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Messages - Amaranthine

Pages: 1 ... 312 313 314 315 316 ... 318
It's Party Time! / Word Association
« on: May 17, 2008, 11:47:48 AM »
Jun the Bounty Hunter

The Welcome Center / Hi, i am new ;)
« on: May 17, 2008, 11:46:59 AM »
Hello Laura! Welcome to the forum! :)

The Welcome Center / Hello I am new!
« on: May 17, 2008, 11:42:07 AM »
Hello! Nice to meet you Jaden! :D

It's Party Time! / Word Association
« on: May 12, 2008, 12:37:08 AM »

The Party Room / The Corrupt a Wish Game.
« on: May 12, 2008, 12:35:56 AM »
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,May 11 2008 on  07:32 PM
Granted but a sharptooth eats you.
Oooooo cold!!!! :angry:  :lol  :(

Travel / "Adventuring" / Adventuring in Europe
« on: May 11, 2008, 11:49:15 PM »
I'm so thrilled!  On May 22, I will be leaving for London to go on a two-week packpacking trip with other peers through much of Europe.  Here are the countries, cities and excursions we'll be experiencing:

Lucky...that's sooner than I'm going to Ireland :p

England-London-Shop and explore the city, White Cliffs of Dover

I am going to England also, since my way to Ireland is not a one way trip

France-Burgundy, Dijon's Vineyards, then Paris-Eiffel Tower, Arc de

I'm biologically french and France was actually going to be the place I wanted to go, but Ireland seemed to call me much stronger.

Then I return home :P:.  This is my first time going overseas without any family members, so I'm a little anxious but far more thrilled.

That's sounds exciting! Without your family members, that's definitely something to be proud of!

The Party Room / The Corrupt a Wish Game.
« on: May 11, 2008, 11:28:59 PM »
Wish granted but because you weren't specific about what kind of pasta you wanted and how much, you don't get pasta! :lol:

I wish I was an LBT character, who is a pteranodon or some sort of flying creature.

Computer and Electronics / Seems Like No One Likes Vista
« on: May 11, 2008, 11:22:29 PM »
Heh, I have the Mac OS X, and I love it to bits! :P:  :D  :lol:  :)  :DD  :^.^:  :wub:

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / USA KFC
« on: May 11, 2008, 11:14:03 PM »
KFC stands for:

I hate KFC for abusing the chickens, so honestly, I couldn't care less if they supported LBT.

But I guess they want to bring back their good reputation by doing that :p

Hopefully the KFC riots against them have made them not abuse their chickens too. I mean, seriously, the poor things are going to die and get eaten anyway.

LBT Fanfiction / WIERD!
« on: May 11, 2008, 09:51:47 PM »
Quote from: Serris,May 11 2008 on  05:47 PM
First off it's
XD  :lol Yeah, no kidding :p

LBT Fanfiction / Legend 1: The Warrior Flyers?
« on: May 11, 2008, 08:47:06 PM »
Legend 6:
Truth to be told……

“What do you mean I am one of the chosen three?”

The mysterious cream-colored flyer simply smiled at Angel.  

“Remember Angel, Fire isn’t always destructive. In fact, it may even help you survive, maybe even show you your real self.”

Angel stared at the flyer in bewilderment, “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

The mysterious flyer then disappeared in a swirl of water. Angel tried to stop her.

Angel yells out to the heavens.

“Wait! Stop! I still don’t get it!”

Suddenly her soundings changed. Instead of being in a peaceful place of cleansing water, she was in the middle of a forest fire. Angel was shocked, but she puts her hand in the fire. At that moment, another hand from the fire reached hers. Angel looked straight in the fire, and saw the most handsome flyer she had ever seen. His skin was the color of the fire and his eyes were so dark they were amber.  

Angel was bewildered, but a little frightened at the same time.

 “Who are you?”

The flyer just blinked. He smiled, showing white sparkly fangs and drew her closer to him. At that moment, Angel felt mystified by this handsome flyer from the flames. She saw a pendant around the flyer’s neck. The orb color was the color of fire.

Angel looked at the flyer’s forehead and saw that he had a marking on it, which symbolized that he was from the fire tribe and had a heart marking to show he was loving and loyal.

Suddenly, without thinking, Angel drew herself even closer to him. She kissed him.

Suddenly she heard a smooth, deep voice.

“Angel, wake up, c’mon everyone’s waiting for you.”

Angel rubbed her head in confusion and shock as she met eyes with Petrie.

“For what?”

Petrie chuckled as he replied.

“Didn’t you want to join me and the others?”

Angel was getting herself up as she answered,

“Of course I do.”

Petrie held Angel’s hand, helping her get up. Realizing what he was doing, he quickly moved his hand away and blushed.


Angel’s face flushed as well.

“No it’s okay. Really.”

Angel and Petrie chuckled nervously.  

They ended up staring at each other for some moments and then they flew away to the bubbling mud.  

Once they landed on the soft dirt, they saw Cera, Spike, and Ducky already there.

Petrie turned to Angel to begin a proper introduction of his group.
“Well since you are one of us now, how about we introduce our selves to you? You know me,”

 He points to Cera.

“This is Cera, the Three Horn of our group. I believe you know her by now.”

Cera grins slyly, “That’s my name don’t wear it out.”

Petrie points to Ducky and Spike next,

“This is Ducky and Spike.”

Spike bows in reply.

Angel looks at Ducky mischievously.

“Ducky eh? That’s suits you.”

Ducky giggles in agreement from the jovial comment. “Oh yes, it fits me perfectly!”

Spike approaches Angel and licks her.

Angel laughs in response. “Yes, I like you too Spike.”

Ducky laughs along. “Yeah, he’s not my blood related brother, but he’s in our family anyway.”

In a sudden moment, Angel looses her smile. She simply shrugs.

“Yeah, that’s cool that you have a brother anyway…”

Spike stops licking and looks at Angel puzzled.

Cera approached Angel and decided to give her thanks.

“Um, Angel,”

Angel slowly turned to Cera to give her attention.

“I just want to say, thanks for doing what you did yesterday. I would have been sharp tooth meat if dad found out that I was the one that thought of crossing the quick sand blind-folded.”  

Angel chuckled heartily in reply.

“Like I said, I would do anything for my friends.”

Ducky immediately jumped in the conversation to get a conclusion.

“But why did you lie? Didn’t you get in trouble?”

Spike nods in agreement. Cera looked at Angel expecting an answer.

Angel shrugged casually.

“Nah; not really. My grandfather knew I would never do such a thing, but I got in a lot of trouble from uncle Riku. He says I am not worth losing in our clan, because we are the last remaining clan loyal to the council."

Cera, Spike, and Ducky all chorus, “Oh.”

Angel then just looks right at Cera.

“You know Cera, your dad is pretty, well always pissed, but he’s nothing compared to my uncle!”

Cera’s eyed widened and her tail twitched in excitement.

“Why? What else did he say?”

Tension tightened Petrie’s muscles as he looked at Angel for her reply. He had a fist raised in the air.

“I swear Angel, if that dude offended you in anyway,”

Angel lowered her hands trying to calm Petrie and said in a reassuring tone.

“Naga, naga, he didn’t offend me. He just sort of blew off steam on me.”

Cera widened her eyes with interest,

“So what did he say?”

 Angel paused and looked down at her feet, which scuffed a bit. She tried to think of words not to hurt her friend’s feelings.

“He, he said that I wasn’t allowed to hang out with you guys. That you were all stupid and too common for my liking.”

Cera blurts, “What? Why would he say that? I’m not stupid!”

Angel looks up at Cera and everyone else, “Yeah, and I don’t think any of you are stupid at all! NaÔve maybe, but none of you are actually dim.”

Ducky then asks Angel before Cera had a chance to reply.

“Then why did you call us losers and stupid? Do you really think that?”

“No, I don’t think that at all! I was just,” Angel tried to reassure Ducky.

 Cera interrupted, “You wanted to make yourself prouder than you really are?”

Angel’s eyes practically turned into two hard stones as she made an outburst.

“I was afraid of Petrie!”

Everyone stared at her with surprised faces and questioning looks. Petrie’s eyes began to widen.

Ducky shook her head to clear it. Was she hearing it right?

Angel pauses and looks at Petrie feeling ashamed.

“I was so denoting to you because I was scared of you Petrie.”

Petrie just stared at her shocked.

“Me? Why?”

Angel made herself shrink to a smaller size as she replied,
“I was scared that you would be like your uncle, Pterano.”

She pauses and exhales air so she could explain more freely,

“Maybe even Black Death.”

Petrie couldn’t help, but chuckle a bit.

Why in the world would someone like her be afraid of someone like me?

“Why would you think I would be like them?”

Angel looked like her happiness was draining from her as she tried to explain with careful wording.

“First of all you are related to both of them,”

Petrie interrupts Angel by having his hands in the halting position.

“I’m related to both of them? What you talking about?”

Angel them stood up and confirmed in a hard flat tone,

“I am saying, you are related to both Pterano and Black Death. I’m surprised you don’t know this.”

Petrie then stated again, “You mean I’m related to the most evil race of flyers to have ever appeared on the face of the earth?”

