The Gang of Five
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Kor · 109 · 8194


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Allo sat down, watching his grandchildren play with some of their friends.  He wondered where the time had gone at times.  He could remember his daughter playing as a toddler.  Now she was married with her own kids.  At times he wondered if he'd get to see her grow up while he was on the earth.  

Just then his grandkids started to gather around him.  

"Can you tell us a story?" one of them asked, some others agreeing with a yes, or a "story, story."

Allo laughed, "All right, which story would you like to hear?" He asked looking at them.

"How about the earth." One of the kids said.

"Yea, you were there like forever." one of the kids said.

"It did seem that way at times." Allo said laughing a bit.

"Yea, before there many billions of years ago." Another said.

Allo laughed again, "Not quite that long ago, though it does seem like that at times."

The kids gathered around in front of Allo.  He thought for a moment.  Some of his friends he had not heard from in quite a while, and not just the ones from the earth, but a few here also.  Including the former secret scouts who had chosen to move to Reptilon, a thing he'd not have suspected any would want.  Not that they all did, most did not.  

"It started one night.  We had gone to Earth since the Group of Tyrannos lead by Rex had headed there and we had to stop them.  I had gathered a group myself of Dinosaucers and a few part time Dinosaucers and went to the earth.  Unknown to me at that time our Mothership had been seen by a group of teenage humans.  But I'll come to that in all due time." He said pausing a moment before he continued his story....

     *              *             *


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Many years ealier..
THe Mothership sank through the Atmosphere, with Allo at the Controls.. Aboard the ship with him were 5 other Dinosaucers, each doing thier own things. Allo steered the ship down slowly, looking for a good place to land.. land preferably..
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Paul was looking in the telescope that Ryan had brought and was looking at the moon.  "This is so cool.  I'm totally going to get my own telescope." he said, at the moment it was aimed at the moon.  "The Craters look like they are just a short distance away."

Paul continued looking at the moon then he stepped back to look up, trying to decide what to look at next.  He thought he saw some sort of movement.  "What is that?" He asked squinting his eyes to get a better look.  "Can't be the space shuttle, man, that thing landed already." Paul said.  He swung the telescope around and used his hands as he learned to get an idea of how to capture the image in the telescope and used the view finder thing on top of it to help also.  He adjusted some nobs till the image came in clearly.  

"Man, I ain't seen nothing like this.  It can't be from here." he said, studying what looked like some sort of alien craft.  "I gotta get a better look." he said.  He looked up and studied it to guess where it may land and headed off in that direction.  He planned on getting close enough but would look for a good place to hide to observe what was going on, not just run up to the ship after it landed since whatever was inside may or may not be friendly.

(ooc: Not taking all these Dinosaucers, just testing out some & doubt they'd all be silent during this time while they are on the ship.  So others can feel fine to take them or rp them.  Paul though I think I'd like.)

Tricero looked at the sensors and took another reading, frowning a bit.  "Looks like some life forms are down there.  I hope none of them are of the sentient variety." He said.  "And they are not looking in our direction." He fiddled with the sensors, "Diffidently mammals.  That seems to confirm that this is mainly a mammal planet." He refined the sensors even farther, "Some of them seem to be sentient life forms."

"We'll know soon enough I suspect." Dimetro says also taking some sensor readings from where he is.  "Diffidently mammalian sentient.  The only sentient species on this planet."

"If they have seen us they are not raising the alarm on any frequency that I can detect." Icky said from his station.


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"keep to your stations" allo said. " We don't want to attract too much attention. We're here after REx and his Tyrannosaurs, we're not here to bother whatever lifeforms may be living here.. "
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"Not sure how we can avoid attracting attention.  A large ship not of their technological level." Dimetro said.

"At least with all the transmissions we know they are of a tech level so they'd not see the Tyrannos or us as gods or something silly as that." Icky said.

"But they are not use to fellow sentient not of their species, a dangerous time.  They are more likely I would assume to shoot first and maybe get around to asking questions in a few months time, if they ever do.  They may be extremely xenophobic." Tricero said.


Paul kept running in the direction of where he thought the ship may land.  He started looking for a good place to hide once he got near so he could see what it was and what they were up to.   I wonder what they'll be like.  What they'll look like.  I just hope it doesn't end up being to dangerous doing this.  But I cant' just sit back during a time like this. Paul taught to himself.


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"Its possible they could be xenophobic, they could be any number of things : Allo replied. "Which is why we need to avoid them as much as possible, our job id get rEx and his goons off this rock, and the sooner we do it, the sooner we can go home..
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"Yea, I'm missing home already." Icky said.

"I think I'm picking up something.  To small to be the Tyrannos." Tricero said.

"Maybe a local out for a late night stroll or hunt.  I read they are omnivores." Dimetro said. "hard to tell if he's seen us or not." He said looking at his more detailed sensors, though they could not cover as wide of an area as Triceros his were more capable of doing detailed scans over a smaller area.


Paul continued to follow the ship, or whatever it was, as best as he could. It could fly far faster then him, but he did his best to keep it in sight and to run along the same path it was going in, slowing down so he didn't tire himself to much.


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Just try and get away from it" Allo said. the last thing we need  is us being noticed.. secrecy, secrecy..' he stressed ..
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"Maybe some countermeasures to distract him, some flashing lights and noise makers." Tricera suggested.

