The Gang of Five
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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 303150


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Nick sighed as the bellhopper rung for him. he had been two months on this job, since the Insane Cafe had been demolished. This hotel was creepy, with old creeky steps, faded carpeting, and really weird staff. the worst part though were the strange noises in the upper floors, Nick had on more than one occassion reached for his ring phone to call Stripetail but at the last minute decided against it..
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The weather outside was cloudy and could at any moment break into a thunderstorm. A Japanese man wearing a white trench coat was heading toward the hotel to get out of the rain. A peculiar device, shaped like the head of a pterasaur, was strapped to his wrist.

"Human," the device's mouth moved as it began speaking. "I don't think we are on Another-Earth any more, nor are we on Dino-Earth."

"We could have just ended up somewhere else on the planet," the man said, his voice emotionless.

The face plate on the device glowed red and was replaced by the face of a stegosaurus. This one's voice was more timid sounding compared to the other two. "Topgaler and I have seen several creatures that we don't think come from either world."

"Interesting," the man said, stepping into the hotel. He slid the sleeve of his coat over top of the brace to hide it.


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"Welcome to the Inglorious Hotel'  said a man behind the desk. he was elderly and had a very creepy, sinister air about him , he smiled showing long, unnaturally white teeth. a candlebra sat next it him, four cadles burning slowly, the room was filled with candlebras, apparently this hotel didn't have electricity..'Would you like to check IN? he motioned to a old book with names scrawled in it..
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The man stepped over to the desk, never giving the rather creepy furnishings a second glance. A smirk spread across his face as he picked up a pen and wrote his name in English into the book. "Mikoto Nakadai" was now written in very neat cursive writting as the last entry in the book.

"I will be spending the night here," Mikoto said. "What are your rates?"


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20 dolars a night.. we offer very good service, for such a low pice' he went over and unhooked a key from th wall, the key was covered in cobwebs. "Room 375, you're the first to get this room in 15 years.. the last customer to use this room was said to have seen many strange things, including a woman dressed in white..its on the third floor.."  the man, whose name was Briggins, smiled a menacing smile. "Twenty dollars please" he said, holding out the key..
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"Sounds interesting," Mikoto said, pulling out his wallet and frowning. He didn't have any American money on him, so he pulled out a credit card and handed it to Briggens.


Spyro and Cynder raced across the sky. They were flying from Warfang to Avalar to visit Hunter.

"We should really visit Scooby and Dixie again," Cynder said as the valley finally came into sight. "I wonder how Nick is doing..."

Spyro nodded. "We need to find some excuse for disappearing though. The last time the Guardians sure were worried about us."

When they had accidently ended up in another dimension, they had been stuck there for two days. So far they hadn't told anyone else about their little adventure and the rings they had gained during that time hadn't been noticed. Sparx had ranted about the whole adventure, but he had been half-hysterical at the time, so the Guardians were only confused by the dragonfly's slightly odder than normal behavior.


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"Hmm.. a credit card..We usually don't accept cards here, we prefer cash" Briggins replied. "But I'll make an exception in this case. he put the card into an oldfashioned credit card machine and printed out a receipt. "Sign here, while I ring for someone to take you up to your room..Do you have any baggage that needs to be carried? Briggins replied...
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Deimos sighed as he lay on the bed.  Over 2 months have passed since the demolition of the cafe and the Pelvanida group was staying at Shaggy's mansion.

Dr. Zanasiu and Rime shared 1 room while Strut, Deimos, Dr. Kerzach and Zachary each had their own rooms. The weaponry and ammunition were kept in a hallway closet.

Dr. Zanasiu was in the back of the mansion, target shooting with Strut.

Deimos then got up and looked for Shaggy. Eventually he found him.

"Hey Shaggy, know any place where Rime, Strut and I could get a job? Dr. Zanasiu, Zach and Dr. Kerzach also need jobs."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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' Well you could ask where Nick and Aves are Working' shaggy said. "Scooby's got the mystery Machine right now, But We've got another SUv in the garage we can use to drive up..'
outside, the sky vburst open and full-fledge thundrstorm poured down on the earth. some duistance away, the Mystery Machine was trying to navagagte through the downpour.  Scooby was driving, gazing at the scenery or what little he could see iof it.
Meanwhile Dixie slept on the Backseat. Today she was wearing a red dress, and she wore a flower in her hair. Scooby had proposed to her at the end of thier last adventure, and she had accepted without hesitation. They had not set a wedding date yet, But Scooby's parents had been estatic when they had heard the news "My Scooby's geting married! Well, its about time! " Ma Doo had said over the phone. "Dixie, I know You two will be very happy together, and honey We don't care that you are cousins, we're just glad he found someone special. We'll help wih the wedding planning, picking out the dress, gowns for the ladies ans suits for the guys. We're going to get the whole family together, humans and dogs alike, and of course any friends you care to invite..We haven't had a wedding in this family in years..' Ma had talked on fior about a half an hour, with Pa jumping in on occassion.. Dixie had been tired after they had hung up, so she had fallen asleep in the car.
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"Well, since the Pelvanida group is wanted, will these guys ask for identification?" Deimos asked. "Besides, most places won't issue identification to dinosaurs."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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;I'm not sure, they didn't ask for any Id when Nick applied, so if I had to guess the answer would be no.." shaggy replied, stopping by a hallway drawer and pulling out a ring of keys.
 Meanwhile in Avalar Hunter saw the two dragons approaching. "So , Did you leave sparx at home today?' He chuckled. "I've heard he's not been himself over the past few months..
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"No baggage," Mikoto replied, signing his name for a second time. "I'm sort of new to this place. Is there a city or town nearby?"

