The Gang of Five
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Time and Before

Threehorn · 139 · 38039


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"I was going to say that" Cera said back quickly "We better spilit up fast or we going to lose him." Cera spoke seeing he was almost out of view

Dash The Longneck

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"Good Idea Littlefoot let us split up that way we'll be able to catch up with him. There is no way he can outrun all seven of us if we split up.No, No , No, "Ducky said.

"Me think we'll be able to catch up with easy"Petrie said taking to the sky.


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Doctor notice them starting to spilit up seeming they was looking around for him or someone that looks like the kind of dinosaur he looked like "Hmm I think it time that I have a word with these dinosaurs, it rude to chase someone by just looks alone. If that the reason or has there been others of the kind I am at this moment that been here before?" Doctor thought for a moment "Nah it couldn't be... or could it. just have to find out" Doctor smiled a little with his Rainbow face snout lifted a little showing a grin

Each of them spilt up and then look for him but each finds him at different times and they follow from all different dicections but end up all leading into one place but as all of them got there, the rainbow face wasn't to be seen but not knowing it, the Rainbow Face was hiding only a few feet away.

"Oh this is just great" Cera groans "A good idea to spilt up huh? Look we back to where we started from, we all follow that crazy Rainbow face and leads us back together..." Cera looked really annoyed as she looked at each of her friends seeing what they all got to say about this, Ducky, Petrie, Ruby and Littlefoot, part from Spike who didn't talk.

Dash The Longneck

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"Do not be mad Cera we will find that rainbow face. We will! We will" Ducky said.

"Me, don't think splitting up was such good idea" Petrie said.


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Cera looked at Littlefoot and Ruby "Well what do you have to say for this GOOD idea" She frowns


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That was a good idea, we covered more ground that way.. He has to be close, though, so we've got to keep looking" Littlefoot said. Then he heard a rustle in the bushess nearby..."Hmm.."
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As they went to look behind the Doctor came out from his hidding place then spoke "Behind you" everyone jumped in surprise and turned around.

"How..." Cera was beginning

"Now I got your attenation I got two questions for you, one... why have you been following and two... May I ask your names so I don't have to point to the one I speak to" Doctor said in a cheerful tone with a smile on his snout.

"Erm... Cera" Cera replied not sure what to say being busted like everyone else around with her.


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We'll be the ones asking the questions, thanks' Littlefoot replied briskly "Who or what are you, and why are you here?'
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"That quite harsh of you kid, I just arrived in this valley and doing a little exploring... as what I am well your looking at me" Doctor spoke calmly about it "Is there a reason for you acting like this to me... hmm of course it must be that" Doctor turn away from them. "Let me guess you had some very strange experices with something that look like me but not sure what this someone was doing. Am I close or am I far away?" Doctor turned around again looking at the kids.


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Cera leans over to Littlefoot "Littlefoot this don't sound like the rainbow faces we met before, for one thing this one acting weirder and coming out with words that making sense then the last two" Cera whispers to him she not too impressed by the Doctor's words.

"One thing I quess that could be stated, never judge a dino by it scales but what inside that counts" Doctor just muttered loudly but seem to mostly to himself.

Cera frowns "Ok are you done talking... we haven't got a chance to talk. for the last moments all you be talking, did anyone tell you, that you got a big mouth!" Cera spoke out at him

"Well if I think about it now, yes I believe a few times, hmm at the once with my friend rose when she said I was speaking out too much and a bit rude to Vict..." Doctor gets cut off

"Ok enough! you crazy rainbow face enough with the talking already!!" Cera snapped then turn to Littlefoot "I don't know about you Littlefoot, but I say this isn't the ones we met before, he too crazy and won't stop talking! the rainbow faces we met was always talking in riddles and not making any sense, he more of the oppisite then those two" Cera said to Littlefoot now made her mind up about the Doctor.

Dash The Longneck

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"Cera right this don't sound like rainbow faces we met before. Maybe he different Rainbow face." Petrie said.

"Petrie is right maybe this "Rainbow face" is one we have never seened before."Ducky added.


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Doctor looked at them speaking and turn away for a moment and whispers to himself keeping the words out of ear sight of the others "Two rainbow face came here a while ago. I wonder if they was using a dino compression suit or really the legendary Rainbow alliance that created a connection between dimensions without crossing the void." Doctor then turn back around to listen to the kids to see if he could get some more information about the vistors.

"I know your quite annoid with my talking young lady but can I have one question to ask?" Doctor asked then look at Littlefoot "And if you all kind of enough to answer. I get a feeling that some strange you saw and put such suppision on me for something I do not even know about." Doctor seem to not be annoyed about it and kindly still speaking to them.


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"Yes, The Rainbowfaces were weird dinos who kept talking to riddles.. and I don't believe that that is what you really look like " Littlefoot said...
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"I ususally like to get the point of things, it makes it far more simple and saves time" Doctor spoke to them. "and I am the Doctor and you are?" Doctor asked them with a friendly voice.

"I'm Chomper" Chomper spoke

Doctor look over at him "Well this is a surprise to see, aren't you one of those meating dinos? and your friends with them?"

"Erm yes... I'm a friendly sharptooth and I don't bite that can't bite back and friends with everyone here. they my best friends" Chomper said back to Doctor.

"That is a pleasent thing to hear" Doctor said then look to Cera who spoke up next

Cera didn't look impressed "I'm Cera" she said.

"Nice to meet you Cera" Doctor said not phased by her attiude towards him.


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"What is the name of you delighted children?" Doctor turn to face the others.


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(I've been trying my best to keep this one going but so far it seems to be draining of all life... I've tried and nothing happening... please guys don't forget this is here as well.)

Dash The Longneck

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"My name is Ducky" Ducky said to the Doctor.

"My name Petrie" The little flyer said.


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"It nice to meet you and you are?" Doctor turn to Spike, Littlefoot and Ruby.


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I'm Littlefoot" Littlefoot said reluctantly. "How do we know you're not some sort of bad guy? ' He asked the Doctor, clearly Littlefoot was suspecious of him, and his previous explanations hadn't been persuasive enough..
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"Hmm, now that is a good question." Doctor said and thought about it then spoke to Littlefoot "Here is something of truth. I am alone the last of my..." Doctor took a quick think of what they call a race or a faction of that then in a spilit second found it "Herd, there is no one else but me. So I travel mostly alone..." Doctor felt a bit heartache speaking of his kind even in this manner.