Angel nodded gently, while everyone else waited for Petrie to reply more. They were all just shocked.

After an awkward pause, Petrie busted out laughing and shedding tears.

“That’s a sick joke right? Because that would never happen, and no one ever told me this, so it can’t be true.”

Angel sighs and sakes her head.

“Petrie, I’m not making this up, you have to believe me. I mean, you even look like one of them. You have striking resemblance of Pterano and you have Jagged Fang’s brown eyes.”

Petrie tried to interrupt, “What? But,”

Angel assured firmly as stared more deeply into Petrie’s eyes and grabbed his wrist to look into her sky blue eyes.

“It’s true! The rest of the world knows, except you and everyone in the Great Valley!”

Petrie stuttered, “But, but,”

Angel continued, “Well, everyone, except your mom, I mean she was from Blood Clan too.”

Petrie stopped stammering and made a low growl as he stared at Angel with cold rock eyes, yanked his hand away from Angel, and turned his back away from her.

There was a dead suspension. Angel stared at Petrie helplessly, wondering if she should have said anything.

Petrie went over this in his thoughts.

Why didn’t mom or Pterano tell me any of this? Why couldn’t they be honest?

Petrie sat down with his hand on his forehead. He looked like he was having a major fever. A single tear dropped from his eye and the next thoughts that came to him were,

Everything I thought, loved, and knew was a lie.

Angel swallowed tears, trying to think of more words to say.

“I am so sorry Petrie.”

Angel then spluttered the rest of her reply.

“But that wasn’t the only reason why I was rude the other day.”

Suddenly, a voice behind Angel said.

“What’s other reason?”  

Everyone except Petrie turned to the voice’s direction and saw Little Foot walking toward them with a mouth of tree stars.

“I couldn’t help over hearing.” He said in a muffled voice.

He drops the tree stars in front of Cera, Ducky, and Spike, looks at Angel, and states sarcastically.  

“I’m sorry that you bullied us like that.”

Petrie narrows his eyes at Little Foot. He was about to protest Little Foot’s rudeness, but Angel beat him to it as she said with blazing eyes.

“But I just said; that’s not the only reason! I was also kind of jealous of you guys. I have migrated and been through hard times more then any of you. I was just jealous because you had a comfortable life. The great valley is a beautiful valley. You guys should be thankful that you are able to relax and be a child. You don’t have to worry about training, patrols, hunting, or trying to protect yourself and your clan. I would give anything to have the life you guys have!”

“Angel, please,”

Cera stepped next to Angel’s other side.

“Look, girl, I like you and all, but why in the world would you want our life? It’s so boring! You can at least travel to different places without being bossed around and being treated like a baby!”

Angel turned her head away from Cera.

“Humph, think again.”

After a little pause, Angel continued.

“I have as many rules as you do, maybe even more. Think of Riku for instance, he is always overprotective of me! He doesn’t believe I can survive on my own. Kaskae and the rest of the clan are respectful to me, but not Riku. It’s all because of this stupid war!”

Angel turned her head toward Cera as she added,

“And another thing, at least you have friends. I never had any. At least not close to my age.”

Cera, Ducky, Spike, and Little Foot gasp. They never heard such a thing. Petrie widened his eyes.

“Wow.” Petrie replies. Angel looked toward Petrie with insecurity in her eyes.

Petrie turned around and Angel felt his gentle hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry.”

Angel stares at Petrie with pure consideration.

Petrie looks into her deep blue eyes.

“At least you have friends now. Whatever happened before, it has passed you. You know us and we know you.”  

Angel looks up at Petrie with a soft smile. She wipes a tear away as she replies,

“You’re right.”

Ducky runs to Angel and gives her a hug.

“Yep, yep, your friends with us now!”

Angel turns a little red. She also felt as if she couldn’t breathe.

“Ducky, correct me if I’m wrong, but do you even know how much of a bear hug this is?”

Little Foot, Petrie, Spike, and Cera laugh and chuckle.

“Whoops, sorry Angel!”

Ducky immediately lets go, which makes Angel fall face first in to the dirt.

Ducky giggles.

“Oops, sorry again.”

Angel frowns and wipes the dirt of her face. She ended up smiling at Ducky. Angel got up and still looked as if she had more to tell. Cera was the next one to break the laughter.

“But what about Pterano? What did he do to you? You haven’t got to that part yet.”

Angel’s smile turns into a sad frown as she looks at Cera for a slight moment, then lowers her head, and speaks utterly soft.

“Yes. Pterano,”

Angel gulps lightly with dread as she looked up at Cera and Petrie.

“He-he killed my parents,” She lowered her eyes again. “as well as my siblings.”

Everyone gasped in bewilderment. They completely forgot to eat their tree stars; even Spike’s heart skipped a beat before he gulped down his last tree star.

Petrie tries not to sob, but he ends up stammering.

“He-he killed your parents? Don’t believe this!”

He sits down on a boulder and had his hand to his forehead. Angel tried to comfort him by lightly touching Petrie’s arm.

“Petrie, I’m so sorry. I wish I was lying!” Angel lowered her head in shame.
Petrie jerked his head toward Angel, clasped her hand, and tightened it as he replied with an unpredictable stare.


Angel stammered at his response as she replied, “Wh-what?”

Petrie loosened his grip, trying to control his anger. Then he exhaled his breath and softened his eyes more as he replied,  

“I said, explain.”

Angel jerked her hand away and tried to pull herself together before she turned to everyone else and replied.

“Okay, well, here’s what happened,”  

Spike gulps a tree star. Cera nibbles on her tree stars nervously. Ducky bites her nails. Little Foot’s eyes widened, remembering his own mother dying. Petrie thought his heart was going to collapse.

The others thought this was madness, even Cera thought that Pterano would never do such a thing. The truth was:

He did.

LBT Fanfiction / Legend 1: The Warrior Flyers?
« on: May 11, 2008, 08:40:54 PM »
Legend 5:
Hidden Fear

“Man, did it pour last night!”

Cera shook the mud off her feet, as she got ready to walk across the quick sand.

Angel snickered evilly and slightly nervously.

Petrie fastened a leaf around Cera’s head, blocking her eyes. He directed her to where she would be walking.

Little Foot declared, “Cera, maybe you shouldn’t do this. I mean c’mon, the rocks are very slippery from last night.”

Cera rolled her eyes and stuck up her horn in the air. “Stop being so bossy! I can do this!”

Little Foot and Angel roll their eyes. Ducky covers her eyes.

“I can’t look!”

Petrie rolls his eyes. Spike stares at Cera in awe, Little Foot sighs feeling embarrassed for his proud friend, and Ducky shivers with horror.

“I don’t like what Cera is doing, I don’t, I don’t!”

Angel chuckles in satisfaction.

“This is going to be good!”

Petrie stares at Angel coldly. Why don’t you cross the quick sand then?

Cera approaches the sinking sand ditch. She stated cocky-like.

“I’ll show you all that I can do it!”

Ducky covers her eyes, Angel covers her ears, and Spike covers his mouth. They present a see no evil, speak no evil, and hear no-evil signs.

Cera closes her eyes, takes one-step forward, sticks her nose in the air, and walks on the stepping-stones. She walks one-step stone to another carefully, but not realizing a frog that was on one stone; she trips over the frog with a scream and falls right in.

Everyone except Angel shouted, “Cera!”

Petrie whispers to himself.

“I’m doing this for my good friend. So please, bless my soul.”

Petrie makes a cross sign from his head to his shoulders. Then he dives in to save Cera.

 Angel runs to try to stop him.


Angel skids to a reluctant halt.

“Are you mad?”

Angel gasps, surprised that she even was worried about Petrie. Ducky, Little Foot, and Spike seemed to be surprised as such.

Petrie grabs at Cera’s horn, but due to Cera wiggling about, he couldn’t hang on.

“Cera! Calm do-awn!”

Petrie fell in the sands.

Little Foot, Angel, Spike, and Ducky all screamed, “Petrie!”

Angel looks around her surroundings; she finds an extremely long vine attached to a willow tree. She flies high up to the top, cuts the vine with her sharp pointy teeth, and drags it down to the quick sand.

She commanded to Ducky, “Ducky, help me tie a hoop with this vine. We may be able to pull Cera and Petrie out.”

Little Foot was realizing Angel was not being her “so-called self.” He narrowed his eyes and said, “Wait a minute; I thought you didn’t like us? Why are you helping?”

Angel was annoyed by Little Foot’s question. She knew there wasn’t enough time to explain.

“Do you want to save your friends or not?”

Little Foot finally saw that Angel was serious.

“Okay, Ducky you do whatever Angel tells you to do.”

Little Foot narrowed his eyes at Angel once he said,

“For now.”

Angel rolled her eyes.

If Black Death was here right now, you would be the first one out of all of us to be killed and have your teeth used as trophies for the necklaces of the Blood Clan warriors.

Angel was always annoyed by long necks; they had a reputation of being “know it alls.”

As Ducky tied the vine in a form of a rope, time seemed to go by too fast for them. Cera and Petrie were drowning fast and they had a limited time to save them.

