell  me it would be more than enough to get you and your folks a new place. i hope i didnt step over too many lines by asking him. ' Max embraced terry in a big hug. ' thank you so much terry.This means so much to me and my family ' max said tears running her face. 'i would kiss you.. but . ' go on Max ' Dana smiled ' We're friends,  and you';re thanking Terry for being a big help. " Max's lips found Terry's as she kissed him and  Dana laughed at terry's reaction. ' Terry the look on your face is priceless. ' She giggled as Max pulled away, and Terry turned red in the face. '  Max.. I er.. " don;t expect too many liplocks from me in the future McGinnis.. That was.. er.. ' don;t worry about it , you two.' Dana said. " Just be thankful i didnt holotape that kiss Terry.  That would easily be a contender  for ' Most Embarrassed Kiss" 'Dana  quipped. ' Now,  to get you guys back on topic, Max you were talking about  the scandal involving mayor..  ?' Hill. ' well there were several of them. Gotham was well VERY corrupt in those days. mayor, commissioner, rank and file of the police, pretty much everyone was on the take from the mob.  batman really put a stop to all that ' Max said. ' even if the history books wont officially say so.
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As the Royal Flush Gang were rather skilled at thievery, they had amassed a rather substantial haul of goods in a surprisingly short time.

As King, Ace, Jack and Queen mounted their flying platforms. King made a quick flourish with his sword. "I must thank you and the museum for your generosity. And now, we bid you all adieu."

Of course, despite the strangely polite words of King, it was still an armed robbery and the guests were still frozen in fear. That and the cases had been reduced to glass shards and twisted metal lying. A large hole in the wall and some mangled electronics were all the remained of the alarm system.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Sawyer had to give Louie points, he was a passionate kisser. She couldn't help but wonder if he was going to try to make up some excuse to have to "redo" the take.

"You're doing good," Berry said when the camera finished rolling for that shot.

"How many more of these do we have for the day?" Sawyer asked the king.


"You should spend more time with Prince Onca," Kitty suggested to Dixie, "He's a genuine gentleman, even if he does have us wearing......barely anything," she added with a chuckle.


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well i do have a meeting with him in a n hour ' dixie smiled ' something involving me posing with a basket of fruit for a art piece. hmm./ why do I get the feeling that the focus won;t be  on the apples in the basket, but rather on my melons?' Dixie smirked.  ' until he calls me how about we spend some time together in a buff tub? you get the remote so we'll watch what you want. I think Waul is hosting a show this week on Southwestern style mouseburgers.  What do you say, kitty?"
 We have 9 more scenes to shoot, 7 of them involves kissing scenes ' Louie said a smile on his face.  " Follow me. berry. we need a fresh roll of film, go to the film storage, theres some fresh ones there.' Yes, my king ' Berry said ' Do you want any 3d efects added/' That can be addd ion post production. We neede to have this fim finished in time for its Gotham premiere in 2 weeks.  I need to look good for the kingdom papers.' Louie smirked.
 10 led her family out of the museum,  each  of the 5 carrying a literal fortune in their bags. the heist itself had been surprisingly easy, as both the guesats and museum security ha been quicjkly cowed into submission. '  feigning surprise at the news of the heist would have to be finessed, but 10 was sure she wouldnt be suspected.
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"Am I gonna be put on a banana diet?" Sawyer asked as she could tell the scent of the fruit was on Louie's breath, and she remembered how he pretty much ate exclusively that back at his ruins.

"Depends," Berry chuckled as she walked past.


"There's a lot of posing the prizes do," Kitty explained, "Sometimes not even for art. Sometimes just for the purpose of sitting still and looking pretty." The thought of watching and maybe eating one of Waul's burgers made Kitty drool. "Sure thing, let's do that girl," she smiled, giving Dixie a nuzzle and a pat on the belly, "This girl is a hungry one, you know?" While Scooby and Tiger were equally plump, Kitty was considered rounder than Dixie or Arlene.


