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Topics - Evan Smith

Pages: 1
1988 Theatrical Release / Uncut version
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:41:37 PM »
So Ive heard a rumour that in 1995 and 1998 Finnish Television broadcast an uncut version of The Land Before Time. This is backed up by an article on Wikipedia and various people telling me they remember watching it.
I also heard that a German television station broadcasts the uncut version every year
I would love to see the uncut version, but from what I gather Don Bluth was made to scrap nearly 10 minutes of footage because it was too violent by Spielberg. Since Spielberg also replaced guns with radios in E.T, hes unlikely to ever release the footage, and Universal are unlikely to replace any 'scary' footage since theyre trying to make LBT as kid friendly as possible.
According to Bluth, the footage has all been destroyed. But how can this be, when certain deleted scenes can be seen in the trailer and we have the apparent uncut bradcasts in '98 and '95. I wonder if anyone recorded these airings. I doubt we can ever find all 10 minutes of uncut footage, as much of the cut footage will have been cut before it was animated. But we know not all of it was, due to prints and footage from the trailer

In short, the uncut version must still exist to this day, in the form of the versions Finnish and German TV own, and in the form of recordings from the '95 and '98 airings
Now how do we go about tracking them down?
Where do we go to find people who recorded the uncut version?
Can we petition the German and Finnish TV stations?
Can we petition Spielberg or Universial?

Pages: 1