“Guys, you try to pull them out, I’m going to get help.”

Angel expected to get a lecture from the adolescent dinosaurs, but all they did was nod quickly. Angel took off from the ground leaving the group of young dinosaurs behind. She could only hope that they would save their friends in time.

Angel flew to the waterfall where her flock was. She saw her Aunt Reggie practicing for tonight’s ceremonial dance with some other female flyers and Zona. She saw Kaskae talking to Riku and some of the warrior flyers, probably about the war. That was the talk of the whole valley right now.

Angel panted as she called for her grandfather.

“Kaskae, Riku, guys!”

The warriors turned to her direction.

Riku demanded anxiously, “What is it Angel? What’s wrong?”

One of the warriors, Dust Shoulder flexed his claws.

“Did you see any signs of Black Death’s flock?”

Maya added, “Is someone in trouble?”
Angel tried to answer all of their questions.

“No it’s not Black Death, yes someone is in trouble. The great valley kids are drowning in the quick sand. We have to help them!”

Riku rolls his eyes at Angel.

“Oh is that what you came flying here for?”

Angel crossed her arms and stared up at Riku with hard-core, cerulean eyes, “Well we have to do something; two of the kids are going to die if we don’t help them!”

Kaskae concluded, “Yes, we will help.”

Kaskae turns to Maya.

“Maya, you will go with Angel to help get them out.”

He turns to the other two warrior flyers.

“Riku, Dust Shoulder, go and get the adults! I shall go with you.”

Without any hesitation, Maya followed Angel to the quick sands. Riku, Dust Shoulder, and Kaskae flew to tell the parents that their children were in danger.

Once Angel and Maya got closer to the quick sands, Angel could see in horror that not only Petrie and Cera were drowning, but Ducky and Little Foot were too. Spike seemed to be the only one unharmed.

“Oh naga, more of them are drowning!”

Maya and Angel landed on the ground. The kids were screaming. Spike jumped up and down.

“Angel help!”

Angel places her hand under his chin rather gently.

“Don’t worry Spike; help is going to be on its way.”

Maya grabbed a whole of the vine. She grabbed it with her talons and flew above the sand. She was able to throw it and put it around Little Foot’s neck. She dragged him out. Little Foot spat out the sand.


Little Foot coughs and looks up at Maya.


Angel flew over the sand and spotted Ducky’s sinking hand. She grabbed Ducky and pulled her next to Spike. Spike licked his sister. Ducky coughed.

“Yes, it’s not the end for me!”

Angel chuckled a little.

Then she grabbed for the vine and with the help of Maya, they were both able to strap the vine around Cera’s neck and pulled her out, despite all of Cera’s stubborn struggling.
Kaskae, some of his warriors, and the kid’s parents finally came to the sinking sands. Little Foot’s grandparents immediately nuzzled Little Foot once they saw him.

Grandma spoke in a frail worried voice as he wrapped her tail around her pre teen grandson.

“Are you alright my little one?”

Little Foot turns red in embarrassment as he said,  

“Grandma, stop, this is too close for comfort!”

Ducky’s mother hugged Spike and Ducky. Cera’s dad and Tria licked the extra sand off their daughter, but Petrie was nowhere in sight.

“Where’s Petrie?” Rebecca suddenly.

Angel looks straight into pool of quick sand. She whispers.  

“Oh naga!”

Angel felt so guilty. If she did not agree to the stupid plan, Petrie would be up here in the surface. Now he was in the dark thick sands. Angel suddenly did something she thought she would never do.

“I might be crazy doing this,” Angel whispers, “but a flyer has do, what a flyer has to do.”

She dived in the quick sands.

Once Riku saw that Angel was diving in, he immediately tried to stop her.

“Angel! No!”

It was too late; she was already in the sand. Riku just kept staring at the quick sand.

“Have you gone insane?” Riku shouted in hopes that his niece could hear him.

Rebecca stared at Riku with pitiless, cold, narrowed eyes as she declared, “She dived in there to save him!”

“Stupid girl.” Riku cursed Angel softly.

Everyone surrounded the sand, hoping a miracle would happen. Everyone grew tense and nervous. Not one of them, not even Kaskae knew what was happening underneath the sands. Kaskae, however, unlike some of the other dinosaurs, who were just plain scared. He kept his peace. Kaskae was worried for his “granddaughter”.  He looked up at the sky and whispered,

“Please, great spirits of the council protect Angel and Petrie. Give them the courage they need to survive and live this day!”

Angel ignored the thickness of the sand. She just kept going down and down. It was almost impossible to see in the sands, but her instincts kept telling her to do this. She looked around her, hoping to find a floating body somewhere. One thing she knew about the quick sand was that they seemed to make “formations”. She saw one “formation” of sand. It looked like a swirl, like the Air Clan mark. She then saw another formation; it was a flame. The two formations formed together and made a ball of sand.

Suddenly behind the ball, that was when she saw him: Petrie.

“Petrie!” Angel gasped in a bubbled like voice.

Angel dives down to Petrie’s body; with every ounce of her strength, she lifted his body up the surface. The moment she lifted him up, the only thing that was on her mind was him. She felt a sudden urge to befriend this flyer. She was not sure why, she did not even know why she wanted to save him. There was something about this flyer that attracted and appealed to her in some way. It probably was the looks because he was a handsome flyer for his age, but then there was an unexplained feeling, emotion, connection, something that Angel just couldn’t sum it up into one word. However, maybe that one word was: love.

She gasped as she went up the surface. Everyone gasped and cheered at the sudden miracle.

Riku and Kaskae pulled Angel and Petrie out of the mucky sands. Angel laid Petrie’s body gently on the soft earth. Rebecca rushed toward her son and wrapped her wing around him. She did some CPR, but that didn’t seem to work.

“He’s not breathing!” She shouted franticly, “He’s not breathing!”

Kaskae approached the worried mother and calmly directed her.

“Tip his head, what I am about to do might work.”

Immediately, Rebecca did as she was told. Angel stared at them with worried blue eyes. Ducky approached the flyers. She walked next to Angel and Angel put her hand on Ducky’s shoulder to comfort the little swimmer.

Kaskae moved his hand over Petrie’s body, not touching him. Kaskae never forgot to breathe. He inhaled in and out.

Rebecca watched Kaskae’s every move intently. She was not sure what he was doing, but it was either they let Petrie die, or they would help him live.

Kaskae stops doing reiki. Then he looks straight at Rebecca.

“Now you do what I just did.” He serenely structured. “Petrie might respond to your energy more then mine.”  

Again, Rebecca did what he was told. She moved her hand over Petrie’s body. Still, nothing seemed to happen. A small tear rolled from Rebecca’s eye.

Angel walked closer to Rebecca and Kaskae. She loomed over Petrie and held his hand. She whispered in his ear,

“I’m sorry that I was so mean to you and your friends. The truth was,” She gulped before continuing, “I was just afraid of you.”

A tear rolled off Angel’s cheek, it landed on Petrie’s eye.

Suddenly, Petrie blinked. He opened his eyes slowly and coughed. Everyone gasped.
Petrie looked up at Angel. He spoke in a soft weak voice.


Angel gasped. She hugged him, which made Petrie sit up.

“You’re alright! You’re alive!”

Rebecca hugged Petrie as well. “Oh, Petrie, I was so worried!”

Petrie spoke in a soft voice again.

“Uh, okay, this is a lot of love, but it’s also really intruding my personal space!”

Rebecca and Angel let go of Petrie.

Angel chuckles,

“Okay Petrie, whatever you say.”

Ducky jumps up and down.

“Yay, Petrie’s alive! Petrie’s alive!”

Ducky runs over to Petrie and hugs him. She seemed to do a little dance as she was hugging him. Petrie was turning bright red, almost purple.

“You’re alive! You’re alive!”

Petrie struggles to get out of Ducky’s grip, but he decided to be a bit more polite.

“I’m glad you are alive too Ducky. Now would you please let go of me!”

Ducky lets go of Petrie, which in the result of letting him go, he falls.

She giggles. “Ops, sorry!”

Angel helps Petrie up. Cera, Little Foot and Spike run toward the group.

Cera stated gleefully. “I’m so glad you guys are okay!”
Little Foot spoke rather excitedly.

“Petrie, you should’ve seen Angel, she literally dived in the sinking sands to save you. She’s a real hero Petrie!”

Petrie turns his head to Angel. He narrowed his eyes and smiled mischievously as he said,

“Did she?”

Angel realized that she was holding Petrie’s hands. She gasped, quickly backed up, and turned red.

Petrie still had his eyes narrowed and arms crossed.

“So you do care about us.”

Angel sighed knowing that she had to tell the truth.

“Okay, fine. I would be grateful if I was your friend.”  

Cera, Ducky, and Spike widened their eyes, but Little Foot asked.

“Even if we are losers?”

Angel rolled her eyes as she stated.

“Please, it takes a loser to know one, so what do you think that makes me?”

Little Foot laughed.

Kaskae stood in the middle of the crowd. He threw his wings out to his sides and into the sky.

“May the spirits bless us today! We all have worked together in peace to save five young lives!”

Petrie looked at his surroundings, everyone cheered. Then he looked at Angel, who looked as if she did the most embarrassing thing ever. Petrie laid a hand on her arm.
Well I would be honored if you were my friend.”

This time Angel looked deep into Petrie’s eyes and said in reply.

“I would be honored to accept your request.”

Petrie seemed to laugh nervously. He was a little nervous about what he was feeling right now, but he could sense something was up with Angel.

Mr. Three Horn and Tria walked to their daughter. Kaskae knew what to expect from this youthful like Three Horn.

“Yes, we know that everyone is safe, but we don’t know who to blame!”

Angel rolls her eyes. She flew from the ground and landed near Cera and her jerky father so she could stand up to him.

“That shouldn’t matter Mr. Three Horn! All that matters now is that everyone is safe!”

Tria had a startled expression on her face as she stared at Angel.

Good job girl! You definitely stood up for yourself.

Mr. Three Horn ignores Angel and looks straight at his daughter.

Tria looks at her mate in frustration.

Mr. Three Horn said gruffly to his daughter, “Cera? Do you know who is guilty of getting you in trouble? How did you almost drown in the sinking sands?”

Cera is at first speechless. Her mouth and mind seemed to dry up. She couldn’t say anything to her father! She lowers her head for a few moments.

Mr. Three Horn replied, “I’m waiting.”

Cera then slowly lifted her head to face her father’s cold hazel eyes. She was going to open her mouth to tell the truth.

“Daddy, I’m sorry. It was,”

Angel bravely approached Mr. Three Horn and admitted herself, “It was my fault Mr. Three Horn.”

Cera stared at Angel in amazement.

Why are you lying for me?

Mr. Three Horn’s pupils widened in surprise, “You are the one to blame?”

Tria saw the look Cera gave Angel. Tria knew what was happening, but she didn’t say anything.

Angel tried hard to keep her voice steady as she spoke.  

“Yes sir. I,” Angel paused to gain more words and courage.

“I stupidly challenged Cera into walking across the sinking sands blind-folded. I was being stupid and snobby the other day. Cera accepted the challenge. I thought it would be,”

Angel gulps in fear of being run over by the Three Horn, “funny to see her trip, but I just only felt guilt. Then the rest of her friends tried to save her. I was the only one not drowning, so I called for help.”

Angel looks at Maya gratefully.

“And I’m grateful that I got it.”

Angel looks at Cera with a nervous smile. Cera looks at her gratefully.

Everyone else stared at Angel in astonishment, Riku whispered something to a near by warrior, the other warrior looked disgusted. Reggie made a questioning glance to Angel, while Kaskae smiled contently.

Mr. Three Horn grumbled under his breath, “Humph, that figures.”
Mr. Three Horn showed his usual stern face toward Angel as if he was a large sharp tooth preying on a helpless herbivore. “Well, normally, I would prohibit Cera from hanging out with you.”

Cera gasps. Tria tries to comfort her stepdaughter by nuzzling at Cera’s side.

Everyone seemed to hold their breaths for Mr. Three Horn’s response. Riku gave a snarling glare at Mr. Three Horn, but Reggie touched his arm and stared at his silver gaze with her stern silver eyes. Riku became less tense.

“But, because you helped out in the end, it will be okay for Cera to see you.”

Mr. Three Horn still did not loose the frown on his face. Angel gave him sly smile.

Cera exhaled in relief and let a smile appear on her face.

Mr. Three Horn turned to Cera and scowled something to her. Tria gave him the ëwhat in the world are you talking about’ facial expression.

Angel could not hear him, but she seemed to have a hint of what Mr. Three Horn was talking about.

Then Mr. Three Horn says to Cera for everyone to hear.

“Cera lets head back to the nest.”

Cera just smiled. She was indeed relived as she said,

“Okay daddy.”

Everyone walked away relived yet shocked. Some of the Air Clan members flew away. Rebecca walked toward Angel. In a soft voice she said,

“Thank you Angel, for saving Petrie.”

 Petrie added.

“So, I guess you’re going to be with us tomorrow?”

 “Sure thing, anything for my friends.”

Angel replied causally.

Petrie’s eyes widened.

“Did you just call us, “friends?”

Angel’s eyes softened.

“Of course I did. That’s because you guys are.”

“Well thanks.” Petrie replied with a sly smile.

Petrie then gives a silent goodbye with a wave of his auburn wing and follows his mother back to their cliff home. Angel looks up at the pair and thought she saw a light aura surrounding Petrie.  

Cera breaks the uneasy silence with a playful sneer. She narrows her eyes at Angel as she approaches her covertly.

“I saw that look in your eye.”

Angel jerks to set her eyes on Cera and tried to act puzzled.

“What are you talking about?”

Cera taunted even more while prodding Angel.

“You know who I’m talking about, Petrie.”

Angel shushed Cera.

“He’s not my boyfriend! I only knew him for two days. Besides, I can’t like him like that!”

Cera nudged Angel gently with her tail as she mocked.

“Okay, Angel, whatever you say, whatever you say. Still, if you do like Petrie in that way, I just want to say, he seems into you too.”

“Cera, hurry,”

Tria called over her shoulder.

“We have to get home!”

Angel made her face expressionless and whispered.

“Well, alright, if you really need to know, sure I like him, but I don’t know if I like him, like him. Besides, it’s more complicated than you think.”

Angel had her head lowered in despair and confusion.

Tria called Cera’s name again, and Cera whispered back, this time she was sincere.

“You can tell me more tomorrow all right?”

Cera and Angel say their fellow goodbyes to each other. Then Cera trots away, to catch up with Tria and her father.

The only ones around the quick sands were Angel, Kaskae, Reggie, Riku, and Maya. Riku was the first one to speak, naturally, in a harsh, scolding tone,

“Angel, where was your head back there? You could have died! And for what, a descendant of Blood Clan, I saw you staring at him. You know you cannot be with him Angel! You are the heir for Air Clan, the last remaining clan touchable to the council! You aren’t going to be living the rest of your life with some, some thug!”

Angel’s eyes blazed with blue fire and her face flustered of humiliation and disgust.

Angel yelled with mental flames spiraling out of her mouth.

“Is it that bad Riku? Maybe I don’t want to be in love with him, why can’t I just be friends with him? I don’t see any harm in that!”

Riku narrowed his eyes.

“Well, to tell you the truth,”

He turned to glare at Kaskae, who had saddened eyes staring back.

“I don’t know why we are even here, but just as long as I’m here,”

Riku stared down at Angel with hardcore, silvery rock eyes.

“You aren’t going to be near him or any of those stupid children. They’re too common for your liking!”

Angel screeched at her uncle’s face, “Well you’re too common for our whole clan! If you can’t accept that herd, then why should anyone else accept you?”

Riku took some steps back, and this time, Kaskae came into the conversation with a booming, yet unbreakable voice.

“That is enough! This is nonsense and misinterpretation. We will talk more about this later; in the meantime, we must get ready for the spirit ceremony tomorrow night.”

Reggie added as she stepped toward Angel.


She spoke with a soft yet firm voice.

“Angel, the spirits have told Kaskae and Zona that you are ready for your warrior symbol ceremony. That is when you get your symbol and your spirit name.”

Riku stared at Reggie in bewilderment. So much in bewilderment, he couldn’t say a word.


Reggie turned to Maya and Zona.

“Let’s go, we have to practice until the ceremony arrives.”    

With a hard glare at Riku, Angel took off and followed Reggie to practice the ceremony.

Riku watched Angel fly away with a throbbing heart. Then he sighed as he lowered his head. Kaskae rested a wing gently on Riku’s shoulder, and Riku suddenly spoke in defeat.

“Kaskae, I don’t think I get her anymore. I thought I did, but,”

Riku stalled to find more words, but he remained silent. Kaskae then put his imput gently.

“Riku, Angel is a bright youth, very bright indeed, she would understand you if you talked to her a bit more. She’s afraid of you as you are of her.”

Riku stared at Kaskae coldly.

“I know that. A blind and deaf spike tail could see she’s afraid of me. I do not want her to be afraid of me; I just want her to know there are dangers out there. I just cannot stand the thought of her being, well, you know.”

Kaskae nods understandingly and then said before he took off.

“Remember my brother, no matter how much you guard her and protect her life, you must realize that Angel has to go through the experiences herself, just as you, me, and everyone else has. The world is not simple anymore. It is becoming more complicated. The war for life is coming closer than it was before, if you put your faith into the council, you will no longer be as afraid.”

Riku had his eyes look to one side in uncertainty, but Kaskae said more.

“Also, know that if Angel ever needs you, you can be there.”

With a placid nudge on Riku’s shoulder, Kaskae took off, leaving Riku with his own thoughts. Riku thought intently about Kaskae’s words.

After a moment of peace, he flew away to find some of the male Air Clan warriors.
He did not seem to notice a ghostly flyer watching him. It whispered for only believers to hear,

“An element by itself is powerful, but with another, it can overcome anything.”

LBT Fanfiction / Legend 1: The Warrior Flyers?
« on: May 11, 2008, 08:30:20 PM »
Legend 4:
Heart Broken Spy

What is the matter with you? Just because he had a striking resemblance to that flyer in my dream, is doesn’t mean anything! Get it out of your head, he is probably a stuck up jerk anyway, he’s related to Blood Clan, so you should not be surprised.

Angel thought to herself as she flew side by side with Kaskae and the rest of the clan. Her mind and soul was wrapped up in so many emotions, she felt that she could not stand it anymore. Although, she wanted to tell this to Kaskae, her pride became in her way, so instead of discussing how she was feeling, she threw her emotions on Kaskae.

“Grandfather, why do I even have to escort around this stupid land anyway? I don’t even like it here! I would rather be chocked alive by Blood Clan themselves!”

Kaskae replied rather shortly.

“You should be thankful that the herd was kind enough to let us stay here. If it wasn’t for them, we would all be caught by Blood Clan.”

Angel whined.

“You know we are so much purer than that vulgar herd! Besides, they don’t even know how to fight!”

Kaskae breathed before he replied to his impatient “granddaughter”.

“They have fighting techniques just like us. They just don’t use them as often as we do because they don’t need to.”

Angel blurted stupidly.

“Whose side are you on Kaskae? You saw how rude that old gas-bag Three Horn was to Uncle Riku! He almost bit his head off! All I’m trying to say is that we deserve much better then what they’re giving us!”

Kaskae gently laid his wing on Angel and looked straight into her soul.

“The council tells me that your spirit does not want to be here. You must relax for tonight. If you want, will be more then happy to hear what you have to say.”

Angel had a hot tear fall from her eye as she looked away and said, “You’re right. I’ll just go. Rest is all I probably need.”

Angel was about to turn away from the scouting flock, but before she dashed off, she mumbled, with a slight of shine in her eyes.

“Thanks Kaskae.”

Angel dashed off from the night sky, leaving her exhausted grandfather behind.

Kaskae breathed silently. He meditated on his last words he said to Angel, and what Angel said back. Although, he had a clear clue of what Angel was going through, he wanted Angel to speak first.

Kaskae dazed at the stars in the sky and spoke with the council,

Father Sky, Mother Earth, and all spirits of council and the whole universe, help us during these dark times and keep our minds clear from any contaminate thought.

Kaskae suddenly saw Reggie at the corner of his eye flying toward him. Her eyes widened with worry.

“Kaskae, is everything alright with Angel? She left unexpectedly.”

Kaskae nodded reassuringly. “She will be alright. She needs to go through whatever she needs to go through, just like life itself. You know Reggie, she happens remind me of someone who has the temper of a volcano.”

Reggie chuckled in reply, “You mean Riku? Yeah, she is kind of like him. They’re both fiery, they both have a mind of their own, and they are completely loyal to their clan.”

Kaskae next pointed out, “Yes, and I must tell you something else.”

Reggie’s eyes suddenly sparked with pure interest. She leaned closer so Kaskae could whisper.

“There was a prophecy the council told me that other night. It said: Fire and Air become one, while darkness finds its own element.”

Reggie slowly turned her head away and thought over that statement. She knew that the Air Clan and Fire Clan were great allies ever since the beginning of time and she knew that darkness was not a real element, but what did that all mean?

“I believe Angel is part of the prophecy and so is that boy, Petrie.” Kaskae affirmed.

As the clan passed by, they did not see a shadowy figure sneak by them. It dashed in the shadows of the trees, it ran behind a boulder, making sure it did not make a sound. It stared at the flock for a moment. The figure couldn’t believe they didn’t hear him! He must have been too quiet for them or they were so wrapped up in their conversation they didn’t notice him.

He then crouched to four legs and crawled away from the great valley. He flew silently to the cliffs and then flew down on the rocky ground. He found new information.

“Black Death has to be proud.”

A well-muscled, pure black flyer was perching on a tree branch replied out of thin air.

“Will I Pterano?”

Pterano gasps as he sees the dark Lord under the moonlight. The moon shined on his luminous red eyes. They looked like two balls of fire. The rain looked like sweat on the elderly, yet handsome face.

Pterano speaks nervously as Black Death flies from the tree branch to the ground.

“Black! Black Death, I didn’t see you there. Uh, well, I guess I better give the 411 then.”

Black Death crosses his arms.

“Shouldn’t you?”

Pterano gulped as Black Death coiled his extremely long claws. Black Death looked expressionless, but Pterano sensed something uneasy in Black Death’s energy and in how he acted.

“Yeah, well here’s the thing, Kaskae, you know from the Air Clan, well he’s,”

Black Death does not give Pterano a chance to explain. He caterwauls and swipes at Pterano with his long claws as he beats Pterano to the ground. Pterano clasps into the dirt. Pterano pants as he looked down at his scarred hands. Black Death pins Pterano and pulls his shoulder to force Pterano look at him. Black Death was in complete rage as he asked the petrified flyer.

“Kaskae and his Clan are in the Great Valley right now, alive, is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

Pterano replied as he panted.

“Yes, but it’s a small number. Even the great valley herd is small compared to us.”

The expression on Black Death’s face dramatically changed from in rage to simple curiosity. He lets go of Pterano’s shoulder, which leaves Pterano to fall back into the dirt.

“How small is Kaskae’s clan exactly?”

Pterano finally gets himself up despite the pain that rippled through his body. He would not dare show any weakness in front of his Lord.

“Only twelve Black Death.”

Black Death then nods and looks at Pterano approvingly. He added with much sophistication in his voice.

“Perfect, not bad at all. Has it increased since then?”

Pterano replied quickly.

“It has increased only when Kaskae’s clan came into their land sir.”

Black Death mumbled with aggression.

“So that old fool is rounding up allies to be his body guards. Such weakness!”

Pterano feels a deep pain in his body, but more importantly, his heart.

If the great valley knew what I was doing right now, then I would never be able to come back!

Black Death suddenly interrupted Pterano’s dark thoughts by looming over him and darkly glaring at him.

“What are you so intensely thinking about? You need to keep your mind and ears open when I am speaking to you.  You know that rule don’t you?”

Pterano made himself shrink like a hatchling and replied in a child like way.

“I do sir.”

Black Death glares at Pterano as if scanning the younger flyer for any faults. Then he looks to the Great Valley and replies.

“Very well.”

Pterano looks to the Great Valley. He sighs in deep depression.  

Black Death flies gracefully to a big boulder, knowing he could get a better view of the Great Valley. Black Death then looks straight to Pterano.

“Pterano, come over here.”

Pterano takes off from the low ground and lands next to his Lord. Black Death puts a wing around Pterano and points to the great valley.

“Do you see that land out there?”

Pterano nods quickly.

“Right there is our future. Imagine that mass of land being ours, all of it!”

Black Death unwraps his wing from Pterano. He embraces the Great Valley instead.

“Look at it, it’s richer then gold. Those free loading, proud, stubborn goons do not deserve something like that! Our clan does.”  

Black Death turns back to Pterano. His glare darkens as he steps closer and closer toward him.

“This whole world is going to be one under my wing. I have the power to take control of this one patch of land. I just need to know of their weakness.”

Pterano had his mouth partly open as he gaped in horror at Lord Black Death’s blood shot flaring eyes.

Black Death pauses as he sees Pterano rubbing his neck and turning red.

“Pterano, is there a problem?”

Pterano blurts aloud.


Black Death stares at him as if Pterano grew fur.

Pterano turns redder. Sweat seemed to be pouring down, but really, it was the rain. Even though Pterano was showing signs of embarrassment, he was more ashamed then embarrassed.

Black Death rolled his eyes and stated harshly.

“Alright Pterano, it looks like we need to head back before you get into a nervous wreck.”  

Pterano silently sighed in relief. Before Black Death took off from the ground, he added to the nervous younger flyer.

“Pterano; this is a good thing that you are doing. I hope you know that. We don’t need anymore traitors in this family.”

Black Death’s eyes flashed as he said his last sentence, “We don’t need anymore traitors in this family.”

Flash Back

A dark blue, brown-eyed female flyer stared coldly at her father and demanded.

“What exactly is wrong with Flame?”

Black Death coarsely replied.

“Flame is a felon! You deserve more then a simple peasant’s life!

 “He’s not a felon! He is a loner, just a simple traveler! He never committed to any crime!”

Black Death snarls and slashes some rocks in high irritability.  

“Making a move with the Black Flyer’s daughter is a crime by itself Black Fang!”  

 “How dare you use that name!”

“What do you mean, “how dare I?” That is your identity! That’s your name!”

“No. It’s not.”

The young flyer looked down with hot tears willing to escape her eyes and fall to the ground. She felt Black Death’s eyes tearing through her flesh as she continued with a sharp tongue.
“It’s Rebecca. Black Fang is forever gone.”

 Black Death stares at his daughter in disbelief with his blood-shot, sinister eyes. Black Death did not yell, but he spoke in a low, raspy tone. To Pterano, that was even scarier then Black Death yelling.  

“If you are not Black Fang, if you don’t belong in Blood Clan,”

Rebecca looked up at her father. Black Death then looked straight into her eyes.

“Then get out. Rebecca.”