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i'll be sure to make you some, I promise. anything that you want, after all, ids a ribg spell away' Dixiue grinned as they entered the buff villa, with atrua, Mukua, Chie and arlene not that far behind. Arlene had been given a kid monitor  so she could keep an ete on oliver while he played in the amusement park, he was currently riding the lazy river in a floatie ring that looked like the prince.  Chie climbed into a tub wuith Arlene while Atrua and Mukua picked out one that had video games controllers available. ' World Cup, anyone?' Atrua sais ' Well you're not playing Argentina this time ' Mukua said ' ' But Lion mesii is a stud ' Atrua purred. ' True, he is, bgut you need to pick a different one. Try Spain?' Mukua said.
 Onca was working on a short speech for the games.. to officially welcome the teams to his kingdom and to hype up the hotels theyt would be  staying at.  The Scoobys would be at the the  Onca De Divine, in the west part of town. the yogi Yahhoeys would be  be stating to Resort De Onca, in the middle of the city. the Droopyss would be  staying at the the Velvet Royal Rod and the Riottens would be ' Westin Onca, which was the lowest class of the 4.
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The Miao siblings were working on a spell the seer had taught them that combined magic with calligraphy. When they said the correct words, anything that would write next would become a real, physical thing. Dongwa used it to have a martial arts training partner.

"This is so cool," Sheegwa said as she and her sister used this spell to get themselves some delicious fish.


"We get the short end of the stick again," Annabelle sighed.

"It's worth it seeing you be grumpy," Belladonna chuckled. She didn't mind staying in this section with her team.


Chie noticed Arlene looking carefully at the monitor. "You're really protective of your son, that's good," Chie commended.


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i've been in far worse dumps than this place .' Bluto said. ' we should be planning on how we can actually win an event ' the dead baron said ' i dont think we've won one yet.. ' theres 2 events here ' vine swing and elephant rides. ' 4. thers an eating contest and a dancing contest.. too ' dance isnt a sport'; Bluto said ' tell that to cheerleaders across the country Bluto '  Dread  Baron said
 dulcy and samia squeezed into their room at Rsesort DE orca, which was ornate and 3 large fridges.. enough foir 2 growing dragonesses. yogi bobbo and cindy were fliping through the stations wjhile Dulcxy grabbed snacks. " this room is huge Bobo said.
 i wrrry i gusss ' arlene said . '  ' I'm a single mom, after all. I'm rsponsible for him. "  arlene said as a tray of food was brought out for the girls relaxing in the tubs..
in kitty and Dixues tub. ' waul came ojnn the tv and began touting his ' best mouseburger ever.' the burger was big, with 3 patties of burger, drilled and seasoned with southwest saucxes and spices.. it looked delicious.. even if you wrent a cat... ' oh.. that looks really good.'  Dixie said to kitty.
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If they weren't already in a hot tub, the area around Dixie and Kitty could've been filled up with the drool the commercial was making Kitty salivate. "So good....." she said in gastronomic delight, "Best do this before I eat next." She pulled Dixie close and gave her a kiss, letting their tongues touch early on. She figured a hot tub was an ideal environment to smooch in.


"Annabelle! Buy us all snacks!" Belladonna demanded of her cousin. Since the hellhound had won the bet, Annabelle still had to do chores for her.

"Yes....." the angelic dog groaned.


Berry came back to the set with a lot of banana-based food and drinks for Louie and Sawyer.

"I knew it!" realized the starlet cat.

"They're good for you," the girl ape replied with a chortle.


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dixie put hr tongue deep into kittys mouth, feeling the cats amples breasts pressed against her own.dixie and kitty moaned in pleasure as they made out , their claws grasped on the others breasts as their tongues wrestled together. thee was plenty of kitty to love, and dixie enjoyed the makeout. after 10 minutes dixie pulled way her tongue sliding out of kitys mouth, and the girls turned to the next advertisment from Waul ' mouseburgers minis.
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"At least they have a sweet scent," Sawyer noted as she nevertheless took a drink of the banana tea. It had an odd flavor, but not an unpleasant one.

