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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 318173


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"The prince won't mind if we put on a few pounds, right?" Kitty asked the local prizes, "Cause I'm so hungry after the events that led to me arriving here." She stuffed mouse burger after mouse burger in her mouth.


Oliver finally decided what he wanted to get from the shopping district. He got his purchases from one of the stands and spent the required amount of gold. "Thank you sir," he told the shopkeeper.


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not at all ' atrua said ' besides, in this heat, we dont gain weight, we lose it. so you can eat as much as you like.  havent you visited the painting room yet? its where the prince gets some of his ' pose girls' painted. Thinks like that Ruebens fellow, save with panthers" she grinned. " Dixie, Chie, Mukua, care to join me for a pose painting? dont worry, its very very tasteful. you get to sit on furs and satin sheets, in the height of elegance" she beamed. " Stura, the girl who does the painting is really really good, she has several pieces in the Panthera Art museum.  dont you remember her Mukua? a year behind us in school?'
 Arlene caught up to garfield and Oliver. Garfield had gotten a drawing (of himself , naturally) and Oliver was playing with a paddleball wghere the ball looked like a mouse.
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"Oh, hey mom, my first day went really well," Oliver smiled, going over and giving her a hug. "Look what I was able to get," he smiled, showing off his paddleball skills.

"The kitten enjoyed himself," Garfield assured Arlene.


Kitty had one question she had to ask the local prizes. "So a lot of the ladies in the palace feel fine walking around completely buff? This palace staff must be really respectful."


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of course, if they so much as touch us without permission they get fired on the spot and get thrown in jail' Atrua said. " its a look, but dont touch rule. Even the prince doesnt touch us, he looks- and approves of what he sees' She grinned. cey approached with a list. ok girls we have fan poses, bed poses, and group poses. those girls who are going to be in the next session show know that the prince chooses the first three, after that, you have two more of your choice.' Follow me. ' she motioned to Atrua, Dixie, Chie and Mukua.
 why diont we take in some sightseeing ?' Arlene Said " i wont have time in the next place, I'll be too busy regaining the money I've lost from missing a month.
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"That sounds fun," Oliver grinned, playing with his recently purchased paddleball. "Where would you like to go?" He was happy to see Arlene spending some time with Garfield.


Kitty thought back to the posing prizes she had seen inside the palace. "Just how long will we be expected to keep these poses held?" she asked Atrua.


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depends' artrua said. ' it can range anywhere from 15 minutes to hours.. to days. there was one time  Cey over there had to maintain a pose for 15 entire days. the prince had gone on vacation, and forgotten she was still posing.' I got a raise out of it and a promotion, plus rules limiting posing length' Cey said. ' limit is 7 days, maximum a whole week, doing nothing but posing? what about using the bathroom?" Dixie asked. ' you get a short break every 6 hours to  use the bathroom ." Cey said '  thats also a relatively new rule. Neither me , or my posing partner .  Tura, were able to go the entire time. lets just say, we spent a few hours in the bathroom afterwards after the prince realized his mistake. Tura and I are the overseers of the prizes now. we laugh about that long pose now, but at the time we were so worn out afterwards it took us nearly a month to recover. " cey saiud. '
 still you got sdomething out of it ' Chie said . " so um. what poise are we doing first? " the fan pose. be sure to smile while holding the fan ' cey said " next will come group poses then bed poses. You also get your choice of music to pose to. Within reason. last week we had a girl pose to a song called. "Bang Bang" and the prince thought  the place was under attack. "dixie laughed. ; he must have been ticked!' well, he limited the songs for awhile after that  " atrua said. " what song would you like to pose to?" she asked Kitty.
we can just wander around " arlene said. ' take inin the scenery, try the food, maybe get some trinkets.
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"And once you get into a pose, don't think about breaking it for casual reasons," Sura, another one of the prizes said sternly. "Posing is an honorable duty, we wouldn't want to see you make a mockery of it."

"Noted," Kitty nodded.


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we have three choices this time: shake Ya Tailfeather, Shake it off and all about that Bass" dont know why someone likes fish so much " atrua said ' But its your choice. Which one do you want? Me i like  nights in white satin and Express yourself ' Atrua said. " because i like showing off what I've got. even if these days its only really to one this case, the prince ' she smiled.
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"Let's go with All about That Bass" Kitty suggested, "I know my guy likes mine." She gave her feline butt a few wiggles, wondering where they would be doing the pose.


