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Discuss: The Star Day Celebration

Ratiasu · 39 · 18769


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I don't know if it's in my place or not, but I thought I'd start a topic to discuss the second episode of the TV series - I thought posting in action's topic was a bit rude since it's there to inform people and link people to the episodes. Um, I just finished watching it (much gratitude towards action9000 for hosting it), and I got to say I was pretty impressed. Even though Chomper being there didn't make much sense (in the movies he was trapped on an island, in the episode he said that he had to leave the Mysterious Beyond, so perhaps the series is a 'what if' kind of scenario?), I did get attached to the Oviraptor, Ruby. Err, I think she was an Oviraptor.

I won't type out an episode summary, as action9000 is pretty much in charge of that, but everything flows nicely and there aren't a lot of random moments. This is a Ruby-centered episode, which is good for a new character, and her color scheme, while a bit stereotypical (pink for a female dinosaur, who woulda guessed?  <_<), had an interesting flare with those red spots along her back and the feathers. I still don't like Chomper being there - I mean, I doubt the grown-ups would allow it, because the guy is still a T. Rex, you know. And I don't think I'll get used to saying 'gang of seven.' Two too many if you ask me - I think I would have liked it better of Ruby and Chomper were temporary characters...maybe Ruby found her family again, assuming they weren't all killed by Redclaw, Screech, and the other guy?

I noticed that the dinosaurs are making more sounds than usual - they aren't just talking anymore, so I approve of that. Speaking of sound, did anyone else notice the Jurassic Park rumble at the 4:31 mark in the movie? That was unexpected! Um, I thought the music was great, and the light choir during some scenes Pretty great music for a television series, if I say so myself. The voice acting was also pretty good.

The Ankylosaur was a surprising character, too, burping berry juice all over Chomper and Ducky! :lol I'll definitely want to see him again!...But there was something strange about him, something I can't quite pin down. Oh, and it was good that land marks were brought back (Saurus rock). So, um, to avoid blabbering on...what did everyone else think of it?


  • Cera
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Aside from the baffling, nonsensical existance of Chomper in the Great Valley, as well as Ruby's, it was pretty good.
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Well I'm sure that since we all missed the first episode, we missed alot of explaining.  After all, there's alot you can explain to someone within the space of 23 minutes.

Hmm... 23 minutes... you know, that's something I actually admire.  There are alot of cartoon shows that I watch, and my studies have concluded that the majority of them only last up to 20 minutes and somewhat seconds.  So unless they plan to cut something out, Cartoon Network will have to cut out quite the amount of commercial time when they finally get this. :^.^:

Now, as for the original thing itself...

One thing I noted was this, no narrorator.  Seriously, there was none! :blink: I mean, that guy's been around since the start, so I don't know why they didn't include him.

It is indeed more mature than most of the sequals, which is something I liked about it.  I really liked the part where the Ankylosaur burped berry juice all over Cera, Chomper and Ducky. :lol: It seems like that they might be filling in the gaps as the series goes on.  I'm sure that by the time the series ends, we'll have alot of explaining from Ruby and Chomper appearence in the valley filled out.  Of course, since we all missed the first ep, all of the explaining could be in there too.

Celebrating someone's B-day.  You know, that plot I haven't seen in a while with a new cartoon show.  Anyways, looks like the writers finally explained how they figure out the day they hatched, the position of an easy to keep track of star.  Only thing is, the rest of the gang don't seem to do that.  Hmm, most interesting. <_<

It was indeed good seeing some old known places brought back.  We haven't seen the old landmarks since they appeared in their respective sequals.  I think we'll be getting more of them as the episodes continue.  Some people are trying to make a respective map of the Great Valley around here, so I find this a rather good thing.

Well, I really can't figure out much else to discuss, so I'll wrap this up.

I'm really looking forward to this series and it's expectations.  Here's hoping it won't disappoint too much. :^.^:


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I found it weird that Chomper knew Saurus Rock. It as never mentioned in the films before lbt 6, and Chomper wasn't around after 5 (and he wasn't anywhere near the great valley in that one). As for the episode itself it's very mature, more than some of the sequels, I kind of liked that =p Ruby looks like a nice character, and I agree with Ratiasu, she does look like an Oviraptor. Let's hope the rest of the series lives up to its expectations.
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  • Spike
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I was happy about the length, too - usually show is 20 minutes or even 19 and it's packed with commercial breaks. As for Chomper knowing what Saurus Rock was, I was a bit confused about that, too. But who know? Maybe his parents described it to him. They might have used that to find their way to the Great Valley, even though, sequel-wise, it didn't exist yet. I noticed that there was no narrator too, but I don't really think that the movies needed him. I mean, things could be explained later on, you know. But ever since I watched Bambi I've been picking out useless dialogue, and scenes were no talking would have spice up the tension and such. :blink: Has anyone else been doing that?


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I do like it they have Chomper in the show, and I don't want him to be a temp character. However they could have explained how and why he got there in the first place, and how come he's allowed in the valley. I don't like how they just have Chomper appear like that without explaining the why or the how, or even the when.


  • The Gang of Five
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I'm sure they did explain... in the first episode... which we missed. Oh, and Chomper probably knew about Saurus rock in the same way people know about the Statue of Liberty being in New York City; its a well-known landmark.

F-14 Ace

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Well, I finally got it to work.  I saw it and I must say I am impressed so far. :yes   But yeah, it was kinda odd seeing Chomper there.  I wish we could ahve seen the first episode too.


  • The Circle
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At long last I finally watched the first part of the series. Funnily the earliest episode we could watch so far is the only one which didn't get an own thread so far. I'm happy to say my first impression of the episode is quite positive. They did kept a number of elements which I think most of us like about the movies we have seen so far. Moreover I like the way how at long last they finally refer to earlier movies (Saurus Rock, Sheltering Grass) the way they never did in the earlier movies. Such little references really ontribute to create the image of a coherent story. They also came up with some interesting ideas. The shadow game for example, the dinosaur "calender" by watching the stars (remember discussions on the hatchday Cera mentioned in LBT 5 caused us to think of such a way of measuring the time too), Cera's horn finally being more than mere "decoration" etc.
I found it easier than I expected to accept the presence of two more characters, Ruby and Chomper that is.
There are several open questions which I hope the first and second episode (or subsequent episodes I didn't watch yet) to answer. For example why Ruby had to leave her family in the first place, how she got to know Chomper, why Chomper is no longer around with his folks, and how the Great Valley dinosaurs don't seem to have the slightest problem with a sharptooth (however young he may be).
On the critical side Charles Grosvenor obviously didn't abandon a certain favor for strange colors (extremely green skies for example). Moreover there are a few scenes in which they didn't draw very carefully. Littlefoot's and Cera's faces for example look kind of "distorted" in a few short scenes, in a way they never did in the movies we have seen so far.
Nevertheless my personal first impression of the episode is positive and it makes me confident about the episodes I will watch soon (I still have university work at hand and I didn't quite the habbit of drawing out the "Vorfreude", but I'm afraid if I draw it out too much I will miss most of the fun from discussing the sequels).:)


  • Spike
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Um, actually, there was one. I made it, only it was back when we thought episode three was episode two.


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Ooops, indeed. I shall merge this thread with the original one and change the title to prevent confusions.


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Ankylosaurus / Cluptails seem to have kind of a bad reputation among the LBT dinosaurs. At least Petrie compares the smell of stinky place in LBT 5 to that of a herd of clubtails on a hot day. Maybe the cluptail from this series episode provides us with some clues on how the cluptails got their bad reputation.
One thing I realized was that a sharptooth and two raptors seemed to cooperate in the flashback of Chomper and Ruby entering the Great Valley. The distinct features of that T-Rex (large scar) and his uncommon behaviour make me assume that he is a character we are to see again. I haven't watched any but the 3rd episode and avoided reading any spoilers, but I presume that group of a sharptooth and two raptors to be more than a mere "occurence".


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That Tyrannosaurus is the main antagonist of the series; the first regular antagonist the series has ever had. I won't say any more than that in order not to give any more spoilers away.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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EDIT: It was just after reading this thread that I realized I had posted my analysis on the wrong thread. For what used to be here, see "Discuss:The Bright Circle Celebration."


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Mr Clubtail does seem a bit not very nice at times.  Though maybe other clubtails can be nicer then him.  It could be he had few friends growing up, has no mate or been around kids to help soften his personality.  He may be very much a loner, who just lives in 1 place where others live too.