"See?" Berry smirked as she gave Louie the bananas he wanted.


"It's so good to win bets, especially when my pathetic cousin is on the losing end," Belladonna told her teammates as Annabelle was effectively the Rottens' unofficial maid.

The angel hound took down a list of all the food her teammates wanted.


"I need to get my paws on some of those burgers...." Kitty drooled at the ad, enough to have filled up another whole tub, practically.


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A car stopped outside the compound where Stripetail and the rest of his retinue was staying.

A well-dressed man stepped outside and flashed a Gotham PD badge to the two armed guards outside. After checking the ID, they nodded and allowed the man passage. As he walked through, he was struck by how...normal everything looked. There were various toons/people practicing for the games, relaxing or doing whatever. Although he had to admit, the sight of a tennis game that involved a tennis ball with arms and legs was a completely new one.

He stopped by a small building he assumed to be Stripetail's personal quarters with its aged wood walls that gleamed with an unnatural but yet, beautiful shine. The man shuddered as the two decorative stone dragons turned their heads to watch him. He stopped in front of the ornate hardwood door with its filigrees of weathered bronze. A polished bronze gargoyle knocker stood out against the more subdued and earthy hues of the door. He picked up the ring and gave the door a few knocks.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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' come in, officer ' came stripetail's voice out of the mouths of one of the stone dragons.  ' forgive all the security,  but after 3 attempts against me by Inque, more precautions had to be taken.  i will meet you in the  main hall. " the door opened and  an ornate  halfway appeared in front of the officer. rich tapestries and painting adorned the wall, marking the owner as an extremely wealthy individual.  the painting moreover depicted locations such as none that  exist on earth, glowing  purple skies over a field. floating trees moving back and forth,  a  huge mountain stretching into a sky filled with 5 large moons.
ll have to make you some ' kitty ' dixie chuckled as her ring glowed and a tray filled up with the delectible snacks ' now, let the girls try one. i'm sure they'll love it just as much as you will ' Dixie said.
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The officer was a bit startled by the voice coming from the stone dragon and the door opening on its own. He was of course, aware of the multiple attempts on Stripetail's life. After all, Gotham PD was tasked with Stripetail's protection. When he entered the main hall, he was struck by the alien landscapes depicted on the tapestries and paintings. As he looked upon, he realized that museums in Gotham would pay practically anything to get these artworks in their collections.

At the end of the hallway was a door that appeared to be made from solid marble, its glossy black surface veined with streaks of gold and silver. He stood at the door and waited for Stripetail to open the door.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 the opens opened with a gesture and stripetail  stood in front of a warm fire ' do come in, officer.  please help yourself to tea, coffee or brandy, whichever you prefer.  i imagine this is not a social visit , however, so i will keep the pleasantries to a minimum. What happened?' ' the wizard asked.
 terry excused himself from the study session at  15 minutes to 10. ' cant affiord to be late for my job ' Terry said  " goood luck with the night shift terry ' dana waved. '  I'm going to bede in a few minutes anyway.  I'll see max out to her car then get some sleep. "
 tery got in his car and derove off. he pressed his hand to a mionitor and a computers voice said identity confirmed ' computer show images of  the museum. ' running now '   and image of the damage done of the roiyal flush gang s flashed across the screen. ' ' they did a number on the place ' terry muttered. ' breakin occurred earlier this evening. ' estimated range 2 to 2.5 hours ago. " thanks computer ' Terry said.
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"Thank you, Lord Stripetail," the officer said, taking a cup of coffee and sitting in one of the chairs in the office. The room was what he imagined Bruce Wayne's personal office to be: tasteful, understated but yet, replete with rare antiquities and artifacts from around the world. There were also shelves with numerous books, some of which were in languages he did not recognize. He sipped the coffee, taking note that it was leagues better than the one provided at the station. "I will get straight to the point. There was an attack on the museum by the Royal Flush Gang. Many, if not all of the artifacts that were loaned out to the museum were stolen by them. Commissioner Gordon has been made aware of this theft and she is having her men comb all black market antiquities dealers in Gotham as we speak."

