The Gang of Five
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World of Furry


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The year is 21XX.  It has been nearly a century since the discovery of the first Anthromorphic human, or as they came to be known, "furries".  They have since integrated into society as a whole, bringing their unique talents to the world.  However, since then, strange phenomena have begun occuring.  Tears in the fabric of reality have begun to crop up.  And where these breaches appear, there are monsters following.  Mutations that have become advanced and begun hunting humans and furries alike.  In response to these attacks, the governments of the world have united to create the Titan Project.  Producing mechanical suits designed to combat these intrusions, an array of pilots have been selected, trained, and deployed in combat.  However, this war has turned into a losing battle.  Pilots are being lost faster than they can be trained, and so the governments have begun to recruit volunteer pilots, though only a select few can adapt to the project.  This is their story.  This is their legacy...


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The brush danced over the canvas, orange tendrils trailing behind it as it moved to curve upward and then to the right. Again this motion was repeated, filling that tendril in with even more color and depth. Two more times the brush was run over the same spot, a white hand manipulating it until the color came out fully to the artist's satisfaction.

Round orange eyes studied the picture, the strange mishmash of reds, oranges, and blacks giving the impression of a fire that was playing over the canvas. To some observers, it was nothing but a series of lines and colors, but to others, perhaps flames could be discerned. Or maybe it was flowers. Either way, it was abstract, and Vergil Speicher wanted to leave it open to viewer interpretation just what they saw within its depths.

"Phew... I think it's time for a break." The voice was deeper, rich and baritone like, and certainly didn't seem to match the diminutive form that set his palette down on a small table beside the canvas. Vergil Speicher was a gecko-like creature with pure white skin, as if it had been bleached multiple times. He stood on two legs, being an anthro, and had a tail about the length of his body stretching out behind him. As for his height, he stood only about three and a half feet tall, though from his head some prominent white feathers jutted out backwards, almost like a headdress of sorts but being as natural to him as hair was to humans. Well... perhaps not completely "natural." Vergil looked nothing like others of his kind. His white skin, head feathers, and large orange eyes were atypical, being the result of heavy genetic manipulation.

Tapping a finger on his long, angular snout, the gecko gave one final glance at the picture, and decided it truly was time for a break. He needed some fresh air... and he most likely had to report to his station soon. Vergil was one of those newer pilot recruits who was still considered "green" but was showing great potential, and much of his work days were spent in intensive training.

Snagging his keys from the same table the palette rested on, he locked his small apartment on the way out, pushed the down button in the hallway, and began riding the swift elevator down to street level. It was time to start the day "proper."

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Captain Rhodan clutched his saber upon reflex and glowered ahead of him, glaring evilly at the titanium alloy elevaor doors as if they had somehow cursed him, or - judging by the way he was staring at them - his mother.

The anthro frilled lizard stood about six and a half feet in height, which was a challenge standing in this rather cramped metal chute; his length was a different story. Rhodan, being an anthropomorphic, walked on two legs, leaving his sizeable four-foot-long tail to drag along behind him.

Now in the elevator, on the way to the top level, Rhodan held his tail aloft with one claw and with the other, he was still fiddling with his saber. He was nervous, and annoyed, and just plain tired - it had been an early start for him as he arranged some sort of substitue to look after his troops while he was away on such the mission he signed up for. A "mission that he probably wouldn't return from", the substitute had remarked drily. Rhodan knew that, but that didn't deter his willingness to participate in what he believed a noble cause: justice. Justice always had a nice ring to it, and causes for justice's sake were most often the safe ones. Besides, he was a skilled warrior and wasn't really concerned about the unknown.

At least, not any more concerned than he thought he should be.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Adrian smirked and leaned against the railing, looking over his Hunter suit as it was outfitted.  Idly sighing and leaning back, he glanced over as a slightly pudgy wolfess walked towards him, looking down slightly.

"Oh, hey Shannon.  Something the matter?  I look down."

He said softly, suddenly concerned for his pack Alpha, and long-time friend.  The wolfess glanced up, eyes red from crying, and shook her head.  

"Not really...I just found out that he was cheating on me...we..."

She let out a little sob and threw her arms around him, burying her face in his shoulder and whimpering as he wrapped his arms around her...


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The elevator in Vergil's building reached the bottom floor, or more precisely, the subterranean garage. While most cars had hover features these days and didn't touch the streets, Vergil was a bit... old fashioned. The gecko had received a huge sign-up bonus upon enlisting, and as it was figured these volunteer pilots wouldn't live very long past their initial tours of duty, the government had decided something was needed as a little extra incentive for the ones brave (or stupid) enough to even perform this type of work.

As Vergil didn't believe in playing much close to his chest these days, he'd went ahead and dumped most of his bonus on a novelty... albeit an expensive novelty. He'd bought a custom built replica of a 1937 Cord 812 convertible. It was red colored, as Vergil really didn't want to contrast too much with a black one, or blend in too much with one that was white.

Popping the trunk, the gecko stowed a bag he'd been carrying on his shoulder, and proceeded to enter his car and start up the Lycoming V8. Listening to it idle, the gecko stepped out to lower the top before reentering the car. Depressing the clutch and putting the Cord into gear, Vergil pulled out of the garage and eased the car into traffic. Sometimes he got odd looks, but more often than not fellow motorists admired the older "toy" that drove beside their newer vehicles.

Turning on the radio for some music, the gecko sat back and worked his way towards the highway. The nice thing about the Cord 812 was that it had a semi-automatic transmission, meaning after the first shift into gear, no more shifting was required. Turning his orange eyes briefly skyward, the gecko tried to keep his mind off... other things. Things like his good friend's wedding. Things like how much he loved his good friend... and how she was marrying another one of his best friends and not him. Yes... life wasn't always kind or fair...

Turning up the radio and trying to clear his mind, Vergil accelerated as he reached the highway, taking the "loop" around the city to the base. Pressing the pedal down, Vergil watched the speedometer as he crept it up to just about 10 above the speed limit (at least for cars on analog control. The "fast lane" all went the same speed under digital control). Sure, driving a car like this meant one had to be constantly aware at all times, but Vergil didn't care. He felt it a thrilling thing to experience every time he put himself behind the wheel of his new Cord. Besides... life was too short not to experience things like this...

The wind whipped his feathers as he maintained his speed, the music surrounding him as he settled into a state of relaxed awareness, and though he briefly considered stopping by Alice's place to wish her well on her upcoming wedding, he instead zoomed by her exit and kept going. There would be a time for that later... right now, he just wanted to enjoy the ride.

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Gar was relaxing in a chair.  He had a book that was open in his lap and he was reading it.  He was an anthro dragon, not a common thing.  He adjusted the way he weas sitting to put less puressure on his wings.   He looked around a bit at his surroundings before he turned the page and went back to his reading, not in any hurry at the moment.


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Inside the briefing room, Adrian sat next to Shannon, who had her head laying in his lap as she sniffled a little, then looked up at him.  

" you think maybe...we could..."

She froze, then blushed and looked away as the doors opened again...


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Vergil was nearing the base now, the rather large structure looming ahead of him as his Cord moved along at its steady pace. The weather was nice enough that Vergil decided to get off the highway a few exits early, so he could enjoy a slower drive into the base. Preselecting third gear with the lever on the dash, Vergil pressed the clutch and the car automatically downshifted with no need for the driver to do anything further.

Driving through the outskirts of the city, Vergil was glad he was able to clear his mind of other less... savory thoughts. Instead, he was fully into the drive now, relaxing and enjoying the smooth ride the Cord always gave. Despite being one of the world's first front-wheel drive vehicles, the car evinced none of the bad qualities many of those front-wheel drives had at the time, such as bad vibrations or rough handling.

White wall tires screeching a tad as he made the turn and drove down the declining road towards the base, Vergil accelerated before slowing gradually to a halt at the security gate. Scanners were moving all over his car, looking for anything out of the ordinary, though the gecko couldn't physically see any of this. Upon matching his DNA with that found on file and not detecting anything malicious with the car, the heavy blast door leading to the base's garage drew down into the ground, and Vergil drove on in, finding a parking spot towards the garage's middle.

It was finally time to kill the engine, and Vergil reluctantly did so, switching the key to the off position and shutting down the V8. Man he loved this car. It made his morning and evening commutes that much better. It made him look forward to every day, despite how short he kept hearing his life would be.

Stepping out into the garage, Vergil removed the special shoes he wore which allowed him to reach the pedals, and put the Cord's top back up, latching it into place before retrieving his bag from the trunk.

A few minutes more and the white gecko was entering the briefing room, taking note of a were and a female wolf already present. Clearing his throat slightly (he was a tad embarrassed as he seemed to be interrupting something), the gecko moved behind the row of seats and gave off a "Good morning" as he set his bag down in one of the chairs and moved to sit next to it. He wasn't familiar with these two, but that wasn't a surprise, seeing as he had only been recruited two weeks ago.

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Rhodan grumbled as he stepped off the elevator, which had given him a jolt as it reached the top floor. He hopped neatly off and released his tail, which fell to the floor with a dull thump.

Adjusting his tri-corner hat and making sure his sash bearing his medals was in plain sight - he wanted to make a good impression - she strode smartly down the hallway, reaching the briefing room described to him. He noticed he wasn't alone. He grimaced slightly at the other three figures inside, but made no comment.

It wasn't that he was prejudiced against weres or geckoes - he was a reptile himself after all - but he was indeed curious. What other anthropomorphics had been selected. He nodded curtly as he entered and seated himself rather clumsily in a chair near the front of the room. After all, he was a captain - he needed to be at the front of action.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Adrian looked up as Rhodan and Vergil entered the room, nodding at them both.  As Vergil took a seat near him, he blushed and chuckled a little.

