The Gang of Five
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LettuceBacon&Tomato's Character profiles

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I only have one character  :nyah , but I've played him in all three Darwin's Soldiers RPs.

Name: Dr. Rudyard "Rudy" Shelton
Creator: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Age: 40 in first RP, 41 in the last two
Species: Human
Faction: Scientists, Dragonstorm (undercover) in the 3rd RP
Specializations: Great understanding of physics, technology, and (to a limited extent) temporal mechanics. He often uses analogy and historical references in his dialogue.
Powers/Cybernetic enhancement: As of 3rd RP, has a “thought chip” which allows him to communicate with others that have chips.
Appearance: Dark haired and brown eyed, on the taller side. Wears contact lenses. Clean-shaven in the first RP, five o'clock shadow in the 2nd RP, goatee and ponytail in the 3rd RP.
Personality: Marginally sarcastic, but usually doesn't talk unless he sees a reason to. Attempts to solve any problem with logic, almost to a fault. Has no intention whatsoever of risking his life for anyone or anything, thank you very much. Carried a radio-flashlight as his signature piece of equipment in the first two RPs.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Realized I never updated this! I have a few more characters from other franchises now.


Darwin's Soldiers canon

Name: Dr. Oscar Shelton
Creator: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Age: 40 (biologically), 13 (chronologically)
Species: Human
Faction: Scientists
Specializations: All of Rudyard's specialties, as well as extensive knowledge of the Einstein-Rosen bridge, its operation, and its coordinate system
Powers/Cybernetic enhancement: None
Appearance: Dark haired and brown eyed, on the taller side. Right-handed, unlike Rudyard
Personality: Marginally sarcastic, but usually doesn't talk unless he sees a reason to. Attempts to solve any problem with logic, almost to a fault. Has no intention whatsoever of risking his life for anyone or anything, thank you very much
Note: An anti-matter duplicate of Rudyard Shelton created when the former attempted to jump through the Einstein-Rosen bridge

Name: ROSS (Rudyard Oscar Shelton Software)
Creator: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Age: 0
Species: AI
Faction: None (Free-Range Vigilante)
Specializations: cyber-infiltration, hacking, user spoofing, online research
Powers/Cybernetic enhancement: n/a
Appearance: While in Soundwave's machine, looked like a pixellated version of its namesake. After escaping to the internet, has no physical appearance due to being a free-range computer program
Personality: Sarcastic, overly-blunt, largely dismissive of biological life forms due to their extremely slow processing speed


Into the Black canon

Name: Emilena Echo
Player: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Species: Anthro Fox
Age: 21, biologically 7 (see below)
Gender: Female
Faction: Purifiers
Occupation: Law Enforcement/Paralegal
Weapons: Basic police equipment (handcuffs, taser, nightstick, flashlight, pepper spray). Not allowed to carry a firearm due to being on probation.
Description: Orange fur, with black markings on her arms and tail. Long Red hair, tied in a loose ponytail with a black ribbon. Wears a standard-issue police uniform with woven titanium fibers for protection.
Personality: Extremely uptight, nicknamed "Analena" by her fellow officers, she has seemingly no sense of humor and a well-known repulsion for any form of social attachment.
Brief History: Emilena was an orphan, the fifth who volunteered for a controversial "growth acceleration" process, designed to cut down on homeless children by rapidly aging them to adulthood. Her personality is common for those who underwent the procedure, though her asexuality is not. She is currently on probation after inexplicably burning down the orphanage she once lived in, leaving her past records lost to time.
Appearances: Into the Black, Racing the Storm, Blanking the Slate

Name: Lily North
Player: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Species: Human
Age : mid-twenties
Gender: Female
Faction: Fugitive
Occupation: Unknown
Equipment: Tattered gray dress, hiking boots, nothing else
Description: Dark-skinned, with straight black hair and brown eyes.
Personality: At the moment, she is incredibly paranoid and confused. Just trying to survive to the next day.
Backstory: Lily woke up in a field, having no memory of who she is or how she got there. Several close encounters quickly taught her that the police are currently undergoing a massive manhunt for her, and her only goal at the moment is to escape the country. But she doesn't even know where she is or why they want her.
Appearances: Into the Black, Racing the Storm, Blanking the Slate

Name: Flora
Player: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Gender: Intersex
Age: 19
Species: Folf
Occupation: Emilena's gang
Bio: Flora has a female body with a male reproductive system, genetics that are part-wolf and part-fox, and nobody is sure whether she dyes her fur fuchsia or if it's somehow an artifically-induced phenotype. All anyone does know is that she's a bit off-kilter, and an incredibly good driver, her primary role on the team. She also has a transparent crush on Emilena, who puts up with it only because Flora is, actually, the best driver Emilena has ever met.
Appearances: Racing the Storm, Blanking the Slate, Around the Folf

Name: Foley Hudson
Player: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Species: Human
Occupation: Emilena's gang
Appearance: Overweight, usually unshaven, but decently dressed. Has a number of augments such as a headset port on his temple and a memory chip embedded behind one ear.
Bio: Foley is well aware that most other hackers his age have moved on to professional white collar jobs or qualified for major criminal rings, and he doesn't take kindly to people pointing this out. He just suffers from crippling laziness and can't focus on much more than the sort of low-brow drug-running that Emilena's gang specializes in.
Appearances: Racing the Storm

Name: Hal Bitparte
Player: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Duck
Occupation: Emilena's gang
Appearance: Thin, a little on the short side for his age. Black hair, tanned skin.
Bio: Who cares, I'm killing him first chance I get. He's the contacts guy, not good at anything himself but he knows a guy who knows a guy.
Appearances: Racing the Storm

Name: Sergeant Karl Nairda
Player: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Species: Clydesdale
Faction: Scorched Earth
Occupation: Gunner
Appearance: Brown fur with white spots, on the short side with larger hooves than average
Weapons: Shotgun, Nailgun, Combat Knife, Assault Rifle, Revolver
Biography: Karl Nairda traveled with the Royal Expeditionary Force during the Scorched Earth war of the 2030s. He never was particularly notable and most posts didn't notice when he was restationed elsewhere. He often went awol to freelance with Emile and Lena Kibagami, two mercenaries, until he was dishonorably discharged and joined the Vulture Scavenger Corps full-time. Sadly during a raid on a Red Merchant supply ship he was shot by anti-aircraft turrets which shredded his body instantly. He is hardly remembered by anyone at all, with no family.
Appearances: none

Name: Nigel Bailey
Player: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Age: 30
Species: Monitor Lizard
Augmentations: Enhanced memory capacity, several cosmetic surgeries to increase attractiveness
Appearance: A solid dark gold Australian Monitor Lizard with amber colored eyes.  Usually wearing silver-rimmed glasses and metrosexual suits.
Bio, extra details: Nigel's father was a distinguished scientist who fully expected his son to follow in his footsteps. However, Nigel couldn't find himself interested enough to dedicate his youth to studying, and so he dropped out of high school and used his triple-digit IQ to successfully sweet-talk his way into salesmanship. Now he works as DJ Xyler's manager and sees to it that his current moneymaker is bringing in enough commission that he can feel like he made the right career choice.
Appearances: Blanking the Slate

Name: Ashley Kinc
Player: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Age: 35
Species: Andalusian Horse
Augmentations: None.
Appearance: White-furred with black eyes. Muscular but short for his species.
Bio, extra details: Ashley was the oldest and smartest of three children, and for that reason he was the first to go to college with the well-wishes of his parents and their ranch hands. Two years later, a drought drove the family farm out of business and prevented his siblings from joining him, but Ashley was making enough capital as a day trader to complete his education and even afford a virtual reality treadmill for exercise and pleasure. His acquaintances don't know him very well, but most people agree he's a nice enough guy. Ashley's nothing if not self-sufficient.
Appearances: Blanking the Slate


Insane Cafe canon

Name: LĂșcia Shelton
Creator: LettuceBacon&Tomato
Age: 15
Species: Fox
Faction: Civilian
Specializations: Cooking, Bilingual (English and Spanish), Stealth
Powers/Cybernetic enhancement: n/a
Personality: Chipper and eager to see the world, quick to make friends
Appearance: A young orange-furred fox with brown eyes and wavy dark hair