If the hotel failed to hold his interest, then the next step would be to find a population center and hopefully find someone who could fill in the gape his old nemesises used to occupy. Truthfully though he would have liked to get back to his own world and continued his games with the Abarangers.


"He'll live," Cynder replied dismissively as she landed. They were just outside of the city and next to the river.

"And it's not as though he's much different from before," Spyro sighed. Meaning he was still the same annoying dragonfly as always.


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we're rather isolated, but the nearest place, is a little town called Southport.  A small picturesque town now, but it used to be much larger during the Old West, its little more than a ghost" He smiled "town now. You will be able to find food there, and there is a movie theather, in case you want to watch something.."Briggins said
 "So how have you two been" Hunter as as he led them into the City. "Its been awhile since we've seen each other.."
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Mikoto frowned in disappointment. "Very well then.I'll be going to my room now."

He turned and stepped away, waiting for whoever would be showing him to his room.

"Human, that building seems rather strange," the calm emotionless voice had returned to the brace.

"Be quiet," Mikoto said, not interested in his partner's worrying. He had no doubt that he could handle whatever was in this place. He noted it was rather strange for Topgaler to be giving a warning, when Stego was usually the one to worry.


"We've been doing fine," Cynder smiled as she followed the cat into the city.

"Though there hasn't been much to do lately," Spyro sighed.


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Briggins rag a bell, and Nick appeared "Room 375, and be quick' Briggins said.  Nick started up the stairs. "Follow me please " He said. "If you're looking for a big place to walk through, Surf point is the biggest place within 50 miles of here, Its  got its bad sections of towns, where gangs thrive.." Nick said "Unless you like getting into tussles.." He said as he climbed the stairs  and stopped on the first floor landing..
 Well, there hs been a strange circle of light appearing on the north side of the city at night. It might even be a vortex , but we're not sure" Hunter said. "Maybe you should check it out..."
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"Normal humans are not worth fighting," Mikoto said coldly. He hoped the statement might cause Nick to say something about the creatures in this world. If not, then he could always ask Topgaler and Stego what the strange creatures they spotted where.


"Well, we have nothing else to do," Spyro shrugged. "It might be a good idea to get one of the Guardians to look at it too, since they might know what it is."

"Guess we'll be spending the night here then," Cynder said.


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They aren't normal humans.. they have  .. abilities..wghhat exactly, I don't know.. I stay clear them in any case..'Nick replied.
- Spyro and Cynder's rings suddenly began to glow. "Hello you two" came a familiar voice. "Its time to gather the team together..."
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"Perhaps I'll take a look then," Mikoto said, a smirk appearing on his face. A gang sounded interesting, perhaps he could even take control of it, like he had done with Evorian.


"Stripetail?" Spyro asked, glancing around and not seeing the squirrel anywhere. He turned back to his glowing ring. "What do you mean? What team?"


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The Team of ring-wielders once known as the Omniderin or Omniderate. You andfd Cynder are part of this team. " came the reply. "I have created a vortex in your world, to send you to the gathering place. Scooby and Dixie are on their way there as well, as are Stitch and Angel, and the four new members of the team..its a rather.. unique... hotel"
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(ooc: "I'll post Velma's char info in a bit, don't like to to do long posts. & she's not very altered.  Not sure if any of the more recent movies happened as far as scooby doo, zombie island ect or just the 60's and some 70's series.).

Velma had heard of the strange sightings in and near the town and decided to take a break & investigate to see if it was a mystery.  She sighed a bit as she drove her car to a parking area near the hotel, thinking briefly about the past when she and some of her friends in the mystery machine would solve strange mysteries.   She then smiled a bit at the thought of some other, rather unique friends she had.  They were just 1 call away on her special concealed small communications device she always kept on herself.  Maybe she would call them up after this mystery was over.  

She parked her car and took out the suitcase from the trunk of her car, closing the trunk and headed into the hotel.