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Adventures In ToonWorld

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"She really is hungry," Kitty said, looking at the list of meats she was expected to bring to Panty. She remembered just how many denizens there had been in the goddess's stomach, so it made sense her appetite was vast. "I'll get her some when the prince gives us some off time." She looked at the other Prizes and was impressed by the poses they managed to make. Some were very artistic.


"How about a good luck back rub?" Kovu grinned smugly to his lionesses, "Help increase our chances of getting selected." He walked around some seductively and nuzzled them.


The Duke, wearing sunglasses to shield his eyes, was enjoying his time at the Panthera market. As they were a rich community, the food there was of high quality, not the cheap, fast type. "Gourmet mashed potatoes and lobster...." the great owl grinned, taking it in bite after bite. "I should ask for the recipe."


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Mukua drew the prizes in various poses, whether it was ' swimming' in the foundations. resting against pillars, grinding against each other for a ' calendar ' shoot, or even pretending to be the goddess shiva, Mukua drew them all. Atrua was enjoying doing a ' backstroke' pose. Mukua finished drawing. and a bell rang in the distance  ' will prize number 346 please report to the princes personal villa? he requests a massage." came a message over an intercom
 who's number 346? dixie said as lulubelle walked in ' Miss Dixie? the small female bear said. ' the prince requests you massage at the relaxation villa. you may bring 4 prizes with you to perform music for the prince as you massage him. " Hmm. Mukua,Kitty, um.. Chie and..' Me" Atrua said rushing out of the fountain, and nearly bowling Dixie over in her eagerness. " The prince will love my drum solo.. I've been practicing ' She beamed. '  You are referring to 'normal' drums, Atrua?' Mukua said. "Of course. the other set of drums are reserved for more 'intimate' performances." Atrua smirked at her. "Very well ladies Lulubelle said writing down notes on a sheet of paper. " take the prize kart up through ONca pass. its the quickest way to the villa. His highness will be expecting you. do try to be prompt, I understand if several of you are new here." lulubelle said.
- the Prize kart could seat 10, and it was connected to a track that wound its away around the entire Villa network.  Atrua climbed in first, followed by Chie Dixie and Mukua. 'i hope you girls like mouseburgers" Dixie said , gesturing with her ring, and creating 4 large stacks of piping hot mouseburgers. ' Dixie offered the first tray to Kitty ' here you go, girlfriend " She grinned. "something to munch on en route to  meeting the prince." Mukua and Chie both took burgers as Atrua stared the kart.
 The skit began as tom fished for a fish in the river, while Jerry was plotting underwater on how to get even with Tom for using him as bait.  He began tying Toms line to Olivers and yanked on Olivers line.
_ cindy, Ypgi, Bobo and Ranger smith wre enjoyed a nice lunch at the filet fish grilll in the middle of town. the portions were big and tasty.
 kovu relaxed with his lionesses after finishing the proposal for the pridelands. ' the girls snuggled as  with him and brought him food from a hunt. Kopa and vitani were surveying the main stadium that was been built for the games.
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"Mhm," one of the Jokerz said. "You don't look like any of them 'superheroes'. Tell ya what, you're on!"

He shifted into a fighting stance and shot low in an attempt to tackle Stripetail.


Captain Fairchild was battling a group of Jokerz who tried to set fire to a stadium that was to be used for the kart races. The gangsters mostly shot at him with small arms which merely bounced off his heavy armor but he did occasionally contend with someone who tried to take him down with a missile. Although he usually filled them full of holes before they could get a shot off.

