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Childhood LBT Mix-Ups

Little Bro

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Someone needs to start a poll asking if you thought Tippy was a girl or boy :D
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Someone needs to start a poll asking if you thought Tippy was a girl or boy :D

I would be in the Tippy is a girl camp. :lol

But then I thought the Plated Sharptooth in V was a Allosaurus not a Giganotosaurus.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Little Bro

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I used to think that Rinkus was a girl, until Protege told me he was a boy when I said "she." The pink may have threw me off.
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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First pink Tippy and now Rinkus, stop confusing me Universal! :lol

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


  • Chomper
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Count me also in the Tippy is a girl camp. Man, between the pink, the voice, and the eyelashes, I think it'd be hard not to make that mistake.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Count me also in the Tippy is a girl camp. Man, between the pink, the voice, and the eyelashes, I think it'd be hard not to make that mistake.

Perhaps Tippy was an attempt to make a transgender dinosaur, but then the writers backed out. That could explain the confusion over Tippy gender.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


  • Spike
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Perhaps Tippy was an attempt to make a transgender dinosaur, but then the writers backed out. That could explain the confusion over Tippy gender.

Hehe, I doubt that's what they were going for (I would assume it was a case of them designing the character before the voice actor got nailed down), but it would make for an interesting story concept, nonetheless. :)

Dr. Rex

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Check the 8:55 mark to hear Tippy mentioned as a son.

Also, funny dialogue at the 18:45 mark:
"Your Spike must have talked Tippy into it"
"My Spike doesn't talk"
Well, at least they're being progressive by not automatically assigning pink to a female character.


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There's a scene in Mysterious Island where Ducky says she doesn't mind finding food but she doesn't want to BE food. For a long time I thought she said she doesn't mind "fighting food" but she doesn't like "bee food".

My siblings and I also confused both Littlefoot and Cera's genders at first. I remember we were pretending to be the characters and my two brothers fought over who got to be Cera  :p


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There were a couple of misunderstandings when I was a kid.

When I watched the first LBT film the first couple of times, I thought Littlefoot's mother wasn't his biological mother. I thought the egg rolled too far away from the longneck in the pond and into a different longneck herd that just took him in. :p

Second, I saw LBT 5 before LBT 2, and again, didn't think Chomper's parents were his biological parents. In fact, I thought it was the plated sharptooth that was related to him. Why? Because Chomper and the plated sharptooth had three fingers, while his parents had two.

Also yeah, I thought Tippy was a girl. And on first glance, Rinkus. Reverse colour coded for our inconvenience. :lol Pretty sure I thought Littlefoot was a girl at some point, too.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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When I watched the first LBT film the first couple of times, I thought Littlefoot's mother wasn't his biological mother. I thought the egg rolled too far away from the longneck in the pond and into a different longneck herd that just took him in. :p
wow :O


As I stated before in different threads, thanks to our translators, several characters had opposite gender, so I thought the same. :/
Major case - poor male Ducky.  :duckyscared I lasted in several movies.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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When I was young I thought Rooter and Mr Clubtail were the same character. Like, somehow the wise dinosaur from the first film also made it to the Great Valley and kept appearing in the background for the rest of the series


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When I watched the first LBT film the first couple of times, I thought Littlefoot's mother wasn't his biological mother. I thought the egg rolled too far away from the longneck in the pond and into a different longneck herd that just took him in. :p
wow :O

Yeah I was a dumb kid  :lol

Interesting to see all the translation issues causing mix-ups...

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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I used to think Tippy was a girl too. Universal had me fooled big time :oops :bestsharptooth

Also, I used to think Tricia's birth was an event in the TV series. Oops-eeps. I just remember there being a commercial with a dino being born and the dinos (and the NARRATOR) awwing at it, and being that I was most familiar with the TV series at the time, I immediately associated that as a TV series event. Heh. :rhett_smile
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

Yacht life! :DD


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I once thought Tippy was a girl as well, until I realized Tippy was a boy the whole time.

Then I once thought Cera’s name was literally read as: Sarah, of course once I looked up the actual name, it made more sense to me.


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Just remembered another one...

WAY back when before I saw the movies, I used to listen to some of the songs on my younger stepsister's Limewire. Among the songs I listened to most was "Always There". And in THAT particular one, I used to think Chomper was part of the song due to my LBT association with the TV series at the time. Well, he was in the movie, but not in that song. Close, but no donut. :areyouserious And I used to think the lyrics were " can come home TOO" rather than "two", like they were inviting Chomper to stay with them in the valley. What is my mind :rolleyes
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

Yacht life! :DD


  • Ruby
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First few times I saw Journey Through The Mists, when the narrator said “Still, despite the changes happening in the outside world,” I thought the word “despite” was “De-Spike” as if he was referring to Spike himself  :^^spike

And this next one is REALLY bad  :lol I actually thought Petrie said a curse word in The Secret of Saurus Rock when I thought he said “You guys can walk right ‘cross big *****”  :lol My mom told me it was a bad word and that’s actually how I learned that word  :lol


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When I watched the first LBT film the first couple of times, I thought Littlefoot's mother wasn't his biological mother. I thought the egg rolled too far away from the longneck in the pond and into a different longneck herd that just took him in. :p

So, I recently downloaded the biggest waste of my time ever, Tiktok, and found a video on there of a person claiming that Littlefoot was adopted because the egg rolled away from the herd. I feel slightly validated.  :lol

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion