The Gang of Five
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Legend of the Sierra Negra

Pterano · 107 · 17134


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((OK everyone, I'm back!))

"Unfortunately, no." Melander shook his head here. "I only grabbed that stone before escaping. I'm not even sure which of his goons are paired with which stones, in fact." the western fence lizard explained with an apologetic shrug. "But count yourself lucky this time around at least. You came out of it with only a scratch. I was almost killed trekking this far. And he will be back... or someone else just as bad. He won't stop until I'm found. So there are two solutions: One, I leave your town and continue my quest to gather some formidable resistance against Mr. Malachus or two, we form that posse we had been discussing, ride out to the Sierra Negra, put an end to the legend, and ride back several times richer than when we left."

Melander smiled here, looking around at the assemblage.

Rango said nothing for the moment, knowing the option they'd most likely have to take. Even he could admit his sense of adventure was getting the better of him, despite the danger of it all. He was itching to go on another journey of mythic proportions, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he thought of it.

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Stirrup snickered, hooking his claws around his gun belt. "Several times richer... Yer a man after m'own heart, Melander." He licked his teeth. And if he should happen to... pick up any of these abilities for himself in those mountains... Well, he wouldn't complain. "Any ideas floatin' around about which direction we should be headin'?"

Looking across at Chip, he shoved the doctor out of the way and made to snatch the ruby. "An' I reckon I should be the one ta hold this. Fer safe keepin', ya hear me?"


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Chip tugged back, glaring daggers at the lizard. "Back off an' find yer own mythical gem!"

Beans grimaced. She knew all too well what the final choice would be. She just hoped the good Sheriff had a better understanding of the stakes this time aorund. "Y'all best be gettin' prepped, then." She remarked.

Chip, upon hearing that, jerked his head towards the conversation, wincing a little as his neck stung. "Wait, what? We're still goin'?"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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After fully paying and making sure everything was still in the wagon Jack & John set out.  They had stopped at a general store on the way to the wagons to get extra full canteens with water to make it through the desert.  That done they started to head to the next town on John's list.


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"Now hold on! Yes, the black-footed one will be holding onto that ruby for now, though I'll be taking it back at some point." Melander stated, stepping in front of Stirrup now to back him off.

"Well of course we're goin' out there!" Rango declared. "We can't sit back and let more of those varmints in here!" he exclaimed. "We gotta hit 'em first! Get 'em before they get us! Good offense is the best defense and all that, right?" he asked, looking around now.

"Well I'm all for it... I guess." Bill murmured here, narrowing his eyes and looking down at the ground. "Got nothin' to lose but my life after all, and I stand to gain quite a lot from it. 's like that old sayin'... pay a man enough, and he'll walk barefoot into hell! Yeah that's me right now!" he chuckled, brightening up a bit as he raised his head.

"Is uh... something the matter, Chip?" Rango asked, eyes swiveling down to the ferret.

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The issue of Chip's mortality hadn't really hit him as hard in the past. Sure, he'd been shot, nearly strangled, and thrown off of roofs before, but he always managed to come out on semi-top. He hadn't really thought about not coming back until some random - and in-no-way-fair-at-all! - chuckwalla comes bounding in with a severe impervious-ness to pain! And the only thing stopping him was a tiny little jewel!

He clutched it tightly in his paw now as he swallowed. "M'fine," he muttered. "Jus' sore that's all." He didn't want to admit that he was more than a mite hesitant. Not scared, certainly, but the warning signs had shot up, and there was little use any amount of shoving them back under would do.

"When do we start?"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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"I say we get goin' soon as we can," Stirrup drawled, turning his head slightly to look out at the vast desert surrounding Dirt. "Faster we get our asses in gear, the faster I... ah, we can get to that treasure. An' I reckon this Malachus ain't gonna be expectin' us to ride out straight away, neither."

He looked at Rango. "An' the faster you can get back here to protect your little... town," Stirrup said, waving a claw dismissively to show how much he cared about that.


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Beans glowered at the lizard. "Ain't yer call t'make, sir! This here's Rango's decision 'bout when we go." She looked to the little Sheriff for confirmation. "Well?"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Rango looked around. "Well uh... shortly!" he exclaimed. "Gotta make sure we're at least properly prepared though. Start collecting yer firearms... uh, that is, everyone who's gonna ride with us!" he declared, throwing a finger into the air. "And we'll be on our way!"

"Where exactly are the Sierra Negra anyway?" Bill asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh... well uh... not... entirely sure on that!" Rango replied nervously.

"I can lead the way." Melander answered. "But rather than avoid the unpleasantries of having one of us ride off ahead of the others after killing everyone in their sleep if I told you all the way up front, I think it best if I reveal the way as we ride." the western fence lizard explained with a grin.

"So uh... you got a roadrunner there, Chip?" Rango asked the ferret, uncertain on that.

"He's got brains... I'll give 'em that." Bill murmured to Stirrup. "But I thought he said he couldn't fully remember the way. He's either lying or cleverer than he looks."

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Stirrup sniffed and nodded. "I trust that lizard 'bout as far as I could throw my Mawmaw." He paused. "An' she liked t'eat. So that ain't far." Looking at Bill, he squinted his eyes. "I say, we keep our eyes on 'im. If he decides he's gon' double cross us... well, there's more'a us than there's a him." He didn't mention that if Melander was indeed planning to double cross them, using more of these... super-goons he'd mentioned, they'd likely all be dead. Willful omission was easy in the face of overwhelming greed.

Spinning to Rango, Stirrup waved an arm around. "An' I'm gonna need another roadrunner too. 'Least until I can get poor, gentle Ripper back." Putting his claws on his hips, he craned his head around. "Any fine, bonafide creatures ya got hangin' around?"


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"Well of course!" Rango replied, nodding, and smiling a bit to himself. "Uh Buford! Bring out Lil' Nelly!" Buford's eyes widened at this.

"You sure, sheriff?" the toad asked.

"Yup! Sure am!" the chameleon replied. Nodding, Buford went off to complete the errand, and before long, a rather ragged, forlorn and worn out roadrunner was brought around from the back of the saloon.

"Here she is! Lil' Nelly!" Rango declared proudly, as if showing off a prize racehorse.

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Stirrup stared expectantly as Buford disappeared around the corner. "Lil' Nelly? This had better be..." The lizard's mouth snapped shut as Nelly was brought out front. For a long while, he didn't say anything, the corners of his mouth starting to turn downwards. Then, with slow steps, he approached the dark blue roadrunner, his face dropping so low it looked like it might start dragging on the floor. Nelly and Stirrup stared at each other for a while, the bird shifting his feet nervously.

"What... is... this?!" Stirrup growled, spinning around to face the others. "This some kinda joke?! Lookit 'im! He's gonna keel over any second! He's all raggedy an' thin like," the ragged and thin lizard complained. "An' I bet you ain't never even killed a man jus' fer lookin' at ya funny, then worn his clothes fer a week t'celebrate? Huh?" he demanded the creature. "Have ya?!" Nelly blinked back at him, tilting his head apprehensively. "Stupid bird!" Stirrup cried, wheeling around and gesturing wildly at Rango. "I'm gonna turn 'im into a barbeque! Now, you'd better jus' go an' - Gah!" The lizard spun at a sharp pain in his tail, drawing his pistol and pointing it at the roadrunner. "You little..."

Nelly was looking around in an exaggerated show of innocence. Stirrup paused, looked down at where he'd been bitten, then holstered his gun with a toothy grin starting to appear on his face. "Maybe y'ain't so bad... I can see a killer in ya yet. I'll take 'im!" Nelly blinked and coughed.


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(That was awesome... I need a Lil'Nelly :lol)

Chip grunted. "I ditched my last runner. Ya got any... healthier-lookin' ones?" He snickered at Stirrup. "Well, when he keels over on ya, don't go lookin' fer a free ride."
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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"Why of course we do!" Rango declared, hiking up his belt a bit and placing his hands proudly on his hips as he beamed. "We got one just as good as Lil' Nelly here, and I think you'll find him to your liking! He's the majestic, the regal, and the very swift Monarch!" Rango waved his hand to the left as Monarch was led out from behind the saloon. He was accompanied by musical fanfare and several dancing denizens of Dirt, and was a powerful creature indeed. Sun rays seemed to emanate from behind him, and Chip could see he was both muscular but lithe as well, a look of fierce determination on his face.