After killing a few more of them with his gun pod, the Jokerz wisely took the hint and fled, leaving a mostly ruined stadium behind. He then radioed  the commissioner. "Commissioner Gordon, this is Captain Fairchild. I have removed the Jokerz from Gotham Automotive Raceway. The stadium is severely damaged though."
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 04:08:22 PM by Serris »

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 send me images of  the stadium immediately. Your boss already agreed to help repair the damages. lets hope hes as great as as hes made out to be. Hes rich, hes already proven that to me. Keep driving those thugs out, i'll be in tiouch, Gordon, out'  Gordon cut off the communication, , and turne around. a movement in the corner caught her eye she turned to face a tall masked figure with a large red bat insignia across his chest" And just  who the hell are you? Halloween isnt for another 3 months."she said acidly " hello Commissioner, " terry said through his helmet. ' I'm Batman. I'm here to help. " Really? well color me very skeptical, at best. My father worked with the Batman- the REAL Batman- for decades. the Batman hung up his cowl decades ago. This town has enough problems without some kid trading in on the legend  of a long retired superhero. "Gordon said curtly "I really can help" terry protested. ' So, you really want to help? stay out of police business, ALL police business' Gordon got out of her seat, and pointed her finger at Terry " I mean it, i catch any hint of a black cowl anywhere near police business, you'll be very sorry, as in unmasked and put in prison sorry! Got me?' Terry blanched " sure thing. i was only told to help you.' Told?  who told you?' My..overseer' Terry said. " Your boss?' Barbara straightened up. her face still knit in a look of distrust. "Yes Terry said. ' look what can I do to prove to you that i'm really sincere about helping? " Gaordon pressed a button of her desj k revealing a blimp that said laffalympics ' Find the wizard Stripetail. He'll get more out of you than i can. Now get out!" gordon saod, and terry opened a window and flew out. " gordon pressed a communicator on her desk ' computer cancel my 3:30 meeting. i have an old friend I need to talk to. " Certainly, commissioner.' should I reschedule it to 5? " better make it 6. Gordon said as she got her coat.
 The jokerz momentum was stopped mid thrust then stripetail sent him flying into the nearby uprights, he landed oin a heap. " Get him!" rusty yelled " The Jekerz chaerges them enmase, but were thrown back, some more than 20 feet away.,  Stripetail's staff began to glow,and began drawing energy from from the flames creating a shield  wall of flame around him. chains grew white hot if they came anywhere near the shield, wooden clubs, began to burn. the screams of jokerz filled the air.
 what the hell are you?' one of the jokerz said ' I'm a wizard boys.  stripetail said, gesturing and  began pulling off the graffiti from the walls grass and carpet, and changing it into a more useful substance .  a trio of jokerz charged him,  stripetail disarmed them with a thrust of his staff then tied them up with the reconfigured paint.  chains flew out of Jokerz hands and wrapped themselves around unsuspecting goons.  jokerz soon found themse;ves tied to benches, chairs and even an unluvjky few the uprights.  the jorkerz that had guns started firing, only to find out their weapons did nothing against Stripetail's shield. 
 suddenlky, the jokerz yelled as one by one they were diarmed. one of the weapons skidded near stripetail,  a large bat-shapped shard was stuck into it. ' stripetail dissipated the fire wall around him  and stepped forward to pin it up. as he looked up the remaining jokerz wre toed to the far goalpost. hunched over a railing stood a large bat-like creature. ' You Stripetail?' It said. Stripetail  looked at the newcomer with interest, then pulled the projectile out of the gun. "You must be the Batman. What is this?" Batarang. my suit has lots if them' batman said. ' Stripetail gazed at the weapon with interest. ' Mind if i hold on to this?' " sure, i suppose" terry shrugged. ' i'm here to help you, and your games." Any help would  be appreciated. ' stripetail said. Terry looked around ' You took on, 40 Jokerz, by  yourself?" Child's play my boy. I've dealt with far greater threats than a street gang' Stripetail said putting the batarang away in his robes for further study.  He picked up the million creds card " this is yours if you get the cops to take these er Jokerz away>" A creds card?' tery asked ' er oif you dont mind me asking, stripetail, how much is on that? " 1 million creds" stripetail said and Terry mouth fell open "  a MILLION creds? No wonder the Jokerz were attacking you. how could you have so much money on your person? this is Gotham! people get killed for 1000 creds let alone 1 million!" it was a challenge, to see if any of them could land a hit on me . Well, as you can see they didnt" stripetail said. ' i'm not sure if i could take this money.. I would have a hard time.." Spending it all?' Stripetail chuckled ' explaining how I got it." terry said sullenly. ' Take it anyway. Donate some to charity. If you have family, buy them a new house. any number of ways to spend a million."
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"Oh boy, I got something!" Oliver grinned as part of the skit, feeling the tug on his fishing line. He began reeling it in as hard as he could, pretending to not see how it was causing Tom's fishing rod (and subsequently the older cat himself) to be pulled into the river.


Kitty grinned as she followed the rest of the girls to the Relaxation Villa. "The locals are right," she conceded, "The prince here is......well, he's hot, and charming, and so many more positive things...."

Bongo the bear was working nearby and overheard the conversation. "You're one who wasn't originally from the kingdom, huh? You'll soon see why being a prize is something all the ladies desire...." He then looked at Lulubelle. "You and Lumpjaw up for a night out this evening?"


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Atrua grabbed a burger from the nearest tray abd began munching on it ' hmm' this is actually pretty good." she said as the kart made a turn up the hill. ' so who whats to join me in buttering up the prince? hes a nice guy, truthfully, but buttering him up is something we prizes are trained in. we get more  money and jobs that way. mukua? you can send the money to your folks, or janus. Or you can be like me and spend it on yourself." You must be so much fun at Christmas " dixie said. " Christmas is the exception, well birthdays too' Atrua said with a smirk. "My birthdays coming up, " chie said " Fine. chie.. I'll taking you shopping at the Prize Pick'em store. pick out what you want, and i'll spend. say ' 50000" Dixie said. " 50 grand?' Atruas mouth fell open. "Girl that like a full years earnings. I never spend that much at once, even on myself" why dont we go for, i don't know- 5000?' chie said. " " O dont want to be too much a burden. " Its your birthday Chie, you deserve nice things ' Dixie said " Atrua, Spend 50000 and I'll pay you back." You're kidding?' Atrua said ' No, shes not. she spent more than that on jewelry for Kitty, me and her. ' Mukua said showing the ring Stripetail had enchanted. " Sweet ancestors, that's a huge rock " Atrua said. ' What bank did you rob Dixie to get that much cash?'  Stripetail pays us very well. " Dixie said " and We have millions of our own  from family inheritance>"  Atrua burst into a big grin. "So you've got more money than the prince himself, huh? Mukua you lucky cat. You're  gal pals with someone who can get you anything you want?" 
 Well within reason" Mukua blushed. " I dont want to abuse Dixie's hospitality like that. Yes shes rich, but that doesn't mean I can get anything O want from her whenever i like it. thats calling mooching Atrua. You know me, I'm not a mooch. I mean shes already give my folks plenty, she gave my dad enough to add another floor to our house and put in a bigger bathtub. and with 4 brothers, a bigger bathroom is a must" " Mukua, girl, you play up that bond for all its worth. at least I would. " Atrua you'd probably spend it on gold claw covers, or golden fangs. you're about the bling>" And the goods ' Atrua said with a laugh. Alright chie I'll spend 50K on you, if I also get a 50k allowance for later. Like Christmastime or something>" so 100k then?" Dixie paused. alright Atrua, its done.' wait, just like that, no favors, no nothing? damn, you ARE loaded."thanks dixie ';' chie said ' whens your birthday Chie? i'll need to get you a card and a cake. " Lets see, its next week Saturday." chie said. " We'll go out as a group to celebrate Chie's birthday. Dixie smiled.
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Kitty had overheard just how much the Prizes were given, and how loaded Onca himself was,that it gave her an idea of how to deal with her current predicament with Panty. She looked over at Atrua. "Say, would it be in the realm of possibility for the prince to get several thousand pounds of meat all at once?" she asked the local girl.


"About to get your afternoon massage, eh brother?" Anther asked Onca. "The Prizes practically stampede over each other to get the right to do that for you," he smirked. The royal brothers had passed by the buff villa, where the girls there could work......completely in the buff.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 01:48:24 AM by brekclub85 »


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atrua looked at her. " Several thousand pounds? Of course! how do you think he feeds all the prizes every day? simply giving us each our 3 square meals require loads of meat! How much meat do you need? Whatever it is, Onca can get it for you! You planning a party or something? If you are, well you'd better invite me!" atrua laughed cheerfully " what sort of meat do you need? Onca  has a royal  butcher on his payroll, he lives in the Food Villa, which always has rooms filled with stored food. prizes arent allowed to work there, too much risk of us  ' helping ' ourselves to the meat and getting larger than we need too.

Then again, theres s many other things we can do around , that that limitation doesnt bother us. The buff villa in particular is um very liberating. Thers the library villam which is were Onca stores all the information about the outer worlds. Mukua  will most likely want to work there, as all the girls who work there are whip smart, heck theres an entrance exam to get that job. not to say that that place is restricted. you just need a card to check out books, and theres a great cocoa maker machine in the lobby that is very generous with marshmallows and whipped cream. the chocolate fudge cocoa is my favorite personally. Then theres the trophy villa where the prince has some of his trophies.its huge. oh and did i mention that everything in the villas from the tables to the plates to the silverware  is solid gold? even our personal hot tubs are solid gold. Its a honor system, the prince doesnt want us swiping stuff, you get caught filching and you get booted as a prize. Fortunately that hasnt happened yet. we girls are fully aware how lucky we are to be able to live here. Many of us have families that depend on what we send them, and the prince is very generous with his help. "
Yes i am, and i'm having one of the new prizes, Dixie do the honors. shes very beautiful , and an outsider to boot. also finally got Mukua to join up" Onca said" I've seen her boyfriend play basketball for the local team, hes quite good. And i think her brothers are on there as well. they represent us well.' He said. " i'm a very lucky prince, to have such  lovely ladies around me. ' He grinned. "do we have requests frim the prizes today? usually theres at least a dozen by now, gbut the day id young."
Yeah I'm up for an eveniong out" lulubelle said " i need a person evening anyway. the work load has been heavy with these games coming in. Where would you like tp go Bongo? Lumpjaw has a early hift at the palace, I think hes done for the day at 2.' she said.
 tioom fell into the water face first,  pulled by olivers pole, the crowd gathered around started laughing loudly, as oliver pulled the bogger cat out, and Tom shot him a look. Jerry was laughing in the water, laughing at the trick he had pulled on Tom.
_ samia and dulcy were flying around town, carrying  some locals who had offered to pay them if they gave them a flight   " whats all the fancy houses for? samia asked " Oh those all belong to the prince ' he has a group of girls called "Prize" that has around him. they arent a harem as far as i know. They appear with him when he does things on TV, the formally open restaurants, pose for pictures,  and the advent calendar has a picture of a new prize for every day of the season 24 in all. Onca gets Christmas Day, naturally.  said a local panther mother. " Those should be on sale soon in the stores if you want to get one. the chocolate is made in Louies kingdom to the north, and at least a few of them have banana nought. Real tasty." Samia would eat all the chocolate in one sitting " Dulcy teased.
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The images from Captain Fairchild's onboard camera were transmitted to Stripetail.


And sure enough the police arrived. Having been in Neo Gotham and seeing all sorts of havoc, they said nothing as they handcuffed the Jokerz and hauled them away.

The officer in charge turned to Stripetail. "You must be Lord Stripetail. The Commissioner has mentioned that you'll be helping get the city ready for the games. In any case, I must thank you for your assistance in putting away these thugs."


