The Gang of Five
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Cold Land's Herd

Malte279 · 112 · 40211


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The flyer had been out for most of the morning and it had been a pleasant weather for flying. There had been a strong but constant draft in the greater highs, forcing her to correct her course every now and then, but also making it possible to keep her altitude almost without flapping at all. Now she was returning to the Valley from where she had come.
The dinosaurs of the Great Valley had long come to appreciate the usefulness of knowing what was going on around the Valley.
The flyers were the natural choice to be send out to take a look at the surroundings. She allowed herself a short self-congratulatory smile. Fragile and vulnerable as the hollow-boned and leather-winged flyers were, they were still the only ones who could cross the borders of the Great Valley without need to fear anything so long they stayed high up in the air. And of course they could within one morning overview an area that would have taken one of the ground-walkers ages to check out. There was usually not too much to report back in the Valley apart from singular roaming sharpteeth who imposed no threat whatsoever to the Great Valley. Today however she had spotted something more important than singular roaming sharpteeth and certainly more delightful than that.
She had reached the Valley now and spiralled down towards its floor. Spotting the great old longneck and his wife as well as the old threehorn among a group of other dinosaurs nearby the banks of the river she made for that point. Again she smiled to herself. Though they would never be as close friends as their kids were, she felt that some of their kids’ unity had rubbed off on them too. The Great Valley was a good place to live together in much more unison than anywhere else. She spread her wings to slow down her drop and then folded them after she had landed between the longnecks the threehorn and a few other dinosaurs who flocked together to hear whether there were any interesting news.

(for the upcoming scene it would be good to have the roles of the grownups (Littlefoot's grandparents, Cera's Dad, Ducky's mum... distributed)


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Mr Threehorn looked at the flyer "Anything interesting seen over the great wall?" he asked in a direct and firm tone wanting to get to the point right away.


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The flyer nodded. "Yes indeed! A herd is coming. They are comming from the direction where the bright circle never stands and I think they are heading right here for the Great Valley."


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"Great New comers... if they going to cause trouble I will tell them a one or two things" Mr Threehorn said in a unpleased tone.


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(I don't often RP in third person.....tell me if this is good)

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the valley, a certin young Flyer was looking for his friends. He had been unable to sleep, and had heard some of the adults talking about another herd. Petrie flew towards were Littlefoot was.


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"Great New comers... if they going to cause trouble I will tell them a one or two things" Mr Threehorn said in a unpleased tone.

The old longneck smiled and rolled his eyes when he was sure that the Threehorn wasn't looking at him. This kind of reaction was neither new nor unexpected from the Threehorn. It felt to the longneck like they had had this talk for a hundred times already.
"Now, now Mr Threehorn. There is no reason to be so unhappy about some newcomers. I'm sure they... err what kind of a herd is it anyway?"
The last question was directed at the flyer. She shrugged.
"All kinds of dinosaurs."
The old longneck smiled at the Threehorn and said: "There you see. I'm sure there will be some threehorns whose presence you will enjoy too."

(I picked Littlefoot's grandpa too now as we need some more to join in the conversation. If somebody else wants to do him, just say a word. I don't want to cheat anyone for favorite characters)


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"Well... if that so I don't see any problems with the new comers" Threehorn changed his mind "But I will keep a eye on this herd" he said still keeping a degree of mind on strangers that he never seen before.


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Petrie landed by where Littlefoot usally was at this time. He wasn't there. "Littlefoot, oh Littlefoot, me no find you." Petrie said


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"Shh...I'm over here, Petrie."  Littlefoot said, whispering from behind a thick row of brush.  
He was currently sneaking up on a couple of frogs, unaware of Littlefoot's presence, for fun.

F-14 Ace

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Meanwhile, as the newcommers entered the valley, a young swimmer named Snork said to his friend, "Oh, finally.  I'm not going any further once we are here.  I'm going to settle down here rather than keep going in these sharptooth infested lands."
His friend, a female iguanodon (whay would they call those in LBT?  Someone please let me know) replied, "I'm with you on that.  Perhaps there will be others of my kind here.  This is the the Great Valley isn't it?"
Snork replied, "Yeah.  So, Strafe, what will you do once we settle down?"
Strafe answered, "Well, I guess we can still be firends.  After all, you did save my life.  My whole herd was killed in that great earthshake."
Snork said, "I just hope the locals are friendly.  I'm so hungry right now."


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ALSO meanwhile, Spike, the adopted spiketail to a family of swimmers, continued to snore out the morning in the nest, often smacking his lips as evidence of what he might be dreaming...

F-14 Ace

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Ducky said, "Spike, it is time to get up.  Yuy, yup, yup.  We are going to have fun today."
The spiketail didn;t seem to hear her.
Ducky said, "Spike!  Littlefoot wants us to meet with them.  He dose."


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Spike stirred for a moment before he finally awoke with a groan, slowly opening his eyes to the daylight as the sun had already neared its peak in the sky.  He looks at his sister and waited for her to hop on so they could meet Littlefoot.  With any luck, they'll be meeting next to some juicy green food.

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Ducky climbed onto his back and said, "Lets go, Spike."

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(I should have included this with the last post.)
Strafe and Snork were looking around the valley.  Just then, Strafe accidently bumped into Mr. Threehorn.
She said, "Oops, I'm sorry.  Pardon me."


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Petrie noticed the voice, and walked towards the bushes. "Littlefoot!" He whispered. "Petrie listen to adults and heard that a herd was coming! So me fly over to tell you, but me could not find you."


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Littlefoot looked up from his game and turn to Petrie.  The rustling sound of the young longneck's quick movement startled the frogs, and they bounded on their way.

"A herd?  What kind of herd?  Is it the Farwalkers?  It's kind of a strange time for them to be here,"
Littlefoot asked, a little bit confused.

"It can't be the normal Farwalkers.  I just hope they're friendly...Anyway, Ducky and Spike should be here any moment now.  Maybe when we're all together, we can go to the herd's welcoming place; we just need to find Cera."

F-14 Ace

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Just then, Ducky and Spike arrived.  
Ducky said, "I am sorry it took so ling to get here.  Spike took too long to get up this morning.  What is going on?"

Meanwhile, Snork and Strafe continued to explore.
The swmmer said, "I'm glad we don't have to travel anymore.  At lease that herd let us follow them until we got here.  If they leave, I'm not going with them though.  Hey, who is in charge here?"


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"Me hear about new herd that came from the place that the bright circle never goes." Petrie repled. "Petrie hear adults say that it's all sorts of Dinosaurs."

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Ducky asked, "Wow!  Who do you think they are?"