In the town next to Panthera, two canines were busy promoting a book. "You can get your copies autographed for a limited time," another female dog named Dixie called out to the crowds, 'you have the chance to meet the one and only Steele in person!"

Indeed, this Dixie ADORED Steele and thought he was the most impressive being who ever lived, she obeyed his every whim.


"Sure thing," Oliver smiled, hopping onto Arlene's shoulders. "I'm sure Mr. Garfield will want some food later," he meowed cutely.


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Tiger toiwn, the town Dixie and steele wre in, was one of 3  towns in Oncas kingdom- Panthera, Tiger Town and Leonine. they wre in Tiger Town. onca had opened the gates to Leonine and tiger Town for the games, and most of the 4 teams were eoyther in Leonine or Tiger Town. It was Tiger town that Dixie and Kity had wanted to get acess to when they had approached the prince .
_ there was a group of about 20 gathered around Steele who was an adventurer in the far north by trade. Dixie was his biggest fan and " hype girl".

The first pose would be in the Fan room. Dixie kitty, Chie, Mukua and atrua would be holding fans and looking forward as they were drawn by the artists. really good poses were shown on the wall, as well as group fan poses.  groups of 3 , 5 even 7 prizes posed with fans. all of the ladies were,  as befitting a Prize, gorgeous. Stura sdat in a corner, with a palette a paint brush and a couple drink glasses which were filled with water and soda. ' hello ladies" she said . kitty, you will be first to pose' Stura said motioning to a comfy , plush chair. I want your fan to be just underneath your chain, so your whole face is visible. give me a natural smile, one that highlights your face and amps up the ' I know i;'m gorgeous' factor. Fanms silently hummed above, cooling the room and making for a comfortable relaxing atmosphere. ' its easier to do one prize poses as i only have to focus on one muse at a time. thus, you dont have to pose too long." Stura said. she wore a bandana on her head and bright blue earrings in both her ears. she was quite a bit smaller than Atrua and Mukua, her head only reached their shoulders. " So just have a seat and relax while I paint you."
 yogi, bobo and Cindy were in leonine, which was more or less a fishing village along a river. there was a public swimming area where a large groups were trying to beat the jungle heat.
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Kitty took the fan and began to sit down in the chair and get into the pose she was asked to get. "Will the prince be coming by soon?" she asked hopefully, "I'm sure he'd want to get an eyeful of all of us." It felt exhilarating, taking a seductive pose and trying to keep it held as long as she could. The prizes could hear speakers beginning to play the posing music in the room. The cat could see the more experienced prizes were taking this job very seriously. As soon as they had entered the proper poses, they did not move a muscle. "Commitment to the job," she noted in her thoughts.


"Steele's the best, Steele's the strongest, the most handsome, he's saved so many people, here's your chance for a photo op," Dixie told the crowds.


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No, this room is simply for posing for calendars and paintings. wghen the prince wants a pose session he will have someone come fetch you, and other prizes in whatever number he likes. since you are new, that wont happen for awhile." Stura said. " plus the prince has many many demands on his time.these games, for instance. i'm excited for them., but nervous, we in panthera want to show off our land, and our best side." Stura said ' my paintings might make some good money on the market. Maybe the next location will buy some of my stuff. " she shrugged. ' just keep that pose kitty. i figure no more than 15 minutes then you can relax. Dixie and Mukua will be posing next. then Atrua. just keep enjoying yourselves and keep up those smiles.
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"And we're serious about one thing: Once you're in a pose, do not break it until you're allowed to," said Mara, "We don't want you disgracing the fine art."

"Yes," Kitty replied, surprised at how stern she seemed about this. The cat almost didn't want to ask what would be the penalty if she messed up. She kept her lovely smile on and assumed the pose.


The other Dixie hugged Steele. "I've already sold over 100 copies today," she informed.


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the penalty for breaking a pose  is penance ' stura said ' you have to repose until you get it right, then you have to pose for something else to compensate for the lost time and effort of the painter. in this case, me.  The good news is, you're in just the right position for a quick painting. A table  of refeshments was set out for the girls who were waiting for the chance to pose, which included klight snacks and drinks. local  papers were provided to read, as well as papers from neighboring kingdoms/
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"But if your pose gets broken for any reason other than the ones we laid out as justified," Mara said bluntly, "We'll slap you for making a mockery of one of our most sacred traditions."

"Point taken," Kitty said with a slight gulp. She was amazed how seriously they were taking this part of the job, but she could admire how devoted they were to their task.