He then took a breath. "If you can provide any information about these artifacts, that would be greatly appreciated, seeing as we're working from a blank slate."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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the artifacts i loaned to the museums, are a mixtures of mementos, gifts from friends and treasures recovered from lost worlds., when i say lost, officer, i mean it literally. the world i found it on, no longer exists. i have a very large collection of ancient and  powerful magic objects, fortunately none of the stolen artifacts count among my most powerful possessions>  however , that doesnt not mean  that their theft is no small matter. they will enhance any existing abilities that the Royal Flush gang has. Speed strength, the ability to become completely invisible. invisibility, in particular,  would be a huge boon to a thief.  I gave the museum a total of 80 artifacts, i will have to see if any escaped the thieves notice, given the caliber of thief, however, I tend to doubt it. one of the most notable pieces was a wand  with a mithril core, capable of great magical feats. in the wrong hands, it could be devastating ' Stripetail said.
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"I need to make a note to never accept a wager with Belladonna again," Annabelle noted as she went to retrieve the orders for the Really Rottens, one by one. "This is simply degrading." Being a hound of heaven, Annabelle was not a villain and she didn't like being associated with them, but currently she had no other option.


"Say father, since you're on the line, could I ask you for something?" Kovu said, hopefully.

"Yes?" replied Scar.

"Could I get an update from you on my progress?"


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The officer noted down everything. "I assume the monetary value of these items is priceless," he said. "Now then, if you could provide us with pictures of the missing artifacts, that would greatly assist in our search."

It was then a message pinged through on the encrypted tablet. The officer opened it and read it. "Ah, My Lord, it seems we may have a lead."


Paxton Powers, the son of famed businessman Derek Powers, was seated inside his luxurious Gotham penthouse. The interior was reminiscent of a museum with assorted artifacts, art and treasures catalogued and displayed in a tastefully understated way. The young man looked at his watch. His contact should be here soon...hopefully with his newest acquisition.

 He looked outside the window, which displayed a beautiful panorama of the ocean. Yachts slowly drifted through the water as the upper-crust of Gotham and their associates enjoyed the late afternoon sun.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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of course officer ' stripoetail gestured and magical images of the items appeared in front of the officer'  along with a brief description, including estimated age of the items and world of origin , if applicable. ' once you have them all down, tell me. as for the value of the items, yes they are very valuable, in a purely monetary sense, but  their value in mere dollars and cents is dwarfed by the damage they could cause in the wrong hands. .  I don't lack for money officer.   Last time i had my assets counted -which was  several hundred years ago, mind you- the value of my assets was estimated at 175 duodecillion, which is, from my research., either 175 followed by 39 zeroes, or 175 followed by 72 zeroes.  Either way, its a very very VERY big number.  ' stripetail paused as the officer reported that they had a lead ' What have you found, officer?

 Batman reached the museum. and took flight towards the roof. two broken windows showcased where the gang had presumably made their escape- or their entrance. ' subtletly isnt this groups strong point ' batman said '  as he flew inside the building. and began examining the remains iof the display cases. the glass ws very thick, at least 10 inches.  the room was suddenly lit up as the lights were turned on. ' whos in here?' called out an officer , then stopped as he saw Batman come out from behind a pillar ' oh.. its you. Er.. what can I do for you Batman?'  i'm investigating the robbery ' Batman said . ' Well from the security camera footage we have that was undanmaged. they wre 4 or 5 thieves, well organized, hit quickly and knew exactly what they wre going after. took millions inn creds and jewelry  from the museumgoers too.
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