"This is so not what it looks like, by the way.  Also, yeah.  G'morning."

He said with a small smirk as Shannon looked up...


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Vergil realized he was being addressed, and looked over at Adrian as Rhodan entered the room. Vergil wasn't sure if Rhodan was their commander, but judging from his uniform, Vergil decided to play it safe, and rose to his feet, giving a salute. "Um... sir." he said, nodding. He then sat back down and smiled at Adrian's words.

"Eheh... I'm sure it wouldn't be any of my business even if it was." he chuckled a little here, then decided to extend his hand out in greeting. "Vergil Speicher. I'm relatively a newcomer to this. Was recruited just two weeks ago."

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Adrian grinned and reached out and shook Vergil's hand.

"Adrian.  Adrian Yukimura Starr.  You can call me Yuki.  Second-in-command of the 07th Mobile Corps."

He said, smiling amiably as Shannon reached out a hand.

"And I'm Shannon MacDonald.  Formerly Co-Commander of the same.  Nice to meet you."

She said with a smile...


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"Oh! Second-in-command!" Vergil stated, frowning thoughtfully and nodding as he first shook Adrian's hand. "Impressive! Yuki it is, then! Nice to meet you."

He then proceed to shake Shannon's hand. "Nice to meet you as well." he responded. "Formerly? May I ask what your current status is, then?" Vergil asked curiously, looking from her to Adrian and hoping it was the right thing to say.

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Shannon looked aside and then smiled a little.  

"Now, I'm the sole leader.  My...ex-mate is...well he isn't welcome back anymore.  Let's just leave it at that.  And I'm also still the Alpha of my pack."

She chuckled.  Yuki smirked.  

"Yeah, well...the reason isn't the best..."

He said softly...


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Vergil nodded as he listened to Shannon's explanation. He picked up on what Adrian had said, but decided not to pry too much into her background just yet. It didn't sound like a good separation, after all. Plus she did say she wanted to leave it at that, and Vergil could certainly respect that.

"Ahhh so... you're his superior then." Vergil commented, pointing from Shannon to Adrian. "Makes sense now." he nodded once more.

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Shannon smirked and nodded.

"Yep.  In more ways than one."

She chuckled, as Adrian rolled his eyes.  He looked like he was about to say something else, but before he could, the room lights darkened, and a lone figure stepped out onto the platform.  General Azerius, one of the foremost leaders of the Titan project, and commander of the facility that housed one of the major response teams.  Stepping towards a podium, he cleared his throat.  

"Alright.  Captain Rhodan, Lieutenants Starr and MacDonald, and Mr...Vergil, was it?"

He said, glancing around at the four others in the room, then nodding.

"Good, you're all here.  There's been rift activity developing near the city park in the heart of town.  You four are going to be dispatched in Hunter-class gear to observe the area and contain or destroy any incursions that make it through.   We have support weapons ready, and will be able to send them as soon as you need.  Be warned, however, that the telemetry data is indicating that there will be multiple incursions.  Be on your guard.  All troops, get ready and suit up in your Cores!"

He snapped the last line as an order, and Adrian and Shannon both nodded, snapping salutes...


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"Speicher... sir." Vergil spoke up when asked if he simply went by Vergil. "Sergeant First Class... Speicher, sir." he stated, his voice low so as to avoid interrupting too much.

The park... the heart of town... not good. So... they were going to be deployed today. And the threat was close to home. Wonderful. Vergil came to attention at the end of the briefing, and displayed a smart salute as well, his face becoming serious.

It was time to go to work... time to break out the Hunter and do what he did best... preserving society so they could enjoy more days ahead.

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Rhodan nodded and moved to sit up, but he had a final question. "Sir," he addressed first, voice low.

"Without any previous training in this deployment, are you certain tat's a wise decision?" He asked, narrowing his eyes slightly. His tail tapped the floor behind him, as if echoing his apparent concern.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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General Azerius nodded.

"Your concern is noted.  But I selected this team because you are the best pilots we have.  I have utmost confidence in your ability to succeed in this mission.  We've already begun evacuating the area, so there should be minimal risk of civilian casualties.  However, do keep damage to the area low.  I'm trusting you to take charge of the group, since you're the ranking officer.  Make sure they come back alive."

He said, nodding...


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Rhodan saluted smartly, but he didn't feel like his question had been answered. He came upon the group outside and he nodded curtly towards them all.
"I... I suppose the time has come to move out. I'm to take command of the group, so I'm told. Might as well introduce myself." He clicked his plantigraded ankles together and his tail behind him cracked against the floor with whip-like intensity.
"Captain Rhodan Agaminae. I don't often resort to last-name basis, however. My skills as a pilot are outmatched only when I'm on the groundm but I am capable of handling such a craft. If you need anything, I prefer to be addressed as Captain." He looked around the group, settling on the gecko he had seen when he first entered the room.
"And you, sir?"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein