The Gang of Five
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Longneck RP.

Nahla · 499 · 68090


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OOC: Naw don't him..just shatter his body into a thousand pieces..well they pretty much will kill him..but we do kinda need him for later...hmmmm someone might wanna come stop Blackie

Nahla lay motionless on the ground,blood pouring,the lightning lit up her 'lifeless' form.


  • Petrie
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Zimba landed heavily in the mud,He had not one rib that was not shattered. He spat blood out of his mouth and glared at the other longneck "What was THAT for?!!"

OOC: Dude.."What was THAT for?!!" must be Zimba's catch phrase/


  • Ducky
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OOC: Well, don't expect the Grandparents to SZS, they are 1. preoccupied and 2. too far away. Also, when will SOMEONE finally ask who Blackie is? Black Stranger is getting his name at this rate xD

"You know." The black Longneck answered, preparing to simply step on the younger male.  That would be a death-sentence: nothing, absolutely NOTHING survives being stepped upon by a fully-grown Longneck.


  • Petrie
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"I didn't do anything wrong!" Zimba shouted while painfully shifting away "Tell me what I did thats soooooo wrong" he snarled.

OOC: IF Zimba makes out of this alive..he flees the valley and then we can focus on the Grandparents,Blackie/Stranger/What ever his name is and Littlefoot...poor stanger gonna have to be the one to tell Littlefoot about Nahla..poor Littlefoot is gonna grieve for ages. Nahla recovers and in fear flees the valley without anyone even knowing she is even alive. Timeskip again till their adults (and man will three elders be OLD) and bla bla bla. Zimba and Nahla make a shocking return.


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Littlefoot jerked awake after falling asleep for a few moments he had a bad feeling,he sniffed the air and horror filled his face after smelling the scent of Nahla mixed with that of blood and death "Grandma! Grandpa! It's Nahla!" he said in panic attempting to get to his feet again and again.


  • Ducky
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"She is not alone." Grandpa soothed him, pushing him back to the ground. "Now stay down unless you want to worsen your wounds even more."

Meanwhile: *SPLAT*

"Coward..." The black longneck paid the remnants no heed, turning to look at the female. He blinked in shock when he realized she was still breathing.


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Nahla let a out a painful moan..she was  alive..but for how long?

Littlefoor stayed to the ground but he was worried sick.


  • Petrie
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Zimba had been killed instantly when the black male stepped on him. His remains now lay in a pool of blood. What was once  a longneck was now a splattered bloody mess.

OOC: Guess me out now xD. You two go ahead and finish off.


  • Ducky
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OOC: Le whoops, everyone dies now xD

Well, that girl wouldn't stay alive long. He looked up to the rain still falling. It was fitting at least.


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Littlefoot was getting more and more now gone completely silent where he last heard saw Nahla go. He stared in that direction.


  • Ducky
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OOC: Gosh, I am SO bad at telling people someone died!! D:

He left, walking back to the resting-place. "They're dead..." He muttered darkly.


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"WHO?!!' Littlefoot screamed but he had an awful feeling..but he refused to accept it till it was confirmed...Nahla....couldn't


  • Ducky
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"Both." He laid down. "Zimba killed her."


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Littlefoot screamed as he began sobbing,she was dead...this couldn't happen this CAN'T BE HAPPENING. He looked up at the black male and narrowed his eyes "No...I don't believe you" he stood up ignoring his injures and sprinted to where Nahla was.

Sadly by then,Nahla's heart had stopped beating completely..she was dead....gone....she was really gone.


  • Ducky
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"He'll kill himself over this..." Grandma sadly watched him go. "I can see it in his eyes."

"Sprinting with those wounds was no clue?" Grandpa softly whispered.


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Littlefoot threw himself next to Nahla's  lifeless body sobbing.. He nudged her "Nahla..wake up...wake up" he sobbed nudging her harder. This went on for a few minutes before it really hit Littlefoot-she was dead. He raised his head..he felt no reason why HE should live anymore. He stood up and wrapped his own tail around his own neck he looked in the direction his Grandparents were tears falling from his eyes "Sorry..."   he whispered.


  • Ducky
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Mayhap they knew what was to come. They had seen the look in his eyes before.

They should have gone after him. But they didn't. For the first time in their lives, they gave up.


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Littlefoot sighed and took a few last breaths of air. As he thought what he'll be leaving behind...his dad,his grandparents,his friends..but whats the point of staying here if all he was gonna do is suffer? On the brighter side he'll be joinng his mother and Nahla again he made his grip even more tight and uttered his last words "Grandma,Grandpa....forgive me for everything" with that he jerked back on his own neck and a horrific snap of bones filled the air,reaching all the way to where Littlefoot left his grandparents as his dead body dropped to the ground next to Nahla's.


  • Ducky
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They said nothing, but the black Longneck could see their eyes dim.

"A thousand apologies..." He murmured as he rose to his feet.

Come dawn, they too were dead and the stranger was gone. There where he had rested beside their bodies, the grass had died. The bodies of the children had disappeared. Sprouting where they had fallen were three flowers.

A Thistle for Zimba. A frail Orchid for Nahla. And a Dandelion for Littlefoot. The Dandelion grew big, sheltering amongst its' stems the small orchid as the Thistle grew equally big.

But where the bodies of his grandparents had decayed two trees sprouted up, growing higher than any in the Valley ever had. And beside those remained a patch of dead grass, never to be green again.