Major Lockie was patrolling the outskirts of Neo-Gotham. A sinking feeling settled inside his fuel tanks as he saw a section of the city had gone completely dark. The living AC-130 wheeled around and headed straight for the

"Lord Stripetail," he said via radio. "I am investigating an area of the city that has lost power. I shall keep you informed of any changes. Major Lockie out."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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You're welcome officer. The Batman here assisted me' Stripetail motioned to where the masked superhero was helping several mGPD  take the jokerz away. " see to it that get the book thrown at them, for damaging the stadium."" Thats not THE batman, is it?'  the officer said ' i heard stories from an older cop when i joined the force, said the Batman had been helping protect Gotham City for decades, then he just disappeared. Perhaps the Bat just changed form?" Stripetail chuckled slightly. 'well whatever form he's taken, hes back now' Stripetail said. " on the whole, I think thats a good thing. We cops like to know we have allies out there, and Gotham has been a huge mess lately. I'll talk to the commissioner, and she can handle contacting the Bat. I think theres still a Bat-Signal somewhere. Thank you Stripetail. we'll be in touch.' the officer said and the cops headed off with their prisoners.

 Stripetail's pages buzzed and Stripetail created images of the damage to the kart track." more mess for me to clean up" he sighed. He said.He heard Lockies report and straightened up before putting away the communicator.' You know the fire still burning here, right?' Terry  said." Young man, patience" Stripetail said  as he moved towards the flames '  Diospellus! striptail commanded, and the flames began to shrink. Terry's eyes widened as he watched the flames shrink rapidly leaving only a burned out area on the football field. '  Reparum!' Stripetail intoned, and debris all  around the standium   rose into  the air and began flying around. overturned benchs flipped back up. chairs flew back into place. grass grew over the burned out parts of the  field. l exits signs were fixed. holes repaired themselves.  What would take weeks or months to normally repair ,by trained construction crews , was happening instead in just a few minutes. " My boss said you were a  incredibly powerful wizard. he wasnt kidding.' terry said as  the stadium was rapidly restored to its previous state.

" Magic, Batman, like any other power,  is a tool. It is not evil or good in and of itself, but can be used for either, based on the wishes of the one who wields them. Yes I am a great wizard, but i did not get like this overnight. it  took lots of study and training, and care so that my powers did not harm others. over the ages, my powers have grown to the extent that there are few beings that i would consider as being in my league in terms of ability. Given enough time, and ability,  anyone can become great. but give someone who naturally has a great gift that same time to hone his or her skills, and you'd find in due  time that they are truly extraordinary " stripetail said as the  repairs finished and he began walking towards the exit. "take care , though that you dont hone your abilities at the cost of others." He added. ' " i will need your help  dealing with the other Jokerz in the area.