Rebecca closed her eyes, turned her head. She stalked out of the mountain. Pterano was hiding behind a rock when he saw what happened.

Black Death stared at him once Rebecca took off. He approached Pterano. He had a frosty cold voice as he looked at the almost full-grown flyer.

“Pterano, you will not tell anyone about this. Do you hear me?”

Pterano flashed a glare at his Lord.

“If you hate Rebecca’s boyfriend so much, why don’t you kill him, like you did with Mianna!”  

Mianna was Pterano’s teenage sweet heart. However, she was a slave to the Blood Clan. She came from the Earth Clan. Pterano was heart broken once he saw her, lying there, blood stained, mouth open, her skin dried with blood, and him: that bloodthirsty murderer, with bloodstained claws, looming over that poor lifeless body. As if Pterano’s heart couldn’t collapse anymore, Pterano gave an idea to Black Death.

“No. I won’t kill him, but you will!”

“What? Why me?”

Black Death crosses his arms as he replied coolly and compellingly.

“Because if you don’t, not only will I kill him myself and my daughter’s heart, I will kill you too. Therefore, unless you have a good excuse to have your flesh hanged on the wall for displays to come, you will do what Jagged Fang and the rest of your ancestors have done for years. It is a matter of life and death out there Pterano. I look to you as my loyal son, you have the drive in your veins to lead and turn your clan to victory. Besides, you get what you deserve and so does your sister. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”

Black Death stroked one of the grand teeth around his neck as if as a threat.
Pterano sighed sadly in pity for his sister, her boyfriend, and himself.

“Yes sir. I shall not let you down.”

Black Death grinned revealing his white and yellow fangs.

“Good answer.”

Before Black Death brushed Pterano aside to leave to the “Dictator Den”, he replied coolly while looking to his extremely long claws, then to his son.

“Oh, and by the way Pterano, you must remember this. Whatever choice you make, whatever mistake or accident you make, it will affect you and your clan. That is the most important rule in leadership and warrior’s man ship in any case: everything will be your fault.”  


Black Death took off and let Pterano alone with his thoughts in the rain.

So many times out there, I would watch a happy pair. Of lovers walking in the night. They had a kind of glow around them. It almost looked like heaven’s light.

Pterano stood there for a couple of moments with his head down. He felt so broken.

I knew I would never know that warm and loving glow. Though I might wish with all my might.

As rain dropped on him, he felt as if the spirits in the heavens were crying for him.

No soul as weak and wretched as my soul was ever meant for heaven’s light. Then suddenly, an angel inspired me and kissed my beak without a trace of fright. And when she said that she actually cared for me, my spirit began to soar that night.

He stood there for some defeating moments.

But now that she’s gone I realize, I was never meant for heaven’s light.

Pterano then reluctantly took off from the ground and caught up with his father.  

As he flew away, the wind started to get more powerful, the rain blew in their faces, like lashing whips.

As the sky grew darker into black, the stars seemed to form in different patterns, one a flame pattern, one a swirl, and another of some sort of half flame. Pterano also heard some whispers among the wind.

Darkness fades

Darkness fades

Darkness fades

The wind seemed to repeat itself as it moved along with its surroundings, the trees, the cliffs, him and his father’s wings. It seemed to be saying a message. Pterano thought that was odd.

The words were just winds sounds to Black Death for he did not hear them. Black Death narrows his eyes at Pterano.

What in the world is that scatter brained, cone head pondering about?

Black Death thought.  

“Star gazing are you?”

Pterano is woken up to his father’s A dark blue, brown-eyed female flyer stared coldly at her father and demanded a good explanation.  He became out of the peace of his mind and into the so-called “reality”.

“Err, yes, constellations, gorgeous.”

Pterano laughs nervously. Black Death just stares at him.

“You’re getting even gayer by the minute. Focus on something else besides constellations. Like world domination for example.”

Pterano just sighed in reply.  

The wind still kept blowing hard as Pterano and Black Death flew into the star speckled sky, to their home: Bone Valley.

In the Great Valley, Angel restlessly tossed and turned in every direction. Her eyes were wide open as if she was having a real nightmare. Then she sat herself up and looked into the starry sky. She quivered as the chilly air went up her spine and she stated shakily.

“Beata Eesta, you know I am a righteous woman. Of my virtue I am justly proud.”

Angel stood up and looked around her. Zona and some other flyers were asleep, but the fire they made to keep warm was not out, so Angel stepped toward it.

“Beata Eesta, you know I am so much purer than that common, vulgar, weak, licentious herd!”

The flames crackled and danced along with the wind.





“Then tell me, Eesta, why I see him dancing there, why his smoldering eyes still scorch my soul!”

The flames crackled as if in reply and the flames started to form a flyer-like shape, dancing among the wild wind. Angel held herself tightly as if for protection of from the flames, and her heart.

“I feel him, I see him, the sun caught in his fiery crown, is blazing in me out of all control!”





“Like fire, hellfire, this fire in my skin. This burning desire has turned me to sin!”

Angel suddenly saw herself being surrounded by fire creatures and some the people she truly feared. She gasped as she saw her uncle’s fear-provoking eyes towering over her.

Confiteor peccavi nimis

Angel glared at her uncle and snarled.

“It’s not my fault! I’m not to blame!”

The fire scorched brighter, brighter, and kept towering over her. She wrapped herself in her wings and ran away.

“It is the fire boy, the demon who sent this flame!”

Confiteor peccavi nimis

“It’s not my fault! If in council’s plan, they made our emotions so much stronger than any clan!”

The fire swarmed all around her, consuming her spirit. She did however, motioned her arms upward, her hands pointing outward for protection.

“Protect me Eesta, don’t let this siren cast his spell, don’t his fire sear my flesh and bone. Destroy Petrie and let him taste the fires of hell or else let him be yours and yours alone!”

With a gust of wind, the flames disappeared into the thin air. She heard someone’s feet crackle the leaves on the soot-covered ground. The voice was Zona’s,

“Angel, honey, are you alright? You sound angry.”

Angel jerked around to see Zona’s worried face.

“I just blew out the fire place and I sort of “burned” myself.”

Zona’s eyes widened.

“Are you sure your okay? Let me examine the burns.”

Angel gasped and screeched, “NAGA!”

ëNaga’ was the Inuit word for ëno’, and Angel used that term whenever she was in real deep fear or anger.

Zona’s eyes narrowed doubtfully once Angel yelled that.

Angel’s eyes and voice suddenly softened she said calmly, “I mean, no, they’re not severe burns, I’m okay, I assure you.”
Zona took a small glance at Angel again and saw Angel’s point.

“Okay, I trust you, but if you want to talk about anything, anything at all, I’m here to listen. And just listen.”

Zona made a simple nod for goodnight and she jogged away to her nest, leaving Angel in her own dark thoughts.

Angel turned to see the dark patch of where the fire used to be. Even though the fire was gone and diminished, she felt the flames continuing to consume her from the inside out.

“Hellfire, dark fire, now demon it’s your turn, choose council or, your pyre, be theirs or you will burn!”

She screeched so loud that the thunder rolled through the sky and lighting flashed in the pitch darkness as if in reply.

“Toe-ta sky, have mercy on him. To-ta sky, have mercy on me.”

Angel formed a fist to the black sky and stared at the lighting with cold hearted, furious flames in her eyes, and she screeched with her hard-core voice.

“But he will be yours, or he will burn!!!!!!!”

Angel dropped to the wet soot out of exhaustion, and she wept with her face in the black mud. And she fell into the most forbidding sleep.

General Land Before Time / Which pairings do you like/dislike?
« on: May 11, 2008, 07:05:39 PM »
Quote from: pokeplayer984,May 11 2008 on  05:46 AM
Let me tell you a little something about Shipping, everyone.

It doesn't need to revolve around becoming mates.  It can even be such a simple thing as friendship. (Quite a few shippings on the net have come forth just because of this.) In fact, there's even one-sided shippings that are still represented in the fashion of ???&???.  After all, Shipping is about the love relationship between two individuals, and there's SO many levels of that.

So understand that the following that I like I do not pertain to mating:

Grandma Longneck&Grandpa Longneck
Topsy&Tria (Yes, I actually like that.)

Pairings I hate:

Any that are of the same gender.

In all seriousness guys.  You're over-exaggerating with this.  Let's just stop and calm down before it goes too far and gets pushed to AM.
I honestly don't see how we would be "over-exaggerating" with these pairings, we are just talking and discussing  :P:

It's Party Time! / Word Association
« on: May 11, 2008, 05:06:00 PM »
powdered sugar

LBT Fanfiction / Legend 1: The Warrior Flyers?
« on: May 11, 2008, 02:49:48 PM »
Legend 3:
Meeting Angel

Little Foot, Spike, and Ducky had to plug their ears as Petrie and Cera argued about what Mr. Three Horn and Riku said. Cera of course was on her dad’s side. Petrie wanted so badly to yell and screech in her face.

Stupid girl! Petrie thought as he argued with Cera.

“Your dad didn’t have to make a remark like that!”

Cera was about to knock Petrie over, but Petrie simply lifted off the ground as Cera charged stupidly.  

“No Cera, that’s not going to work anymore, it’s either you cop that attitude or you just beat it!”

Cera snorted.

Little Foot coughed, “Dumb blonde!”

Petrie gave Little Foot a high five, chuckling.

“Good one Little Foot!”

Ducky looked puzzled. She did not get the joke that much. Spike laughed a little, knowing what it meant.

Cera stared at Little Foot, ready to charge at him.

“What did you say, stick neck?”

Little Foot coughs again.

“Cera, over there, dumb blonde!”

Petrie coughed also.

“Dumb blonde, I see, over there, she’s weird!”

Ducky began to chuckle, she finally understood.

Cera was turning blood red. She about to charge at Little Foot and Petrie, until a voice from the tree above them shouted with a bloody bite on its tongue.

“Yeah, she’s a dumb blonde, but who are you?”
Everyone turns to the voice’s direction, a white flash rams into Petrie and a fight begins.

Everyone gasps and Ducky tries to stop the fight by waving her arms and shouting.

“Stop, let go of him!”

The white flyer and Petrie tumble in the dust. The white flyer gives him a scar on his eye. Petrie throws her off with great ease, and he just lies there, trying to regain his strength. The white flyer was about to strike again, but Little Foot gets in her way.

The white flyer flies to Little Foot’s face level.

“Move it stick neck! Your head is too fat for me to see.”

Little Foot made the pathetic lower lip face as he replied,

“Not after what you did to my friend!”

The young flyer chuckled.

“I should have known you losers would be all together. I could see your brand, “Loser” from a mile away!”

Cera looks up at the snobby-like flyer.

“Who are you calling a loser?”

The white flyer replies in a sarcastic tone.

“Oh no one, I just randomly wanted to say the word.”

She rolls her eyes and chuckles again.

“Of course I’m calling you that. That’s what you all are!”

Petrie puts his hand on his eye feeling the pain of the scar. He looked at his hand once he took it off his eye. He saw drops of blood.

Spike growls at the white flyer in hopes of scaring her. She just laughs.

She rests on a branch as she replied.

“You pip squeaks don’t scare me! Even uncle Riku is scarier then you!”

Petrie wipes the last of the dirt off his wing, then he walks up to the white flyer and asks,

“Who are you exactly?”

Angel looks at her claws as she replied cockily.

“Name’s Angel, short for Angelina of course. I’m the only granddaughter of Kaskae,”

 Angel then looks down hard at Petrie.

“And I am the youngest of the warriors of Air Clan.”

Angel lifts her chin proudly.

Petrie rolls his eyes as he wipes the blood off his hand. He then gets a good look at the flyer.  He could see that she was a member of the Air Clan.  She had the air mark on her forehead. The famous Air swirl. Petrie still wanted to ask her why she wasn’t with her flock.

He narrowed his eyes as he said,

“If you belong to the air clan, why didn’t we see you with them?”
Angel chuckles again.

“My, my, you have to know everything do you?

Suddenly, Angel stops chuckling. She gives Petrie a hard stare.

“Pterano was just like that!”

“Oh yeah, and another thing,” Petrie replied with a new scar accenting his face.  “What do you and your clan have against my uncle?”

“Your uncle is an enemy to our clan! He’s been planning assaults on our clan ever since I was born!”

She looks at her deadly, beautiful claws. Then she looks at Petrie.

“But before I get into that, let me just explain who I am shall I?”

Cera whispers to Petrie.

“I can see why Riku is her uncle, she’s so conceited!”

Angel narrowed her eyes at Cera and pointed one of her fingers at her.

“I heard that horn face!”

Petrie chuckles a little bit because he always wanted to call Cera that.

He immediately stopped because Cera was looking straight at him. Instead of chuckling, he just looked at Angel expecting an answer.

“You still didn’t answer my question.”

Angel jumped off the branch and stuck her face into Petrie’s.

“Well if you and your dumb friends stopped interrupting, then maybe you would be able to find answers!”

Cera snarls at Angel, Spike stares at her coldly, and Ducky puts her hands on her hips. Little Foot looks down at her and asks,

“Why are you so crude and cocky with us?

Angel looks at Little Foot as if to say, “Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to me!” Then she closed her eyes and slammed her hand on her face.

“Sesh, I cannot stand all of these questions!”

She takes off from the ground and flies into Little Foot’s face.

“It’s so hard to answer them all! How about I start with why I wasn’t with my flock.”

She flew back down next to Ducky.

“Well, first off, I was with my flock! I just didn’t want to be seen by you losers!”

Angel stares at all of the preteens as if she was angry with them. No one seemed to see what Angel was really feeling.

Ducky covered her ears, closed her eyes and shouted.

“Stop calling us losers!”

Angel looks at Ducky coldly, and then whacks Ducky’s face with her wing.

Ducky rubs her face.


“Who asked your opinion beak face?”  

Cera walks between Ducky and Angel. She was defending Ducky. She sticks her face in Angel’s face.

“You are really asking for it!”

Angel laughs, almost cackling. She then sighs.

Angel looks at Cera slyly. She crosses her arms.

“Oh Rosa the Riveter, if only you could hear how stupid you sound right now, trying to threaten me with your brawn!”

Cera scrapes the ground, ready to charge at Angel, but Angel simply flies away and looks down at the dinosaurs.

“Do you scatter brained hatchlings even know who I am?”
Petrie sounded unimpressed in his reply, “Well, you certainly are evil and crazy for someone who’s called, “Angel.”  

Angel laughs then sticks her face into Petrie’s face.

“You got it!”

Angel then starts to sing a Hip-Hop song:

“Oh yeah.”

The chorus whispers, “Heart Ripper! Heart Ripper!”

The willow tree that had its branches drooping, Angel used the branches as a curtain. She slowly and gently pulled the curtains out of her way.

The frogs which were the chorus, whistled. Angel slowly approached Petrie and took his hands to pull him close to her.

“Oh yeah.”

Angel looks at the frogs.

“Yeah, you, take it!”

“She’s beautiful, really bad! You better watch it, she’s gonna take your heart. She’s a heart ripper, she’s a heart ripper. She’s beautiful, really bad! You better watch your back, she’s gonna take your heart. She’s a heart ripper. A heart ripper!”

Angel suddenly pushes Petrie away from her. He falls on top of Ducky.

“Uh, huh, I just fallen from the heavenly sky, catching every pretty boy’s eye, you hear your homies say no, don’t even go there, stay right here, you gonna end up nowhere! But then you look at me, yep, baby, you see somtin’ nobody has ever seen. My beautiful eyes, my famous charms, I look good in your bearing arms!”

Angel walks to Petrie, trying to get his arms around her. He struggles to get away. Angel keeps trying to charm him.

“You say we make a great couple, but little do you know I’ll only get you in double trouble. You say no way it can’t be true, but I say yep, you are totally new. To this old game, to this rerun, I will only use you as a little practice round. Sorry to break you heart and make you cry, so hard that you would die! I just wish you could be the man that could be mine!”

The chorus sings.

“She’s beautiful, really bad, you better watch your back, she’s gonna take your heart. She’s a heart ripper. She’s a heart ripper. She’s beautiful, really bad, you better watch your back, she’s gonna take your heart. She’s a heart ripper. A heart ripper.”

Petrie was now boiling, although he was somewhat awed by Angel’s dancing, he still had it with her.

He steps in front of Angel and sings.

“You think I’m stupid, you think I’m dumb. But really its you that’s the bum. Showing off your pride, trying to hide, that insecurity that you bottle up inside!”

Petrie grits his teeth and steps very close to Angel.

“I get closer to you, you sweat like hell! You try to act like everything is going well. But I can see right through you, you can’t run, can’t hide. There’s no way you can find the right guy! No one like’s a person that lies. You think you can fool me, no mam, good thing I’m not that man! That tries to impress, a fake damsel in distress! Behind that mask I can see, a monster that’s just giving me the creeps!”

The chorus sings.

“She’s beautiful, very bad, you better watch your back, she’s gonna take your heart. She’s a heart ripper! She’s a heart ripper! She’s beautiful, very bad, you better watch your back, she’s gonna take your heart. She’s a heart ripper! She’s a heart ripper! She’s broken hearts, she made cupid throw his darts, you better guard your heart, she’s gonna tear it apart, all right! You better have a really smart head on those shoulders of yours, cause she’s a heart ripper, heart ripper. Oh yeah.”

Cera drones.

“So you think you can out smart us all! Those of us short and tall! So what’s your plan? Let’s see, if you can out smart the man!”

Angel sings in reply.

“I’ll show you better then that, if I can find my out of this trap! I’m mad as hell, can’t you tell? I’m wasting my time in this stupid prison cell!”

The chorus sings:

“She’s beautiful, very bad, you better watch your back, she’s gonna take your heart. She’s a heart ripper. She’s a heart ripper!

“She’s beautiful, really bad, you better watch your back, she’s gonna take your heart. She’s a heart ripper. She’s a heart ripper!”

Angel puts a hand behind her ear and leans toward the frogs.

“Listen to that!”

The chorus sings in conclusion.

