The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

The GOF Owner Blog, Part 4


  • Hatchling
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No, there isn't a typo in that subline, you read it correctly.  Actually, this happened twice now that I thought about it some more.  First in 2003, and then 2004 or early 2005 but I'm guessing here because I don't remember (and Malte, I've gone back to see if there's mention of it anywhere and I had no luck) I was running into stress-related issues in school and I felt that my marks in college studies were more important than a message board.  I would say for about a period of two months, I officially knocked myself down to position of moderator (that's why this account exists as I couldn't demote my first account) and I did this to get it into my head psychologically that I wanted to make other priorities clear and make the GOF less of one, and that I would get by fine being a little more "ordinary" on board related things.  So for approximately two or three months, Malte and Nick ran the show, but I left it to them that if things worked out I would put myself back on an admin account.  OF course as you know, things did bounce back and I've been running the show strongly ever since.  I ain't keeling over anytime soon so put the torches and pitchforks away. :lol

What made me even make this part of a blog I guess is seeing a lot of our members here go under stress-related issues, similar to what I was under many years ago, and subsequently, members write "I won't be on much" or something similar.  Then you usually get the reason why and how they're upset.  I can understand why.  I"ve been down this road before, and it wasn't easy for me to turn over the keys to the board's main account and put myself in an account with limited mod powers.  I did this for my own psychological sanity, but looking back on it, I probably didn't need to do all of that.  Point is--if you're having a tough time personally, that's OK.   The GOF will be here no matter what your situation is.  Take the time off if you need it.  Yeah it hurts if you're a daily regular but priorities are necessary and if the GOF isn't on the list, that's OK too.  Your mental and social health is important too.  Take care of yourself in real life first before worrying about how your absence affects us here online.  We can adjust and get by while you work out personal problems that will affect you forever that you can't just hit "delete post" and remove forever from your life and others'.  There's only one of you in this world of 6 billion--make certain that you keep that person in good health.  Just remember, that matters the most.


  • Petrie
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Very touching thought Petrie, I have a feeling I'll be going through that very soon.....