"Eh? What do you think?" Rango asked, smile still on his face.

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Chip couldn't help but gawk. What was a runner like this doing in a slum like Mud? Which is exactly what he asked.
"How did ya weasel yer way into gettin' him? What, ya kill someone?"
He strode over to the runner and speculated him closely. He was... beautiful, in fact. But this was ridiculous! Didn't he swear he'd never take another runner after Atticus?
Atticus was different! He argued with himself.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Stirrup stared at Chip's roadrunner as it was brought out, his face as sour as if he was sucking a barrel of lemons. He turned back to Nelly, and the bird seemed to frown as if to say, Show off. Stirrup spat to the side, seeing with some satisfaction that it landed on the foot of one of the dancers as they pranced past. "Well, whatever. Ain't no way I'd take a thing like that, anyway. Draw too much attention."

Pulling himself up onto the skinny roadrunner, he adjusted his hat. "Let's get ready t'ride, then. I ain't got all day."


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"Er, something wrong?" Rango blinked, noticing Chip seemed to be studying Monarch closely. "He's the real deal, I can assure you! And nobody was killed for 'im either! We bred 'im actually! At least... that's what I was told!" Rango quickly added, noting the shady looks he got from the citizens of Dirt, who didn't seem to care to elaborate on the topic. "Eheh, yes, well! Anyway, he's all yours if you want him!" Rango finished, giving a more nervous smile now.

"Hmph... roadrunner like that's not easy to come by... I bet someone 'ere stole 'im or something." Bill murmured as he untied his own bird and mounted the saddle. "Certainly puts the rest of ours t'shame though, that's for sure." Kicking his runner in the side a bit, he got it moving so that it moved out in front of the group. "Wouldn't mind taking point, sheriff, if you'd want!" the Gila monster offered, though had his own reasons for doing so.

"Certainly don't mind!" the chameleon replied enthusiastically.

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Chip was sold faster than rattlers to a hawk, but he casually cleared his throat. "Sounds... right nice." He commented, taking hold of Monarch's reins. The bird gave him a quizzical glance, but ruffled his head feathers.
"You an' I'r gonna get along jus' fine," the ferret murmured. "Now, where's mah hat? We've got us a treasure t'find!"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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John & Jack continued along on their wagon.  Jack took a drink from the canteen next to him.  "I don't like the way that wheel sounds." he said looking over at John.

"Maybe we should stop and switch it out with one of our spare wheels." John said.

"We didn't pack a jack." Jack said.

"Don't need one.  I'm strong enough to lift part of the wagon.  Used that as one of my early strong man stunts before I joined the Barnun's circus." He said.  

"Never knew that.  How did you get to be part owner?" Jack asked.  

"Well, Barnum  had a period where things were tight.  I waived being paid and offered some of the money I had and had saved up in exchange for being part owner.  After a few hard months things really started to take off.  Then a year or so later Ringing offered to merge with us to form the Ringling, Barnum & Sandow.  Choosing that order based on the fact Ringing had started his circus a bit before Barnum started his and I bought myself in as part owner of his circus after he had started his." John said bringing the wagon to a stop.   "And the Ringing strong man liked the idea of having another strong man since he could spend more time with his family instead of just the winter months." he said as he started to get out of the wagon.  "You put the wheel on and I'll keep watch while I keep the wagon lifted up."


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Stirrup urged Nelly forwards, passing Chip as he searched for his hat. "We'll jus' see who finds that treasure..." he sneered. Nelly seemed to cower slightly as he approached Monarch, and he slowed down, bringing the lizard to a halt. Stirrup jerked his head down and prodded the bird irritably. "Whatcha doin'? Move it! Yer my ride now, an' that means yer a killer! A stone cold killer bird! Ya!" Stirrup brought his claw down in another ill-tempered prod. Jumping slightly, Nelly scurried past, moving up behind Bill as he rode out in front of the group.