“She’s beautiful, really bad, you better watch your back she’s gonna take your heart. She’s a heart ripper. She’s a ripper!”

The frogs hip-hop away. It left Angel to say her last sentence. Angel mounted on the rock and sang the last words,

“Oh, yeah, heart ripper!”

Cera turns away with her nose in the air with a gruff, “humph!”
Angel looks content with herself. Everyone just stared at her. Spike approached cautiously to Angel. Ducky tries to stop him.

Angel hisses at him and extends her claws. She arches her back. Her fangs show.

Spike faints.


Ducky drops to the ground and shivers.

Petrie runs to Ducky and looked up at Angel.

“Enough with this you fool! What’s your problem?”

Angel jumps from the rock and lands next to Petrie. She places a hand behind her “ear” and sneered.

“Oh, I think I just heard the wind!”

Cera shouted at the stuck up flyer in rage.

“We can be as great as you! We all have style!”

Cera looks at Petrie. She was impressed with his rap.

Angel turns to Cera’s direction, with her hands on her hips. She shows her fangs as she spoke.

“Yeah right! You can’t even make good comebacks!”

“Well, we fought sharp teeth many times before!”

Cera turns to her friends expecting support.

“Right guys?”

Everyone nods. Ducky then speaks in an almost cheery voice.

“Oh yes, sharp teeth are now the least of our problems!”
Cera smiled at Ducky’s comment. She then turned to Angel with her chin in the air.

I should say something to make this fat girl feel like a three-horned fool! Angel thought darkly.

“Alright, you think you are so great. Then name something that you think I could never do.”  

Cera thought intently while Angel stood there looking as if she was Mother Earth herself.

After a while, Cera gasped and narrowed her eyes at Angel’s bored looking ones.
“We will walk across the sinking sands, blind-folded!”

Petrie, Ducky, Little Foot, and Spike both shouted in disbelief, “What?”

Angel laughs and falls to the ground. She pounds her fist, laughing hysterically.

Angel then wipes her tears away. She stood up.

“You should do stand up that’s really good! You got me there! That is the most stupid, foul, and most insane challenge I have ever heard! No wonder why your friends called you “the dumb blonde”.

Cera narrowed her eyes at her friends.

Spike, Ducky, and Petrie point to Little Foot. Little Foot points to Petrie.  

Cera then turned her attention to Angel. She sneered in reply.

“Well maybe it’s because you never tried it! Maybe you’re a coward!”

Angel gave a sharp reply back.

“Or maybe it’s because I’m not an air head like you!”
Cera sneered.

“Air head? What are you talking about? You are a flyer, AND you belong to Air Clan! How do ya like that?”
Angel thought over the challenge. It might bring some amusement to her insecurities. The three horn would fall in the pit of goop, she would go to the council and Angel would tell everyone what Cera was trying to do, and she would just laugh it off as Cera’s friends take the blame.

Angel gave a deadly, sly smile as she replied,

“Well, okay, I’m up for it. Are you?”

Cera tried to strut herself.

“I thought you said it was dumb?”

Angel crossed her arms and still smiled. “So I did. Still, a warrior never gives up a challenge because every challenge is a test from the council. They want me to over come my obstacle. So, do we have a deal?”

Angel raises her hand out to sake with Cera.

Cera shrugs.

“I don’t have any hands.”

Petrie approaches Angel. He reached for her hand.

“I do.”

Petrie and Angel shook. At first, they glared at each other in pure hatred, but once they saw stared straight in each other’s eyes, they locked, and with a jolt, they realized that they were in the same dream.

Flash Back

“What’s happening? Who are you and why are we here?”

“Don’t ask me why I’m here, do you know why?”


They jerked away from each other in consternation. Angel remembered those eyes of fire and the extreme masculine features of the flyer in her dream.

Petrie remembered the beautiful, feminine charms of the white flyer and the eyes of silvery blue. He felt that enchantment overwhelming him at that moment. Angel turned her head away and rubbed her neck with anxiety.

Before Angel took off from the ground, she disrupted the silence.

“Well, see you much, losers!”

Petrie stares after her. The sun gave a physical aura around Angel and the sun enlightened her eyes, making Angel have a heavenly appearance. Petrie was in that trance until Cera interrupted his deep thoughts.

“I can’t believe that rat brain! She came out of nowhere! Why was she so mean to us?”

Little Foot pointed out.

“Well, usually when people are mean to others, they insecure about themselves.”

Cera walks away with Little Foot, Ducky, and Spike.

“I still don’t get why though. What did we do to her?”

Ducky pointed out as well.

“Cera, it’s not what’s wrong with us; it’s what’s wrong with her.”

Little Foot nodded in agreement.
“She’s right.”
Spike nods at Ducky’s wise words.

Petrie was only half listening to them. His mind buzzed with so many questions and uneasy thoughts and emotions. Why was Angel so mean to his friends; especially him? Was it true that Pterano used to be part of the Blood Clan? Why did he feel a respect for Angel even though Angel was mean to him? And why did Angel have so much vengeance toward Pterano? He suddenly remembered his dream again and remembered what Kaskae said about the called three flyers. Angel was in his dream and she was an air flyer, but the other two he could not figure out. He also remembered the prophecy his father stated to him.  

In one of the trees, a flyer’s face seemed to form, the face smiled. She looked at Petrie and then Angel. She whispered in the winds and heavens, hoping he, the air flyer, or the dark flyer, who was faraway, could hear her,



Become one.

Darkness will have to find the light and find its own element.

Petrie thought he heard something in the winds. He turned around, but could only see trees and he could only hear and feel the wind.

Petrie was so deep in his thoughts him almost did not hear Little Foot’s statement.

“Petrie are you awake?”

Petrie turned his head slowly, to only look at his friend’s direction.

“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Petrie takes off and flies over his friends. He didn’t really want to talk to them right now. He was too wound up in his own thoughts.

He looked up. The sky wasn’t as clear as it was in the morning.    It was gray and it looked like it was going to rain. Two raindrops already hit Petrie’s beak.

“We probably should get home soon guys. It looks like it’s going to rain soon.”
Little Foot looks up as well. One raindrop fell on his eye. He blinked it away as he replied to his friends.

“Petrie’s right. We better hurry.”

Little Foot runs as fast as he could. Cera and Spike run after him. Ducky clings on to Spike’s tail.

“Spike you are running too fast!”

Petrie chuckles a little. Then follows them. Even though he was going through hard times right now, at least he could count on his friends to cheer him up.

He felt the rain sprinkling down on his wings. Something told him it was going to rain heavily tonight. It seemed as if the sky above was crying for the earth in some way. Petrie just didn’t know why it was crying, or even if it really was.

LBT Fanfiction / A drawing I made
« on: May 11, 2008, 12:58:46 PM »
Well, that definitely looks like her! :) Very good. I like it!

LBT Fanfiction / One Long Tail
« on: May 11, 2008, 12:41:57 PM »
I remember trying to read you fanfic before. I didn't want to say anything at first. I keep trying to read it, but for some reason, I just don't care for it :p

It's nothing against you, it's just the way you formatted the story, it's as if you're dropping characters in the fanfic out of no where. I mean, sure the fanfic is suspenseful, I can see that, but I dunno, your fanfic just bores me  :P:

Also, I have a minor character in my story named Dark Eye, did you make that character right after you read my story, or was a Dark Eye a character that was made at the top of your head before you read my story.

I just want to know, I get really annoyed when people steal ideas from other people without even the slightest acknowledgment.

Please don't get offended by this, this story is just not really my cup of tea.

Old Captions / Ducky Ouch Caption
« on: May 11, 2008, 12:49:32 AM »
Ducky: "I finally found out who I am! I'm not a swimmer! I'm a floater!"

General Land Before Time / Most hated/liked LBT character
« on: May 11, 2008, 12:37:31 AM »
Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,May 10 2008 on  07:56 PM
Quote from: Rat_lady7,May 10 2008 on  08:11 PM
Cera comes really close...very close....
:blink:  :blink:

Yeah, I guess ya don't truly know a person until ya meet them in person.  Everyone has their opinions.  Here's my two cents: there is so much more positive to Cera's character than what meets the eye(or ears), and I am in many(but not all) ways similar to her.  If she were human, I would probably view her as a best friend.  I think folks are more quick to call out a female character for being headstrong.  Why is it that it's okay for a man to speak his mind and be considered a "real man" for doing so, yet when a female speaks her mind she's considered a b**** :angry:?  If Cera was such a despicable character then why is she so well-liked?  I'm one to not associate with mean folk, so I must see positive in Cera in order for her to be my favorite character :yes  :^.^:.

Make no mistake, you're opinion is just as important as everyone else's.  I am not intending to berate ya whatsoever.  Sorry if I offended ya :slap.
I'm slightly offended, but not completely. Because I do call myself a feminist and I like how Cera is strong, it's just that she is VERY childish and usually treats her friends like crud. Yeah, I get, in many cultures, its okay for a guy to act up because it looks "manly" but if a woman does it she's called a b****.

I probably would like Cera more if she didn't make all of those comments to others about her and I really wish I could go into the tv screen, strangle her and tell her to grow up.

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