Dimetro nodded, "Those may work.  Hopefully we can use those to distract who and whatever that is down there." He said.  He typed out some commands.  "Distracting countermeasures are sent.  They will go off once they are near where the individual is and should have him go in a different direction from where we are headed.  Hopefully whatever it is will loose track of where we are.


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'If we can get our invisibilty shield up.. but the atmosphere is prevenntinbg us fromnmactivating it, so we're unable to hide ourselves..' Allo replied.. "3000 feet and closing" He said as they approached a small lake. He pressecd a button. " Activating uinvisibility." The ships glowed, and to the observer it appeared tp vanish..
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"It could be the increased atmospheric pressure and heat from reentry causing that." Dimetro said.  

"What we also need as a nice mountain or some rocky ground or something like to so we can partially hollow it out and establish a base." Tricero said.

"And suitably away from any inhabitants or regular trade routes and that sort of thing." Dimetro said.

"As long as it's not icky like tarpits 1 is." Icky said making a face that was obvious he thought of the idea of a base under tarpits to be an icky idea.  He was talking about the Tyranno base, or at least the one that Rex's older sister used on Reptilon, and that he, Rex, used while he was on Reptilon.


The distracting countermeasures went off not far from where Paul was, just harmless noise and a few flashes of bright lights.  Then a sound like someone laughing like a maniac for a second or 2.

"What?" Paul said looking in the direction of the flashes & sounds.  

Once they had gone off they broke themselves apart so there would be nothing to find or reverse engineer, and the components were designed to biodegrade normally so would not harm the environment.  

Paul then tried to find the ship again but could not find it.  "Aw man, I list it.  What could have made those odd noises and flash though?" He asked.  He tried to find what had caused the noise and lights but couldn't.   He then paused to think what to do next.

"Paul wait up.  I got the others.  None of us should be running around here alone." Ryan said with the others behind him.


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As the kids decide what to do, the ship flew lower and lower. it flews just over somww lowlying hills, which screened the ship from even, as it did,, the engine suddenly died, and the ship fell rapidly towards the hillside. it crashed into the hillside cutting through to a cave which was located underneath the hill. the impact threw all of the Dinosaucer of thier seats..
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Tricero got up, rubbing part of himself that had hit the floor.  He was lightly bruised but that was all.  "Did we run out of fuel?" He asked.  

Dmetro sat up, "Perhaps the stablizers or something else like the retro rockets went out.  Is anyone hurt?" He asked looking around.

"It doesn't look like it.  Thrown around a bit but no one I see looks seriously hurt." Icky said looking around as he set up from where he had fallen.

Demetro went over to where his usual station was as best as he could and tried to see if the ship's systems were still working to try to get a status and damage report if he could.


"I say we try to find where that ship or whatever it is landed." Paul said.

"& get lost?" One of the others said.

"I have a compass and a flashlight." Paul said showing what he had. "Ryan isn't the only one who knows to come prepared." He said.


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Allo got to his feet. " LLets head outside and see how bad the damage is.. " He said.. ' I think we ran out of fuel. Tricero, wasn't it your job to make sure we had enough fuel for this trip?"
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"I thought I had calculated and stocked enough for a trip here, back and some extra." Tricero said starting to get up and brush himself off.  

"Just let me get my reptool belt." Dimetro said as he went to a compartment next to his station and pulled out his tool belt and put it on.  He made a few checks to make sure his tools had enough power to float around, and the reading on his belt comfirmed they were properly charged.  "Ok, I'm ready to go outside."

"What'll we do for more power?" Icky asked.

Tricero thought for a moment.  "It can't be any external structure since that can be easily attacked unless we use at least automated defensive systems." He said.

"There is geo-thermal power, depending how deep it is.  This planet must have a molten core, which means geo-thermal will be a possible energy source, along with others." Dimetro said.


"Well, I guess we should investigate. " Ryan said. "They may need help of some sort, or we can just get some more information and then decide what to do.  But we should stay together." Ryan said.

"Let's get going.  I think it was heading in that location." Paul said.  

Ryan took out his compass and looked at the direction they had traveled in so far.   "Ok, let's go." He said before they set out.


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Allo climbed iout anf looked at the ship. 'we sure did a number on it, the left side of the ship is ripped open. ' he looked around at the surroundings.. "Theres potential here We could use this cave as our base...' He mused looked up at the stalamites
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Dimentro looked around, "It'll take some rework, but it could be a nice location for a base." He said.

"and being inside a natural cave it'll be more concealed from the locals." Tricero said.  "It does have it's advantages."


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We just need to make improvements so it sealed off from the outside world. Remember that secret cave system on Rathor. It was so skillfully concealed that you couldn't see the opening, even when it was right in front of you..
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Dimetro nodded, "Something like that may work here.  Modified where necessary." He said looking around.  ""With time we should be able to do that, and get this ship repaired and a nice base set up." He said.

"We will need a suitable security system and sensors.  Or else anyone could just walk in, or sit outside the base and spy on us without us knowing." Tricero said.


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That is true.. Well need to start work on that immediately.." Allo nodded.. "lets start unloading..' He said turnbing and heading back inside the ship..
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