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Yesterday the Starday Celebration was aired over here (it is one of the six episodes I did see last year already). The translation of the title to German was not quite literal. They made it “Die Schl¸pftags-Feier” which would be “The hatchday celebration”. Once again there are a couple of things I will note just for the reckord, not for any thought that they are really a serious issue. First of all I have a question to those of you who know more about astronomy than I do. Is it possible for any star to be visible for just three days in a year and still appear as high above the horizon as Ruby’s starday star does?
Really, I don’t mean to turn this into some ridiculous point of critizism, but I’m just interested. Does anyone know whether or not it is possible?
As for other minor mistakes, we saw Ruby eat the three grapes that remained after the rockslide, but the next moment the three grapes are back on their vine.
During the flood caused by the earthquake it was a little strange that Spike was not carried away, not even slightly unbalanced, by what must have been a very strong current of water. The idea of a branch rather than a vine as a “sheet anchor” was used in a land before time audio play I heard before (but there Cera was the one to be rescued, Spike was the one who had the idea to use the branch instead of a vine, and the whole thing failed in the audio play as the branch broke).
Petrie was scared of the idea of sheltering grass. Of course it is kind of “in character” for Petrie to be scarred about anything. The sheltering grass doesn’t seem to be identical with “the” sheltering grass from LBT 2 as there was no reference whatsoever to the sinking sands which might have provided a more undertandable reason for Petrie’s fear...
Anyway, no real conclusion here.
Just like other episodes I have seen so far there are green skys quite frequently in this episode. I think green skys of that kind first appeared in LBT 8. Somebody seems to like green skies. Not much more to deduct from this either, I just mean to point out everything I took notice of before reading your reviews.
I wondered a bit about the clubtail in the episode. It wasn’t meant to be Mr. Clubtail from LBT 5, was it? They looked alike and lived up to the LBT 5 perception of clubtails as somewhat disgusting (“Smells like herd of clubtails on a hot day!” “Clubtail-breath”), but the behaviour of the episode’s clubtail was certainly more egoistic than we would have expected from the LBT 5 Mr. Clubtail. Maybe the reservations expressed against clubtails in LBT 5 are an interesting topic for discussion in another thread.
I suppose one of the most interesting aspects about “The Star Day Celebration” are the numeral flashbacks.
One thing that may be worth some attention is a significant difference between Ruby and Chomper. We see Ruby is really having a hard time about being separated from her family (her parents and two younger siblings from what we see in the flashbacks). But is not Chomper separated from his family too? Is he less sensitive than Ruby about his family? It almost seems like it for another reason. In the flashback we saw Chomper was with Ruby’s family at the time they entered the Great Valley (just Chomper and Ruby, not the rest of Ruby’s family). Was Chomper adopted by Ruby’s family in a Spike / Ducky’s family kind of fashion? But that wouldn’t really make any sense for unlike Spike Chomper knew his parents and was not separated from them last time we saw him before the series startet (LBT 5). I suppose we can only speculate about why Chomper would be with Ruby’s family. Maybe Redclaw played a role in this. But no matter the reason why Chomper was with Ruby’s family before they entered the Great Valley, it still doesn’t give any reason why Chomper would miss his parents any less than Ruby does. Is there any episode refering to Chomper missing his folks?
Perhaps there are lesser ties between sharpteeth and their families than between families of other kinds (Chomper was the only one not to know about the birthday customs of the others), but I really don’t think so. It would be an extreme contradiction to what we saw of Chomper and his folks in LBT 2 and 5. Any chance that it has to do with Chomper seeing Littlefoot and the others before he got to know his parents? I really don’t think the effect of that first day of Chomper’s live could have such a negative effect on the relationship with his parents.
The flashback of Chomper and Ruby getting into the Great Valley also explained to some degree why they did. Chomper must have told Ruby about his friends in the Great Valley and Ruby’s parents apparently decided that Ruby should learn about the ways of the leafeaters in the Great Valley. They knew all this “only” from Chomper’s tales. Maybe a somewhat weak basis to send your kid to a place about which you don’t know anything at all from personal experience.
It all seems a bit like a “student exchange” just without somebody being sent into the Mysterious Beyond in Return (wouldn’t it be a mean idea to send Petrie out into the Mysterious Beyond on his own to make him learn more about how tough and scary life is outside the Great Valley :lol). The holding together in the Great Valley really seems to be to some degree unique (I think the thesis was suggested before in a thread about why sharpteeth might not WANT to enter the Great Valley at all); otherwise the “exchange” wouldn’t make much sense. Comparing Ruby’s and Chomper’s prensence in the Great Valley to an “exchange” also suggests something about the future. To share that valuable knowledge with her family Ruby will ultimately have to return to them. And what about Chomper? Can his presence in the Great Valley be compared to a “student exchange” too? In Ruby’s case it was half suggested that the knowledge she would aquire would be useful against Redclaw. But what exactly is the purpose Chomper’s parents would put any knowledge about the ways of the Great Valley too?
Kacie suggested in her webcomic that Chomper’s parents may be enemies (though relatives) of Redclaw. Would these two grown up sharpteeth need any of the Great Valley knowledge against Redclaw? Very unlikely if you ask me.
Would they want that knowledge for a different purpose?
Is it be possible, as some may suggest, that Chomper is unwillingly being used as a spy? I really don’t think that Sharpteeth would have any advantage of any kind of large scale attack on the Great Valley, as I have laid out elsewhere.
Without knowing about why Chomper is not with his parents I don’t think we will know why he is in the Great Valley. But the door is open for a lot of interesting discussion and debate.