"How many copies do you hope to sell well we're here handsome?" Dixie asked Steele.


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as many as i can  dixie " steele said. " i get the feeling though, that hardly anyone here knows me.. this isnt Alaska After all."
dixie was posing and let her hand slacken for just a couple seconds then got slapped by a couple prizes ' hold that pose! they said in unison. ' sorry' dixie apologized .  atrua cracked a smile. if you break pose a second time, you'll get wacked with a rukler on the keister. which hurts, a lot." Mukua was chatting with Stura who was finishing up the first couple poses. ' theres a reward for the best pose ' i bottle of magic elixir. it changes based on who gets it each month. " Stura said ;' its ion that glass case over there under lock and key.
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Oliver was playing with his mouse paddleball as they made their way to one of the local cafes. "Trick shot," he grinned as he bounced the ball backwards without having to look at it. "So where are we going to eat?" he asked Arlene and Garfield.


"What are some effects of the elixir?" Kitty asked the local prizes, "I'm new here, so most of the local customs are Greek to me." She maintained her pose perfectly without breaking it.


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it depends on the drink. it can change your fur color, or increase your strength or speed. every batch is different, and I don;t know what effects this one will have. by custom i give a bottle to the best poser. how long each concoction lasts again varies." Stura said " The princes potion maker comes up with them, as a reward for the prizes to pose properly and well. " Stura said. " Its my call on who gets it. So try and keep your pose stable. I take into account how often you get smacked for breaking the pose. I think 3 was the most times wacked  for breaking posture for someone who still got it.
 arlene was looking at the Elephant Race arena, which was cordoned off from the rest of the town.  Arlene waved at Samia and Dulcy who were also scouting the course. " mind if if tag alonmg? the pink cat asked the green and gold dragonesses' Sure thing" samia said. motioning her to follow. " i'll be glkad to get back to competing what with all the Gabriel nonsense, we havent competed in weeks.
 Garfuield was showing Oliver the cafe, which had a llarge selection of food. ' lets go get lunch, Oliver ' the orange cat smirked.
 The fornmer mounds were walking around , wearing godess tshirts and knicknacks. So far they had done ok with the sales. Morgana, Nico, Vira, Rhette,  NIra, Moana,  Niro, and Mia had been selling stuff since they were freed by panty,  and returned their old forms.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 11:41:18 PM by Nick22 »
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Gabriel was fuming. "What do you mean your power cut didn't work!?" She and her group of troublemakers were inside her modified RV.

Blammo's plastic smile remained but the Jokerz with him were more than a little frightened. Especially after she tossed a bit of dip into an unlucky one's face. Though being from a "harder" cartoon, it didn't completely dissolve him...though of course, he wished he was dead. And he was currently running around screaming in pain with his face being eaten away by the corrosive substance.

"Shut him up." Gabriel waved at one of her Weasels who raised a stolen SMG and riddled him with bullets. Two Weasels got to work dragging the dead gangster away.

"Well, the explosives you got us worked just fine but a shark and a cat Splice and this weird robot thing went in and fixed everything." The Jokerz speaking was currently trembling.

Gabriel fumed as she went over to a button on the RV. Currently, it was outside Gotham Fine Chemicals and supposedly pumping raw materials into holding tanks. "Let's see how they handle a toxic cloud." She pressed the button. Almost immediately, hundreds of gallons of Dip flowed into the storage tanks.

The outside camera and audio feed showed workers evacuating by any means possible as sirens wailed. "Let's enjoy this from a distance, shall we?" Gabriel smiled and drove off. As soon as she pulled out of the gate, the holding tanks ruptured, spewing out a hazy white mist that began to slowly eat away at everything it touched.


Mason had just finished a boxing bout. His body trembled slightly as he came down off of the Venom.

"Hey Mace," his coach said. "Your next opponent is coming up. Real big bison splice. You might wanna double up on those 'supplements'."

"Got it Coach. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a swig of water. He knew what the 'supplements' his coach gave him really were but he didn't care...after all, he was the one who started using slappers.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Did you see any pizza places here, Mr. Garfield?" Oliver asked the bigger fatter cat. "I could really use some pizza, I haven't had it in a while." The kitten's belly rumbled at the thought of the dish best served in slices.


Kitty and Dixie remained in their poses for the entire period of time they were asked to do so. "That wasn't too stressful," Kitty admitted, and then she looked at the local prizes. "So who wins the rewards this time?"