" sure, just gove me a couple minutes to check in with my boss. also i still dont know  how i;m going to explain away 1 million creds " Terry said. ' I can tell that you are  a young man, and not a rich one if 1 million creds is a lot to you. "I million creds would be a lot to a LOT of people, Stripetail. To you, maybe its nothing, but  to me- and well many others  its literally life changing. " Then do as much good  with it as possible. give to the need, help out your family, go shopping with friends . you've be stunned how quickly the creds vanish" Stripetail said. He walked around Batman, taking stock of his form. '" hmm. You're a high school student, at or near 17 years of age. No wonder you say you'd have a hard time explaining the money, the vast majority of kids your age are still living with their folks. ' Terry gaped " your suit can mask your face and appearance and even your voice can be altered, but your actions reveal much about you- your youth and inexperience. . You're new at this game, so take a bit of advice from someone who has been in the so-called 'hero business' for a long time: Never pass up a chance to  do good, and gain experience.  I'll be at he stadium entrance while you contact your superior.' Stripetail said . Terry shook his head before patching in to Bruce at the Batcave" i've met stripetail, Waynee. Hes every bit the wizard you said he's be. ' Yes Terry, i see the stadium has been repaired and the Jokerz are gone. "He gave me 1 million creds for helping him, I can't exact explain that to my mom. ' just say you helped Stripetail find a location for the games,. " ' mom will likely either  take most of it or demand i put most of it in the bank, or help out my little brother " As you'd expect. How did your meeting with the commissioner go? ' brief, and bad,  She doesnt like or trust me, and sent me out after Stripetail to get rid of me " terry said. " You'll have to prove yourself, by helping the games. " wayne said as the  buzzer to the Wayne Manor gates sounded " I have a guest coming terry, Keep helping Stripetail I'll be in touch." Wayne broke the link, and Terry flew off after  Stripetail.
 bruce turned away from the screen and got up to get towards his cane when the secret door to the batcave opened. footsteps approached and Commissioner Gordon appeared  at the top of the steps wearing a nonplussed look on her face. ' Hello Barbara' Bruce said " I see you've  gotten back into the game Bruce. I'm not sure I approve ' Gordon said as she walked down the steps. " You have some kid playing dressup and breaking into my office, offering his 'help'. Masked superheros of that ilk went out with the tommy gun. 'You need help Barbara, and you know it.  Street gangs run rampant, powers does whatever he wants, using the money and influence of my company. Your cops are overstretched. " I'm not my father, Bruce. You know that. He may have put up with having a masked vigilante on the night shift for 40 years, but I wont. Whoever this boy is , he stays out of police business , understand? I mean it, if this becomes a pattern, i'll drag both him and you off to jail. " Barbaras tone was clear. " Understood.  How are you faring with Powers regarding that proposal to tear down the historic District?" barbara sighed ' It figures you would know about that.  the Good new is, the wizard's pitching in. Hes covering the payment Powers demanded to abandon the project. " 250 million, wasnt it? so  Stripetail is not only very powerful but very rich. " Bruce smiled inwardly. 300 million, hes not only preserving the buildings , but restoring them as well. " Gordon said. "if you want to meet him i can set up a meeting but you'll have to come into Gotham for it. Get out of the cave, get some sunshine. You look like you could need it." She turned to head up the Steps. 
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"Aww.....I was hoping to get a catfish, not a cat," Oliver said as the punchline to the sketch he, Tom, and Jerry were doing. It earned a bunch of laughs from the audience. The kitten inwardly grinned, knowing he managed to make a good first impression to those watching.


"How about the Sun Spa?" Bongo suggested to Lulubelle. "That way, we can all have our troubles washed away, and get good massages. I know Lumpjaw is a fan." The three bears had got there before in the past.


"Actually, believe it or not, it's for a goddess," Kitty explained to her fellow Prize. "This crazy hungry panther goddess who craves meat, and if I don't get her a LOT of it, she's going to gobble me up in its place. So if the prince is willing to donate, that would be greatly appreciated." She shivered at the idea of going in Panty's gut again.


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Major Lockie was now over the area of Neo-Gotham that had lost power. The streets had emergency personnel trying to keep order and deal with accidents. Thankfully, this particular area had few people living there as it was mostly an industrial area. A plume of smoke rising up from one of the distinctive power distribution hubs. The living AC-130 headed towards the smoke plume and noticed that the hub had been set aflame and extinguished.

"Incident command, this is Major Lockie." The AC-130 radioed the crew on the ground.

"Fire's out but we need EOD to sweep for explosives. Witnesses reported a silent man dressed as a clown threw a bunch of grenades inside."

"Copy that. I am dispatching and EOD team." He radioed Pfish, Chip and the DZ to head over to the aforementioned location with all due haste. The pictures and message were transmitted to Stripetail.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Wait so you ticked off a goddess? Geez" Atrua said. 'I really dont want to know what you did, but I'll put in a word with the prince and get some meat set aside for you.  Dont want you ending up a meal after all. otherwise  this goddess might go for seconds or thirds, or beyond that. "  Why cant you have dixie use her magic to make food for you?' Mukua asked ' like she did with these mouseburgers?"
 the folks watching the shot tossed coins into a hat ' this money would be split evenly between tom, Oliver and jerry.

 Sun spa sounds great lumpjaw will like the bear table special for a meal as well. they give you loads there"Lulubelle said ' lumpjaw is still wiorking, so it'll be just us two to start of as far the meal comes."
 Onca was relaxing calmly in his villa. his manservant had pulled up a visual map with showed dots where all the prizes were, and what vehicle, if any they were using.
Berry was seated at a resteraunt i panthera, taking pictures of the locals and surroundings " We need stuff for folks to lok at, besides us running over booby traps and aviiding huge boulders abd the like she said to Sawyer " who was making notesin a notebook.
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The trio had arrived and met up with the incident commander.

"What's the situation?" Chip asked.

DZ began sniffing the air. "Many explosives inside. We'll go clean it out!"

The incident commander nodded. "Pretty much." He gestured to the gaping hole in the side of the building. "Reports say that a clown threw bombs everywhere and set the place on fire.  F---ing Jokerz."

Chip turned to Pfish and the DZ. "You two, go inside and sweep for explosives!"

The duo nodded and entered. Seeing as DZ's armored hull made him nearly indestructible, he went first. In the process, he snatched up a land mine laid right in the opening and put it in his storage chamber. Pfish was looking around with a flashlight. The power had been shut off, making it hard to see. Even so, the bitter scent of smoke and the dangling wires and structural supports indicated the damage the place had sustained.

While the two were off, Chip turned to the incident commander. "This clown, could you describe him?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Janus and Argo entered the villa, Janus carrying the basketball trophy his team had won, while argho staggered and sweated under a huge stack of large pizzas. 'uh.. your highness.. I got your pizzas> all 50 of them"Argo panted. ' as onca looked up from his massage seat ' good. just set them on the table over there, and pick out a prize you'd like to dance with as payment." Sir, no offense, but this is hundreds, if not 1000s, of dollars worth of pizza. A dance with a pretty Pantheress isnt something i can bring back to my boss so i can get a bonus for a big delivery' Argo said. " hmm' Onca frowned. ' Well, I cant deny a worker his pay, now can I ? fine. how much do O owe?' He asked as Janus proudly presented his trophy to the prince ' The Team represented the kingdom well, your highness' Janus said with a smile.  Well,  lets see Argo said : thats 66000 rupees , plus tax for the pizzas. and 4000 more rupees for the drinks. . ' around 1000  dollars then. " Onca said pulling out a  wallet groaning with 100 dollar bills.  He pulled out 20 and handed them to Argo " keep the change. I'll be ordering more pizza, as I'm having a new prize massage me. Your Mukua is also one of my prizes now Janus.' he added " Yes, Yes I know, your highness. I trust, of course , sir that she is well?' Well, my boy, she just joined last night and likely is exploring the many villas on my property. the library villa will likely catch her interest." Onca said.
- Dixie Mukua, Chie atrua and kitty reached the villa and were admitted inside.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 11:12:00 AM by Nick22 »
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Kitty and the others looked around the villa in awe. There were several tables for massages to be performed on. Soothing instrumental music was being played over the speaker system. A hot tub was in a room seperate from the main massage area. Portraits lined the walls that contained images of Onca, his brothers, and previous generations of the royal family.

"He spares no expense," Kitty said, "Besides me, who else knows how to give someone a really good massage?" She then turned to Dixie. "How many pounds of meat can you make with your magic at once?" she asked hopefully. "I'll need in the area of 1000 pounds of it...."


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Well, I've given Scooby a massage or two" Dixie mused as she approached where  the prince was sitting. ' Hello, your highness . I've arrived to do your massage " she said before hearing Kitty's question " well, i dont know.  i can whip up meat no problem. given i can create mouseburgers easily. i'm just not sure how much i can create. ' She paused then smiled at Kitty " What the heck, its only food, and I'm sparing you from having to buy 1000 pounds of meat. Mukua was putting Makon, Shula, and Rasa's numbers in her new phone, so she could text them later with pictures. "Need to add Ukin at some point" Mukua said ' I'd better be in there too" Atrua said.  Mukua  showed her the phone ' don't worry , you're in under the As. Chie whats your number?' i dont have a phone ' Chie admitted ' then I''ll get you one for your birthday. " Cey approached Dixie carrying a tray of massage oils ' The prince is very particular about the massage oils he uses" thanks Cey. Just set it down there While i get kitty her meat" Dixie pointed her ring at a free table ' meat feast.. of 1000 pounds" she intoned, and wisps of magic shot out of her ring and began flying around the table, huge steaks, carved hams, and delicious turkeys filled the table. Argo's mouth began to water as the table groaned with succulent meat. " don't touch those Argo ' Janus said before embracing Mukua ' you look stunning Mukua ' Janus grinned " Janus you shameless flirt" Mukua smiled, as the table finished being covered by meat. ' Hope thats enough , Kitty" Dixie said as she  moved over and began massaging Onca on the massage chair, and the panther purred in content as Cey And Dixie worked in the oils. Janus was presented a basketball and a change of uniform ;' You'll use the princes personal basketball court, in here' one of the prizes said  to Janus "we'll go fetch your opponent for you." she added as Janus wrote down scoobys name on a note and gave the note to the girls. the trio of prizes headed out ' .
Chie helped herself to couple stuffed crust cheese pizza slices.
  kopa got a call from the royalphone at pride rock, and answered it . an image of scar appeared before him ' hello, your Majesty "Scar said with a smile ' I'm calling because I'm planning a new inn. restaurant and I'm stuck on the  name. My boy also says you're doing those toon games, or are at least applying for them?  well I'd be willing to help you with that , if you help me with my inn, both naming and funding." So how many inns do you have?' This will be #6, and I want a theme that highlights my mane . I've narrowed it down to 5 names- Scar Terrace, dark Mane domain, retired rulers inn,  Scar India, and  The Dark Ones inn and restaurant. " retired rulers inn, sounds the best of those" Kopa said after pausing. ' Alright, now for funding. anywhere between 8 million and 12 million will be needed, for advertising staffing, product placement, that sort of thing.." I'll pitch in 10 million " kopa said ' split the difference." Good decision Kopa , you have a  better head for business than your father" Scar chuckled.
_ Kovu was relaxing at the Kovu circuit stadium that was being built ' blueprints for " Pridelands museum of history" rested beneath him on the row  below. Some of his personally loyal lionesses were out fetching him a snack, and a few of them were even taking requests from " Hard Head' as they called Kopa, about meals. Kovu was feeling pretty good about himself a the moment. Hopefully they would hear back from stripetail soon about their application.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 12:34:10 AM by Nick22 »
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A scent came to Kovu's nose as he recognized the smell of some of his favorite meats. "You ladies know just what I like," he purred to his lioness loyalists. "Now, feed your king with what he desires...." he said in a confident tone. He knew they loved it when he talked like that.


As he was not needed for the current game, the Duke of Owls was in the biggest hotel in Panthera. It had a great piano in the dining area that the big owl was permitted to play (under threat of eating the staff otherwise). "I can finally listen to the classics," the mighty owl mused, putting sheet music up for Bach and Beethoven as his wings began making the beautiful melodies work.


Kitty's jaw dropped upon seeing what Dixie conjured up. "A literal thousand pounds of meat," she said, "This is perfect Dixie! Thank you! Now I wont become panther goddess chow!" She then turned to Chie. "Where did Panty say to bring the meat to? Or will she just show up to collect?"


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I think she'll show up to collect' Chie said. ' i'm not 100% on that, though.  Best have it ready if she does show up" she said as Cey handed her a lute to play for Onca, who was relaxing contently as Dixie and Cey massaged his back and sides ' you're in good shape, your highness" Dixie said ' well, i exercise regularly' Onca said. " plus walking the hills and around the villas help keep me fit. Can't afford to get pudgy and lose my attractive qualities now can I?" he chuckled. " beauty is only skin deep, as they say True beauty comes from within. those who are truly beautiful, may not always appear attractive." true, true' Onca said , munching on fruit handed to him by Atrua
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"Well, sometimes those beautiful on the inside are lucky enough to have it also be the case on the outside," Kitty grinned, seeing how buff Onca was. She now wanted to join in on the massage herself. She had plenty of experience giving back rubs to Tiger back in Green River.


"I wonder where Mr. Garfield is performing," Oliver said to Tom as he put his split of the profits into a wallet, "He's one of the mascots too...."