Again there were some interesting melodies apart from the songs, most notably in the flashback of Chomper and Ruby entering the Great Valley and after the after freeing of Ruby out of the cave.
Interestingly Chomper’s good scent which was refered to in other episodes already does not only work on other dinosaurs, but also on “sweet bubbles”. Apparently Chomper’s scent works not just on things of immediate interest for sharpteeth in general (prey or other dinosaurs, including allies), but on plants as well. Maybe this is one thing Chomper learned in the Great Valley, developing a sense of smell, though not the taste, for the different kinds of green food. Even in case he really did learn this in the Great Valley I doubt it would be one of the things his parent would have sent him to the Great Valley for, with regard to the “exchange” perspective laid out above:lol.
Littlefoot, Chomper, and Ducky are certainly very bad liers in this episode. Littlefoot was more convincing (though not thoroughly) in LBT 11. They could have been a bit more considerate towards Ruby by playing with her (making her bad day better) but giving some explanation for the absence of Cera, Petrie and Spike.
That way Petrie would not have been off to her “Thinking place” (something very much in character for Ruby).


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OMG! Not only did I see this episode before, I posted about it before! How silly can I get :bang
Well, at least I did not wrote as much the first time :lol


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I recall mentioning the magic sweet bubbles in another thread, and mentioned something like, no wonder mr club tail wanted to keep them to himself.  If they reappear after a second or 2 he could be eating them all day and rolling in them would not be a waist since they would keep areappearing.  One could say there are some other magic food, magic tree sweets that appear in the log rolling episode.  Cera gets mad and sings while walking alone.  She scares off 2 domeheads that have some tree sweets in their hands and some half eaten ones on the ground near them, and she scares them off, but when they switch to a more closeup view of her the tree sweets have vanished.  I guess they are magic too and vanish if a domehead is not near them.

Im no astronomy expert but I'd guess no star, or planet, could appear only 3 days, though there may be special circumstances that may allow it.  Though some folks may think that is possible.  Though with magic grape vines, some dead able to talk and appear to the living, it may be possible that this may be possible in the LBT universes.  

I don't recall Chomper ever mentioning missing his parents.  Though maybe since he initially imprented on Littlefoot he may, at least subconsciously reguard Littlefoot as another family member, another father type, so may miss them less since he's with his other family while in the great valley, though they should have had him mention them now and then.

Perhaps the reason for having Ruby in the great valley was something they did not talk about much.  Someone may have suggested the char and that reason why and the folks in charge agreed without thinking things over since it meant another toy character they could sell to kids.  

It would have been more considerate of them that some of them would ready the place to calibrate Ruby's star day with the gifts they were going to give her and some of them go to be with Ruby, telling them to bring her to that spot when the bright circle touches x, or whatever other way they have to sorta tell time, rather then them all being together and leaving Ruby to go off wherever so they can find her when they are ready.  But I doubt the scriptwriters though that out much.  Ducky should have wanted to spend some time with Ruby seeing how she felt about being left out, and no one wanting to spend time with her.


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It would've been a bit better if they did it that way, Kor, but overall i think it was a good episode.


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If their reason to send Ruby to the great valley was to learn what they said, it would make more sense for her entire family to go there.  They could raise their younger kids in a very safe environment and they all could learn, instead of just Ruby.

As with certain movies, and episodes, certain things, scenes, ect, to bug me, but I can enjoy the episode overall.